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Report Suspensions/Bans Here (1 Viewer)

4 of 7 Accts of my group i utilize have received an email verifying as of 12/9/2011 i received a 3-4 day suspension. The accounts that were hit were my melee accts and i did use /gate and minimal warping. My shaman, cleric, and rogue acct were not hit by any suspensions at this time. I do not have Voa and was only doing some HoT grinding and SoD for PL'ing a back end group for this very issue i suspected would happen. Rolling all casters with the possibility to gate themselves. The only reason i can assume the rogue was not hit was because i happened to have gate potions on him.

Povar - 4 Accts Suspended - /gate also running non-vanilla with some kissassist.



Your EverQuest account has been suspended for 3 to 4 days for violating our rules and policies; specifically for hacking. Your actions in-game were triggered by our anti-hack detection software so you will have to serve the full length of your suspension. Please review the rules and policies at http://soe-ing.custhelp.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/16204 and adhere to them upon completion of your suspension or risk further negative action being taken against your account.


Tim Vick

Head GM Maenar - EverQuest

Sony Online Entertainment, LLC
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none of my accounts are suspended as of now
i received the email at 6:46 cst today
i called a couple of friends they also received the emails
but we can all still log in and out
the email didnt list my station name, my char name or anything specific to my accounts
and no i have never been suspended
i was warping and using /sumcorpse as i have been doing for the past 6 years
i do not use piggyzone
and this was all a couple weeks ago
only using the vanilla compile off notaddicted
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You are receiving this email because your account(s) have been identified as account(s) using third party programs to alter game play in an unapproved way. Please be aware that we have reviewed the actions of your account(s) multiple times by both game masters and engineers. The disciplinary action applied to your account(s) will not be changed.

If your account was not suspended last week as part of our first sweep then your account has been suspended for 7 days. If you were suspended last week during our first sweep you have been noted as a repeat offender and your account has been permanently terminated.

Please review our rules of conduct found here: http://help.station.sony.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/16211. Specifically rules 11 and 12.

11. You will not attempt to interfere with, hack into, or decipher any transmissions to or from the servers running EverQuest.

12. You will not exploit any bug in EverQuest and you will not communicate the existence of any such exploitable bug (bugs that grant the user unnatural or unintended benefits in game), either directly or through public posting, to any other user of EverQuest. You will promptly report any such bug via the in-game "/bug" command.

If you would like to contact Customer Service you may do so by submitting a petition from here: http://soe-ing.custhelp.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/18427. Once there click on the In-Game support tab.


Timothy Vick

Customer Service Manager

Sony Online Entertainment LLC
Yeah...I just got that letter too

logged in my accounts, cause I only got one letter...my cleric who was running afcleric is the only who got the suspension.

I used to use piggyzone and warp heavily but discretely but stopped when the warnings went out.

However, I did use /sumcorpse for the majority of this year.
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7 day suspension on 1 of 3 accounts.

I have not played since the patch last week. Before that I continued to use active hacks with teh BAN'EI compile.

How long before the redguides EMU server will be ready? I am seriously ready to forget SOE. Pushing the same button every 6 seconds or running across the same several zones every time I play is not what I call fun.
We are still looking into it. The bottleneck is the requirement to create accounts and list your server at eqemulator.net.
3 of my 5 accounts were suspended from the first wave . I was using Ban'ei compile. Once that happened. I stopped using MQ all together. After speaking with a few other peps in game i know that were using vanilla reported no issues to this point. So i fired up vanilla on 3 of my 5 active accounts.

2 of the accounts were never suspended and the 1 was fresh off a suspension. now the 3 are all BANNED. Even the 2 that never got suspensions. This is total BS, i dont have time to lfg or jerk around. My play time is limited and I like being my own grp. i dont do it to hurt other players or the game itself. Wh dont they freaking get that..
@ millertime

What plugins were you using from vanilla? Appears they are possibly banning by registered e-mail after being nailed once.
Think they might be using something like the EQEMU guys are doing and if you target a mob more than x loc units away it flags you as hacking? :P
All three of my accounts were suspended in the first wave, after waiting 5 days for the suspension to end I decided not to use any third party software.
Today two of my three accounts were banned, currently I am contacting SOE hopefully I will get an answer soon.
Just got my account unbanned,

Thank you for contacting in game support. Your account was banned because your characters will still in game on the 10th after the account was suspended on the 9th. This caused our second sweep to reflag your account resulting in it being banned.

Your account has been released and I added a few days of free play to it. since I did not see any further evidence of you hacking after the first suspension expired.

If there are any other issues that we may assist with, please don't hesitate to contact us again!

Best of luck to you,
Senior GM Vedan
1 of my 4 accounts has been suspended. Only differnece I can think of is I may have run /mac map over and over about 3 times on accident and I may have done a /tar <insert mobthatisinthezone name> on that account.

I have not yet even recieved an email telling me why. I am playing like i dont know what they are talking about. I am a VERY light user of any extra abilities. The map is like my biggest thing.

