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IRL - My history and a request advice for my 4-box group


Active member
Jun 27, 2023
Starting with some back history. If you'd rather skip it, my question is at the bottom :D

I got into EQ back in 2001 during my second semester in college from a dormmate in college. He let me try a character on his account. I was instantly hooked. I was able to play off and on but eventually had to get my own account. He was nice enough to let me transfer over the stuff I had accrued too. This was somewhat my downfall for college. I skipped classes and failed half of them and once the semester ended, I decided I wasn't ready for college and a couple other guys and myself found a small house to rent and play EQ in. Somehow, I managed to meet and marry my now wife. I got her hooked too. We played EQ for about 3 years heavily. We had 5 accounts by the time we left... To play WoW. I feel bad sometimes when I look back on that. Our guild was making good progress towards unlocking Time flags. When I hopped back on a couple weeks later, the guild was basically gone. I guess about 90% of the guild moved to WoW. We played WoW for much longer and somehow, we ended up running a guild. It was a small guild and a few people in it are still friends I talk to often.. In fact we discovered a number of us were within about 5 hours of each other. Small world. Our two older boys (8 and 10) were playing with us too. In the end, my wife was going to have our 3rd child and we wanted to focus on the kids more and not the game so we left (that and they kept breaking things in the game with each expansion and I'd had enough).

I've come back off and on to EQ since then but only really got back into it in the last 6 or so months, and generally only on weekends when I have time. I'm struggling to relearn some of my characters with all the AA's and figuring out spell rotations. My wife joined me for a couple months and then got bored again (she does that quite often with various games unfortunately). So I've been attempting to 4-box things. Mostly just doing dailies and running my bard through the Heroes line for the updated equipment. This was back at levels 85-95. When I don't have time to play, I at least make sure Overseer is kept going and have picked up a few levels from doing so. The problem is, now I'm so far ahead of my gear, I can't do current level content without risk of dying. I had a guildy that was nice enough to give me a set of HH Old Seb armor for my SK to tank HH Old Seb to try to get more gear for the rest of my characters... But I need to be able to run the characters better. I have been rotating my Gold subscription between accounts to get the auto grant AA's so they are mostly current on those and I bought the RK II tier for those not Gold. I've tried to go through the various AAs and add abilities I can activate to the bar, but with so many characters, I keep forgetting what abilities do.

I tried out another site for a bit and their own AutoBot feature was decent, but after I enabled it, my loading times increased drastically, but only on my bard and SK. I let the subscription expire and unloaded a bunch of the mods on it but load times are still slow. When I was running the autobot, it was very helpful having the characters do their own abilities. I meant to turn on logging and see if I could follow the steps of what abilities they each use to get the hang of it but I forgot.

I do still use EQDCB or however it's spelled to send commands to the other characters to follow or cast but it's imprecise. I have my wizard macro setup to cast, pause, cast, pause, etc. The problem is, if it's running that and I need a heal, it ignores it until the script is done. Obviously, that presents a problem. I recently got a 55" TV and just have the 4 windows tiled so I can see them all. It makes them smaller windows but I can at least see if any are left behind or being beat on, and quickly moved up to one of the windows to click things.

I'd love to figure out the KISS method on RedGuides and see how it compares.

My current Group is:
108 SK
108 Wiz
103 Bard
103 Cleric

As for KISS for the toons, does it help by memorizing what spells it needs or does it just use what I have memorized? How well does it do with Bards? MMOBugs didn't really seem to do very well other than to auto attack and pick 3 random songs to twist and it was random on if it used what I had memorized for other characters or if it actually picked spells from the book. Maybe it did a bit more but it's hard to tell. I tried to dig deeper into how better to have the MMOBugs bot program work with the characters better but never really could get what I was supposed to do. I ran it with my ranger once and instead of using him as a ranger, it brought him up to melee... Anyway, basically looking for some advice on how best to get setup with this group. I would still like to maintain control of one of the characters so I could learn to play each one as I go. Sometimes maybe by watching KISS do it and then try it myself while KISS runs the rest of the party.

