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Question - So I'm on Antonius Bayle... (1 Viewer)

Oct 4, 2005
And I'm a bit bored. I currently have three accounts although one of those has two level ones on it. I have an 86 bard who is under-geared and under aa'd, the same to be said for my 83 Mage on a separate account. On the Mage account, I do have a 76 Sk with just over a thousand aa.
My questions are these. What do I do now? Do I start three new level ones and kissassist them up? Or do I stick with what I've got and raise a last class on the third account? Do I level the SK?or do I concentrate on aas on the Mage?
Depending on the answers, which class to I then level up on the third account? Was thinking another pet class like beast?
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Same server as me mate.

You have the start of a fab group tbh. You need a healer, dps n slows so go for a cleric n rogue to start that way u need not worry about paid accounts.

As for slows not to sure. I picked a shammy as I have never played one though I'm sure beast slows n the extra dps would have been good to.
dont really *need* a cleric because you can always use mercs. Personally, the box crew I use is a beastlord, sk, ranger, bard and monk, and cleric merc.. if im 4 boxing i drop the monk for another cleric merc if named is to hard.. But my SK has shit for gear because the bst is my main

But with 3 characters it can go this
tank-dps-dps-healer merc-healer merc *if 2 is needed* and dps merc or you can use a tank merc so it will auto tank and a extra tank is always nice to have till you are maxed gear wise LOL


the T5 cleric mercs are pretty bad ass on reactive especially at 95
I do Sk, mage, mage, mage, shaman, bard/cleric depending on the camp. I started with a 85 mage and PLed the sk to 70 then swarmed him to 90 and 3.5k aa and then used him to uber pl the other toons up.

I ended up going a bunch of mages mostly because I think it's funny. 3 air pets will damn near permastun mobs.
I went for a fairy Ballenced focused group and Cleric merc.


The idea being the melees will benefit from both Song of the Storm line (DD Proc) and the shaman Puma Line.

Currenty im sat at level 60-65 aaing up Thanks to allot of help from Nicesamwiches who kindly Pled my SK up as I was getting frustrated with my War.

I had considered moving the wiz out for a rogue or another melee dps (or mage) however the utility of the ports as well as the very good dps is useful. In lieu of Warp and piggyzones the Ports are invaluable imo.

I can take on about 4/5 Yellows (at level 65) mobs with no issues and fairly fast kills with this make up and no down time.

I am starting to Migrate my guys up to 65 as the useful aas are running out now.

I plan to invest in the pet aas to allow them to gain benifit from the Proc spells to boost my dps further.
Question - So I'm on Antonius Bayle...

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