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Problem - Rebuilding MQ - am I a complete idiot? (1 Viewer)

Mar 13, 2023
Hey guys. I have two issues here. The first issue is that I fail epically everytime there has been an EverQuest update.

Since I came back to Everquest (and Macroquest) from a long hiatus a few months ago, I have had to build Macroquest three times - and three times I have succeeded, pretty much just following the build steps in the documentation and not really having any idea what I am doing. But as long as it works, right?

However, as you know, after an EQ patch (like yesterday), you need to wait for an updated MQ release and you have to (re)build it again, and this is where I fail. The documentation leads me to believe that I can "update" an existing Macroquest installation, but I cannot figure out how. Instead I have to rename the old Macroquest folder, to something like "Macroquest-old" and then do the entire build from the very first step. This works, but it seems wrong.

If I follow the first command "git clone https://github.com/macroquest/macroquest.git" without renaming the macroquest folder, I get an error, saying that macroquest already exists. So I jump down to "Updating an Existing Checkout", and move to the macroquest folder ("cd macroquest"). But when following the first command "C:\Users\***\macroquest>git pull --rebase " it fails, saying "error: cannot pull with rebase: You have unstaged changes. error: please commit or stash them."

I have no idea what this means. As I mentioned above, I have built MQ thrice, just following the instructions, not really knowing what I am doing.

The second issue.
I am using 2 plugins that are not part of the default list of plugs. These are MQ2FeedMe and MQ2SpawnMaster. Again, I am following the manual for how to add them to Macroquest. Today, I get an error when trying to add SpawnMaster. I did not get this error the first and second time I built MQ, but today it says:

Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State
Error C2672 'IsWatchedSpawn': no matching overloaded function found MQ2SpawnMaster C:\Users\grumm\macroquest\plugins\MQ2SpawnMaster\MQ2SpawnMaster.cpp 581

Being a step-following noob, I have of course no clue what this means.

Adding MQ2FeedMe worked like a charm. Any ideas?
1.) Use the RG launcher and it handles all of that for you.
2.) http://docs.macroquest.org/main/submodule-quick-list/
3.) It’s telling you that you can’t pull because you have local changes. Meaning you changed something. You can use git stash to stash those changes (and later git stash pop or git stash drop)
4.) You need to get the latest SpawnMaster.
1) Alright, I need to look into that because I don't even know what RG Launcher is...
3) Local changes? I have done nothing that I know of (unless it specifically talks about that I added the two plugins to the project - if so, I need to remove them from the project before rebasing?)
4) When compiling MQ the second time, I did not need to download updated versions of neither SpawnMater or FeedMe, and I did not need a new version of FeedMe today. But perhaps this is not always the same? I will look for a new version of SpawnMaster then.

Thanks. :)
Well, I removed the plugins from the solution and tried to rebase but it just says the same thing again. I dont really care, I can keep starting over "from the beginning" since EQ patches do not happen all that often. I tried to get a new spawnmaster but that fails too, but I dont really need that plugin anymore so I dont care about that either. :) Anyway, thanks for all assistance :)
Buy level 2 access for 50 Red Cents from the shop (you have 70 atm, so you can do that). Participate on the boards with helpful comments and Red Cent helpful comments by others. Run the RG updater and don't worry about building program. Repeat as needed.
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forget all that stuff. Step 1 Get the launcher - Step 2 install the launcher - Step 3 tell the launcher where your folders are. Step 4 hit the update button
Redguides Launcher
^^^^This! Spend more time playing and less time messing with software others have perfected for a more than reasonable cost. I'll guess if you can rebuild MQ on your own, you can likely add some valuable content here on the boards and let redcents pay your way.
I would use the launcher also. Saves me a lot of time and headaches.

easy GIF
Use the Launcher man...such a time saver. Launcher has an "UPDATE" button right on it.

Also "Watch" all your addons/plugins/ Imgui (Lua's). At the top of each addon page there is a "Watch" button(off to the right side in white, next to the "Leave a Rating" button). After the addon is installed the first time, the Launcher will automatically watch to make sure your addons are up to date, and if not, will update them for you.


edit: oops misquoted where the Watch button was at...fixed it
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Use the Launcher man...such a time saver. Launcher has an "UPDATE" button right on it.

Also "Watch" all your addons/plugins/ Imgui (Lua's). At the top of each addon page there is a "watch" (off to the right side and colored "gold/yellow") button. After the addon is installed the first time, the Launcher will automatically watch to make sure your addons are up to date, and if not, will update them for you.

There are currently no plugins that you need to watch
Wow alright, ok. I am not on this forum enough to pay attention. I did not even notice the red cents thing nor was I aware that I had any. :P I'll try the launcher then, it seems to be the general consensus that this is the way. :)
I know what you did. You saw the little red dots next to items in the solution explorer on visual studio. Then you "Unignored" the plugin to get the red dot to go away. Those red dots just mean it's not being tracked by git. You should leave them alone. I did the same thing when I first tried to use Visual Studio's git stuff instead of the command line as I'm used to. A similar red dot in previous versions of the Visual Studio meant the project wasn't being built. Is why it confused me.
I know what you did. You saw the little red dots next to items in the solution explorer on visual studio. Then you "Unignored" the plugin to get the red dot to go away. Those red dots just mean it's not being tracked by git. You should leave them alone. I did the same thing when I first tried to use Visual Studio's git stuff instead of the command line as I'm used to. A similar red dot in previous versions of the Visual Studio meant the project wasn't being built. Is why it confused me.
Hmm, actually I did not do that, but yes, I did indeed see the red dots infront of the plugs. I wondered what they were but I left them as they were, since I do not really understand these things - I just follow the step-by-step list on the MQ site. :) Anyway, I got the RG installer and well, all seems fine now. SpawnMaster works and all is good.

Just to clarify, next time there is a EQ patch and a new Macroquest is required, I do not need to do anything but patch EQ, then start RG launcher and it will do all the job work for me, automagically? (I watched the installation guide on YouTube and paid attention to the "point to your existing macroquest release directory. What if I did not have one? Would RG Launcher have installed it for me?)
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Problem - Rebuilding MQ - am I a complete idiot?

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