They obviously cannot detect that the program is running. It takes a trigger of some kind to get noticed.
The consensus is that they are reviewing logs going back far as November. On the 1st wave it was mentioned SOE had only gone through about 20%.
Total and utter bullshit. I mean they tell us stop using now you've been warned. We all (mostly) go vanilla and are fine. Then hit the first wave with 3-5 day suspensions. The next "wave" the give stiffer punishment for back logs? It is just dumb. My buddies got tagged for something that happened the weekend of dec 10-11th. They did nothing but pull namers zero active hacks. I am sure they are looking strongly into any /report against you. And at this time that means any whiner you go snag a name close to and gets butt hurt is gonna screw ya.
SOE has given in to the crybabies. The vocal minority can have everquest assuming there is enough of them to keep the game going. I have been playing a solo group for over 4 years, almost always in empty zones. I can't wait until the Red Planet server is ready to play.
I am at like 5 days suspended now. Still no email. They did respond to the ticket put in by the representative i talked to on the phone saying something like "we wont give specifics but you were found to be hacking by our new detection software. They did not yet respond to the ticket I put in myself a few mintutes after being booted then suspended asking why I was suspended. Other accounts have had no problem, two of which have been running what is available constantly the whole time. One of which i stopped because there is really no need.

Lame really, go find something better to do. I do a very good job of ensuring I bother nobody ffs. heh.
my cleric still shows the suspended message and now I'm getting annoyed...with all the good games out there and coming out, I sincerely hope they figure out to retain customers who have shown customer loyalty to a severely outdated and broken game.
Fresh wave of suspensions.. Luckily I didn't get hit.

Just wanted to relay a new official SoE message about the continued efforts against "the evildoers"

Ongoing Efforts in EverQuest to Protect the Community from Cheating

"As promised, we have a brief update on our continued actions regarding those who seek to gain an unfair advantage over their fellow players in EverQuest.

In addition to the previous wave of actions, late in the month of December, approximately 200 additional accounts were suspended as part of our initiative to protect the vast majority of the EverQuest populace who play the game without resorting to nefarious behavior. We take our responsibility to provide a level playing field for all Norrathians very seriously and will continue to regularly take action to combat cheating, as any cheating detrimentally affects the experience of all of you who play without such illicit aids.

We thank all of you for your support during these actions, and will continue to provide the best playing experience for all of you without having to fear the negative effects of others cheating."

Sooo, I've been very safe and only using the vanilla compile since my first 3/4 day suspension accounts-wide in early Dec. Has anyone got fresh suspensions/bans to report? they say 200 accounts have been disciplined as of yesterday. I hope this doesn't start a chain reaction in what ultimately kills EQ, but it probably will if this "War on Cheaters" continues..
Re: Fresh wave of suspensions.. Luckily I didn't get hit.

Just wanted to relay a new official SoE message about the continued efforts against "the evildoers"

Ongoing Efforts in EverQuest to Protect the Community from Cheating

"As promised, we have a brief update on our continued actions regarding those who seek to gain an unfair advantage over their fellow players in EverQuest.

In addition to the previous wave of actions, late in the month of December, approximately 200 additional accounts were suspended as part of our initiative to protect the vast majority of the EverQuest populace who play the game without resorting to nefarious behavior. We take our responsibility to provide a level playing field for all Norrathians very seriously and will continue to regularly take action to combat cheating, as any cheating detrimentally affects the experience of all of you who play without such illicit aids.

We thank all of you for your support during these actions, and will continue to provide the best playing experience for all of you without having to fear the negative effects of others cheating."

Sooo, I've been very safe and only using the vanilla compile since my first 3/4 day suspension accounts-wide in early Dec. Has anyone got fresh suspensions/bans to report? they say 200 accounts have been disciplined as of yesterday. I hope this doesn't start a chain reaction in what ultimately kills EQ, but it probably will if this "War on Cheaters" continues..

This is why we disabled all active hacks in our compile to keep you guys safe.
No, he was using mmobugs... I actually thought he was using this compile, but apparently not. So good for us, but his didnt have warp/zone/gate either so who knows what it was from...
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Anyone get suspended who did not use /zone/gate/succor at all?

/zone /gate /succor seem to be the easiest to track, and likely what is getting people suspended.

If /warp was doing it, it seems rather likely that a bad lag spike could set the hack flag off pretty frequently.
Sounds like the latest and greatest is docracks are getting people snapped up if they affect movement.
Yes mmothugs was fucking stupid not to turn off ALL ACTIVE HACKS. That's why we shut down everything except our Very Vanilla because it was completely unknown what could be detected. Our members always come first and there was no way we going to experiment and risk your accounts.
Yes mmothugs was fucking stupid not to turn off ALL ACTIVE HACKS. That's why we shut down everything except our Very Vanilla because it was completely unknown what could be detected. Our members always come first and there was no way we going to experiment and risk your accounts.

lol... they warned people to not use anything active or any docracks that affected movement. If you did it anyway then it was on you. I guess one way to approach it would be to baby everyone, but I know that when I was downloading compiles I would almost never patch macroquest.ini, which means any patches to turn off active hacks wouldn't have affected me. It still comes down to personal responsibility.
That's the difference between us.

SoE EQ MotD: Swords are dangerous and you will hurt yourself.

They will sell you the sword and if you cut your head off ioh well.
We won't sell you the sword to begin with lol.
I'm not following your logic, since it would still require someone to visit these forums, read that there might be issues with active plugins, download the vanilla compile (even though the other one still works), and then replace their customized macroquest.ini with yours. That's a lot of things that need to go right for someone to be saved from the sword.

I'm not saying what you're doing isn't admirable, but I think the innate hatred between yourself and that other site might be skewing your opinion a bit, too.
we are not going to give our users stuff that will get you banned... that's just a fact if some of our users want to run the risk with stuff they have gotten in the past that is up to them. But we are not going to make it easy for you to get to it :P
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