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Suspended? (2 Viewers)


Ex-Admin Dust Bunny
Mar 16, 2006
Ok...finally got the GM wacking stick. It says my account is suspened and I should contact customer service for more info. Does that mean just suspended or could that mean banned. Never had anything like this done to my accounts before.
In my case I logged in one day and my account said suspended. About 5 days later they sent me a nasty e-mail that said they were reviewing whether or not I should be banned. I guess they like to make you suffer for a while. Anyway, a few days later the suspended status changed to banned. So, as long as it still says suspended there's still hope.
Not contacting CS is all well and good if you use it to play with MQ2, but what if someone else has hacked into your account and used it to hack stuff, gotten your account suspended and when you try to log in, it says suspended? (BTW.. this happened to a friend that doesn't use any hacks or cheats... he had 2 accounts and 1 was hacked... maybe he should call CS and tell them to check the logs of his main account? Why would he 2 box and hack with one and not the other?)

Any suggestions?
Well thats different, if he can prove it wasnt him on the account.

GM's have the ability to see what IP a toon is logged on from at a given time. If the IP that was logged on at the time of the offense is different from the one that is normally logged with that toon, (and youre sure of it) then by all means, have them look into it. Once they see the difference, one of two things will happen.

1) you access will be restored

2) Compromised account action will be taken, and the account is banned, as well as any accounts normally logged on from the offender's IP address. (I've never seen this done, but GM's have threatened me with it, it's probably just a scare tactic to discourage people from claiming their account was hacked)

But if you got busted for hacking, and you were, laying low is the best option
Mikiky said:
Not contacting CS is all well and good if you use it to play with MQ2, but what if someone else has hacked into your account and used it to hack stuff, gotten your account suspended and when you try to log in, it says suspended? (BTW.. this happened to a friend that doesn't use any hacks or cheats... he had 2 accounts and 1 was hacked... maybe he should call CS and tell them to check the logs of his main account? Why would he 2 box and hack with one and not the other?)

Any suggestions?
At that point, I would do a virus scan on your computer and try and find a virus...or if you don't have a virus scanner, go google "Keylogger" and then use the program name as something that you found on your computer when you're stating your case to CS. I don't recommmend this to someone who DID use MQ2, but rather as someone who is a legit user for EQ.

They typical procedure is for them to do an investigation into the account and it will show that the account was accessed from a different location and then a roundabout time when the account would have had all of the items removed or how the character was changed. He needs to state everything that was the way it was before it got hacked and then tell them what he now does not have. It generally takes them 2-3 days to release the account from suspended status if it was hacked into. But at that point, if it were me, I would really lean towards as to the "why" the account was compromised.

If you have multi accts and only one of them is suspended (More than likely due to a petition) what is the likelihood they'd look at other accts linked to the same email address? And if they do, how closely do they look at them?

I wasn't playing the account at the time is was suspended, but a good friend (one I trust enough to give my codes to) was. Obviously I had no issues with what he was doing while on the acct so not blaming them. Just wondering whether or not I need to be looking over my shoulder every time I log on one of my other accts now till this 'investigation' blows over.
RedDog said:
Just wondering whether or not I need to be looking over my shoulder every time I log on one of my other accts now till this 'investigation' blows over.

Well, imho, you should be looking over your shoulder at all times, not because of GMs, but rather, other players. That's just me though. I got dumb and had an account suspended for 14 days. (didn't contact CS - just waited it out until the suspension was over at which point I found my account rolled back to lvl 1.)

I am convinced that SOE pretty much accepts MQ to a certain degree. It simply wouldn't make sense to ban all the MQ users. They would lose TOO much money given that a good portion of the MQ users hold multiple accounts. It is my opinion that the biggest threat to your accounts is not even the average EQ player, rather, it is likely other MQ users who can see you blipping in and out or warping around the zone via MQ2map. This is one of the reasons I have stopped warping aside from the nice packet sent home tracking your movement along with the alleged server side movement checks.

That said, I wouldn't get it in your head that someone (big brother) is out to get you as that wouldn't make for a very good gaming experience; however, as always, use but use intelligently and discretely.
The IP address thing; Not everyone has the same IP address everytime they log in, dialup users won't and some dsl users may have different IP addresses dependant upon several factors.

