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Toast - Thinking of trying something new (1 Viewer)

Feb 15, 2020
Hello everyone,

I started my on again / off again relationship with EQ back up again a few months ago. Rolled a fresh Beastlord up and had alot of fun leveling him up and re-exploring some older content. But, as I am now at 102, everything seems to be slowing down, and I have been thinking about trying to add a few more toons to the mix.

Have not tried boxing since probably LDON when me and a friend need a 3rd to consistently start missions, and then alt-tabbing a box shaman was more work than what I wanted and ended up causing me to take a break from EQ for a few years.

Been doing alot of reading on this site, and watching videos, and it seems like this would be a great tool to help me go back and experience some parts of the game that I never got to see. Still, I am hesitant as I am not sure I have the tech skills to get everything up and running. Is it as easy as the videos make it look, or will I end up banging my head against the wall?
Hello everyone,

I started my on again / off again relationship with EQ back up again a few months ago. Rolled a fresh Beastlord up and had alot of fun leveling him up and re-exploring some older content. But, as I am now at 102, everything seems to be slowing down, and I have been thinking about trying to add a few more toons to the mix.

Have not tried boxing since probably LDON when me and a friend need a 3rd to consistently start missions, and then alt-tabbing a box shaman was more work than what I wanted and ended up causing me to take a break from EQ for a few years.

Been doing alot of reading on this site, and watching videos, and it seems like this would be a great tool to help me go back and experience some parts of the game that I never got to see. Still, I am hesitant as I am not sure I have the tech skills to get everything up and running. Is it as easy as the videos make it look, or will I end up banging my head against the wall?
howdy! welcome to RG


if you haven't seen the actual 5 starter vids - check those out. real simple to get started with the basics and build from there.

EQ is complicated and by extension and additionally MQ is too, so give yourself some patience and room to grow and you'll be a champion in no time.

Getting Started / Returning user

Welcome to RedGuides, fellow EQ multi-boxing enthusiast!

The best place to begin is our "New User Guide" video series, click this TV to watch:

This step-by-step series will teach absolute beginners how to control 6 characters at once while highlighting Nav, AutoLogin, and DanNet, which are fundamental plugins that will enhance every aspect of your game.

Returning users check out - MacroQuest Release Party: https://www.redguides.com/community/threads/macroquest-release-party.80628/ for information about changes from the legacy MQ2 to the new and awesome MQ
It really is that easy to get it started, you can make it more involved by using some of the many other options on offer here, however you could have a group up and running and be comfortable doing it in a couple hours easily
Welcome to RG!

Definitely check out all the resources Sic suggested. It takes a moment to get your bearing, but it's so worth it when you see the results. The tools offered here are amazing and the community is the best. Start off slow and ask questions as many here love to assist.
Happy Pop Tv GIF by One Day At A Time

I had taken a long break, came back and EQ alone had a lot of changes, the walk throughs are nice, not everything is answered, but it's enough to be dangerous LOL... that said, I definitely found that learning and refining the INI taught me the most; experiment here, ask a question here, apply it there, seemed to teach me the most about it... I really enjoyed the older INI websites that walked me through (though I believe some are out of date or whatnot... they still were a really great place to learn a basic knowledge)


Still one of my favorites for learning and quick reference, if there's better, I am unaware... another one I liked for / macro commands was


Just a couple nuggets that help me sort it out... and then again, asking questions of the community here @ RG has been HUGE!

Good Luck and Welcome Back!

Just my two red:rcents.

[HINT: 🐻 You too can help prevent forum fires by also "red:rcenting" (click the :rc icon to the right ---->)
Hello everyone,

I started my on again / off again relationship with EQ back up again a few months ago. Rolled a fresh Beastlord up and had alot of fun leveling him up and re-exploring some older content. But, as I am now at 102, everything seems to be slowing down, and I have been thinking about trying to add a few more toons to the mix.

Have not tried boxing since probably LDON when me and a friend need a 3rd to consistently start missions, and then alt-tabbing a box shaman was more work than what I wanted and ended up causing me to take a break from EQ for a few years.

