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MQ2GM = bad (1 Viewer)


Well-known member
Jul 13, 2005
Yea- it's bad and it WILL get you banned. I strongly suggest that the 'compilers' take this out of their solution. I already talked to someone that typed /summon thinking it was going to summon their corpse and got a nice message saying Illegal Summon Detected. THIS MESSAGE IS BAD!

heheh relax folks....It's only client side.

You are only a gm client side, and the /summon is never sent to the server.
No other players, not even GMs can see that you are using it when on. I have had it on in front of a gm while getting cookies and milk from them.
and when you /anon while using the plugin, on your client side you do not show up in the zone, but to other people when /who all is done, you do not show up as a gm, and if /anon is on you do show up on the zone list.. unlike an actual gm using /anon.

I've used this plugin just for the spell awareness and to see my name in green for about a year now.

the illegal summon message is there for guides, as they are not allowed to summon players, thats why it's included in the client side info.

I have never had an account banned and have been using mq2 for a little over a year.
Just unload it and don't fret.
I think you are mixing up the mq2gm with the mq2gmcheck. If you load the mq2csum you will get this even without mq2gmcheck or mq2gm loaded. It is usually due to someone with mq2csum loaded doing just the /sum to summon corpse. This will get you the message. Done it myself when being lazy and hitting the enter key too fast. no biggy. Yes, I know that there is a mq2gm plugin out there. Had it, used it, was mostly useless, but the mq2csum keeps me on my toes when i screwup the /sumcorpse on occassion.
dirtynumbangel said:
heheh relax folks....It's only client side.

You are only a gm client side, and the /summon is never sent to the server.
No other players, not even GMs can see that you are using it when on. I have had it on in front of a gm while getting cookies and milk from them.
and when you /anon while using the plugin, on your client side you do not show up in the zone, but to other people when /who all is done, you do not show up as a gm, and if /anon is on you do show up on the zone list.. unlike an actual gm using /anon.

I've used this plugin just for the spell awareness and to see my name in green for about a year now.

the illegal summon message is there for guides, as they are not allowed to summon players, thats why it's included in the client side info.

I have never had an account banned and have been using mq2 for a little over a year.
Just unload it and don't fret.
You're wrong about the command never being sent to the server. It's not only sent, but you're banned overnight. It's irresponsible to have that in a compile and you should know better. If you want spell awareness, use an offset, and if you want your name green, use caption-colors idiot.
This is true... I have never included MQ2GM in my compile, but I have included the offset... I don't see any benefit of even including the offset, so I think I will remove it from here on in, just as I have done with the Shared offset and others that are insta-bannable.

TeachersPet said:
You're wrong about the command never being sent to the server. It's not only sent, but you're banned overnight. It's irresponsible to have that in a compile and you should know better. If you want spell awareness, use an offset, and if you want your name green, use caption-colors idiot.
Can anyone who's actually gotten this message confirm you're "banned overnight?" I see two different opinions from people who both know a lot more than me. And I am confused.
Hotter said:
Can anyone who's actually gotten this message confirm you're "banned overnight?" I see two different opinions from people who both know a lot more than me. And I am confused.

If you /summon, it says "Illegal Summon Detected." As soon as you log off you're banned.
TeachersPet said:
If you want spell awareness, use an offset, and if you want your name green, use caption-colors idiot.

Idiot, gotta love this flame free pay site......
Who here has been banned over this?

Again I have never had an account banned. when you change something client side, and use a command that is a normal command in the game they aren't going to see / ban you over it.

the plugin doesn't even take an offset, let alone push anything to the server.
All it does is change your clients way of seeing you. To say that when using this plug, /summon gets sent server side as a gm command to eq, when all you are doing is changing the client side view of your character, is actually pretty dumb, have you seen the source code for this TP?
I'm pretty sure that even newbies on this board could look at it and tell you that it only affects clients side info.

in case you haven't seen the source, they have it posted on rpg expert.
you know.... when you have time to look at it between stroking your ego to henti. no rush though.

idiot indeed.
If the ban overnight thing is true, its new. I have made the mistake of /summon instead of /sumcorpse. Granted I never use MQ2GM, but it still gives the same message. How would they tell if a player didn't just type /summon? MQ2 or not anyone could type it..
I'm sorry to keep going, but just to ensure that no newbie will read this and think that he's right, due to the fact that being a guide just means EQ reads a flag on your account and changes this memory offset (the exact same one that is changed by this plugin) and then your client says "HEY GUSY, WE CAN SEND PACKETS TO THE SERVER TO DO SUCH AND SUCH COMMANDS" and allows you to "do" /zone, /summon etc. Like all commands, they just send a packet to the server and the server interprets it and does said command. But when the server sees that it's a command that YOUR ACCOUNT is not flagged to do, it throws up a major red nazi flag and violates your accounts proverbial anal cavity with a giant ban stick as soon as your log off (not unlike No Drops in your Shared Bank).

In short, don't be an idiot. I've been banned every way there is to be banned (including this way). Questioning me on what I say is guarranteed bannable is like questioning a bullet .0003 centimeters from your face if it's going to kill you.

P.S. Redbot! I want a red custom title and post count like Codecaster! :)

P.P.S. If you guys REALLY want an offset free "GM" hack that's not going to get you banned, I'll make you one. It'll be called MQ2I-Am-A-Retard-But-TeachersPet-Made-This-For-Me-So-I-Dont-Get-Banned. (No, I'm not kidding about the name, look for it tommorrow morning)

P.P.P.S. Mochila, your corpse-summon plugin probably has /summon bound to the /sumcorpse function as well.

