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Discussion - What's everybody's opinion about Wizards ? (1 Viewer)


Active member
Nov 4, 2023
I see alot of threads pass by asking for the best duo/full group combinations. But in those threads, i hardly ever see anyone mention Wizards.
Are they not worth it anymore or is there something going on with them that i am not aware off ?
I'm sure they are fine, but Wizards problem has pretty much always been that Mages are almost or just as good at nuking but bring the utility of a pet, malo, damage shield and call of the hero.
In that case, a Wizard would be only viable if you already have one Mage in the group. Or is that a wrong assumption to make ?
In my opinion , to make a Wizard a viable and desired class to play on par with mages. Have wizard Nuke stuns unresistable to all mobs no matter what !
Like the other porting class, got the raw end of the deal in PoP and never really recovered in terms of utility compared to similar classes.
my original boxed duo was my sk and alt wiz. I dropped Him for a zerker eventually but the Ports and teleport to bind are pretty nice.

zerk is max aa currently so have brought wiz back out to gain aas . Zerket is better dps but he’s a plug-in vs a kiss file for the wiz. .
I run a wiz in my group and they can be competitive in group content. I think the rub is how subpar they currently are in raid content vs other classes. They are very RNG-dependent and sort of feast-or-famine class. In one fight with good procs, Wiz will pull 1.5m dps non-burn, and then the very next fight do 400k. All that being said, I love the convenience of ports, evacs, teleport to bind, and teleport to the guild hall.
I see alot of threads pass by asking for the best duo/full group combinations. But in those threads, i hardly ever see anyone mention Wizards.
Are they not worth it anymore or is there something going on with them that i am not aware off ?
Wizards are great for escaping, transport, late night shortie booty cyber calls…

<me> wish you were here.,.
<poof!> hi there…
<bow chika bow wow>

Halloween Magic GIF by Yandy.com
My original character was a WIZ, so when I came back, I rolled a WIZ for my group when I found my way to MQ. Obviously WIZ held a place in my heart. After reading numerous posts by WIZ raiders like Kizant for group and named/burn rotations, playing with KA for quiet a while and adding conditions to try to emulate DPS rotations and make the most of numerous procs all while watching him fall behind compared to my other DPS, I eventually mothballed him during COV and he just pulls port duty these days when I need it. I found more reliable F2P DPS in MAG. ROG and BER also outdamage WIZ in F2P group content. I don't miss ports as BRD double invis/lev + /travelto command get me almost anywhere quickly enough.
wizards are fine in group game, kinda like a wish . com version of a mage though. Ive found in group content to just engage and go all out as soon as the mob is in range, give enough time to do decent dps.
As far as ports, yeah theyve becone semi useless, most places, even running arnt more them 2-3 min away.
They work fine on raids, if its a 3 min or less fight. once burns are down, kinda just a downward glide for the dps (since modern raids are so long). Still top 10 dps, necro, mage, shaman, druid, rog, bst, rng, sk, war, some hand played ench all are better, and mostly bring other things.
My first character was a Wizard before I got killed while blinded as a level 5 in the Toxxulia Forest.

Wizards can be very fun if you want to do mass AOE and kill things fast. (to farm items or pp for example)

Try this for fun: (only works for mobs that are stunnable)

Low level:
Chanter, Chanter, Wiz, Wiz, Wiz, Wiz <chanter can be a puller due to the runes. Also, need two chanters here to ensure that there are no gaps between mass stunning>

High Level,
Chanter, Wiz, Wiz, Wiz, Wiz, <puller that can pull the entire zone and not die (Cleric and SK is high on this list. Cleric cast invulnerable once at camp ).
Also, only one chanter is needed because a high level chanter can chain cast mass stun without interruptions.>

Chanter will chain stun and wizard will kill EVERYTHING! Then, you need to med until your mana is full again and all spawns are back up... The wait is probably why that's why Wiz is not high up in the list. But used properly, wiz is a force to be reckoned with! Wiz is the most mana efficient if they can mass aoe mobs without drawing aggro unto them.

Oh, and they can port you out if you are in danger. That's just a bonus. That and their ability to be the most mana efficient burst dps.
I see alot of threads pass by asking for the best duo/full group combinations. But in those threads, i hardly ever see anyone mention Wizards.
Are they not worth it anymore or is there something going on with them that i am not aware off ?
Wiz is a class i really wish they would take an honest look at. Its a little unfair how behind it is overall in comparison to other dps classes. ( from my extremely limited perspective ) I was gonna type more but i have no interest in fueling anything. just really wish they would work with the wizzie.

