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Discussion - TreeHuginDruid: we can't wait until you're back! (1 Viewer)


Oct 15, 2004

TreeHuginDruid has been a huge part of the MQ2 and EQ scene since the beginning. You'll see his name on countless macros, utilities, and changelogs not just here, but any interesting Everquest site from macroquest2 to mmobugs to guildchecker.com. We've been honored to have one of the scene's brightest stars on our staff, answering questions, fixing up KissAssist, posting cool HUD's, backing up our EQ settings, helping us check spawns, be lazy, and find friends. THG is a guy who simply loves helping other people, as his record here will attest.

TreeHumper is now taking a break from Redguides and EQ, but he will be back. He doesn't know when, but I'll keep busy searching for the dev's toon until then.

<3 you buddy, and good luck.
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We understand ya gotta do what ya gotta do but we will count the days till your return, please make them few..... you will be missed..... Thanks for all you have done!
Thanks for all your hard work! Especially all your Mage troubleshooting and spawn checker . Best of luck with whatever ventures your off to now!
Not too many names do I recognize from long ago in the MQ community but TreeHuginDruid is one of them. Hopefully some time away will refresh the batteries and help bring back the joy of things once he returns. I want to thank him for all of the help with various macros/plugins over the years.
Thanks guys,

I am not gone forever... just taking a break from EQ/MQ2/RedGuides due to real life issues requiring my full time and attention.

I need time to deal with RL issues.. and did not feel it was fair to the community for me not to be able to devote 100% of my time to it.
I'd rather not provide support at all and take a break from the world of Norrath... than give half ass support due to limited time.

I almost cried at the lovely announcement RedBot put out.. it really puts into perspective the many many many years I have devoted (since 2000 with EQ, 2003 with MQ2 and mmobugs, 2004 with RedGuides).

From helping the GuildChecker app get past a few patch issues when SOE changed how they store guild data server side back in 2007.. to my contributions to RedGuides and mmobugs communities.

One of my proudest moments was when Maskoi and RedBot offered me a paid position to develop and provide support to the RedGuides community. I love those guys (even though lizardboy has a skull thicker than cement when I try to get in major changes.. lol)

I a am not gone forever.. nor am I moving on to something else, I just want to be able to devote my full attention to my macros, utilities, development projects, KissAssist and the RG community for support... and unfortunately I am not in a position to do that now.

"I don't do anything half assed... I'M A FULL ASS !!!" -- lol

I'll drop by (from time to time) until RL issues permit me to devote my full attention and return as a moderator/developer for MQ2/RedGuides, but for now my visits will be very infrequent.

All my love... THG
(The trees in the forest feel safer now... since I'm not eyeing their knot-holes for my humping pleasure.) lol
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As a former member of MMOhugs for several, several years I appreciate the business I've done for you and support you've given me!

Real life comes first, we all agree.
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Can't wait to get our KissAssistant #1 back. Don't tell him but KissAssistant #2's code takes 4 times as long to go through.
BAM BAM ....

Just did a "drive by" support shooting.. lol

Knocked out a few support tickets and updated code for Cures in KA... lol
Told ya I wasn't gone for good... just infrequently here atm still...
Discussion - TreeHuginDruid: we can't wait until you're back!

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