I appreciate any advice. I'm going through the intro videos on the setup and KISS after I post this.

EDIT: Oh wow. just finished the last video. There's a lot of great info there and I can't wait to dig into the INI files to see what I can find.
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As for KISS for the toons, does it help by memorizing what spells it needs or does it just use what I have memorized? How well does it do with Bards?

There's some great example .ini files for various classes and level ranges in the resource section. The documentation is also really good. For example, the setting for deciding wether to load spells or not is found here; [Spells] Settings

In addition to KissAssist you may also want to check out RGMercs. Another option that works really well too.
There's some great example .ini files for various classes and level ranges in the resource section. The documentation is also really good. For example, the setting for deciding wether to load spells or not is found here; [Spells] Settings

In addition to KissAssist you may also want to check out RGMercs. Another option that works really well too.
Thanks! I just finished the video on the KISS Assist and I'm really impressed. Looking forward to digging through the INI files and I'll definitely look through RGMercs.
My current Group is:
108 SK
108 Wiz
103 Bard
103 Cleric

As for KISS for the toons, does it help by memorizing what spells it needs or does it just use what I have memorized? How well does it do with Bards? MMOBugs didn't really seem to do very well other than to auto attack and pick 3 random songs to twist and it was random on if it used what I had memorized for other characters or if it actually picked spells from the book. Maybe it did a bit more but it's hard to tell. I tried to dig deeper into how better to have the MMOBugs bot program work with the characters better but never really could get what I was supposed to do. I ran it with my ranger once and instead of using him as a ranger, it brought him up to melee... Anyway, basically looking for some advice on how best to get setup with this group. I would still like to maintain control of one of the characters so I could learn to play each one as I go. Sometimes maybe by watching KISS do it and then try it myself while KISS runs the rest of the party.

I appreciate any advice. I'm going through the intro videos on the setup and KISS after I post this.
So, welcome back!

There are 3 basic automation methods that are widely accepted. CWTN Plugins, KissAssist, RGMercs. All have their own pros/cons but IMHO this is the order I would prioritize them in for usage:

1. CWTN Plugins. Hands down the best investment you could ever spend on RG stuff. If you do nothing else for plugins in the RG community, get these for your classes above all. Additionally, if you play on Test server, all of the currently released plugins are available for free. Additionally, there are other advantages on Test, like Gold status for all accounts. These plugins are 100% well worth the cost and then some.

2. KissAssist. Great macro, in-depth tweaking allowed through the use of .ini files. IMHO, this resource is great ONCE you are at the level ranges you might stay a while and looking for improvement. Or for BRD, as I am not as familiar with RGMercs BRD and didn't have a lot of luck with it. There are premade .ini files for every level range, most are "plug and play" and you are off running.

3. RGMercs. This is great as it will use the spells you currently have, and great for leveling as you will not have to modify for each level range or new spells all of the time. Again, works out of the gate, and is more of a one-stop shop for resources for all classes.

IMHO - SHD should be your driver (can automate him too, but he is your controller so to speak), and automate the rest. 2 of your classes the CWTN plugins have not been released yet, but the main two SHD/CLR have and both are flat out so OP, that even the DBG devs have given up and now consult CWTN/Sic on how to play the class. The other two classes can be automated with KA or RGMercs. Sic's BRD .ini's are really good for supporting roles, just do not expect amazing damage from them. They will buff, mez, and do bardly things. All you really need anyway.

