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Fabulous - Maskoi Week Contest (1 Viewer)


Oct 15, 2004
Maskoi has been a daily presence on the forums for 1 year now, and I think it's time we give him an e hi-five.

I present to you our first ever,

View attachment 4690

Post a Haiku, perhaps EQ related, perhaps even something you originally wrote. Bonus points if you find something that rhymes with Maskoi.

Since this art form is entirely objective it will be obvious who the winners are, so no need for an official judge.

1ST PLACE: Pre-order of Veil of Alaris (when available) + 30 day gamecard + humble indie games bundle + 1 month of NA
2ND PLACE: Minecraft Serial # + humble indie games bundle + 1 month of NA
3RD PLACE: 30 Day Gamecard + humble indie games bundle + 1 month of NA

CONTEST IS OVER 12:01AM 9-09-11

REMINDER: We have another big contest coming up, "Best Posts of the Summer" (May - August) so don't think we've forgotten everyone's contributions to the community - we haven't! We're just saving them up for one, big, death to summer contest. For now just worry about your Haiku's.

Haiku Examples:

I walk across the sand - 5 syllables

And find myself blistering - 7 syllables

In the hot, hot heat - 5 syllables


always blame Maskoi - 5

when something goes wrong for you - 7

all the cool kids do - 5

And if you'd rather just tell the guy thanks, feel free to post as well.
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I hit F 5 now

Maskoi Has posted again

Hopefully it's kiss

(Also thanks for all your hard work Maskoi!)
i will try, dont know how this work but.

Spamming Maskoi on skype

Asking for PRO macros from him

Get link to kissassist 4
I'm going to only enter once. Because I think that is the fair and honest way to do it. That and to keep my self dignity.
Eng/Jap Trans Haiku

There are gamers and
There are hackers in this world
All year long they play,

All over the world
Always on their computers
Some all night and day,

If you know Maskoi,
Nice guy from Texas
Yet he came from New York State,

PC programmer,
He is good at what he does
Every day game day,

Everquest guru
Winter, summer, spring, and fall
You may know Maskoi,

He’s online a lot
Usually on his game
His favorite toy,

Maskoi playing year round
Look for him on Everquest
Because you’ll enjoy!







Without him we fail
So stand up and make some noise
For the man, Maskoi

I've been a pretty quiet member here and on Redguides but I've benefited a lot from your work Maskoi, thanks. Hope you enjoy your week ;P.
Contest is over!

These were awesome entries, you guys cracked me up several times.

It's obvious who the winners are, right?
Apparently the winners aren't obvious, so I'll state the obvious:

1st place: Lucent

A Dream of Maskoi

To Keep It Simple Stupid

With Blissful Macros

It captures the Maskoi-ness of Maskoi week, which is simplicity in all forms. But especially haiku and macro.

2nd place: Relentless

Not addicted yet

Maskoi always with new toys

Addicted again

I had to read it a couple times to appreciate it, a common thread among good haiku.

3rd place Breakfast / impatientuser

double x p days

wife aggro dictates macro

yell ahoy Maskoi

Sometimes when I cheat

People threaten to report

"No dude it's just lag"

I'm a sucker for the funny haiku.

They were all really close - I almost made two 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winners, but realized we can't afford it with the big summer contest coming this week. So instead, everyone who entered gets a free month. Thanks for entertaining us!

1st, 2nd and 3rd place winners PM ME! I'm too slow to chase you down.
Fabulous - Maskoi Week Contest

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