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Question - 100-115 leveling Tank suggestion (1 Viewer)

Jan 12, 2024
I've grown pretty content with my 123 BST/ 118 Bard/110 Mage trio and I'm completely fine to keep this as my lineup. However, with the free 100 boost being given out and the 50% bonus happening, I've considered adding a tank to the mix. I think I would prefer a Warrior but I already have the SK gear up to 115, so for that reason alone I might go SK.

I'm looking for suggestions on going from 100-115 or even 120 without having to do a bunch of progression. I have limited time, and don't want to run around doing turn ins or spend time searching for or hoping to find someone to TA me on missions just doesn't sound like much fun.

Is there a reasonable grind path, with my current group makeup?

If not, I'll just stick with the trio. Works great for group content.

I should also mention, that on my 123 BST account is a 113 SK with 1.5. My BST is so close to 125 and has most of the Heroic AA and what not that I would hate to loose it. Otherwise I would run something completely different. Seems like a new SK would be easier to catch up. What I have learned is that I don't like managing more then 3, 4 at the most, characters. Its just not enjoyable for me. 3 toons is about perfect for me and I can keep up on the gear, spells and what not without feeling overwelmed.
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I've grown pretty content with my 123 BST/ 118 Bard/110 Mage trio and I'm completely fine to keep this as my lineup. However, with the free 100 boost being given out and the 50% bonus happening, I've considered adding a tank to the mix. I think I would prefer a Warrior but I already have the SK gear up to 115, so for that reason alone I might go SK.

I'm looking for suggestions on going from 100-115 or even 120 without having to do a bunch of progression. I have limited time, and don't want to run around doing turn ins or spend time searching for or hoping to find someone to TA me on missions just doesn't sound like much fun.

Is there a reasonable grind path, with my current group makeup?

If not, I'll just stick with the trio. Works great for group content.

I should also mention, that on my 123 BST account is a 113 SK with 1.5. My BST is so close to 125 and has most of the Heroic AA and what not that I would hate to loose it. Otherwise I would run something completely different. Seems like a new SK would be easier to catch up. What I have learned is that I don't like managing more then 3, 4 at the most, characters. Its just not enjoyable for me. 3 toons is about perfect for me and I can keep up on the gear, spells and what not without feeling overwelmed.
An SK is a little bit more "easy mode" for group content than a warrior, but the SK will require way more AA, and a 2.0 to get to that "easy mode" point. As far as leveling goes, just drag the SK along as gimp DPS until he gets to the point he can contribute in a meaningful way.
Find somebody who can help you level for a few hours. My 125 team can get someone from 100 to 105 in around 2-3 hours just killing in GD then getting your 4 ToV missions done will take you to 111+ where you can get your Snowbound armour set and begin tanking GD mobs. This is your fastest path, just need a friend who can spend a few hours with you. I always use MQ2Grind for the Restless Assault mission which will help you get to 115 and Max Aa’s within a week if you have some time to spend with your crew. If you’re missing too many non-vis slots to reasonably tank then I would focus on moving from named camp to named camp in GD and EW until you fill enough slots to hold your own. Trying to level 100 to 110 without a boost is outside my personal experience but I expect you’d want to carry him in Frontier Mountains or something with your higher level guys. What server are you on? Someone here may be willing to give you a boost to 110+ so you can take care of the rest yourself.
An SK is a little bit more "easy mode" for group content than a warrior, but the SK will require way more AA, and a 2.0 to get to that "easy mode" point. As far as leveling goes, just drag the SK along as gimp DPS until he gets to the point he can contribute in a meaningful way.

Warrior would probably provide more meaningful gimp dps and also require a little less on the AA, epic and gear tho to be useful?
For groups content if prefer paladin or Sk.
For raid warrior tanks better.
Sk snd paladin have abilities to self heal, whereas warrior relies solely on the healer.
Paladin and sk bring also more utilities like rez and feign respectively.
For groups content if prefer paladin or Sk.
For raid warrior tanks better.
Sk snd paladin have abilities to self heal, whereas warrior relies solely on the healer.
Paladin and sk bring also more utilities like rez and feign respectively.

I have a level 75 Pally on a 4th account that I could potentially boost with the free 100 boost. That might be a good character to drag around for a while too since it can offer some other things until its ready to tank. I might just go that route.
If you drop your mage you will regret it. I know you are saying that you don’t want to manage more than 3 guys but your mage at 115 can pump out like 800k dps and your Merc will be doing like 150k. If you are using CWTN plug-ins it takes away all the annoyance of managing spell updates, conditions etc, etc. without the plugins I found it much harder to manage multiple characters. Now, managing 6 is super simple (once you get buttonmaster and fill it in with useful commands, sic has a great sticky referencing his)
I've grown pretty content with my 123 BST/ 118 Bard/110 Mage trio and I'm completely fine to keep this as my lineup. However, with the free 100 boost being given out and the 50% bonus happening, I've considered adding a tank to the mix. I think I would prefer a Warrior but I already have the SK gear up to 115, so for that reason alone I might go SK.

I'm looking for suggestions on going from 100-115 or even 120 without having to do a bunch of progression. I have limited time, and don't want to run around doing turn ins or spend time searching for or hoping to find someone to TA me on missions just doesn't sound like much fun.

Is there a reasonable grind path, with my current group makeup?

If not, I'll just stick with the trio. Works great for group content.

I should also mention, that on my 123 BST account is a 113 SK with 1.5. My BST is so close to 125 and has most of the Heroic AA and what not that I would hate to loose it. Otherwise I would run something completely different. Seems like a new SK would be easier to catch up. What I have learned is that I don't like managing more then 3, 4 at the most, characters. Its just not enjoyable for me. 3 toons is about perfect for me and I can keep up on the gear, spells and what not without feeling overwelmed.
If your talking about just leveling the New Eskay from 100 to 115 Now is the perfect time.. Just a suggestion Try the Unity mission in Qeynos Hills right outside Surefall Glade. Hail Guard Blevin's to start the mission and enjoy the easy fast exp.
If your talking about just leveling the New Eskay from 100 to 115 Now is the perfect time.. Just a suggestion Try the Unity mission in Qeynos Hills right outside Surefall Glade. Hail Guard Blevin's to start the mission and enjoy the easy fast exp.

Just run the mission with my whole group? or just kill everything and rinse and repeat? I don't know anything about this mission but you have my attention
Just run the mission with my whole group? or just kill everything and rinse and repeat? I don't know anything about this mission but you have my attention
This Mission will scale to your highest character so 123 the mobs should be 121 or so what I reccomend is Kill all the Trash and Two of the Boss mobs once the two commanders are Dead check tracking with the Bard for the a burly gnoll the burly drops one of two really nice augs
kill him and exit and repeat
This Mission will scale to your highest character so 123 the mobs should be 121 or so what I reccomend is Kill all the Trash and Two of the Boss mobs once the two commanders are Dead check tracking with the Bard for the a burly gnoll the burly drops one of two really nice augs
kill him and exit and repeat
also Collect pages 1 thru 7 and turn them in to the mage at zone in for the Unified Pheonix Feather
This Mission will scale to your highest character so 123 the mobs should be 121 or so what I reccomend is Kill all the Trash and Two of the Boss mobs once the two commanders are Dead check tracking with the Bard for the a burly gnoll the burly drops one of two really nice augs
kill him and exit and repeat

I'll give this a shot. You said it would be good exp. The mobs themselves or is there an exp reward for completion? Thanks for the tip.
Question - 100-115 leveling Tank suggestion

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