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Guide - Redguides MQ2 Compile Plugin List (1 Viewer)

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old and salty
Sep 28, 2005
Redguides MacroQuest2 Compile Plugin List - (click the links for more detailed info).

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BRIEF DESCRIPTION (Click the plugin link for more info)
MQ2AASpendRedguides Exclusive by SymAutomates AA spending. Very useful if you are running afk macros and your aa's fill up.
MQ2AdvPathAdvanced pathing tool that lets characters trace your exact steps. Includes the /afollow command.
MQ2AFNukeNew! Recently added by jimbob.Nukes, meds, uses mounts.
MQ2AutoAcceptRedguides Exclusive by SymCreate a list of trusted characters to automatically accept many types of invites/ports etc.
MQ2AutoCampRedguides Exclusive by SymWatches for a characters death and will camp your toon to desktop to prevent rez timer running out.
MQ2AutoforageINI driven autoforaging
MQ2AutoGroupRedguides Exclusive by plureIt will create your group, set group roles, then run a command.
MQ2AutoLoginA core MacroQuest2 plugin that automatically logs in your station account, server, and character.
MQ2AutoLootRedguides Exclusive by plureHandle loot from within the advanced looting window. It uses a loot.ini to say what toons should do.
MQ2AutosizeShrinks anyone in range down to minimum. Revert when they move out of range. CLIENT SIDE ONLY!
MQ2BandolierManages Bandolier sets.
MQ2BardswapRetrieve the current song from MQ2Twist and swap the appropriate instrument.
MQ2BuclesThis plugin adds while and do bucles (loops) to macros.
MQ2BufftoolThis will click off buffs automatically, but includes some logic to decide what to click off.
MQ2BzrsrchCore MQ2 plugin used for searching the Bazaar.
MQ2CameraMQ2 plugin to manipulate the game's third person camera.
MQ2CastMemorize, cast, recast, spells, and much more. It can also deal with events, similar to MQ2Events.
MQ2CasttimerThis is a plugin that allows you to check timers on active spells.
MQ2CharnotesYou can add a PC/NPC comment to a character, save in an ini file, can show info when it repops/enters zone.
MQ2ChatAdds window to your UI, which displays ALL information from by MacroQuest2, commands, macro's.
MQ2ChatWndEnables output of MacroQuest2 commands to the normal chat window. Part of the core MQ2 source code.
MQ2ClipboardCan copy text from game to clipboard for copy/pasting.
MQ2CombatVery basic, auto-assists, auto join group, attacks, sticks, and basic combat skills kick, taunt, etc.
MQ2CpuLoadNew! Recently added. Thanks dewey2461.Makes top instance of game faster and higher priority, others are lower.
MQ2CursorProvides INI based Cursor Handling. Auto keep, consumes, drops, destroys items, etc.
MQ2CustomBindsLets you have custom commands that run when specific key combinations are pressed.
MQ2CustomPopUpRedguides Exclusive by SymThis plugin allows you to do text overlay popups in various colors and durations.
MQ2CustomsoundLets you define custom sound events to play based on unique chat events, INI config.
MQ2DebuffsHelp report and cure detrimental effects.
MQ2DiscordIt allows you to connect MQ2 to Discord.
MQ2DPSAdvShows dps output of you and people around you in a custom dps window. (Outdated?)
MQ2EasyFindNew! Recently added Redguides Exclusive.Use meshes in each zone for powerful easy navigation.
MQ2EQBCRuns a chat server in game so characters/mq2 can communicate with you / each other.
MQ2EQBugFixThis plugin is used to correct bugs in EQ. Currently it does nothing. This is Core MQ2 plugin.
MQ2EQIMThis is Core MQ2 plugin.
MQ2EventsIt can run things based on events that happen, ini driven.
MQ2ExchangeExchange / unequip items from ANY slot without having any inventory windows or bags opened.
MQ2FearRunnerRedguides Exclusive by SymRuns a command when feared/no longer feared.
MQ2FeedmeFood-handling plugin.
MQ2FindItemRedguides Exclusive by SymDesigned to find items on PoK tradeskill vendors. (And maybe others?)
MQ2FPSChanges the frame rate of EQ screen when in focus and/or in the background. Like EQPlayNice for MQ2.
MQ2GmailSend yourself Emails and Texts from Everquest!
MQ2GMCheckIt can detect a GM in zone if they are not invis or entered without invis.
