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Question - 6th toon spot. Thinking BST, PAL or CLR. (1 Viewer)

Feb 24, 2024
Hey folks!

So my make up currently is BRD, SK, SHM, ROG and MAG. 6th spot has been for healer merc. I think im actually at a spot where I feel comfortable replacing the merc but wanted to keep some healing capability. Lightning fast burns are not a super huge priority for me, but wanted to make sure I wasn't gimping myself by replacing the merc cleric with a real cleric. I chose this group as it stands currently because of the utility balance. BRD because yes. SK and SHM are self explainatory, ROG for sneakin around and dps, MAG for dps and other utility. Basically, I really like a Swiss-army group that doesn't just whittle away mobs lol.

I was thinking Pally for the decent group healing and extra tank. Also undead DPS is a bonus.

Beastlord though for extra DPS and general durability. I just dont know anything about their extra healing capability other than its there lol.

And Cleric would be my easy "well at least we shouldn't die" replacement :sweat:.

suggestions? thanks!
Hey folks!

So my make up currently is BRD, SK, SHM, ROG and MAG. 6th spot has been for healer merc. I think im actually at a spot where I feel comfortable replacing the merc but wanted to keep some healing capability. Lightning fast burns are not a super huge priority for me, but wanted to make sure I wasn't gimping myself by replacing the merc cleric with a real cleric. I chose this group as it stands currently because of the utility balance. BRD because yes. SK and SHM are self explainatory, ROG for sneakin around and dps, MAG for dps and other utility. Basically, I really like a Swiss-army group that doesn't just whittle away mobs lol.

I was thinking Pally for the decent group healing and extra tank. Also undead DPS is a bonus.

Beastlord though for extra DPS and general durability. I just dont know anything about their extra healing capability other than its there lol.

And Cleric would be my easy "well at least we shouldn't die" replacement :sweat:.

suggestions? thanks!
Nec would fit great, ignite bones line for paladin, extra rezzing and mana, pets for mage, etc

the "should i have a dps, a tank, or a healer" is a bit ???

that's like "should i get a new truck, a motorcycle, or a skateboard"
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Your swiss army group is missing ports. Wizards are great!
Hah great suggestion! that thought (ports) crossed my mind too, but with how everything is so interconnected these days and the guild hall, that was a bit lower on my list. We're I on a TLP though, druid or wiz would be a surefire thing!
Beastlords are very strong in pretty much any group. I can't get away from anymore. Their extra healing is, as you said, just kind of there. It's helping in the background but it's not as noticeable as adding a cleric or a paladin. Their DPS and ADPS is fantastic through.

As Sic mentioned, Necro would also be cool. I'm looking forward to getting another group going to get another necro up.

I'm personally trying to make myself like druids too, but I'm not there quite yet.
Beastlord no quesiton.

necro is useless. Mobs already die to fast for you.

You have shaman and sk what need for more healing?

ADPS, pet (helps mage), and strong dps. if min maxing there isn’t a better choice.
Wiz & Mage work really well together with the mage synergy, and the quality of life of ports is pretty nice.
Wiz & Mage work really well together with the mage synergy, and the quality of life of ports is pretty nice.

Once you get up to semi recent expansions I’d argue ports are irrelevant. He has the most important bard speed. It’s not liek we are traversing continents anymore…

Only time my wizzes get fired up is epic quests. Then I leave them in lobby for translocate or port to binds ( have a few for annoying places liek wold school western waste).
Yea, bard speed is life lol. Its honestly one of the reasons I love bard so much.

In my journey of trying to not overanalyze things too much, I usually find my first choice to be acceptable, so I think I'm gonna go beast. Plus, if I grind out enough anniversary missions quick, i can get that darkpaw gnoll pet illusion so they can have a dog rofl.

I appreciate the input everyone!
Once you get up to semi recent expansions I’d argue ports are irrelevant. He has the most important bard speed. It’s not liek we are traversing continents anymore…

Only time my wizzes get fired up is epic quests. Then I leave them in lobby for translocate or port to binds ( have a few for annoying places liek would school western waste).
Maybe with los it’s not a big deal but teleport to bind is still nice for every other expansion.
Maybe with los it’s not a big deal but teleport to bind is still nice for every other expansion.

It’s nice. But once you get there do you leave? I’m just suggesting subpar dps would give more life benefits. But I agree. hence why I have wizzes on accounts (multiples) but don’t ever play them.
Try a few out!
Literally any class would work.
Bst makes every melee better. So would a zerker. Bst also helps on the mana and some utility.
Necro would be a good add. I’ve added one myself recently!
I like my wiz because I get abruptly interrupted and have to get my dudes out quickly so I can go off and do real life stuff sometimes. I like that easy exit button!