My point is if the history of your account always shows the same IP address, and you claim someone else used it...they would know you were lying. If you use dialup or are assigned a different IP by a router or dsl or something occassinally, there is no way of them knowing if those different IPs are you or not.
Ferny50 said:
Well, imho, you should be looking over your shoulder at all times, not because of GMs, but rather, other players....
...That said, I wouldn't get it in your head that someone (big brother) is out to get you as that wouldn't make for a very good gaming experience; however, as always, use but use intelligently and discretely.
I always do. I'm more conscious and concerned with players than GMs any day.

I guess my question should have read something more like "Do I need to hold my breath every time I open my acct for fear of seeing that dreaded window" because of the link between all of the accts via email address
I saw a guy who our guild had a few run-ins with in Wos yesterday warping around MPG killing mobs with his little ugly duckling group of 4 or 5 toons. He did it twice and I caught it because I was watching the map for something else. I believe he had been hanging out around our raids in wos before to try to gank some loot (I understand he tried that a few times before, but I can't confirm as I was only there once).

I know this guy is an asshat from prior experience and now him warping around killing named that other groups had spawned by camping the ph'ers... I have to admit it was really tempting to turn his ass in. If I wasn't concerned about bringing attention to myself, I may have.
Seen this twice on Fennin...I was running from PHer to Pher in NC and had a group of 4 pop on top of me then disapear...few minutes later they pop next to another pher I had just killed.
Another time I am killing sarnaks on my way down to bridgekeeper and see the fabled captain dropping in health without being aggro. Couple seconds later he drops and the corpse poofs....no one nearby.
Funny thing is the same person was in the zone during the captian dieing and porting a group around in nc.....

These are actually why I first came to this site. I wanted to know how they where doing these. I did not report them then. Now a days I would because I assume that the people that have these plugins can see what I am doing and are useing a cheat to interfere with my game.
I would not report them if I knew they where using MQ and not interfering with my play though.
On the other hand if he was an "asshat" (I have a short list of these as well) I would have no qualms of getting him/her banned.
Of course as I have said before I don't use MQ so don't have the same concerns. However, if I did I would just have someone else do the reporting.
Threefeet said:
Another time I am killing sarnaks on my way down to bridgekeeper and see the fabled captain dropping in health without being aggro. Couple seconds later he drops and the corpse poofs....no one nearby.
Funny thing is the same person was in the zone during the captian dieing and porting a group around in nc.....
Threefeet said:
Of course as I have said before I don't use MQ so don't have the same concerns. However, if I did I would just have someone else do the reporting.

How do you see these things without using MQ? Knowing where everyone is at in the zone is one of the best features of MQ.
I used my non KOS monk to see when the fabled bridgekeeper was up. I was in front of the captian as his hp bar was going down and he was just standing there. I can see all around me and have see invis items. And by hitting the / key you get who is in the zone.....

Nothing strange about it:)
The IP address thing; Not everyone has the same IP address everytime they log in, dialup users won't and some dsl users may have different IP addresses dependant upon several factors.

My point is if the history of your account always shows the same IP address, and you claim someone else used it...they would know you were lying. If you use dialup or are assigned a different IP by a router or dsl or something occassinally, there is no way of them knowing if those different IPs are you or not.

Right, unless you are running a web server your IP address will cycle every so often.. but, IP addresses in the same service area will always have certain distinguishable numbers.

For example, in the IP , the underlined numbers represent the adress of the WAN subnetwork, and the bold numbers represent individual PC's or LANS external IP.

So even when your IP cycles, it would cycle to, because your subnetwork address is dedicated, and doesn't change.

So unless the person who hacked your accound lives in the same neighborhood/city as you, a GM should be able to clearly distinguish who was logged on from where and when.
Threefeet said:
porting a group around in nc.....

I have never used a monk so maybe they have a skill I don't know about. But tracking only tells me distance and direction. And from my experience tracking is not an exact science, sometimes the tracking info is not real time so it might appear a mob/npc is popping around a little.

