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Question - ToV & CoV which missions to farm? (1 Viewer)

Jan 12, 2024
Something I'm looking forward to once this new team reaches that 110 marker is working through all of ToV and then CoV.

I'm curious about which missions you like to run for farming gear for your team as well as items to sell so I can afford to buy spells for all these stinking toons. My tank (Pally) will be already geared, but about half my team will need everything. Mage/Shm/Ench specifically.

Ok, to the point. I know I'll need to run all the missions at least once for the exp. However, I HATE missions that act like a puzzle. I just want to smash and loot. Kill the boss, get the loot. Not do 50 emotes and solve puzzles lol. If I wanted to do that, I would play Zelda.

With all that said.... which missions should I do on repeat? I know for CoV it looks like Zlandicar is right up my alley. If I could get 3 or 4 missions that I run regularly, that I just enter, kill the mobs, and be done, that would be great. The only one I have any experience with so far is GD. It's not too bad. Has some annoying mechanics but for the most part, you kill the guys and get the chest.

Thanks in advance! Once ToL goes f2p, I'll be trying to figure that out too.
Looks like "The Call" from what I can tell watching Sic's video is pretty much go in kill the dragons. So I suppose that can go on the list.

Kind of forgot that I'm going to need to run through the TBL stuff too for the illusion thingy.
Something I'm looking forward to once this new team reaches that 110 marker is working through all of ToV and then CoV.

I'm curious about which missions you like to run for farming gear for your team as well as items to sell so I can afford to buy spells for all these stinking toons. My tank (Pally) will be already geared, but about half my team will need everything. Mage/Shm/Ench specifically.

Ok, to the point. I know I'll need to run all the missions at least once for the exp. However, I HATE missions that act like a puzzle. I just want to smash and loot. Kill the boss, get the loot. Not do 50 emotes and solve puzzles lol. If I wanted to do that, I would play Zelda.

With all that said.... which missions should I do on repeat? I know for CoV it looks like Zlandicar is right up my alley. If I could get 3 or 4 missions that I run regularly, that I just enter, kill the mobs, and be done, that would be great. The only one I have any experience with so far is GD. It's not too bad. Has some annoying mechanics but for the most part, you kill the guys and get the chest.

Thanks in advance! Once ToL goes f2p, I'll be trying to figure that out too.
@cintile you know how they say...you ask a lot of really good questions...

I'm gonna go with the later part and say...Bro...you...ask A LOT of questions...

And now this ... @cintile tank vs. a Vah Shir Rogue...

"Me ow mother...sucka!"
Cat Fail GIF by AFV Pets
@cintile you know how they say...you ask a lot of really good questions...

I'm gonna go with the later part and say...Bro...you...ask A LOT of questions...

And now this ... @cintile vs. a Vah Shir Rogue...

"Me ow mother...sucka!"
Cat Fail GIF by AFV Pets

Just trying to give you something to do incase your bored..... /shrug good news tho.

It's Friday so I wont be back on the forums until Monday... when I get back to work lol. So you'll get a short break from all my inquiry.
GD (Restless Assault) is pretty easy once you have it down, but I'm not sure it's the zone in and burn you're looking for. It still feels like it takes forever for me at least.
I'll have a 123 BST as part of my team, hopefully that will be enough DPS to get the job done on these
Can't speak for CoV farming, but the TOV ones (In era, even janky squads):

Griklor - Stupid easy to burn. Worst case you kill a couple adds and he flies back up and you get him second try.
Velks/Sorc - Fairly simple. Lightly burn the first mob. Full burn the next two. ignore the adds. Collect loot.
Kael/AoW - This one is also easy if you drive the tank. There's a couple mq2events here on RG for the duck that work perfectly. take AOW down 5-10%, switch to the adds. repeat to 65%, mop up the adds. drop to 60, run to middle, and if you have furious/fort/deflect/etc, just full burn him down and deflect/fort/furious/whatever the adds and drop him. otherwise do the same 5-10% drop, kill adds, risne repeat. get loot. It's surprisingly easy after 1-2 attempts.