Exodus, for the rest of us.
Consider a Second SK (Troll of course - none of these stinky lizards) .....now here me out. With 2 SK - you get 2 HT, 2 Epic, and the best alliance for group game.
While I don't play at the higher levels much anymore a druid would seem to fill quite a few of the roles you are looking for. You would get an extra healer plus their other survival buffs, DPS can be done and still add to healing through remote nukes, auras help DPS of anyone casting, evacs if shit hits the fan, and ports even though those aren't at the top of your list. They can also turn your targets to plants to increase the damage of the corruption DOTs.
My EQ backstory is too long and boring, but I'm returning after decades away. I have been wanting to level a group for some time and I even started here a couple of years ago, but life intervened. Anyway, my group of new toons is almost identical to yours. SK, BRD, SHM, DRU, ENC, MAG. Also like you, I wanted a Swiss Army knife of a group that brought all the utilities and duplicated some critical abilities. I also - for purely subjective reasons - did not want to run duplicate classes. The focus is fun, synergy, and survivability. But in trying to educate myself about the game in it's current state (which is NOTHING like the game I remember) I've come across numerous posts suggesting that my group composition is for retards and that I'd be making a mistake to try and run this group to 120 + latest content. Dumping the DRU and ENC is what everyone would suggest, I'm sure, but it would disappoint me to do so. In fact, the one class I'm actually thinking of dumping is the SK for a WAR for some better melee DPS. I was unprepared for how lame SK pets are. I guess I was expecting something closer to a SHM pet. Anyway, my question for the forum is: can I take this group to the endgame and be successful, or will I be limited, mocked, ridiculed, and laughed out of the game? If I must substitute, I'd like to stick with hybrids like a RNG and a BST. What say you?
Hey folks!

So my make up currently is BRD, SK, SHM, ROG and MAG. 6th spot has been for healer merc. I think im actually at a spot where I feel comfortable replacing the merc but wanted to keep some healing capability. Lightning fast burns are not a super huge priority for me, but wanted to make sure I wasn't gimping myself by replacing the merc cleric with a real cleric. I chose this group as it stands currently because of the utility balance. BRD because yes. SK and SHM are self explainatory, ROG for sneakin around and dps, MAG for dps and other utility. Basically, I really like a Swiss-army group that doesn't just whittle away mobs lol.

I was thinking Pally for the decent group healing and extra tank. Also undead DPS is a bonus.

Beastlord though for extra DPS and general durability. I just dont know anything about their extra healing capability other than its there lol.

And Cleric would be my easy "well at least we shouldn't die" replacement :sweat:.

suggestions? thanks!
the beast is an all around good choice , buffs mana heals pet , never run outa mana ...
@Valdemar , I've not really put my group through the gamut, but with 115 BRD, everyone else at 110 except beast at 104, i was able to do the RoS OT mission which is basically a DPS check before he goes invul (kill a mob before he spawns too many that makes him invul). Everyone is in Conflagrant, except the SK and BRD in ToV/CoV group vis with mixed conflagrant nonvis, and the BST in Heroic gear. I haven't taken on ToV named yet, but haven't had any issues fighting regular mobs there yet. Shaman/SK has been enough healing power so far.

For group round up, I honestly was thinking Druid a bit for the healing/ports, but then went elsewhere more towards the DPS end. More importantly, i reeeally wanted a chanter because they have a lot of unique things they do, but dual CC is just unnecessary in a group setting sadly. General group make up I see recommended are Tank/Healer/CC/DPS/DPS/(flex, dps, utility or just fav class). Doesnt matter what classes you choose, but most suggestions are like that.

Not really sure why droods aren't liked anymore, but they were never a fav of mine to begin with so I haven't looked into it much. Honestly, imo, you're probably fine leaving the druid and using them for DPS/healing, but the dual cc might end up not working in for favor. And like you said, the game has changed sooo much over the past number of years. Others with a better understanding of those changes might be able to enlighten us a bit more. I've only been a few months back, but had to relearn how my bard is supposed to play lol.

But seriously, screw META. In games that are constantly updated, you can easily be completely screwed in some ways. My original post wasn't about being the most efficient fastest team out there, but more about being able to enjoy the make up of my team. You do you!
I like the beastlord of the three choices. Beautiful ADPS and complements your swiss army knife approach. If I was leaving those three classes, I'd go wizard for the ports and really sweet DPS these days. Druid would also work.
This is a spot for a Beastlord like you said DPS Pet toys from the Mage. You can put Healing Hammers on the Beastlord and Bard and if they proc well your Shaman can.watxh it takes some serious pounding or missing procs before you need a real heal. Plus you have Paragon of Spirit and Focused Paragon for mana.
Hey folks!

