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Contest Kiss for KissAssist: THE CONTEST (ends 2/28!) (1 Viewer)

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Oct 15, 2004

KissAssist, our beloved multi-class macro, is turning 3 years old this month. It has played a roughly-estimated 476 years of EQ*. To celebrate its anniversary as well as the release of the much-awaited KissAssist7, we'd like to ask you a question:

In the past 3 years, what has KissAssist done for you?

Helped you find time to do dishes?
Farmed enough plat to pay for subscriptions?
Leveled up an old alt that would otherwise be collecting dust?

No need write an epic poem, the 6 (six!) winners will be chosen at /random. Contest ends after KissAssist's birthday (Feb 28th).

Here's a list of prizes:
  • CotF Expansion
  • 1,000,000 plat (or the going-rate in USD on non-normal servers)
  • 1,500 SC gamecard
  • Avatar change (from redcent shop)
  • Colored username (from redcent shop)
  • 1 Month of Redguides Level 2 access for you or a friend, enjoy MQ2 compiles, plugins, strategies and more.

Answer the question to enter!

(One entry per person. If you'd like to witness the winners being chosen, the /random will happen in-game on the Vox server, at the Crescent Reach spawn point on March 3rd, 7pm PST.)
*a very rough estimate because we don't log user's info, we're basing this off a low assumption that the average user has ~4 characters and runs Kiss every other day, and we took into account that we had fewer users the first couple of years.
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Re: Valentine Kiss for KissAssist: THE CONTEST

I wish I had understood it earlier in my EQ life as I would have been able to afk a bow of the destroyer. Now it allows me to spend time with the kids apart from when I accidentally choose mobs that phase me into other camps and I die. Then my precious time with the ankle biters gets interrupted by a corpse run!
Re: Valentine Kiss for KissAssist: THE CONTEST

KISS allows me to do all the ridiculous amount of research I need to do for my PhD and still have a little fun on the side! Also, it's going to be even more valuable when I can't beam to PL myself/others. =P
Re: Valentine Kiss for KissAssist: THE CONTEST

Thanks to kiss I have leveled my own army in EQ and have time to Pursue my bs in computer forensics. I also get much more time with the wife n kid! Kiss is helping fund some of my gold subs and camp the gear my toons need.
Re: Valentine Kiss for KissAssist: THE CONTEST

In the past 3 years, what has KissAssist done for you?

Well it has helped me to play that game again. Being military and been on numerous deployments throughout the years my toons have collected dust. Now that I am back stateside I can use KA to level my toons when I'm out during the day if I want. That then gives me time to be with my wife and boys and not spend the hours in front of a computer that I used to do.
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Re: Valentine Kiss for KissAssist: THE CONTEST

Over the past Few Years Kissassist has allowed me to become Free and Able to Search for My Daughter That i have none been able to see since she was 3 Years Old , It allowed me to Find her and Get in contact with her while Farming plat to pay for my subs and Allowing me to Return to the Raiding Scene on my Main character while Afk macroing others outside of guild to farm stuff for people and help other people n EQ to get caught up on aa's lvl gear ect........I WILL SAY THIS WITHOUT MASKOI , Macroquest , and Kissassist i wouldnt have any sanity enough left to deal with my frustrations in life and my wife Thank you Redguides , Maskoi and redbot for everything here at our community for bringing us kissassist and keeping us happy with the latest and greatest
Re: Valentine Kiss for KissAssist: THE CONTEST

Kiss has made my plat farming life MUCH easier. Before, I was recoding paths and AFK xping/plat farming that way to buy kronos to feed my eq addiction, but KISS has increased my productivity in that department 6x. Thank you KISS, and Happy Birthday!
Re: Valentine Kiss for KissAssist: THE CONTEST

In May of 2013 I developed complications from a gall bladder surgery. I was sent home from work and told not to return until it was repaired. Well.. trying to get doctors to admit that I have a problem has been an ongoing and frustrating problem. I don't want to sue or be an invalid.. I just want it fixed!
I've loved meat all my life and now, the idea that I will have to live the rest of my life without eating meat is not making me happy.
Redguides and KA have occupied my mind, kept me off the streets and kept me from going insane over the past 9 months.
A trip to a new doctor and hearing the same depressing words "It's impossible, Never, Zero percent chance that you have a bile leak". All wiped away when I get home and fire up EQ and KA.
I've enjoyed learning how to use MQ2 and work with macros, learning new things about EQ, exploring new zones and exploring new characters.
All in all it's really opened up my enjoyment of EQ on many levels.

Re: Valentine Kiss for KissAssist: THE CONTEST

KA actually helps me break the addiction I have to constantly want to improve my characters level /AA. It also really helped me understand how to balance group dynamics in a way that only someone who has played every class fully can do.
Re: Valentine Kiss for KissAssist: THE CONTEST

In the past 3 years, what has KissAssist done for you?

I'm quite new to using KissAssist. So far it has hunted for me for a few evenings and I have spent a couple of hours watching a little group kill. Fun stuff so far and I'm looking forward to MOAR KissAssist in the future! :)
Re: Valentine Kiss for KissAssist: THE CONTEST

I'm very new here, but so far kiss assist has been amazing for me. It stimulates the g33k in me by learning how the scripts and ini files work. I already hope to put a few guides in for others, once I see what guides have been done so far. The biggest blessing for me has been another user, aligwilliams, who had been using KA unbeknownst to me and took time to help me level my first toon, camp gear and spells, level alts, and much much more. So I guess it has helped me personally enjoy the game, even before I started using it!
On vox now, at the spawn point in Crescent Reach. starting the /random in 10 minutes! (4:33 PST) Sorry for the delay.

1 month of Redguides: no_one
Colored username: fuzzymelon
Avatar change: spelunk
1500sc gamecard: gps_soldier
1 million plat (or equivalent on non-normal server): Hanlon's Razor
CotF: Bonnono

Gifts have been given to no_one, fuzzymelon and spelunk. You last 3 guys, please PM me!

Attached is a log of the contest if you'd like to double check.


  • eqlog_Redcontest_vox.txt
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Contest Kiss for KissAssist: THE CONTEST (ends 2/28!)
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