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Discussion - Would you invite a stranger into your group? (2 Viewers)

This is actually how I found this community back in 2016. Someone let me loot their trash/sit in their group in.

I don't know if I'd let strangers join up myself... but might find a way I'd be comfortable with it in the future.
i group with anyone , have been the helpfull group that gets others exp or aa or missions done , ive never ran across that problem at all and ive had many people i dont know join me ,. i stay friendly to all an dont get any hassle from anyone ,, i try to keep the population happy with gear aa exp missions raids what ever ,,,,,,
I wish I felt safe doing so, I'm getting kinda bored already playing alone. NoS was the easiest expansion I've done live (although first time I've had a full 6-box group mostly leveled up from the beginning).
As for myself, I mix it up a little. I often invite those LFG or who are looking for some kind of assistance with a quest, mob ....ect and just cycle my toons in /out. Also, I go LFG once in awhile even though i've been maxed out on everything like most people for months. Reason is to continue enjoying EQ as a social game and meeting new or returning players. (Making new memories). I'd say the server that i am on is heavily BoT base with many active RG users. Unfortunately some do stick out like a soar thumb and give the rest of us RG users a bad rap. If you use RG properly no one would ever have an issue. Myself, I wouldn't play EQ with out RG nor would I play a MMORPG game as an RPG.
I try to always be respectful of others in game.
If I see another player, I will leave the area for them, but I normally reach out and say Hi, and ask if they are having trouble with anything.
I have gotten surprisingly really good reactions to this. Most auto assume everyone else is just automating anyways when they see a group of toons following a lead toon.
I work under the guise of "I assume they are assuming, and I assume they assume the worst" and with that in mind, I work to be pro-active in regards to communication with them. 8/11 times so far, have been extremely positive interactions on FV, and 2 were with folks who didnt respond, and 1 was a dude who kinda blew up on me but we were able to bring the aggression down and was able to explain how the situation happened by accident (stole a kill).
In terms of grouping, I dont think id have a problem with it. people just dont want to group anymore at the levels I play in... they just pay for a PL and move to end game (80s)
I've invited quite a few people. Most don't seem to care and are just happy to get help with the stuff they need in my experience.

Although.... I've found more issue with people who don't group with me and see me do something like use mimic to hail or something. They tend to get snotty about it, and call me horrible or tell me I'm ruining the game. these are the same people that are in elite guilds that are full of bots and just want to sound important.

Typically though.... I reserve grouping to people I know and or have known a long time and they just don't care.
I play with a select few, and i ignore everyone else these days. Just cause there are too many of these types out there. Snakes in the grass.
That, my friend, was a special kind of douchebag you ran into there! sorry that happened to you.... what a jerk. You were very well spoken while talking to him though.
Something I've been pondering recently. How willing are you to invite a total stranger into your group? Do you think the average person would care that you are automating? Do you think the average person even knows what automation looks like?

Personally I have avoided it for the most part, but that can lead to a more lonely single player experience.

Never. It would become quickly obvious that nobody could box 5 toons like that without automation. Not even remotely worth the risk.

I have invited people to a raid to get credit for Hunter but I put them in their own group and tell them they can afk or go do whatever they want while I get credit for them.

I would also join somone elses group as a single toon. For example if they needed a tank or a healer I would actually play the toon in their group.
@AlleyKat777 ... let the record show that his man has admitted he prefers to play with himself ... let the record also show he enjoys playing with others who prefer to play with themselves ... the defense rests your honor.

marshall eriksen GIF
Nothing wrong with that. I rarely disappoint myself, I never have a headache, and I take a break from gaming on my schedule, not when its time to go shopping, take out the trash, walk the doggie, or whatever other things might interfere with playing with oneself :) :) :)
Something I've been pondering recently. How willing are you to invite a total stranger into your group? Do you think the average person would care that you are automating? Do you think the average person even knows what automation looks like?

Personally I have avoided it for the most part, but that can lead to a more lonely single player experience.
That stranger could end up being your best EQ friend. Or if it's a Bard they will just get you killed.
Sure it's a coin flip but I'll take it. I personally have to believe in the best in humanity. If he turns out to be an asshole I just walk away. Leave him with his misery. But I met some pretty cool people here. And not all of them were social on EQ before they met me.
That stranger could end up being your best EQ friend. Or if it's a Bard they will just get you killed.

Yep.... I've actually made quite a few friends just from answering "can anyone help me with a mission" type general shouts. I'll drop a char, invite them, run through whatever they need and chat with them while doing it.
I've found that the chatting and talking about whatever during the time helps. Makes people feel less that you are a botter and more a person just having fun in your own way.

Over the last year, at least 4 or 5 of those people I've met are now personal friends who we text and chat outside game now.
Not bards though!!! Nope... they just kill you
Even though it feels great to help people out, get them some XP or help them through difficult progression, it's way too likely to backfire. There are too many ways for things to go wrong. I got burned a few times and will only interact with trusted friends now.

I will still hand out TAs, or quest items, etc on one-off basis, but nothing that exposes them to my group or gives them an opportunity to build evidence against me while taking advantage of my kindness.
Yep.... I've actually made quite a few friends just from answering "can anyone help me with a mission" type general shouts. I'll drop a char, invite them, run through whatever they need and chat with them while doing it.
I've found that the chatting and talking about whatever during the time helps. Makes people feel less that you are a botter and more a person just having fun in your own way.