JK on the DBG consulting CWTN/Sic...just trying to be funny while emphasizing how good these plugins are.
IMHO - SHD should be your driver (can automate him too, but he is your controller so to speak), and automate the rest. 2 of your classes the CWTN plugins have not been released yet, but the main two SHD/CLR have and both are flat out so OP, that even the DBG devs have given up and now consult CWTN/Sic on how to play the class. The other two classes can be automated with KA or RGMercs. Sic's BRD .ini's are really good for supporting roles, just do not expect amazing damage from them. They will buff, mez, and do bardly things. All you really need anyway.
LOL that's awesome!
I think I'll get the other options down first and then look into the CWTN option since it's an additional cost. I don't get to play a ton as it is.
I am curious though, it says most of these macros will work for emu... that's the emulated servers right? I've been playing a bit of P99 occasionally and wondered if it could help out a bit there. I know they mention being pretty strict on things like this and I'm not really looking to script my character so much there, just see if it can help a bit.
CWTN plugins are amazing and (almost) idiot-proof the process of combat assistance. KA will work fine for you, but requires manually adjusting the ini files.

EMU servers have their own rules and enforcement for 3rd party software. I'd assume for certain servers like P99, a ban is more likely than on live servers.
Seeing that you're already running 4 accounts, I would create 2 more to have a full group. You're coming into the levels where it would benefit you greatly. As others have posted above, CWTN plugins are awesome. The community has put out some really nice KA as well. Welcome to RG. :rock:
Agreed that the CWTN plugins are top notch, but with some tuning you will kick major ass with Kissassist with that crew. Add two more DPS classes to your crew like folks suggest and go forth and slughter!

I like the caster classes myself. A mage and necro or enchanter maybe. So many good options though. Enjoy!
I second adding two other dps classes. Maybe two mages or mage and a bst(CWTN makes their dps amazing). Also if having to rotate gold status is needed...have you thought about /testcopy on over to Test? All would be gold accounts there
I agree with Blacklions on the suggestion as well. MAG and BST look like it would be fun pair up in this group!
I second adding two other dps classes. Maybe two mages or mage and a bst(CWTN makes their dps amazing). Also if having to rotate gold status is needed...have you thought about /testcopy on over to Test? All would be gold accounts there
Part of the reason I only have the 4 is that I'm using actual mercs as backup healers. My gear sucks and only 1 character (sk) has even a semblance of decent gear. I've tried a couple zones my lvl and things hit way too hard for me to not have more than 1 healer. I have another set of lvls 85s on 6 accounts that I'll be doing next. That team is... SK, enchanter, necro, 95 shaman, beast, ranger.

Alternatively, I could setup a full set of new characters. Especially if I start over on test..
True, but I haven't got any other lvl 100+. Better would be to get gear enough to not use the mercs at all. I'm using up free bayle marks for now.
I would look to how you build up your two groups to maximise each group's effectiveness and to work together.

You currently have:
SK x 2, Wiz, Bard, Cleric, Enchanter, Necro, Shaman, Beastlord, Ranger.

Forming into two groups you naturally form a melee group, and a caster group:
SK, Bard, Shaman, Beastlord, Ranger, +one
SK, Enchanter, Cleric, Necro, Wiz, +one

I would power level 2 characters, a caster ... I'd pick a mage, and a melee, rogue (or zerker).
Then bring the lower level group up to the higher level one. you'll be able to use the higher level one to help with gear on the lower level one, and then when they hit 105, will be able to help gear the higher level one.

TLDR, view the characters not as individuals, but as parts to the whole, identify your end goal, and work towards that rather than, I need to gear this char or that char.
I would look to how you build up your two groups to maximise each group's effectiveness and to work together.

You currently have:
SK x 2, Wiz, Bard, Cleric, Enchanter, Necro, Shaman, Beastlord, Ranger.

Forming into two groups you naturally form a melee group, and a caster group:
SK, Bard, Shaman, Beastlord, Ranger, +one
SK, Enchanter, Cleric, Necro, Wiz, +one

I would power level 2 characters, a caster ... I'd pick a mage, and a melee, rogue (or zerker).
Then bring the lower level group up to the higher level one. you'll be able to use the higher level one to help with gear on the lower level one, and then when they hit 105, will be able to help gear the higher level one.