Great Divide - Just.. don't. I can get through it in about 15min (in era, tbl raid geared), but then waste 5-10 min on the Narandi section trying to avoid the DT. It's awful.
Can't speak for CoV farming, but the TOV ones (In era, even janky squads):

Griklor - Stupid easy to burn. Worst case you kill a couple adds and he flies back up and you get him second try.
Velks/Sorc - Fairly simple. Lightly burn the first mob. Full burn the next two. ignore the adds. Collect loot.
Kael/AoW - This one is also easy if you drive the tank. There's a couple mq2events here on RG for the duck that work perfectly. take AOW down 5-10%, switch to the adds. repeat to 65%, mop up the adds. drop to 60, run to middle, and if you have furious/fort/deflect/etc, just full burn him down and deflect/fort/furious/whatever the adds and drop him. otherwise do the same 5-10% drop, kill adds, risne repeat. get loot. It's surprisingly easy after 1-2 attempts.

Great Divide - Just.. don't. I can get through it in about 15min (in era, tbl raid geared), but then waste 5-10 min on the Narandi section trying to avoid the DT. It's awful.

I tried GD with my BST. The only issue I had is one of the guys spawned like 20 wolves. I had all the giants killed but couldn't deal with those wolves.
Don’t think you’re going to get much to sell farming cov as it’s going to be nodrop besides spells and prestige so your ftp toons won’t be able to gain gear from it unfortunately.
Don’t think you’re going to get much to sell farming cov as it’s going to be nodrop besides spells and prestige so your ftp toons won’t be able to gain gear from it unfortunately.

Im on FV, no drop isnt much of an issue. I'm also only trying to make enough keep everyones spells and krono on tank.
Don’t think you’re going to get much to sell farming cov as it’s going to be nodrop besides spells and prestige so your ftp toons won’t be able to gain gear from it unfortunately.

I missed part of what you said. good point about the prestige, that will def be an issue. Guess ill still need the spells tho and since no drop isnt a problem i can bazaar some of it.
TOV easy ones are kael and sorc.

sell any spare snowbound, it has a good market (and some of the loot is generally non prestige).

COV can do zland easy peasy, and crusaders easy (go in, go clockwise).

since your a FV'r id ask around for spell runes and type 5s, people give away tbl and tov sets all the time, this can help cut down on re-running for currency.
TOV easy ones are kael and sorc.

sell any spare snowbound, it has a good market (and some of the loot is generally non prestige).

COV can do zland easy peasy, and crusaders easy (go in, go clockwise).

since your a FV'r id ask around for spell runes and type 5s, people give away tbl and tov sets all the time, this can help cut down on re-running for currency.
Crusaders is a DPS check. If he can't meet that threshold it will fail. Once over it ... its imminently repeatable.
Your tank and spank type missions

TBL Fights fire
TOV Gricklor Sorcerer
COV Zlandicar - if dps CALL/Crusaders
TOL - Shei If the tank/DPS are decent CTG
NOS - Door, if DPS (aka headshot/assassinate) Under Siege, if tank then Darklight
This is not using any special Lua/reacts etc just go in and do them.
Add Lua to the mix and all the missions are imminently doable.
Your tank and spank type missions

TBL Fights fire
TOV Gricklor Sorcerer
COV Zlandicar - if dps CALL/Crusaders
TOL - Shei If the tank/DPS are decent CTG
NOS - Door, if DPS (aka headshot/assassinate) Under Siege, if tank then Darklight
This is not using any special Lua/reacts etc just go in and do them.
Add Lua to the mix and all the missions are imminently doable.
What Lua do I need to make all of them doable?
Thanks for the list, I just graduated 4 of my toons from cov to los and haven’t tried under siege yet , will have to give it a go !!
What Lua do I need to make all of them doable?
LEM has most of them. Sometimes its just knowing how to 'beat' the mechanics.

