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Question - Returning to EQ (1 Viewer)

Dec 2, 2021
I started playing EQ again and I have 5 lifetime accounts with different toons on each. Trying to box has been frustrating. I used MQ awhile ago and it was awesome, but that was when the suspension waves started to hit and I stopped. I would love to use this software again, but was wondering how things have been on the suspension/ban front? I don't care if I got a suspension, I would just stop, but a ban would really suck lol. I see people on FV using this software day and night, p leveling people, so not sure what they do that is special. So my question is, have things died down a bit on the witch hunt that was going on last year and if I did get caught just kissassist, no warping etc, do you usually get a suspension first? Thanks!!
I started playing EQ again and I have 5 lifetime accounts with different toons on each. Trying to box has been frustrating. I used MQ awhile ago and it was awesome, but that was when the suspension waves started to hit and I stopped. I would love to use this software again, but was wondering how things have been on the suspension/ban front? I don't care if I got a suspension, I would just stop, but a ban would really suck lol. I see people on FV using this software day and night, p leveling people, so not sure what they do that is special. So my question is, have things died down a bit on the witch hunt that was going on last year and if I did get caught just kissassist, no warping etc, do you usually get a suspension first? Thanks!!
MQ remains against ToS.

The number of reported suspensions have gone down substantially, but it is always a risk you accept using unapproved 3rd party software.

We dont have any "active" hacks here, like warp or anything like that anyhow.

EQ has at *their* discretion as to how they apply their discipline - anything else you here is just anecdotal.

if this thread gets turned into tin-foil hats, it'll get merged into the fippy mega-thread, which is locked behind lvl 2.

just come back and play the game if you want. Many of us still play daily
OK thanks, you've always been an awesome help to people on here! I will definitely get level 2. Does that cover the sub cost for MQ2 also, I forget how that works.
RG lvl 2 gives you access to the RG launcher and all the stuff that is included with RG. There are other "premium" things available at redguides, which are not part of lvl 2, like TCG, or mq2grind, or cwtn class plugins (tho those come included with lvl 2 on test)
I started playing EQ again and I have 5 lifetime accounts with different toons on each. Trying to box has been frustrating. I used MQ awhile ago and it was awesome, but that was when the suspension waves started to hit and I stopped. I would love to use this software again, but was wondering how things have been on the suspension/ban front? I don't care if I got a suspension, I would just stop, but a ban would really suck lol. I see people on FV using this software day and night, p leveling people, so not sure what they do that is special. So my question is, have things died down a bit on the witch hunt that was going on last year and if I did get caught just kissassist, no warping etc, do you usually get a suspension first? Thanks!!
It's simple. Use the software and stay at the keyboard. Even if you go to the bathroom, stop using the software and unload it even. Or move your group to a non-combat zone to be safe. Or even a place where you won't have a wondering mob. If a GM "happens" to contact you, respond promptly. Have an audio trigger and use tell windows at least. I have been spoken to by GM's at times, and they literally ask if I am there. Once I say a thing or two to them, they just remind me to stay at my keyboard, and continue on to their next task. Once I was even told that he knew I was using auto play software, but they don't really care as long as I am at the keyboard. Not saying they will all act that way, but just throwing that out there.

As a side note, GM's rarely don't just "happen" over to you unless someone petitions and they get to you within business hours M-F 7AM-6PM (PST). There are no more night / weekend shifts for active game monitoring (in the majority of the calendar year), don't ask how I know that. DB has scaled way back in the last few years to save on budget to make room for other things. So anyway, with that said, just don't AFK while doing auto things. You'll be fine.

FV server has a lot of activity because of the type of server that it is. Easier to obtain some items (as many things are tradable that would be no-drop on a standard server), and it's considered a "Role Play" server. It's just the language barrier thing they have going on that promotes this (You have to master the languages separately as there is no "common" language). Official server language I believe is Elven. I just max out all the languages right away with the Language macro. I personally run on this server mostly myself because I do like the player base there. Ex-Cazic player here.

To summarize, you don't have to worry so much as long as you don't AFK play, and don't run anything else that is clearly a HUGE hack like warping, etc.