TLDR, view the characters not as individuals, but as parts to the whole, identify your end goal, and work towards that rather than, I need to gear this char or that char.
Couple of other hints:
You mentioned rotating subs, this is useful to get all the autogrant AA's. A months sub also gives you 500 DB cash.
If you are using FTP chars, but have had them subbed in the past (for say, autogrant aa's), you should have a few DB cash on hand. Purchase on those characters the ability to use RK. II spells and Discs.
If you are mostly FTP, sub your tanks always, the access prestige gear really, really helps for the primary damage taker.
Part of the reason I only have the 4 is that I'm using actual mercs as backup healers. My gear sucks and only 1 character (sk) has even a semblance of decent gear. I've tried a couple zones my lvl and things hit way too hard for me to not have more than 1 healer. I have another set of lvls 85s on 6 accounts that I'll be doing next. That team is... SK, enchanter, necro, 95 shaman, beast, ranger.

Alternatively, I could setup a full set of new characters. Especially if I start over on test..
So... I'm thinking since I really don't have a guild attachment (just in one to be in one) that I may just switch to playing on test so I can use the CWTN. I setup a copy of the game as the test server but now macroquest says it's the wrong version... Not sure what I need to do to get it to work/how to add CWTN on test
Couple of other hints:
You mentioned rotating subs, this is useful to get all the autogrant AA's. A months sub also gives you 500 DB cash.
If you are using FTP chars, but have had them subbed in the past (for say, autogrant aa's), you should have a few DB cash on hand. Purchase on those characters the ability to use RK. II spells and Discs.
If you are mostly FTP, sub your tanks always, the access prestige gear really, really helps for the primary damage taker.
That's what I've done. the current high lvl characters have RK II options. I'll need to add in the 5th and 6th account and the other lower characters as they lvl
So... I'm thinking since I really don't have a guild attachment (just in one to be in one) that I may just switch to playing on test so I can use the CWTN. I setup a copy of the game as the test server but now macroquest says it's the wrong version... Not sure what I need to do to get it to work/how to add CWTN on test
Most people on Test run multiple folders, to prevent switching back and over-writing files, etc.

Additionally, make the switch. It is double xp gains on test 100% of the time, but this week is a bonus week as well, so you will gain 3xish exp. You can copy existing chars over. Perfect for your new groups, and all toons are Gold status.

Not sure what server your on but FV is a good server for live because you can buy anything on it. Prices are inflated...true. But you can still buy what you need. Point being you can buy all the armor you need for your toons. Another great way to get some good armor starting at 75 is the TBM armor. It is purchased in Plane of Tranquility for Remnants of Tranquility. And the Remnants can be bought in the Bazaar (or from chat). The really nice thing about this armor is that it is upgradable every 5 levels by replacing the type 5 and type 9 augs in each piece. Downside is it is a major PITA to do the upgrades on 6 toons every 5 levels. It is soooo time consuming and literally bores you to death. I just did this last night and it took me over 4 hours of clicking to accomplish. Sheesh. But good armor nonetheless. I can do current (level 100) content with no problems. And I intentionally try harder stuff on purpose.

Another, slower way would be to run House of Thule content and get Abtruse armor that will hold you over for right now. It is player made armor but you can buy the Abtruse Remnants from the bazaar. They are relatively cheap and you can do the combines yourself. Gets you decked out in a shorter time. And you can run the Hunter achievements and get a couple of nice bags (26 & 28 slot) while your at it.