TOV - You can theoretically just all out burn AOW rather than doing all the kneeling if your dps is high enough. Or you can do the Lua for kneeling. GD isnt 'hard' but its a lot of running around and the char has to zone in for credit.
COV - You could do a Lua to handle the golem - or just have a good enough group to tank/burn 2 mobs in era at once
TOL - Lua will help with shei boot/heals but you 'can' do them, Aten - Lua can help with charming gargs and moving from emote. Or you can 'eat' the emote and ignore that achieve OOL - movement matters more than anything else but its not a particularly easy tank and spank fight.
NOS - Door you can Lua for achieves or just eat stuff and burn through it. US you 'could' use a Lua but easier to just set up in place and burn. Mean Streets... I hear there is a Lua for it but /meh
LS - FF you can Lua it if you want or just take 3 chars and 3 mercs in and kill it. Heroes - there is a Lua available to make it doable with just about any group
LEM has most of them. Sometimes its just knowing how to 'beat' the mechanics.

TOV - You can theoretically just all out burn AOW rather than doing all the kneeling if your dps is high enough. Or you can do the Lua for kneeling. GD isnt 'hard' but its a lot of running around and the char has to zone in for credit.
COV - You could do a Lua to handle the golem - or just have a good enough group to tank/burn 2 mobs in era at once
TOL - Lua will help with shei boot/heals but you 'can' do them, Aten - Lua can help with charming gargs and moving from emote. Or you can 'eat' the emote and ignore that achieve OOL - movement matters more than anything else but its not a particularly easy tank and spank fight.
NOS - Door you can Lua for achieves or just eat stuff and burn through it. US you 'could' use a Lua but easier to just set up in place and burn. Mean Streets... I hear there is a Lua for it but /meh
LS - FF you can Lua it if you want or just take 3 chars and 3 mercs in and kill it. Heroes - there is a Lua available to make it doable with just about any group
I like the idea of ignoring the kneeling and just burning him down. If that's possible, then I would much rather just do that. The dps ill be bringing into that fight is a 123 Bst and 112ish Mage.
velk and grik are easy. Velk just isn't convenient to get to. Zlandicar is lolz too, just out of the way.

Velk isn’t fast to get to - with a bard I’d say easy. But honestly if you are doing those two I would suggest doing great divide. In error it might take a little bit of time but easy enough to knock all 3 out with timers. And by time COV gear rolls around it’s very easy. Just not done in 5 minutes but more leak 10-13min. But it makes going to volks worthwhile.
I like the idea of ignoring the kneeling and just burning him down. If that's possible, then I would much rather just do that. The dps ill be bringing into that fight is a 123 Bst and 112ish Mage.
That is no where near enough DPS. You probably need a group dps of 4 to 4.5 million to get that done. And the tank needs to be able to tank/CC 5 unmezzable giants +AOW and 5 mezzable swords at the top once he moves battlefields
Velk isn’t fast to get to - with a bard I’d say easy. But honestly if you are doing those two I would suggest doing great divide. In error it might take a little bit of time but easy enough to knock all 3 out with timers. And by time COV gear rolls around it’s very easy. Just not done in 5 minutes but more leak 10-13min. But it makes going to volks worthwhile.
If you are going from outside TOV you can take the pok book to GD and hit both GD/velks pretty easy. Then you can do the portal stone to EW and hit Grik/AOW/Call missions... if you were going to do all of them at once that is
That is no where near enough DPS. You probably need a group dps of 4 to 4.5 million to get that done. And the tank needs to be able to tank/CC 5 unmezzable giants +AOW and 5 mezzable swords at the top once he moves battlefields
Last time I tried burning this, he HP locked at 2% and I had to kill most of the adds anyway. I know there's a threshold, because I can usually burn the 20-40% and adds poof, but a straight nuke fest from 60%, he locks.
Last time I tried burning this, he HP locked at 2% and I had to kill most of the adds anyway. I know there's a threshold, because I can usually burn the 20-40% and adds poof, but a straight nuke fest from 60%, he locks.