P.P.P.P.S. I have a spare account, and just to prove this is a bannable offense, I'll do the "illegal summon," post screenshots and post the info to the account on this site. If it remains unbanned longer than 24 hours, I'll request Redbot changes my custom title to "Biggest Retard on the face of the Earth (other than dirtynumbangel)"

My Redcents List said:
MQ2GM = bad 12-13-2005 03:35 PM big ego problem, and wrong information
How did I manage to get this one AFTER the guy was banned? Apparently he managed to confuse newbies somewhere along the lines...

P.P.P.P.P.P.S. All of these P.S.'s are my little way of marking updates to a post most of the time.
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Now see here, I'm sick of threads like this. Waaaaaaaaay too much drama.

Sooner or later, you people will realize that if you PM me, email me, IM me, or talk to me in vBChat, things get done a lot more efficiently than if you start a thread that you know will probably turn into a drama-packed thread.

MQ2GM stays. If you want something removed, nicely ask like randomguy did in his first post.

If you people would have left it at randomguy's post, it would be gone.

If anyone would like to request it be removed, you may do so at a later date.

Any proof this did what you thought it did TP?

You said earlier you were going to post info about an account being banned overnight after using the command. I'd like to see it.

Cause frankly, I think there is a bit of bullshit floating around here, call me a doubting Thomas but....
Damn I miss you lot and hope your all well. I'm still over sea's so don't get the time to check o the boards atm.
When I was playing EQ alot I got the message "Illegal Summons." or whatever it is by being a fool and trying to summon a named NPC, I did freak out for a minute but then as no further action seemed to be taken I relaxed, never did it again mind you.
That was 4 months ago.
Hope that helps.
Advice from this humble corner is... If there is any firm evidence that its a stone solid ban for doing it, then post it, but as for me, it wasn't.
Not dumb enough to keep trying it, once was enough, maybe it was luck but I don't think so.
That said it was 4 months ago and from what I gather there are alot of changes in game now...
If you played Sullon Zek, Panz was banned for /summon'ing. I also have several testing accounts that I scuttled by doing /summon.

If you did it 4 months ago and aren't banned, then well, either SoE changed their blatant red flag detecting code to not autoban (doubtful) or you got extremely lucky.

I have seen weirder things though but I'm going to test it out and if I end up being wrong I wasn't kidding about Redbot changing my custom title.
So at least 3 people who have done this and not been banned, not counting Dirty. This seems like just another one of those things that should get you banned but doesn't always, like shared or whatnot; one of those things you shouldn't do but some have gotten away with. I have yet to see anything in EQ or MQ that is absolute. Anyways, I don't use this plugin, and have no desire to until I can understand all the code for myself.
I load mq2csum, mq2docrack, mq2piggyzone. sometimes a couple other things I try but these 3 I use to help me get around and to help my friends. when we been wiped, I just tell my group to consent me and then /sum the corpse, at least until this last patch. havent tried it since the new one. I use a few of the offsets in docrack. basically just use it to enhance the game a tad and get around faster, like noaccel for my mount :) I am happy just picking the few things I use. at some point I am looking forward to doing my own compiles. but as yet, my computer is just shy of what it needs for me to load the stuff I downloaded free to use. I never had an interest in trying the gm things. I havent even tried the gmcheck. I figured I am using the most harmless of things and dont show off while using them. I do understand that any third party stuff is bannable, and even had second thoughts about the whole thing after reading EQLIVE about the bannings and how they hope to get everyone back on the straight and narrow, but for now I will continue enjoying the game with a slight enhancement. I have never tried afk things and other macros. although the one for blacksmithing would be great :) I been stuck at just under 200 for a while:) that might be just the ticket I need hehe.
Redbot said:
Until you came to Redguides. Goodbye Interdupe.

Hey redbot. Dirtynumbangel is not interdupe.

Interdupe's name is jessie and he has an ip address out of MA, Dirtynumbangel (me) is from COLORADO with a colorado IP.
Jessie (interdupe) came to visit me a while back when he came to see his mother in colorado springs, and used my computer while he was here.

So far you have ripped me off for 2 1 month subscription fees, and made it so two of my accounts are unable to even pay for more time.

I can even talk to you on the phone,. fuck I'll even give you interdupe's number, so you can talk to him before he ships out to basic training.

interdupe used my account while he was staying at my house, becuase all pw's and so on were memorized.

Before you just go ripping people off and trying to act like sony with the ban stick, you may want to check the ip address of interdupe, and my IP addresses, for instance the first tiem I ever came to this site was the begining of 05 at a colorado IP address.

I would apreciate it if you would call me and then call interdupe and straighten this shit out man.
I have been coming to this site for a year now and I don';t understand why you would even do this to someone.

I don't like being persecuted in place of Jessie, and I don't apreciate your ripping me off for a little over 10 dollars, I am a college student and a father money is money to me. I have tried sending you e mails, but you never answer, because your super slueth abilities led you to think I was interdupe, led you to screw over a year long customer......

much love,
Dirtynumbangel, aka DNA333, aka Magicmonkey517. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~>NOT Interdupe.<~~~~~
MQ2GM = bad

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