As far as the rest of the advice given in this thread, it is all good advice. Especially the advice about CWTN plugins. They are literally plug and play. But you have commented several times here that you want to learn what each is doing. And CWTN is one of the automation's that does that the least. Because they are made to be plug and play. But believe me, you will learn a lot about each class using KA. See with KA you literally have to go through that ini file each level. That's right...I repeat. each level. Mem a new spell that you want to use? Edit that ini file. New spell ain't working right? Troubleshoot said ini file. Now multiply that by 6. Are you starting to see how much time is involved here? I mean, seriously, a ton of time. Now the programmer types find this all pretty easy, but for us non programmers it is hard mode. Here is another time adder. Something isn't working right in your ini. So you start in troubleshooting and READING (time) about what is going wrong. And you can't figure it out (time). Well us smart people don't believe in re inventing the wheel, so we get on here and ask questions(time). Don't get me wrong here, there are really good people here that answer questions all the time. And I have found that I get even quicker responses from the Discord channel (time). But it is still TIME. Time that you are NOT playing the game. Well I am an old guy, retired even, and this is my hobby. I have more money than time and I want use that time to play this game. Therefore, to me, the money is well spent. And I have to say my enjoyment factor has gone way up since I invested in the CWTN plugins. And my group only uses 4 out of 6 of them. So I am still modifying ini's, lol.

Another thing I want to say about KA is that there are alternatives. Muleassist is one that uses an IMgui (Lua) interface called MAUI. You can look all this up if you want to do MORE reading (time). Anyways I found that using MAUI was a real time saver. You can make your ini adjustments in game, instead of in an editor like Notepad ++. You have Notepad ++ right? If you don't then get it, it's free for DL. Also, I found out that you can use KA ini files in MA. Some peopple just literally copy and paste the KA ini to their MA ini's. But what I do is look at the KA ini's (time) and find the features or spells that I want to incorporate and just copy and paste them into my MA ini files. Saves me some time is all.

Here is an aside for you: When I mem new spells on my CWTN toons, I pause the plugin, then mem the spell and then unpause. Walla the plugin picks up on the new spell and starts to utilize it. No editing an ini to make it work. Frickin amazing. Top tier satisfaction. I have said this before but I will repeat. My new funnest toon to watch is my enchanter. With CWTN ENC, my enchanter has become a beast. She will lock down all the mobs. Slow the assisted mob. Charm one of the mezzed mobs for a pet and tell it to attack. And then nuke the crap out of the mob. All in like 10 seconds. Now yes, a real player could do all that too. But can he do it when running 5 other toons at the same time. Hmmm? I seriously doubt it. And I would laugh my ass off at anyone who claimed they could, and make them prove it. Hah!

Again I want to point out that there is absolutely nothing wrong with KA or MA for that matter. They work great, and your toons can do some amazing things running them. They have been around for quite awhile and are very mature, so NOT buggy. I used KA for a year before switching over to MA. And the learning curve goes way down once you have used it for that long. Downside? Way too much time spent not only learning them (I mean just go to the KA page and look at all the commands, and those are just the basics) but also troubleshooting your setup when it has problems. I found this part of multi boxing with RG very frustrating. Until I bit the bullet and bought the CWTN plugins.

One more automation that I can personally recommend (for what that is worth lol). RGMercs. I just recently made a new group PAL, SHM, BRD, WIZ, ROG, BST. And I have read enough on these forums to know that there is quite a debate about what to run for a Bard (since ther is no CWTN plugin for it yet). RGMercs is the clear winner. It is another plug and play type of automation. Made more generically, so to apply to any toon. The only real [rob;em I have with it is getting the common commands to work with CWTN. I am so used to this at this point I don't get so frustrated anymore. Example: chasing. CWTN toons auto chase their assist, but RGNercs toons won't. Now CWTN has separate commands (called Modes) and RGMercs have theirs. Well they don't mix very well. Anyways I have learned (through trial and error) what works and what doesn't. Downside? Not as good documentation as some of the others. The information is there you just have to dig for it. And not layed out in as good a format. But you can get through it. Still I use it now and after some initial setup problems I am getting used to it.

