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Question - Command "ANY" pet in group (1 Viewer)

Mar 20, 2024
Hi all!

A couple of questions regarding pets in your group:

#1: Imagine a group with multiple pet casters . I am trying to create a macro so if ANY of the pets in the group drop below 50% HPs, I cast a heal onto that pet. I know how to target a specific group members's pet, but I cant figure out how to code the "ANY" part. Any suggestions please?

#2: Once I have targeted a pet as per point #1 above, I need to differentiate whether that particular pet is mine or another group member's. Is there any instructions to know whether the pet on target is actually mine?

Are you using any tools to automate your chars behavior, like kissassist?

What class is your healer?

Are your Pets mostly those of "real" pet classes?

What level range are your chars?

My main group chars are: SK, BRD, shm, mag, mag, mag/nec, all above lvl 120. For a very long time, I don't remember to had issues with pets not surviving. So understanding better your situation may help to suggest a viable way to improve.

My shaman mainly uses group-heals to keep all alive, which hit all pets as well.
When running kissassist, I set the pet classes abilities to be used, if the pets health drop below 50%.
The mage has aa's which cause proccs to heal all pets of the group while dps'ing.

Some automation-tools have specific switches to define, weather the healer should take care of the groups pets or not.

In the dbg-shop you can buy a token to give the pet an unic name which does not change while summoning a new pet. This may help for your situation.
One possibility would be to create a lem-event using either the pet's name and/or the group-chars-pet-health to trigger a cast of a heal to that pet.
For you #2 giving each pet an unic consistent name, shall be helpful to determine, weather the targeted pet is yours.

You may want to consider to check mq2WorstHurt to see, what it may offer for your case.
Are you using any tools to automate your chars behavior, like kissassist?

I like to automate certain routines while in combat for my non-main group characters (chars #2 to #6 of the group), but via my own custom scripts in Lua/LEM instead of KissAssist.

For you #2 giving each pet an unic consistent name, shall be helpful to determine, weather the targeted pet is yours.

That is a smart, non-programmatic alternative worth considering. Thank you, I'll dig deeper in that idea to see if I can use it :)
I created several macros on my main tank that allowed me to call off all pets and then have them attack again. So one button is "Pets Back Off" and the other is "Pets Attack". There have been times when my pets go rogue and I need them to chill out so it's nice having those two buttons in a pinch.
Question - Command "ANY" pet in group

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