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Guide - Global hotkeys and you. (1 Viewer)


I am not a complete idiot!..some parts are missing
Jun 12, 2015
So, i multibox using mq2 and nothing else on my computer, but tabbing around with alt tab gets annoying fast,so what to do?

Autohotkey to the rescue.

Now i run several groups combos, but all they have in commmon, is there is a tank, a support/dps, and a healer.
but they are on different accounts so not fun to alt tab around till you hit your sk which is on account 1, not account 3 like your warrior, or account 2 like your paladin.

So i had to come up with a way where i could just reference the character and have it switch to his window, after alot of trial and error and many frustrated days, i finally came up with this solution.

First you will need a zoned.cfg in your configs folder in mq2/release, and put this line in it.
Rich (BB code):
/SetWinTitle ${Me.Name} (Lvl:${Me.Level} ${Zone.ShortName})
sets the eq window title of that character to the character name its level and the zone shortname, you could put everything you wanted, but for this to work proper i had it start with my character names.

then you will need this autohotkey script, create a new autohotkey file and paste this in overwriting whatever was in there.
Rich (BB code):
#NoEnv  ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
#Warn  ; Enable warnings to assist with detecting common errors.
SendMode Input  ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir%  ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.




	DetectHiddenWindows, Off
	IfWinExist, %TheWindowTitle%
		WinGet, winid, ID, %TheWindowTitle%
		DllCall("SwitchToThisWindow", "UInt", winid, "UInt", 1)
you just put in your names where you want them under what key you want them.

now what that does is when you hit ctrl+alt+1 it checks any windows on your computer for the warrior or sk, and switches to that window instantly.
same with hitting one of the other 2 hotkey combos switches to the window with thhat found character in it.

it works flawlessly for me, and i am very happy with it.

you can change the hotkeys to whatever you like.

read more about the allowed combinations here:
and here:

lastly i run in windowed mode, with the windows maximized, not sure how this behaves in any other solution.

i hope someone else can get some use out of it.
swiftymuse has been working on getting global hotkeys per character into the mq2login profile setup the past weeks and it's something that's being tested by us now, so once that's released you could use those, meanwhile, nice guide :)
awesome looking forward to it, was just missing the ability to quickly swift windows like when i used wineq2, and language settings made it odd getting that toggle between windows, in macroquest.ini to work
So, i multibox using mq2 and nothing else on my computer, but tabbing around with alt tab gets annoying fast,so what to do?

Autohotkey to the rescue.

Now i run several groups combos, but all they have in commmon, is there is a tank, a support/dps, and a healer.
but they are on different accounts so not fun to alt tab around till you hit your sk which is on account 1, not account 3 like your warrior, or account 2 like your paladin.

So i had to come up with a way where i could just reference the character and have it switch to his window, after alot of trial and error and many frustrated days, i finally came up with this solution.

First you will need a zoned.cfg in your configs folder in mq2/release, and put this line in it.
Rich (BB code):
/SetWinTitle ${Me.Name} (Lvl:${Me.Level} ${Zone.ShortName})
sets the eq window title of that character to the character name its level and the zone shortname, you could put everything you wanted, but for this to work proper i had it start with my character names.

then you will need this autohotkey script, create a new autohotkey file and paste this in overwriting whatever was in there.
Rich (BB code):
#NoEnv  ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
#Warn  ; Enable warnings to assist with detecting common errors.
SendMode Input  ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir%  ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.





DetectHiddenWindows, Off
IfWinExist, %TheWindowTitle%
WinGet, winid, ID, %TheWindowTitle%
DllCall("SwitchToThisWindow", "UInt", winid, "UInt", 1)
you just put in your names where you want them under what key you want them.

now what that does is when you hit ctrl+alt+1 it checks any windows on your computer for the warrior or sk, and switches to that window instantly.
same with hitting one of the other 2 hotkey combos switches to the window with thhat found character in it.

it works flawlessly for me, and i am very happy with it.

you can change the hotkeys to whatever you like.

read more about the allowed combinations here:
and here:

lastly i run in windowed mode, with the windows maximized, not sure how this behaves in any other solution.

i hope someone else can get some use out of it.

This is amazing. I have wanted to use auto login for the longest time but could never get it set up right with launching through innerspace. I can?t play without my ctrl + alt + # swapping between windows so this just made my day.

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So, i multibox using mq2 and nothing else on my computer, but tabbing around with alt tab gets annoying fast,so what to do?