Does this person know you? They must know you are standing beside the mob they are killing! If someone was Ghostkilling a mob I was standing by I would be tempted to turn them in for being stupid!!! People like that draw attention to all aspects of MQ.

From my experience with Superkill/Ghostkill if you are standing near the mob being killed you will see the attacking toon popping in and out (I have see this happen).

Since you were standing near the corpse why didn't you get the "SoAndSo" has looted text message that would tell you who loote the corpse.

I am not saying that you can't occasionally see things without using anything that "SOE would say" violates their rules but I find it hard to believe that you can know what other toons all over the zone without something that SOE would disapprove of...

I use always MQ (when available hehe) and occasionally do things that the folks at the MQ2 site would not approve of but I take great effort to be sure I do not negatively affect anyone else.
Stoic said:
Right, unless you are running a web server your IP address will cycle every so often.. but, IP addresses in the same service area will always have certain distinguishable numbers.

For example, in the IP , the underlined numbers represent the adress of the WAN subnetwork, and the bold numbers represent individual PC's or LANS external IP.

So even when your IP cycles, it would cycle to, because your subnetwork address is dedicated, and doesn't change.

So unless the person who hacked your accound lives in the same neighborhood/city as you, a GM should be able to clearly distinguish who was logged on from where and when.
Depends on the subnet class.
I've been suspended once, and once only. I knew this "Don't call them" mentality. Anyway, I honestly don't see why you shouldn't call them.

In my case I was given no reason, no e-mail, nothing. I just tried logging on one day and it said my account was suspended. I contnued to write a e-mail to SOE (well, I wrote two because SOE CS is a slow bunch of monkeys who doesn't know the first thing about Customer Service) and told them in no uncertain terms that I was really annoyed that had suspended my account for no reason, since ofcourse; I don't cheat. I also pointed out that they were not following their own policies/rules with sending an e-mail to the address defined on the "offending" account.

After a few days (from my second e-mail) I just recieved a canned answer that I had been using a 3rd party software for automated farming or something.

To the entire "don't call them" thing. Keeping quiet and not doing anything, is acknowledging to them that you are in fact cheating. You don't know on what grounds they suspended you, so how can you know, untill they give you the reason, that it isn't just a name? Forcing a name-change would be better than suspension/banning in these cases, and trust me I'd keep bashing at them till they saw this.

Staying quiet is accepting.
Take a moment. Consider this:


I know without a doubt that he did everything under the sun. I agree with you ELS, I think staying quiet is accepting it. This post I linked above is not the way to do it though. For instance "(#)7 The $1200 in payments that I made on that account - GONE". I think that this way is the wrong way to do it. In this post, he only came back and made the example out of himself that SoE wanted him to do to say "Don't Cheat" to everyone.

You can start a war with Customer Service and you may win. Eventually though, you're going to have to suck up and say that you won't do it again to get the account back, which to me is still losing and accepting it.

So, here's my question to you: How do you tell SoE that you hack and get your account back without backing down on the fact that you've hacked?
I kinda view it as a traffic court type deal. Say a cop gives you a speeding ticket. You know for a fact you were doing over the limit maybe just fudging it a bit by doing about 10 over.

Now the question is do you want to take it to court or not? I know where I live some judges will throw it out because they feel the cop is just wasting there time busting somebody doing ten over, but other judges will bring the hammer down and not only do you have to pay the orginal fine but also court cost and taxes on top of it.

So do you want to take the slap on the wrist or do you want to try to fight and get off knowing your guilty and risk losing your account?

I'd prefer to take the slap and get my account back it ain't worth getting 10 days back to lose an account forever.
You have 4 options.

1. Continue to cheat and hope you don't get caught, hoping that you aren't the next to be made an example of.
2. Quit playing and get a life outside of EQ.
3. Outright quit using MQ2 and hope that they don't have you flagged to be watched.
4. Get in contact with a GM directly before you're banned and let them know that you've been cheating and that you'd like to let them know so that you can absolve yourself of any wrongdoings that you've had so far so that you can keep your account, MQ2 free. I know this isn't a good for business suggestion for RG's, but really...lets be practical for a minute.