Same and I use to do this all the time when brining up a new group. I just assumed they made it so you couldn’t bypass the intended function.
Last time I tried burning this, he HP locked at 2% and I had to kill most of the adds anyway. I know there's a threshold, because I can usually burn the 20-40% and adds poof, but a straight nuke fest from 60%, he locks.
So couple things. You BURN until he changes location. Then you have to KILL all the stuff that spawned before he ported (giants/swords) so that his HP doesnt lock. THEN you can choose (or not) to kill the adds that come in above for that achieve (the minions and some of the swords) or burn him down the rest of the way.
LEM has most of them. Sometimes its just knowing how to 'beat' the mechanics.

TOV - You can theoretically just all out burn AOW rather than doing all the kneeling if your dps is high enough. Or you can do the Lua for kneeling. GD isnt 'hard' but its a lot of running around and the char has to zone in for credit.
COV - You could do a Lua to handle the golem - or just have a good enough group to tank/burn 2 mobs in era at once
TOL - Lua will help with shei boot/heals but you 'can' do them, Aten - Lua can help with charming gargs and moving from emote. Or you can 'eat' the emote and ignore that achieve OOL - movement matters more than anything else but its not a particularly easy tank and spank fight.
NOS - Door you can Lua for achieves or just eat stuff and burn through it. US you 'could' use a Lua but easier to just set up in place and burn. Mean Streets... I hear there is a Lua for it but /meh
LS - FF you can Lua it if you want or just take 3 chars and 3 mercs in and kill it. Heroes - there is a Lua available to make it doable with just about any group
Which Lua will do HaF with almost any group? The one I'm running I havent had much success with.
That is no where near enough DPS. You probably need a group dps of 4 to 4.5 million to get that done. And the tank needs to be able to tank/CC 5 unmezzable giants +AOW and 5 mezzable swords at the top once he moves battlefields
Thanks for mentioning this as I was reading this thinking, "Wow, I didn't realise how easy some of these were."

As a line in the sand for my own group of 120 mag, mag, tank + 2 x healer merc and dps merc, I was hitting around 1.2 million DPS on Griklor (I know this is low as people were beating him at 110). However, this ties in to my post about having to over-load my characters to beat the mob which then means the drops are meaningless.

For me to get around 4.5 million DPS, I'd have to farm a bunch of augs / AAs / (LS gear) etc. which means by the time I could pump out that DPS, I'd probably not need any of the stuff that dropped as I'd be wearing better just to beat the instance.
Thanks for mentioning this as I was reading this thinking, "Wow, I didn't realise how easy some of these were."

As a line in the sand for my own group of 120 mag, mag, tank + 2 x healer merc and dps merc, I was hitting around 1.2 million DPS on Griklor (I know this is low as people were beating him at 110). However, this ties in to my post about having to over-load my characters to beat the mob which then means the drops are meaningless.

For me to get around 4.5 million DPS, I'd have to farm a bunch of augs / AAs / (LS gear) etc. which means by the time I could pump out that DPS, I'd probably not need any of the stuff that dropped as I'd be wearing better just to beat the instance.
I mean you can beat the instance normally without nearly that much DPS, you can probably win with as little as 200k DPS. In fact AOW is 'harder' with more DPS than less until you hit the point where you can do the strat mentioned above.
I mean you can beat the instance normally without nearly that much DPS, you can probably win with as little as 200k DPS. In fact AOW is 'harder' with more DPS than less until you hit the point where you can do the strat mentioned above.
I agree with you there. I was doing Griklor quite easily at one point where he flew off so I could kill the adds. Then I hit a point where I was doing enough damage to keep him hanging around and the adds just built up to the point where I died. I had to slow my dps down to get back on track (I have no CC on this particular group until I level my chanter / bard)
Question - ToV & CoV which missions to farm?

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