Been doing alot of reading on this site, and watching videos, and it seems like this would be a great tool to help me go back and experience some parts of the game that I never got to see. Still, I am hesitant as I am not sure I have the tech skills to get everything up and running. Is it as easy as the videos make it look, or will I end up banging my head against the wall?
Enjoy the stay and have fun. Dont forget the RedCents as you already have 2 months of free RG membership. Give and ya shall recieve!
Can always try RGmercs, free and up and running in no-time =)
Got six accounts rolled up. SK,ENC, CLR, MAG, NEC, and WIZ. Figured i would try out a caster group to get the ball rolling.

Played with RGMercs a bit so far. Realized there is a bunch to learn, but am excited to dive in.

Thanks to everyone that passed along some redcents to ease my transition into the coming loss of all free time...
Hiya Durnell, Don't worry tooooo much about being a technophobe, I'm pretty rubbish with the tech side of stuff, but mostly people are very supportive and patient!
Enjoy the stay and have fun. Dont forget the RedCents as you already have 2 months of free RG membership. Give and ya shall recieve!
Can always try RGmercs, free and up and running in no-time =)
The simplicity of RGMercs cannot be overstated. If you want to box and have difficulty alt-tabbing or dont think you have the skills and ability to configure a lot other tools RGMercs works out of the box. After installing it through the RG launcher, all you have to do is start it when you login.

There are more advanced functions of RGmercs that I have not explored yet but I am just getting into boxing (I think I started like 2 weeks ago). There are a couple of MQs and Luas that are super simple to set up that will make your life easier:
Magellan - I can look for a zone name and click on it and take my entire group to a specific zone.
*Note 1: I have not tried this on any zones that require anything other than clicking on the PoK book or a direct zone to zone connect. So I am not sure what other functions it includes.
*Note 2: You need to be at your computer for a couple reasons but mainly you can aggro mobs and possibly/likely die.

Button Master: Like your social macros in the eq game but about 1,000 times better. Currently I only have like two of these buttons, but anything you could do with your social macros in EQ you can do it with these, but (as I understand it) you can do even more). You also get up to 100 buttons depending on how big you want this window, and it has more than one tab.
* Note 1: I am still learning the /commands and activate commands etc.
* Note 2: I currently ONLY have this on my main instance of EQ, and have it set to run when I log in on that toon. (I had to have someone help me set that up)

Invis Display: Little window that displays if your toons are invis or not. I do not have much experience with this one as my group is only mid 20s. But I see the benefits that I can gain by seeing from my main box which of my party members are invis.

RGMercs will definitely get you started. But once you get into more advanced boxing, you will probably need to look into learning at least a little bit of the coding. At least how to read through the file and change a number or setting inside a text file.

Good luck.
Got the crew to level 11 in the tutorial so far. Been using the /rg camphere and letting it autopull.

Is there a way to make my SK pull with a spell rather than running up and smacking a mob? As soon as he gets hit in return, his pet engages and sometimes this is quite a ways from the rest of the group.
I would check the RG mercs wiki, under the pulling section? and see what the options are. At 11 though, dunno if spell/ranged pulling would be covered.
I looked thru the pulling wiki, and did a quick read through of the class files in the RGMercs folder. My toons may just be to low of a level yet. So I have no choice but to continue leveling them up.
Welcome! I played alt-tabbing 3 or 4 boxes for about a year after over a decade off. I finally got tired of that, knowing I was missing out on a lot of utility from the screens I couldn't pay attention to. It took me all of about 2 days with MQ to cough up the $ for CTWN plugins for my main toons (SK, zerk, shm) and I've only not purchased BST and CLR because I'm not ready to commit to changing my 4-toon crew around yet. But it's pretty much a foregone conclusion.
That's all to say, RG has a wealth of resources available to help you maximize your EQ experience. Lots and lots of great options, plus a community that I've found to be incredibly helpful and positive.

Welcome and best of luck! :)
Welcome. I am about the worst tech person on the planet and I was able to make it happen. Well done for getting started!
Got the crew to level 11 in the tutorial so far. Been using the /rg camphere and letting it autopull.

