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Request - multiple kiss assist for 1 char? bard kite targeting ? (1 Viewer)

Jan 1, 2009
is it possible to set up kiss to have 2 variant setups for 1 character I want one for normal grouping and a second for when i charm kite.

For charm kite i want to set up boots of mosquito as a pet heal at 2% and im trying to code targeting as a % of mobs health one for charming the highest hp target in the group and another for targeting the lower hp ones for dots to finish off

i found this bit of code but not sure how to apply the high low filters to so cycle through the mobs (before you say just use extended target window the low hp mobs seem to drop to the bottom and if bards pull more that 10 mobs you cant get them back on the list for a while)

i want one hot key to trigger the macro that will target the lowest hp mob in the pack i can live without the one to auto pick the pet mob..

/if (${Target.PctHPs}<=10) {
/target npc next radius #

/if (${Target.PctHPs}>=40 && ${Target.PctHPs}>=100 && ${Target.Type.Equal[NPC]} && ${Target.Distance}<=200)
/target clear

/squelch /target clear
/target npc
/delay 1s ${Target.ID}
/if (${Target.PctHPs}<=20 && ${Target.PctHPs}<=10 && ${Target.Type.Equal[NPC]} && ${Target.Distance}<=200)

im trying to get the kill mob one to auto clear any target off the window till i target one below 20%
I think you can do what you want using the Spawn TLO. Using NearestSpawn[npc radius 200] will get you a list of all npc's within 200 feet. There is a couple of ways to test for the HP's. You will have to create a loop and step through the list. SpawnCount[npc radius 200] will get you the total number of mobs and NearestSpawn[#,npc radius 200](# is an index you increment to get the individual NPC). Using NearestSpawn[1,npc radius 200].PctHPs would give you the nearest npc's Percent of HPs. Once you find a mob with the HP's you are looking for you can target the mod by returning the ID NearestSpawn[1,npc radius 200].ID. Just remember everything go's in ${}

Rich (BB code):
/declare idx1 int local 0
/declare cnt1 int local 0
/declare mID int local 0

/varset cnt1 ${SpawnCount[npc radius 200]}
/for idx1 1 to ${cnt1}
   /if (${NearestSpawn[${idx1}, npc radius 200].PctHPs}<=20) {
      /varset mID = ${NearestSpawn[${idx1}, npc radius 200].ID}
      /target ID ${mID}
      /delay 5 ${Target.ID}==${mID}
      /goto :EndLoop
/next idx1

You will have to do something Like that. You will want to add your code in after the :EndLoop. You will still have to put in a bunch of other logic, but I think you get the idea.
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Request - multiple kiss assist for 1 char? bard kite targeting ?

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