Autohotkey to the rescue.

Now i run several groups combos, but all they have in commmon, is there is a tank, a support/dps, and a healer.
but they are on different accounts so not fun to alt tab around till you hit your sk which is on account 1, not account 3 like your warrior, or account 2 like your paladin.

So i had to come up with a way where i could just reference the character and have it switch to his window, after alot of trial and error and many frustrated days, i finally came up with this solution.

First you will need a zoned.cfg in your configs folder in mq2/release, and put this line in it.
Rich (BB code):
/SetWinTitle ${Me.Name} (Lvl:${Me.Level} ${Zone.ShortName})
sets the eq window title of that character to the character name its level and the zone shortname, you could put everything you wanted, but for this to work proper i had it start with my character names.

i hope someone else can get some use out of it.

We talked a little last night in Discord Kaen, and I thought I had everything working but the .cfg piece doesn't work (autohotkey is awesome). I currently just run the /setwintitle line and get everything I want but want to figure out where I'm going wrong. Is there any special way to create a .cfg file other than a text file and saving it zoned.cfg or any plugin I need to loan in MQ2? Even using the /loadcfg command in game doesn't work so I'm wondering if I have gone wrong somewhere. Below is the screenshot of my MQ2 configs folder path and .cfg file. Any ideas?

I currently use WinEQ2 but with EQPlayNice turned off. (Using MQ2FPS instead). It is nice to instantly tab to any client I want with a hotkey, and I can put the hotkey on my extra mouse buttons so I can jump to any character. But the other reason why I use WinEQ2 is that it will use a different eqclient.ini file for each character. So I have my main guy and my puller using maximum graphics settings, but my other characters all have stick figures, no sky, low textures, etc. It is pretty nifty.

Also it works with MQ2 auto login.
hmm no, it should work once you have it loaded, might need to zone your guys to get the title updated.

but other than that it seems you got everything set up right.
one thing that you might try is hit enter after the line so it counts as being two lines in, i think it might need an eol character in there to function 100%
hmm no, it should work once you have it loaded, might need to zone your guys to get the title updated.

but other than that it seems you got everything set up right.
one thing that you might try is hit enter after the line so it counts as being two lines in, i think it might need an eol character in there to function 100%
View attachment 13966

Tried that with no luck. Is your \Configs path the same as mine? Seems weird it doesn't work
I currently use WinEQ2 but with EQPlayNice turned off. (Using MQ2FPS instead). It is nice to instantly tab to any client I want with a hotkey, and I can put the hotkey on my extra mouse buttons so I can jump to any character. But the other reason why I use WinEQ2 is that it will use a different eqclient.ini file for each character. So I have my main guy and my puller using maximum graphics settings, but my other characters all have stick figures, no sky, low textures, etc. It is pretty nifty.

Also it works with MQ2 auto login.

Same here. Still using WinEQ2 for
- Global Hotkeys to each client
- Full screen mode with no borders
- separate eqclient.ini file. Really, I only use these to lock each client into a particular CPU core (CPUAffinity) and set lower graphics on the bots.
Same here. Still using WinEQ2 for
- Global Hotkeys to each client
- Full screen mode with no borders
- separate eqclient.ini file. Really, I only use these to lock each client into a particular CPU core (CPUAffinity) and set lower graphics on the bots.

How do you guys handle logging in multiple chars with WinEQ2? I've had it set up before and created a batch file to load 18 accounts, but they would always get out of order and I'm too OCD to have that happen so I gave up. Or do you just right click the WinEQ2 tray icon and load all accounts individually?
How do you guys handle logging in multiple chars with WinEQ2? I've had it set up before and created a batch file to load 18 accounts, but they would always get out of order and I'm too OCD to have that happen so I gave up. Or do you just right click the WinEQ2 tray icon and load all accounts individually?

I load them one by one, only because when I use the bat file it seems to cause some sort of crash error and I'm not sure why. Maybe if I gave them more time it would work. When I had full isboxer it would load them all in with 1 click. But now I have MQ2AutoLogin working so I only need to click the icon for the client in WinEQ2, and then it loads the client with the correct eqclient.ini file and windows setting, and logs it all the way into the game :) Pretty cool.

It doesn't seem to have any trouble remembering which is which, but with MQ2AutoLogin it is important to log them in in the correct order.
Guide - Global hotkeys and you.

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