MQ2HealsNew! Recently added by jimbob.It can automatically cast various healing spells.
MQ2HUDProvides a customisable Heads Up Display for your EQ window, lots of info in a small space.
MQ2IRCLets you connect to an IRC server from within EQ. Exchange info between bots without going through EQ.
MQ2ItemDisplayThis plugin allows you to add extra information to the item info windows.
MQ2KillTrackerNew Redguides Exclusive by SymThis tracks kills over time and can auto report kill counts every X minutes.
MQ2LabelsAllows you to use MQ2Data within your EQ UI.
MQ2LinkDBStores links in a database and allows you to request a link to be posted.
MQ2LogRedguides Exclusive by SymPlugin writes all mq2 chat window output to your MQ2 folder /logs/servername_charname.log.
MQ2MainProvides all the standard base functionality. This is a core macroquest2 source code plugin.
MQ2MapThis plugin provides additional functionality to the in game map.
MQ2MeleeAutomatically activates combat abilities at logical times determined by the user.
MQ2MissingCompares who is not in zone/raid/dz/task to one other one of those.
MQ2MoveutilsThis plugin performs basic monotonous movement tasks.
MQ2MYButtonsAdds advanced hotbars, especially useful for long commands, etc.
MQ2NavNew by BraniacSee and create navigation points in the game for characters to follow.
MQ2NetbotsProvides Linked MQ2EQBC Client way to exchange/share statistics/status to others
MQ2NethealThis plugin supplies some TLOs and functions to help out healing macros and plugins.
MQ2NoNagWindowsRedguides Exclusive by SymThis plugin is a must, especially for free to play accounts.
MQ2NotepadSimple in game file editor for small macro or ini files in your macro folder.
MQ2ParanoidIt tells when someone zones in and out etc, good for PVP.
MQ2PlatTrackerRedguides Exclusive by SymTracks platinum changes, shows total gained/lost since loading plugin or resetting start amount.
MQ2PopTells MQ2 window when an NPC pops, and will say NAMED if named.
MQ2PortalSetterSet the guild portal with two clicks, nice UI!
MQ2PosseRedguides Exclusive by SymChecks for PCs in a defined radius identifying them as friends or strangers, and can react.
MQ2PvPAlertWhen someone zones in, it can trigger audio/text/LDoN/Task popup.
MQ2RaidUtilsCheck attendance, adds an "All" option dz/tasks add and remove commands, and more.
MQ2RandomstuffPulls random text strings from ini file and assigns them to ${RandomStuff} for /say etc.
MQ2RewardAllows you to select a task reward.
MQ2RezPlugin form of Wait4Rez.mac.
MQ2RelaytellsRelay any tell to any chat. Can even relay to email or text message!!
MQ2SearchOpens a web browser to search Allakhazam's and EQTraders for items, recipes, and npc's.
MQ2SizeThis plugin allows you to change the size of characters on your screen. (client side only)
MQ2SlaveControl your bots via /tells. Must have tell windows enabled.
MQ2SpawnmasterWatches for new spawns in zone and can react in various ways.
MQ2SpawnsAnnounce all OnAddSpawn/OnRemoveSpawn to a window without need of a debugger.
MQ2SpeakerNew by eqholicInterface to the Microsoft Speech Synthesizer.
MQ2SpellhotkeysAllows a user to specify in an ini spell / hotkey combos
MQ2SpellsearchLook up spells by their emote or name with search command.
MQ2TargetinfoDistance, line of sight and place holder info directly on target!
MQ2TargetsSpawn Tracker, optional notify / r-t modifiable HUD display. Track specific targets or use level ranges etc.
MQ2TelnetAdds a telnet server, which can be used to access your EQ session remotely.
MQ2TemplateThis plugin serves as a blueprint to make your own plugins.
MQ2TooltipNew!Mouse over any NPC or player to see MQ2 info about them in the Tooltip window.
MQ2TrackingProvide a similar tracking window to the one used by native tracking characters.
MQ2TributeManagerAdds a /tribute command in game for automatic tribute management.
MQ2TwistAutomates the twisting of bard songs.
MQ2VendorsLets you make search list of items, to be notified about if they popup on a vendor as you browse.
MQ2ViewportSets background EQ screens to go black. Helps with people that have choppy graphics due to lag.
MQ2XPTrackerIt tracks xp :P
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Guide - Redguides MQ2 Compile Plugin List
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