Over the last year, at least 4 or 5 of those people I've met are now personal friends who we text and chat outside game now.
Not bards though!!! Nope... they just kill you
@Jarlentor groups be like...

orgy cuckold GIF
I used to. Especially with guildies. Overtime that generosity slowed to basically not at all. It went from a guildie here and there just to soak XP to people demanding or being rude about joining. I changed my requirements from "Sure man, you can join and just soak xp since I'm almost max anyway" to "Sure you can join but you have to contribute.". From there I still felt as if I was getting taken advantage of and eventually realized that even the "you have to contribute" requirement was not up to where my standards actually were. A DPS class that did a quarter of my boxes damage, a cleric that was watching netflix instead of paying attention, etc. My clerics never watched netflix. So in the end I just don't group with anyone anymore.

I began to box enough to do my own raids. In the early stages of that I had a few old friends with me, some who also boxed and some who didn't. Inevitably the non boxers even though they knew the score and were people who I've known for years would get real upset when they didn't get priority loot over anyone's boxes. I get its easy to gear one toon, but I'm not putting BIS gear on someone that shows up 25% of the time and when he does still is only half of a box in performance. These days I have hard and set rules, if you are raiding with me you are A) running MQ, B) know how to use it, C) need to be able to perform raid mechanics, and D) must have at a minimum one complete group of boxes. No singles or duos or anything like that.

I'm probably an asshole, but this has been after a decade of being taken advantage of just purely because I box. Fuckin sucks man.
I used to. Especially with guildies. Overtime that generosity slowed to basically not at all. It went from a guildie here and there just to soak XP to people demanding or being rude about joining. I changed my requirements from "Sure man, you can join and just soak xp since I'm almost max anyway" to "Sure you can join but you have to contribute.". From there I still felt as if I was getting taken advantage of and eventually realized that even the "you have to contribute" requirement was not up to where my standards actually were. A DPS class that did a quarter of my boxes damage, a cleric that was watching netflix instead of paying attention, etc. My clerics never watched netflix. So in the end I just don't group with anyone anymore.

I began to box enough to do my own raids. In the early stages of that I had a few old friends with me, some who also boxed and some who didn't. Inevitably the non boxers even though they knew the score and were people who I've known for years would get real upset when they didn't get priority loot over anyone's boxes. I get its easy to gear one toon, but I'm not putting BIS gear on someone that shows up 25% of the time and when he does still is only half of a box in performance. These days I have hard and set rules, if you are raiding with me you are A) running MQ, B) know how to use it, C) need to be able to perform raid mechanics, and D) must have at a minimum one complete group of boxes. No singles or duos or anything like that.

I'm probably an asshole, but this has been after a decade of being taken advantage of just purely because I box. Fuckin sucks man.
@Metalhead , be like...

the rules GIF

Just kidding man, you're 100% not wrong...

Sheldon Cooper Rules GIF by CBS
I think daybreak really drops the ball here. This community is huge. More people box and use programs to do it than they'll ever admit. Keeping us reportable and bannable for using software that doesn't cause us to violate any PNPs just unnecessarily divides an already shrinking and divided community (all of EQ). I'd like to invite people along with me..and they'd definetly benefit from it...but like others have stated here, it's not worth the risk. They'll take the exp and loot we provide them, and then turn around and report us. At the very least..let me have then enjoyment of being a dick, if I'm gonna be banned. Daybreak is their own worst enemy. Other people routinely program their game better than they can (here and Emulators) and then they have rules that hinder people to play. It's like they're trying to make the game fail.

Don't even get me started on bug and issue reporting...they treat you like you're the problem. it's ridiculous. I don't create memory leaks...
Well the people who advertise and p level people 24/7, don't seem to have any issues with random people in their groups lol. If they don't get shutdown, then I think it would be pretty sad, if one person reported you and you got in trouble. I would rather not take a chance, but if some of the super egregious offenders are fine, then probably little risk. I like to help people and think it would be fun to add someone else to the group, but I would have to know them for awhile.
I invite random people into my group. i don't mind, as long as they are nice, and don't constantly beg to be added every single time im online. they are more than welcome to join me. no body cares if you are using automation if they are also benefitting from it, people only care when they feel its unfair..
I invite random people into my group. i don't mind, as long as they are nice, and don't constantly beg to be added every single time im online. they are more than welcome to join me. no body cares if you are using automation if they are also benefitting from it, people only care when they feel its unfair..
Very well said!
In the current environment I consider it just too risky. If they're fine with MQ they're probably running their own team. Most of the people who know of it, but refuse to use it are not too happy to see you using it either - and if you have them along and they see how efficiently you are able to do things that's just going to set them off at you even more (plus at that point they'll know the names of your entire group).
Yeah, back during RS & TBL, I did quite a bit. Post-ban-wave, no. I only have one online friend I've chatted with for a couple years who has a general understanding of botting and doesn't really care. He knows I multi-box and he knows a bunch of his guildmates do as well. He's older and on fixed income, so it feels pretty nice to get him some AA grinding once in a while as he only plays solo. Pretty much everyone on my server boxes, so they'd have to close it down if they went hard on bans here.
Discussion - Would you invite a stranger into your group?

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