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Tip - Keep your options open and explore RG (1 Viewer)


Well-known member
Aug 29, 2021
The more I read on RedGuides and the more I play around with the macros and plugins, the more fun I'm actually having.

Don't limit yourself to one "boxing" solution (KissAssist, MuleAssist, RGMercs, or others), but play around and find out how best to support your play style.

For example. I've been using RGMercs since I started my little team. Got them initially to level 5-10 in the tutorial generally using the Tutorial.mac, but when I started to play them as a team I found that RGMercs did all the INI updating I needed to level them and I jumped in with support from AllScribe.mac to update spells ever 2-5 levels. Then I decided to introduce some additional help and am using a 110 Cleric for healing support. I tried RGMercs, but it is quite fixed at determining the toons level and using appropriate spells. Because my team were much lower in level I needed to "jimmy" the heals/buffs to fit their level, so used a KissAssist that I adapted from a level 75 cleric and added XTarHeal support:) Great stuff! I have my whole team on Xtragets 4-9, and prioritise heals for MT, group healer, mez etc. I also added a lovely DPS section (found by looking at INIs other RG users had kindly submitted) that kicks in when the mob is under 50%, to just finish it quickly, give the team the XP and allow them to move to the next mob fast!

Up-time for the team has increased significantly, so levelling a tad faster and when I do eventually push it all to far and they die...I have a Cleric (who generally survives) on hand to do a quick group rez....love it!

Using RGMercs for the team and KissAssit for the outside support, helps avoid the majority of mac interference and give me a ton of flexibility (especially now I using one of @Sic 's awesome 110 Cleric INIs, the conditionals are so cool!)

Lets get creative. We have the tools and a wonderful and expansive game environment to play in!
lol and never ASSUME!

Just wondering why a whole batch of undead were dying faster than my usual dad jokes! Merciful Intervention was firing at 99% on MA. All well and good, but it also has a DD element against the Targets-Target, and more so on undead! Found it in the INI, looked at thresholds and re-set so it now only fires at <50% so as not to kill-steal. Made a note of what previous settings were so I can reset at a later date.

My wife wonders what I'm doing in here watch for hours on end - fine tuning!!

As they say, to Assume just makes an ass out of u and me;)
The more I read on RedGuides and the more I play around with the macros and plugins, the more fun I'm actually having.

Don't limit yourself to one "boxing" solution (KissAssist, MuleAssist, RGMercs, or others), but play around and find out how best to support your play style.

For example. I've been using RGMercs since I started my little team. Got them initially to level 5-10 in the tutorial generally using the Tutorial.mac, but when I started to play them as a team I found that RGMercs did all the INI updating I needed to level them and I jumped in with support from AllScribe.mac to update spells ever 2-5 levels. Then I decided to introduce some additional help and am using a 110 Cleric for healing support. I tried RGMercs, but it is quite fixed at determining the toons level and using appropriate spells. Because my team were much lower in level I needed to "jimmy" the heals/buffs to fit their level, so used a KissAssist that I adapted from a level 75 cleric and added XTarHeal support:) Great stuff! I have my whole team on Xtragets 4-9, and prioritise heals for MT, group healer, mez etc. I also added a lovely DPS section (found by looking at INIs other RG users had kindly submitted) that kicks in when the mob is under 50%, to just finish it quickly, give the team the XP and allow them to move to the next mob fast!

Up-time for the team has increased significantly, so levelling a tad faster and when I do eventually push it all to far and they die...I have a Cleric (who generally survives) on hand to do a quick group rez....love it!

Using RGMercs for the team and KissAssit for the outside support, helps avoid the majority of mac interference and give me a ton of flexibility (especially now I using one of @Sic 's awesome 110 Cleric INIs, the conditionals are so cool!)

Lets get creative. We have the tools and a wonderful and expansive game environment to play in!

Amen Brother! The amount of community involvement here reminds me a lot of early eq. Help can be found for almost anything, mq related or not. I'm a lurker type that reads a lot more than I reply to, but RG forces me to interact more just from the enthusiasm of everyone.

I love how mq takes a lot of the grind out of eq and the different plugins and scripts allow one to do it in ways that suit their game style. I mainly run CWTN plugins. For classes not yet supported, I've run KA and MA and just recently starting using RGMerc. I also run a bunch of scripts (nudge overseer) for anything I don't want to be a point and click monster for. I started running Lua scripts recently also. I love buttonmaster! I now have one button set that is universal to all my accounts! Amazing! I've also become dependent on Boxhud! If you're not on Next you're missing out on a lot speedier performance and many fixes, plus Lua. Next is a whole new ballgame.

Tip - Keep your options open and explore RG

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