Hope this helps.
@Doc James has summed it up nicely, I would just like to add that courtesy goes a long way when interacting with other players (boxing or not). I find that being friendly and even helpful at times tends to leave others with a good first impression. the more a player does this the better they are remembered and in return get less hassle (at least for me being from test)

welcome back to the greatest boxing community eq has to offer, hope your return to Norrath is fun regardless of what server you choose!
@Doc James has summed it up nicely, I would just like to add that courtesy goes a long way when interacting with other players (boxing or not). I find that being friendly and even helpful at times tends to leave others with a good first impression. the more a player does this the better they are remembered and in return get less hassle (at least for me being from test)

welcome back to the greatest boxing community eq has to offer, hope your return to Norrath is fun regardless of what server you choose!
I want to throw in a bit of caution to what you said. You have to be very cautious when interacting with other players when using the software. If they know you are using it, or they suspect you are, it could result in a petition about it (provided they are not using soft/tools). Even if you are being nice. Happened to me a couple times. (when I actually had to speak to GM's before at times). Some people really react adversely to our playing style and tools. So be cautious and do not AFK play! 🙏
It costs 50 Red cents for a month and just from this question, it looks like people have gifted you enough to start, stay active, and be helpful in the community, and it should be easy to keep enough to pay for the service.

As for the ban/suspension issue, I joined this site after they went through the inquisition so I'm not sure about that. I'm going on 3 months and haven't had any issues but I don't use it when other people are in the same zone and if people do come to the zone; I pause what is running and see if they are just passing through and if they stay I just log out and switch to another group to level or farm stuff.

We have enough of an advantage that there is no reason to be a jerk about it especially since EQ is sooo big with so much to do we certainly don't want to make waves with the regular gaming community, we are already outlaws from the Sheriff, we don't need the villagers mad at us too.

Some Lua's say "start in PoK" but I just look at the file and see where it's taking me and stand next to the porter it will use so I'm not "robot" running my group through 50 people all noticing I am making 90 degrees turns at max speed around corners which manual driven players don't do. Just be careful, don't be a jerk and you should be ok.

EDIT: I just read Doc's post about the GM scaleback and realized I am almost never online using macros to battle when the gms are on so maybe I dodged a bullet in that sense. I am on all the time but I will be foraging/fishing with guys in several zones so people don't normally question a lone guy fishing and I don't destroy anything and leave piles of shoes and stuff laying around for that "authentic" fisherman feel. I was in nightmare getting the fish to make the fisherman companion for my guildmates and a guy came by and asked if I had any spare fish and roots cause he was using em for trade skills (probably making darts he pulled with), I handed him 1000 each and asked if that was enough and he was like hell yeah. he was kite killing and I struck a deal with him to trade 10 hobgoblin meat or any of the shlargle(sp) parts per stack of fish and roots, he stopped needing fish well before I was even close to being out. He just made a slight dent in my trade skill mule.
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Thanks all appreciate the comments! I would pretty much exp away from people. Just too much work to box 6 toons, it's not fun. When I used MQ before it was amazing! I'll probably get some CWTN plugins and enjoy. BTW, any good place to exp at 120, that other players are around much, like maybe a mission or something? Thanks!
It costs 50 Red cents for a month and just from this question, it looks like people have gifted you enough to start, stay active, and be helpful in the community, and it should be easy to keep enough to pay for the service.

As for the ban/suspension issue, I joined this site after they went through the inquisition so I'm not sure about that. I'm going on 3 months and haven't had any issues but I don't use it when other people are in the same zone and if people do come to the zone; I pause what is running and see if they are just passing through and if they stay I just log out and switch to another group to level or farm stuff.

We have enough of an advantage that there is no reason to be a jerk about it especially since EQ is sooo big with so much to do we certainly don't want to make waves with the regular gaming community, we are already outlaws from the Sheriff, we don't need the villagers mad at us too.

Some Lua's say "start in PoK" but I just look at the file and see where it's taking me and stand next to the porter it will use so I'm not "robot" running my group through 50 people all noticing I am making 90 degrees turns at max speed around corners which manual driven players don't do. Just be careful, don't be a jerk and you should be ok.

^^^^this! Lay low and don't flaunt that you are using any automation seems to help. I manually move toons through populated zones and use instanced zones whenever I can. Also doing slightly older content allows you to move more freely without as much worry but there is and always will be risk.

For me, no MQ = no EQ
Question - Returning to EQ

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