As for 4, I know that some of you are going to flame the hell out of me for even suggesting this, but my point is this: You can quit using MQ2 and not worry about the risk of being banned. You can turn yourself in according to article 1388 of the KB and undergo very lax punishment. Most people don't have the balls to do 3 and would just as soon continue to hack until they get caught. Again, its up to you, the player and consumer of SoE's product which YOU PAY FOR.
IamBigDaddy said:
I have never used a monk so maybe they have a skill I don't know about. But tracking only tells me distance and direction. And from my experience tracking is not an exact science, sometimes the tracking info is not real time so it might appear a mob/npc is popping around a little.

Does this person know you? They must know you are standing beside the mob they are killing! If someone was Ghostkilling a mob I was standing by I would be tempted to turn them in for being stupid!!! People like that draw attention to all aspects of MQ.

From my experience with Superkill/Ghostkill if you are standing near the mob being killed you will see the attacking toon popping in and out (I have see this happen).

Since you were standing near the corpse why didn't you get the "SoAndSo" has looted text message that would tell you who loote the corpse.

LOL I never expected to be defending myself for not using mq:P

I didn't "track" anything. My monk was in front of the fabled captian with the captian targeted. My other three were fighting thier way down to that area when the hp bar started dropping on the captian. He didn't aggro, didn't get a message of him attacking or anything that I saw. (Might have because as I said I was fighting down with the other three and could have missed it) He just stood there while his hps dropped.
I did not see anyone ghosting in and out. I did a /enter and recieved 6 names in the zone list. Four were my characters leaving two others. I also did not see a "SoandSo" looted message. The corpse just poofed.

Maybe one day I will load up mq2...I have alot of other things that are higher on my priority list than figuring out how to do compiles and other items needed to do it. Yes I am a programming illiterate. But it doesn't mean I can't understand (with a little help/research) what is going on in front of me. Not understanding what happened and my research to find out what happened lead me here.
Article 1388 outlines that if someone is duping or if you've found an exploit that if you do not abuse it that you have the chance to turn it and the exploit in without any reprocussion.
Though, I remember TeachersPet turning in a major exploit and SoE turning around and banning him from the game.

So, i guess it just depends on the GM.. heh :)
Hmm, this is all very interesting. But why would you ever turn in another person for using MQ?

Just like speeding (to keep the analogy already given), If you are speeding along at 7mph over the limit, and somebody flies past you at 15 over, what do you do? I personally will speed up to 10 or 12 over because I figure the guy who's being more blatant with his law-breaking will flush out any officials ahead of me.

Then, when he does finally get caught, the GMs will preen and point and talk about how they are cleaning up the servers of cheating scum. Great---they meet their quota and stuff somebody's head on a plaque. As long it ain't my head, I figure he took the hit that would have been mine. As long as I am being more subtle, then the other guy will be above me on the chances-to-get-banned list.

As long as he is speeding faster than me, then I continue to find his presence useful. Besides, it's totally hypocritical to go after another person breaking the rules in same way you are, just being more obvious about it. Once the speeder gets caught, then I have to go back to 7mph, over.
As a note, and this will be posted in other locations for those of you who do not monitor this thread.

MQ2Ghost (in all forms, GhostKill, GhostCast)


These will get you banned or have your character flagged to be monitored per the logs for a check within the next 48 hours of usage. I would stop using them now if I were you.

I was suspended for a total of 2 hours until I did major bitching to get my account back.
I'm fairly curious how much bitching it really would take for SoE to unsuspend an account that fast.... lol and especially curious if it was over the phone or via email. I'd have to assume that it was somehow over the phone, since their email CS is crap. I had an issue a while back and spent hours looking for a working phone number for those guys.
Just curious: if an acct has been suspended in the past, and is now "flagged" for repeat offenses, is it the character that was caught that's flagged, or the account itself?

Like.. would all characters on that account be watched? And what if one of them was moved to another account? Would it lose the 'flag'?
I've put it in my Common GM Misconceptions post that your account has a player ID number like "H2E0D99" that they will track you on any of your characters. Its the account, not the specific player.

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