Last point I want to make is that this is a GAME. Games are meant to be PLAYED, not troubleshot. You get more enjoyment out of a game the less time you spend learning it. I really got hooked on all this stuff after the first time I watched my group pull WAY too many mobs in a dungeon and they kicked ass. Killed all the mobs and even some that were aggroed though the walls. I was sweating bullets as this developed and even remembering saying out loud "Holy shit that's a lot of mobs, oh shit it's gonna be a wipe". Nope, killed them all. So a couple of days later, and I am feeling rowdy and say to myself "Well they did so well the other night, let's go to XXXX and see what happens". Proceeded to pull a absolute butt ton of mobs AND got my ass kicked lol. The Cleric couldn't heal the tank, the ENC didn't get her AOE mez off in time and poof there goes the group. Sheesh, but it was FUN.

Anyways thanks for reading (get used to it)

Again I want to point out that there is absolutely nothing wrong with KA or MA for that matter. They work great, and your toons can do some amazing things running them. They have been around for quite awhile and are very mature, so NOT buggy. I used KA for a year before switching over to MA. And the learning curve goes way down once you have used it for that long. Downside? Way too much time spent not only learning them (I mean just go to the KA page and look at all the commands, and those are just the basics) but also troubleshooting your setup when it has problems. I found this part of multi boxing with RG very frustrating. Until I bit the bullet and bought the CWTN plugins.

Example: chasing. CWTN toons auto chase their assist, but RGNercs toons won't. Now CWTN has separate commands (called Modes) and RGMercs have theirs. Well they don't mix very well. Anyways I have learned (through trial and error) what works and what doesn't. Downside? Not as good documentation as some of the others. The information is there you just have to dig for it. And not layed out in as good a format. But you can get through it. Still I use it now and after some initial setup problems I am getting used to it.
I tried KA the other day and I know there are a few premade ini files for them. I guess I grabbed a bad one because my sk was less than helpful. I don't really know rotation and such for the characters well enough to feel confident in setting up the ini myself.

I believe rg does actually have a chase feature. Mine chase my tank around.

Otherwise though, I've had random luck with rgmerc. Example today, popped over to arthicrex for the dailies. I had to log once I got to the zone and come back later. When I did, my bard and wiz were all but useless. I targeted tank, /rgstart on all toons. SK pulls, cleric heals, wiz and bard target themselves and stand around. Tried multiple times to end and start over. No luck. Finished the quests easily enough but the extra dps would have made it faster

I'd love to give CWTN a shot. Bummed there's no file for a bard yet. Rgmerc is not very good with a bard. The way it twists songs is way slower than just using /melody.

I have setup a separate test folder for EQ but I have no idea how to get macroquest to work with it. If certain files don't match, it errors. I'm guessing there's a test version match somehow? I'd love to set this up to try CWTN.

I tried KA the other day and I know there are a few premade ini files for them. I guess I grabbed a bad one because my sk was less than helpful. I don't really know rotation and such for the characters well enough to feel confident in setting up the ini myself.

I believe rg does actually have a chase feature. Mine chase my tank around.

Otherwise though, I've had random luck with rgmerc. Example today, popped over to arthicrex for the dailies. I had to log once I got to the zone and come back later. When I did, my bard and wiz were all but useless. I targeted tank, /rgstart on all toons. SK pulls, cleric heals, wiz and bard target themselves and stand around. Tried multiple times to end and start over. No luck. Finished the quests easily enough but the extra dps would have made it faster

I'd love to give CWTN a shot. Bummed there's no file for a bard yet. Rgmerc is not very good with a bard. The way it twists songs is way slower than just using /melody.

I have setup a separate test folder for EQ but I have no idea how to get macroquest to work with it. If certain files don't match, it errors. I'm guessing there's a test version match somehow? I'd love to set this up to try CWTN.

For the higher level toon, conflagrant should now be an option ... just need the plat$ - or make yourself (time). With overseer and Tradeskill Construction Set NeXt, maxxing out tradeskills has literally never been easier (also time™).

I have setup a separate test folder for EQ but I have no idea how to get macroquest to work with it. If certain files don't match, it errors. I'm guessing there's a test version match somehow? I'd love to set this up to try CWTN.