As a note, wizards should be doing more damage in the next expac. Then again, so should just about everyone rofl. Love em for getting around, rarely go anywhere without one.
Wizards got a sneaky boost yesterday. Login to beta and try Mana Burn (hint it can now be focused, and its always a crit)... makes for pretty little booms. :eyepop: Also some of the burn timers (including mana burn) got reduced to max 20 min, some as low as 10 min.
Borrowed from the daybreak forums.

No idea if this will persuade people to use wizards over other casters, but at least they are trying to do something in the right direction.

Most of the Wizzy changes coming with LS will effect TLPs. ( on December 5th patch supposedly)

2. Crit rate is now 60% from 53%. The increase starts in CoTF so good for TLP.
3. AA nukes are 0.1 second cast so they shouldn't cause problems if you have a lot of lag anymore. Their mana cost was also reduced a lot so you can probably just spam them without thinking now.
4. Arcane Fury/Fury of the Gods changed to 15min reuse from 20mins. They also now last 2 mins instead of 4 mins but their effects were doubled. This does make our burns a lot stronger.
5. The mana burn changes which also go back to TBM.
Borrowed from the daybreak forums.

No idea if this will persuade people to use wizards over other casters, but at least they are trying to do something in the right direction.

Most of the Wizzy changes coming with LS will effect TLPs. ( on December 5th patch supposedly)

2. Crit rate is now 60% from 53%. The increase starts in CoTF so good for TLP.
3. AA nukes are 0.1 second cast so they shouldn't cause problems if you have a lot of lag anymore. Their mana cost was also reduced a lot so you can probably just spam them without thinking now.
4. Arcane Fury/Fury of the Gods changed to 15min reuse from 20mins. They also now last 2 mins instead of 4 mins but their effects were doubled. This does make our burns a lot stronger.
5. The mana burn changes which also go back to TBM.
mostly effect TLP.. what? wizards are fine on TLP's and these most effect live (just set back to not have the scenario with the weps)
I have a group right now that I run SK/BRD/CLR/WIZ/WIZ/WIZ.

I feel it's a great group. Lots of fun. I will eventually get to the point where I sub the CLR for SHM shortly. Then see what the differences will be.
mostly effect TLP.. what? wizards are fine on TLP's and these most effect live (just set back to not have the scenario with the weps)
you're rearranging the order of his words into a different statement

most of the changes do effect TLP. that doesnt mean that the update is primarily for TLP, just that alot of the changes will effect it.
you're rearranging the order of his words into a different statement

most of the changes do effect TLP. that doesnt mean that the update is primarily for TLP, just that alot of the changes will effect it.
maybe missing *the upcoming wizard changes will ALSO have an impact on TLPs*. but no biggy, happy for wiz and zerkers.. havent heard about monks + wep change :shrug: so, maybe only 1 super trash panda left.. (on live).
So a quick burn run tonight. Shei and 3/4 NoS missions. Parse is:
SK @ 863k
Wiz @ 818k
War @ 684k
Bst @ 671k
Shm @ 513k
Brd @ 234k

So wiz is there with the tanking shadowknight, a new warrior without any heroic aa, a ftp beastlord... On the plus side the wiz is running an untweaked kiss ini, so room for improvement there.
Seems wiz is below the bar for a real dps class. Still, with as many max aa characters as I (and most likely we all) have, there's room for one.
The wizard class just feels so empty. Like it is half a character. Their utility is teleports... That is it. They can have good DPS, but not enough to make up for the absence of any other substance. With how limited they are they really should be topping out DPS charts.
I was running a caster group for awhile: sk, clr, enc, mag, nec, X; with the x being a bst or a wiz. Group dps was the same generally with bst or wiz. I ended up using the bat instead; same overall group dps but I also get all the buffs.

Ports are nice but in the end they are like a rogue or zerker; they just do damage. Their damage profile should match accordingly, if it did you can bet I would have a place for my wiz in my caster group. Maybe one day.
Wizard are very convenient for ports and binds.
Their group Dps is decent, but irregular, it mostly depends if you got many gom allowing you to cast many big spell for free.
I don’t raid.
Their stun spell are underrated.
People playing wizard tend to complain a lot.
You need a lot of attention to play them effectively.
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Discussion - What's everybody's opinion about Wizards ?

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