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News - Maskoi's Mystery MIA (1 Viewer)


old and salty
Sep 28, 2005
Hey Everyone,

Lots of people have noticed my absence for the last 3 weeks or so.
Long story short; I was in a bicycle accident in March and broke my wrist.
I have seen 3 doctors over the last 3 weeks with lots of Xrays and CT scans.

The orthopedic surgeons thought I might need surgery at first but after seeing a wrist specialist today it was determined
I DO NOT need surgery. Which is the good news.

I am slowly decreasing the amount of pain killers I am on so I will be able to resume work on KissAssist 9 this weekend.
Ctaylor22 and I will be working with testers next week so hopeful we will be able to release Kiss 9 by the end of the month.

Hey, hope you feel better man. I feel your pain, literally. Just had some knee surgery done myself. Don't overdo it on those wrists - they're pretty important.

I hope things work out for you.

Ouch to both of you. Maskoi, glad you don't need surgery. Automate, hopefully the surgery went well. My fiance is had knee surgery last year and I was amazed at how quickly she bounced back. Running in 4 or 5 months and playing soccer in 9 months...
Ouch to both of you. Maskoi, glad you don't need surgery. Automate, hopefully the surgery went well. My fiance is had knee surgery last year and I was amazed at how quickly she bounced back. Running in 4 or 5 months and playing soccer in 9 months...

Glad to hear it. Hope for the same. I'm about a month and a half out of surgery myself, and I've had a few complications to slow me down, but finally coming into it a little bit. To be fair, I'd never heard of this surgery before. You aren't looking at the arthroscopic holes here, this seems much more invasive than the ACL thing/etc.

Either way, /derail off.
Mas... sorry to hear the troubles but glad you're recovering man! get better dude.

Automate... same goes there too... OUCH.. I had knee surgery but not like yours, thank goodness! :)
DUDE! There is no cleric to rez you! Be Careful, we need you around here!

Sorry to hear you got in a wreck, tricycles can be tricky to ride at our age....
sorry to hear about both of your accidents Maskoi and AutomateEverything, I wish you both a speedy and painless ( as possible) recovery.
My gosh! If you are a lefty, this must have really taken a toll on your "Alone Time"! Get well soon.
I am slowly decreasing the amount of pain killers I am on so I will be able to resume work on KissAssist 9 this weekend.

I just wanted to tell you how much willpower/strong of a person you are for being able to do this on your own. Some of us out there end up getting put on that shit and it ruins their life. After my car accident 5 years or so ago I spent the next few years in an opiate induced fog as they kept uppin my dosages as my addiction grew. Eventually what the doctor gave me wasn't enough anymore.

It's all better now, but I felt obligated to tell you how strong of a person you were for being able to not get hooked on those things.

Hope you feel better soon!
News - Maskoi's Mystery MIA

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