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Implemented Automatic Thread Locking? (1 Viewer)

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Mar 3, 2021
No idea if this is even a possible option but figured I'd suggest it.

So, the convention is to not reply to super old threads. I get it and agree it's not something we should do.
But, the site currently not only allows folks to reply (In the most recent case a 16 year old post) but actually suggests them via the Similar thread feature.
I'd be shocked there wasn't an option to automatically lock say... six month old none active threads?

But, if there is not or it would require somebody to go in and code something then I'd understand why nobody does :)
This suggestion has been implemented. Votes are no longer accepted.
lock 1 year old and older, if people want the infos from them they can grab the infos and make a new post and say this is how you do it.
IT would help avoide the chance that someone responds to a post before they see its old, ive almost done that a few times.. as they were suggested for some odd reason.
It has been discussed and is currently being again.

There are some things where appropriate to post to an older thread, but with the fluidity of live eq and how mq constantly gets updates - bumping old threads like that is often unhelpful.

Responding "me too" to an mq2 bug from 2008 is almost always unrelated, unhelpful, and it doesn't help the person with an issue getting a fix to their problem.

The most frequent type of necroposting is someone trying to farm redcents with basically 0 adding to an already old thread.
Its ok dude, it happens to a lot of us.

I have no problem with how it is set up now. You just need to look (before you leap) at the date. I like to give folks the benefit of the doubt and figure it is usually a mistake, I never looked at the possibility of farming.

Its just like when I was first here I would always post in the wrong forum and get my hands slapped. Eventually I learned to post in the right places. Hopefully.

There is lots of useful info in the old posts and I know sometimes they do need to be updated like the one I posted about non ftp augs etc from Sk forums. That link is now dead so if my thread had been locked there would have been no way to update that fact.
Its ok dude, it happens to a lot of us.

I have no problem with how it is set up now. You just need to look (before you leap) at the date. I like to give folks the benefit of the doubt and figure it is usually a mistake, I never looked at the possibility of farming.

Its just like when I was first here I would always post in the wrong forum and get my hands slapped. Eventually I learned to post in the right places. Hopefully.

There is lots of useful info in the old posts and I know sometimes they do need to be updated like the one I posted about non ftp augs etc from Sk forums. That link is now dead so if my thread had been locked there would have been no way to update that fact.
you coulda copied the info to a new post and updatedthe info, and postted instead of necroing a super old post, thats atleast my thought.
you coulda copied the info to a new post and updatedthe info, and postted instead of necroing a super old post, thats atleast my thought.
sometimes tho - because I definitely do more merging of threads people just willy nilly posting random stuff when an active conversation or a resource thread already exists - and often not even say what resource > here is an example that happened just now < which will get merged somewhere once they specify if they're asking about the rg launcher itself, or the mq2pluginmanager window, or some other thing

just a part of a living, breathing, thriving community.

I'd bet the avg amount of various forums that folks (here in our community) regularly post to is shrinking more and more as time goes on - and i'd imagine some of those skills go with it.

our search function also used to be poop
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Responding "me too" to an mq2 bug from 2008 is almost always unrelated, unhelpful, and it doesn't help the person with an issue getting a fix to their problem.

The most frequent type of necroposting is someone trying to farm redcents with basically 0 adding to an already old thread.

Ugh yes. We could lock down all discussions past a certain date, but that includes discussions for resources that are still kept up to date, even if no longer talked about. (though I guess we could add a query to make sure the thread isn't connected to a resource...)

But then there are some old discussions that last a decade thanks to TLP and emu servers. I'd rather err on the side of open. Is that silly? What about instead of a lock, we add a warning? People love popups that you have to click "ok" on!

For now if the thread is relevant and you're aware of the date, go ahead and reply. Just make sure it's clear why you're bumping an ancient thread.
Ugh yes. We could lock down all discussions past a certain date, but that includes discussions for resources that are still kept up to date, even if no longer talked about. (though I guess we could add a query to make sure the thread isn't connected to a resource...)

But then there are some old discussions that last a decade thanks to TLP and emu servers. I'd rather err on the side of open. Is that silly? What about instead of a lock, we add a warning? People love popups that you have to click "ok" on!

For now if the thread is relevant and you're aware of the date, go ahead and reply. Just make sure it's clear why you're bumping an ancient thread.
tough balance for sure - but i think it is a fair price to pay for an active, vibrant, and resourceful community.

we could always try some things and see how they work

just for funsies, I keep thinking about doing a video about "how to make a good forum post" because lately some titles are just insanely bad

title: what the shit?
Flair/Tag: IRL
forum: Suggestions
content: any noticed mob_004_from_2006_xpac is now wearing blue shoes instead of the golden shoes in the lore and this picture from 2007?

like - that thread title isn't useful
doing a video about "how to make a good forum post" i think thats a great idea, the forums to me are confusing to find where to post what , theres so many options ,
If the thread is still relevant, please reply! I like seeing old threads that are still useful. If you're not sure, err on the side of a new thread. I trust most long time members know when a thread is worth bumping and when not.

To stop unaware bumping, I added an annoying alert for old threads that have gone ~3 years since the last reply. Let's see if that works, if not we can reopen discussion around locking.
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So I came across this highlight/message the other day while using search. It showed up in yellow at the bottom of all the posts, they were a couple years old. There is even a little box to check for the "I'm aware of the age...." I think this is a great solution.

"Hey, XXXXX, you've stumbled upon an old thread 🤢. Rather than resurrecting its corpse consider making a new thread instead. MacroQuest and EverQuest are constantly changing, so the ancient words above may have lost their relevance.
  • I'm aware of its age and stench, but it's still relevant!"
We've only had one necro post warning in the last week, so I'd say it's a success.
If I do a search and find answer, even tho it may be 8 years or older, if I leave a red cent or thumbs up, does that revive thread or no? Only asking because I do alot of searching.
Nope, only replies bump the thread.
Closing this thread. Feel free to reopen when needed.
Implemented Automatic Thread Locking?
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