Is there a way to make my SK pull with a spell rather than running up and smacking a mob? As soon as he gets hit in return, his pet engages and sometimes this is quite a ways from the rest of the group.
Played SK for years, IMO SK pet is a little more than a speed bump it its utility and got in the way more often than not, especially when pulling. I don't know what they are like with full AAs but i you are pulling back to your group I recommend not even using the SK pet until you get the AA that allows the Pet Hold command. That AA allows you to put your pet in a mode that it only attacks when you send a command /pet attack.
Up to level 25 onthe crew now. Having some minor issues getting my casters to use thier best spells, but i've been tinkering with settings trying to figure it out.

Need to figure out how to get the cleric to use it's HOT as well.
Hello everyone,

I started my on again / off again relationship with EQ back up again a few months ago. Rolled a fresh Beastlord up and had alot of fun leveling him up and re-exploring some older content. But, as I am now at 102, everything seems to be slowing down, and I have been thinking about trying to add a few more toons to the mix.

Have not tried boxing since probably LDON when me and a friend need a 3rd to consistently start missions, and then alt-tabbing a box shaman was more work than what I wanted and ended up causing me to take a break from EQ for a few years.

Been doing alot of reading on this site, and watching videos, and it seems like this would be a great tool to help me go back and experience some parts of the game that I never got to see. Still, I am hesitant as I am not sure I have the tech skills to get everything up and running. Is it as easy as the videos make it look, or will I end up banging my head against the wall?
There’s no wax on wax off with MQ…you learn by doing…- Han from fast and furious
Fast And Furious Spy GIF by The Fast Saga
Hey Durnell! I just wanted to hop in and say that I have never enjoyed EQ more than with this community. You are in for a good time.

It takes the boring grind out if the game and when I get on I just get to do the fun stuff. Ez to start but you never stop learning and the sky's the limit with these guys.
Welcome Durnell. I agree, it takes time and you feel like a dummy when you miss obvious things, but stick with it! When you are ready to graduate to the bigger leagues check the CWTN plugins. They are another world in themselves :)
Thanks for all the warm welcomes everyone. It had been a ton of fun running a whole group around.
So far i have got them all to lvl 53, and have been running thru some LDON's while using RGMercs.
I tried out the CWTN plugins for some of the characters so far, but i need to do more research on them as of yet. They dont seem to want to med in chase mode were thry will with RG.
Thanks for all the warm welcomes everyone. It had been a ton of fun running a whole group around.
So far i have got them all to lvl 53, and have been running thru some LDON's while using RGMercs.
I tried out the CWTN plugins for some of the characters so far, but i need to do more research on them as of yet. They dont seem to want to med in chase mode were thry will with RG.
In chase mode they sit when the MA sits. If you setup groupwatch the MA will stop autopulling and rest when the conditions are met.
I would check the RG mercs wiki, under the pulling section? and see what the options are. At 11 though, dunno if spell/ranged pulling would be covered.
I have mine pulling using his ranged threat spell. in pull section of the ini file u just type in specifically what u want to use there. as you level up, don6t forget to change that. i use no dmg since mobs like to summon... at lower lv, u might consider a nice lil nuke effect

best of luck
Got the team up to level 60 and started doing some DoN content, as thats when i quit EQ for the first time. Toons are still mostly naked, but gear is starting to trickle in.

I think i am getting a better grasp of how everything works. Only deaths i have had are toons falling in lava and getting stuck, or pulling half the zone by mistake.

It still amazes me how different the game is when you can actually make progress, instead of trying to go it solo or even doing the alt-tab thing with a few boxes. Going to be a fun ride to go thru and see all the content i have missed over the year.
Don't forget to do the hot zone daily from Franklin Teek every 5 levels. And since you get one of three armor items each time you do them then you want to do level 60 three times, then 65 three times etc. So that would outfit your group in level appropriate belt, cloak and shoulders.

The longest part of those are getting to the zone they are in lol.
Got the first team to 67 doing DoN missions, and then decided to roll a melee team, war/bard/shm/bst/ber/rog. Got them to 61 so far.

Been a blast playing again, so much more fun than trying to solo.
Toast - Thinking of trying something new

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