So my make up currently is BRD, SK, SHM, ROG and MAG. 6th spot has been for healer merc. I think im actually at a spot where I feel comfortable replacing the merc but wanted to keep some healing capability. Lightning fast burns are not a super huge priority for me, but wanted to make sure I wasn't gimping myself by replacing the merc cleric with a real cleric. I chose this group as it stands currently because of the utility balance. BRD because yes. SK and SHM are self explainatory, ROG for sneakin around and dps, MAG for dps and other utility. Basically, I really like a Swiss-army group that doesn't just whittle away mobs lol.

I was thinking Pally for the decent group healing and extra tank. Also undead DPS is a bonus.

Beastlord though for extra DPS and general durability. I just dont know anything about their extra healing capability other than its there lol.

And Cleric would be my easy "well at least we shouldn't die" replacement :sweat:.

suggestions? thanks!
As many have said in so many words, pick what you think is fun is priority 1.
If you're just looking to min/max with what you have already, I would not take a beastlord, but if it were all-access account, then it possibly might have the best burn dps you could get in that set up.
A 2nd rogue would be up there.
A ranger would be nice, but no pet that will be bard boosted to melee.
Swiss army factor - go with a wizard.
suggestions? thanks!

Without a doubt I would add a druid. Yes, they can be challenging to play but no other class that can heal can also DPS like a druid. And with automation you avoid all the icky parts. And although you say the transportation isn't a big deal it's nice to be able to just load a Circle and avoid all those messy interim zones. Also, with the druid you get the holy trinity of HP buffs. Druid skin is hard to come by in the buff pile but cleric buffs are a dime a dozen. And finally, all that leather gear that normally rots can be put to use!
@Valdemar , I've not really put my group through the gamut, but with 115 BRD, everyone else at 110 except beast at 104, i was able to do the RoS OT mission which is basically a DPS check before he goes invul (kill a mob before he spawns too many that makes him invul). Everyone is in Conflagrant, except the SK and BRD in ToV/CoV group vis with mixed conflagrant nonvis, and the BST in Heroic gear. I haven't taken on ToV named yet, but haven't had any issues fighting regular mobs there yet. Shaman/SK has been enough healing power so far.

For group round up, I honestly was thinking Druid a bit for the healing/ports, but then went elsewhere more towards the DPS end. More importantly, i reeeally wanted a chanter because they have a lot of unique things they do, but dual CC is just unnecessary in a group setting sadly. General group make up I see recommended are Tank/Healer/CC/DPS/DPS/(flex, dps, utility or just fav class). Doesnt matter what classes you choose, but most suggestions are like that.

Not really sure why droods aren't liked anymore, but they were never a fav of mine to begin with so I haven't looked into it much. Honestly, imo, you're probably fine leaving the druid and using them for DPS/healing, but the dual cc might end up not working in for favor. And like you said, the game has changed sooo much over the past number of years. Others with a better understanding of those changes might be able to enlighten us a bit more. I've only been a few months back, but had to relearn how my bard is supposed to play lol.

But seriously, screw META. In games that are constantly updated, you can easily be completely screwed in some ways. My original post wasn't about being the most efficient fastest team out there, but more about being able to enjoy the make up of my team. You do you!

Thanks very much for taking the time to reply. I've decided that I'll go with the group I've created for now. Like you, we seem to have similar goals and ideas about it, so I was encouraged by your point of view. I'm still learning each class, so my perceptions will change as it goes, I'm sure. I think what I might do is create some alts, either on these accounts or new ones, where I can sub out classes as I go. I'll heed your advice and create some DPS alts for this purpose, like a RNG, a BST, and I don't know what else. Torn between a ROG, BER, and a WAR. But no matter what, I'm going to stay with SK, BRD, SHM as the core. Any advice is welcome, thanks again.

Let me just add one thing. When a group wiped a Beastlord is usually the last to die. They are like an old school Monk with a pet between a Necro and a Mage plus they can give you mana and work in tandem with Bards to heal you.
Without a doubt I would add a druid. Yes, they can be challenging to play but no other class that can heal can also DPS like a druid. And with automation you avoid all the icky parts. And although you say the transportation isn't a big deal it's nice to be able to just load a Circle and avoid all those messy interim zones. Also, with the druid you get the holy trinity of HP buffs. Druid skin is hard to come by in the buff pile but cleric buffs are a dime a dozen. And finally, all that leather gear that normally rots can be put to use!

Your post convinced me to stick with my initial decision to include a DRU. I'll try it and see how it works out before second guessing myself and substituting it for another class. Thanks.
Question - 6th toon spot. Thinking BST, PAL or CLR.

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