Are you using the Redguides Launcher? If so, in the top right is a dropdown menu that you can change to test. This will download the version specifically for test. All the CWTN (dats me!) Plugins are included with the test version of redguides.

If you play on test you have to use the test version of MacroQuest. If you want to play on EMU you have to use the EMU version of MacroQuest.

Check out this link Kissassist.ini Library for KA ini's. Basically fill out the form and tell it to get ini's and they are at the bottom. Naturally Class and Level are very important.

As far as RGMercs is concerned, I have found that /rg classmode is very important. There is a list in your /MQ2/macros/rgmercs/manuals sub directory that gives some good info, somebody on this forum told me about this, boy was I surprised when I looked at it. I understand having your classmode set properly is VERY important. That should help with the "stand around with their thumb up their ass" syndrome lol. And especially with the Bard, he will start mezzing and everything. No charm though. Oh and don't forget to turn Mezzing = on also, that helps a lot. Although I still can't get my WIZ to snare even after turning it on, shrug, still a work in progress lol.

Keep on reading, remember I said it was going to take TIME.

Welcome to the community!

I can't stress enough to fill out your group sooner rather than later. At some point you might want to play current content. Progression will be key to not struggling or maybe just getting stuck. You don't want to do progression twice just because mercs were working well enough at the time. Include nodrop stuff you might lose out on because the toons that would have looted didn't exist yet and mercy don't make much sense in the long run wim MQ. Manually boxing? They make perfect sense. I 3 boxed with 3 mercs before MQ.

Test is the best option IMO if you are on any kind of budget since everything minus purchase of current xpac is free. Plus the economy there is very friendly with people offering things for 1pp that might cost millions on live.
As a suggestion, since you copied over to test...start searching Baz for any and all items you are needing. Most are super expensive at 1pp each, and if you can't find something shoot me a message on here. Have a few chars full of random gear I'm sure I could find to fully outfit you.
As a suggestion, since you copied over to test...start searching Baz for any and all items you are needing. Most are super expensive at 1pp each, and if you can't find something shoot me a message on here. Have a few chars full of random gear I'm sure I could find to fully outfit you.
I'm kinda curious if anyone here plays test only and if they have a guild I could join? Or maybe there's a MQ only type guild? Lol. I have heard of a couple people who say they literally multibox an entire raid.. how likely is that? That seems like a lot of work to setup, though does seem like it could be fun.
I'm kinda curious if anyone here plays test only and if they have a guild I could join? Or maybe there's a MQ only type guild? Lol. I have heard of a couple people who say they literally multibox an entire raid.. how likely is that? That seems like a lot of work to setup, though does seem like it could be fun.
Well I'm back to playing on test. I'll be running two groups. Guild wise, unsure as my current guild seems to be hating boxers atm and sending emails regularly about that.
Wow Blacklions1 they actually send you hate mail about boxing? Seriously? In this day and age, leaving documented proof of a hate crime is just stupid. Be sure you use that against them next time. Do they, at least, use your proper pronouns...jk man. Still that is pretty bad.

Yes. Totally forgot the launcher was where to change things. Setup and logged in and set my toons to get buffed. Did not realize my overseer progress wouldn't transfer. That's kinda a bummer
awesome, now you can try out your entire crew as gold toons with whichever automation you want without the concern for cost beyond your level 2 redguides.
awesome, now you can try out your entire crew as gold toons with whichever automation you want without the concern for cost beyond your level 2 redguides.
Trying to get that setup now. Bard and wiz don't have a CWTN so I'm giving KA a try. I'll probably copy over my lower lvl team tonight since I believe most of those have CWTN.

If you decide to use RGMercs for your BRD and WIZ then change you classmode to 2 after you install it. On both of them. BRD does a pretty good job with mez. Oh and speaking of mez make sure you turn that on also. Or at least check it. Still can't get the WIZ to snare or root lol.

GL man and have fun.

IRL - My history and a request advice for my 4-box group

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