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IRL - Returning, so I'm a noob again... (1 Viewer)

Apr 19, 2024
Hi Everyone,
Just thought I would post
After approximately 20-odd years I have been lured back to EQ. I did play P99 for a couple of weeks some years ago but something just felt... off.
Anyways, as I am on a FTP Live server and know most people are on TLP servers etc I felt I may have trouble finding groups, which led me down the boxing path - the Red Guides path.
I have never boxed before so after a week or so of research, forum-haunting and much youtube-watching I am looking to downloaded a box program.
The question is - which one would you recommend for a new user?
I have traweled these forums as well as others however have found the support on these forums are top-notch from the devs and community.
Even though I feel I may have a good handle on how to use a box program (ok, I'm not going to kid myself - I'm a noob and will remain so for quite some time) it is still a daunting task however, half of the enjoyment I am going to receive is playing EQ and the other half will be tinkering with .ini settings and scripting for bots - it's almost a game in itself.
I have to say, I am looking forward to this journey.
So, help me in choosing which program to use!
Wish me luck and if you have any tip/tricks that could assist me that would be greatly appreciated.
Btw, boxing a SK, SHM and BRD for starters.
Good times!
The two tools I would personally recommend for class automation are either the CWTN class plugins, or the RGMercs Lua. They are both still supported and maintained. And they will both get you up and running with a little bit of work on their settings.

he CWTN plugins tend to be very fire and forget. You load it up, you take care of the settings you want set, and let her rip.

The RGMercs Lua has more configuration options and takes a little more time to get running how you like. Which you prefer comes down to personal preference really.

You also have the option to use KissAssist, MuleAssist, or the RGMercs macro version.

Right off I would ignore RGMercs macro and use the Lua version instead.

I have not tried MuleAssist, but I had good luck with KissAssist. Although you have to go in every few levels (every 5th level is what I did) and update any conditions, buffs, and spells you would like it to use. Which can be a tedious interruption every 5 levels.
And add 3 members to your sk/shm/bard boxing group, caster/melee or whatever you love to play…

I use rgmercs Lua to lvl up then switch to kiss assist when at 115~
It's easiest to start with RGMercs The Lua. That should be your starting point but you are going to need level two access. I'm giving you the first 3 months on me. Enjoy.
Happy Pop Tv GIF by One Day At A Time

Welcome back to EQ. - there are lots of great tools across this site and lots of knowledge, keeps EQ not only playable- but awesome.
Welcome To The Team GIF by MOODMAN

Welcome to RG!

Looks like Lisie gave you the run down for automation options so you're all set there! If you like to tinker as you indicated, you can try Kissassist. Lots of great ini files in the KA Library and with the linked wiki, you can begin editing them to do whatever you like in no time!

Don't forget about Red Cents as they can help with your subscription and it's the currency this site uses. Contribute and others will give your red cents and each red cent you give others returns one to you. check it out!
When I first came back to EQ after a decade, I started with Kissassist. Super easy to use and if you download an INI file from the library, it's a great starting point. I have a melee group and a caster group and I run them all from my main tank (SK). So basically, what Psy said LOL.

Welcome back. I'm on FV if you want to group up some time.
I have not tried MuleAssist, but I had good luck with KissAssist. Although you have to go in every few levels (every 5th level is what I did) and update any conditions, buffs, and spells you would like it to use. Which can be a tedious interruption every 5 levels.
I don't know if I'll always feel this way, but I find updating KA .ini's to be really enjoyable and forces me to really think about how I want the character to be played. Different strokes, etc. :)
I'm very much a noob myself. I gotta say it's very fun tinkering with the ini's. I personally have one group set up with MuleAssist and another other with KissAssist, for experimental reasons. MuleAssist is easier to configure and less time consuming, where KissAsssist takes a little bit longer to set up the ini's, and like Lisie said, you will need to update your ini's every 5th level or so regardless if you use Mule or KissAssist.

Good luck, enjoy the journey and welcome to the community!
IMO starting with KissAssist and having to look over what your characters are doing and why is a helpful starting place once you move into more automation because you can frequently solve your own problems with the understanding you gained getting everyone playing nicely with KA.
I have came back not to long ago myself probably about 3 or 4 months. And im still learning and finding out new stuff everyday. Just make sure you use the search to try and find what you need. Chances are every question you have has been asked before.

Welcome to RG and Welcome back to EQ
Many thanks for everyone's advice and assistance in helping a new noob.

I want to especially thank those that have been kind enough to donate access so I can try out the available tools.

Hoping in time I can assist those that come here looking for help the way this community has assisted me.

Cheers and Game On!
One returning newb to another, I recommend you to do the tutorial completely - meaning complete all the tasks given by the NPCs. And be sure to attack every barrel you see. They are targetable and yield food, water, arrows, small bags, occassionally large bags, backpacks, and quivers, and rarely money. But the point is, you'll walk out with a full suit of Gloomingdeep/Crude Defiant armor, have all your inventory slots with bags and maybe a few in your bank and lots of food and water. Then, go to Allakhazam's and look up the "Hero's Journey" quest line. Do all the quests up to level 20. Again, you'll come away from that with some nice upgrades. Personally, I plan to follow the Hero's Journey quest line to completion which will dump me at level 85-ish and with a full suit of Paragon's Armor. I also recommend that you complete the Lost Dungeons of Norrath (LDoN) quests along the way. Yields a very nice aug called the Wayfarer's Stone. I can't think of anything else at the moment. I plan to start doing Epic 1.0 quests for certain classes in my group around level 40 or so.

Hope this is helpful and if you're on FV let me know.
IRL - Returning, so I'm a noob again...

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