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Level 1-79 with 1k AA.... macro included (1 Viewer)


Dec 6, 2006
Since I can't play Everquest until it is patched I decided to write a "guide" to making AA's that I use on all my characters. This is

what I use and you can play the way you want to but I wanted to throw my ideas out there. If you have a good "guide" then please

add to my thread.
I don't even start to get AA's until level 59+ and this guide is for melee mostly but it also has some macros for merc aggro killing.
Here is where I go at each level increment. I also buy the best defiant armor for my level as I get higher level. I try to use a Blade of

Carnage at low levels and a good, fast , weapon in my off-hand. Leveling is about killing fast so that is what I aim for. I also have a

fungi tunic that I use until about level 39 and it helps a lot, especially the zones I hunt in.
At level 1-9 I stay in the newbie zone and have a macro that you can change as youo get higher in levels. You should go from 1-9

in about 25 minutes. Here is the mac I use .... it isn't anything fancy and someone else wrote it and I just modified it for faster killing.

#include ninjadvloot.inc

Sub Main
/declare LootTotal int outer
/declare LootSlot int outer
/warp loc <------------------------------------- find a good loc near the starting area to warp back to
/keypress F8
/if (${Spawn[gm].ID}) /q
/if (${Me.PctHPs}<=80) /goto :heal <-------------- from level 1 -9 I set this to 2% because I don't care if I die
/delay 1s

/if (!${Target.ID}) /target <---------------------- from level 1-3 or 4 make this decaying skeleton
When you hit 4 change to beetle .... 7 change to bear............. 9 you can move on or make it greater


/if (${Target.Type.Equal[Corpse]}) {
/warp target
/delay 1s
/call Lootcorpse
/warp t
/call lootcorpse
/keypress esc
/if (${Target.ID}) /goto :move
/goto :main

/warp target
/keypress back hold
/delay .5s
/keypress up
/stick 7
/goto :kill

/delay 1s
/attack on
/stick 7
/goto :wait

/if (${Me.PctHPs}<12) {
/warp succor
/delay 1s
/warp succor
/delay 40s
/goto :heal
/if (!${Target.ID}) /goto :main
/if (${Target.ID}) /goto :kill

/if (${Me.PctHPs}>80) /goto :main
/if (${Me.PctHPs}<=80) {
/delay 10s
/goto :heal

Some people are scared to warp but I have never been caught using this macro, even when there are people around. Some have

sent me tells saying .. "Damn that's a good mac, can I get a copy" so I e-mailed them a ton of macros I use and we have become

good friends. As soon as a GM logs in in ANY zone it immediately tells me and I can choose to stop or continue. If he is in my zone

I have it stop.
I use this macro outside Neriak but it can be used in almost any newbie zone.
You will use this same macro to level as high as you want to go. You only have to change that warp location and the mob names.

The reason I use so many /call lootcorpse is so you do not get stuck on a corpse. I found if you run this program it doesn't loot no

-drop items so it will try to loot the corpse about 3 or 4 times then move on and start killing again. If you feel confident in your

gear and think you can handle mobs 2-3 levels higher than you, you can take out the /warp loc and change it to /keypress F8 . Then

you never warp at all and you kill the next mob near you. I usually do that because I have good gear starting out.
From 11-19 I usually hit Crushbone and change the mob names as I level . You can stay here until 25 but I have better places to go

at 19-21. At about 21 I go to Paludal Caverns. Change the name of the mobs to recondite and kill until 25 or so. You should go

from 19-25 in about an hour, less if you have good gear. This is when I usually start needing a merc because of all the adds in the

bandit camps. You will usually be fighting 3-4 at a time. You can also add another mob line and add those mobs that disease you. I

was killing so fast I would run out of bandits about level 23. I also do not use the /warp loc here, I just delete that line. There are so

many mobs to kill here you almost never loot so don't expect to get rich here. I usually stay here until 29 because they die so fast it

makes the lesser experience worth staying.
At 29 , at the latest, I go to Upper Guk. A lot of people don't want to lose their faction here but with my method you are going to

be ally with the live frogs very soon. I change the mob names to the frogs in the top portion of the zone. I change the mob names

by looking at the map and finding any mob even con or dark blue. I use the /warp loc here but I do not use the location of the zone

in. There will be so many trains here that you will have to warp and succor a lot but the frogs die so fast it makes it worth it, and

they don't hit all that hard. I'll usually go about 2 rooms in and use a location there. You can also kill those spiders for your first

mob line then add a frog or two for when the spiders are all dead. As I get to 32-33 it is time to move on. Now I go to Lower Guk. I

will change the mob names to the frogs around the bedroom area. I will usually warp to the location just after the drybone skeletons

but before the bridge where the goem-things are. That is a safe place to med up or whatever. I usually kill those skeletons first and

make the second mob line the golems and a third the frogs. You will then kill the skeletons, the golems and then start killing frogs

until the skeletons spawn again. Also, at this point I will usually add the mob line and target assassin and supplier. On my server you

can sell that bag for about 1-2K so you can get you one while afk killing. Bone chips also g for 1pp each on our server so you make

a good little profit there.
Once I get about 38-41 I'll change my warp location to the safe spot near Magus and Hand. I add the mob lines for /target magus

/target hand /target lord and kill them if they spawn. The ring and bracer the hand drops sells to merchant for 299 plat if I

remember correctly so you can make some pocket change here, too. I stay here until I feel like moving which is about level 43-45.
At 43-45 I will look at the hot zone for that level and sometimes go there but for sure I go to Veksar. I'll look on my map and

choose a good warp location and kill there. It is usually just after you come out of the water at that safe spot. I'll kill here for a long

time until I can handle the golems then I use my warp location on the steps like you are going to jump the fence and zone out. I kill

only golems until about 49-51 then I leave the zone for Sebilis.
For sure I am in Sebilis by 51. I will use the safe spot near the first beetles you come across the bridge for my warp location. Then I

set my mob names for those beetles first and then frogs. Here is where you start to make some good plat. I know it isn't uber but

you should make 49-55K plat every day here just looting gems and tradeskill supplies like nodding blue lilly. I'll stay here until about

55 then change my warp location for deeper in Sebilis. I never kill mushrooms.. why? They have those priests that can heal through

walls so it will take forever to kill them and it slows your experience down. At 59 I go to the golems. These guys are great

experience at 59 but they are tough and run. I usually set my warp location up after the golem room, in the huge room with the 2

alcoves off each side and the secret wall going to Trakanon. I will kill the frogs in the alcove and set that as my warp location.

Golems add a lot so you will be succoring a lot at first until you get the spawn broken up a little. If you want to manually kill them

and wait about 3-4 minutes before each kill it will help but this mac is good and setting a good spawn increment.
This is also a good place to start merc aggro killing if you 2 box. I have a macro that will get your characters involved, too , so you

don't lose dps when you sleep. Here is that mac.

Sub Main


/warp t
/delay 1s
/attack on
/delay 20s
/goto :main

I run this on all my boxed charcters that I want to go into combat. For Shaman I use Shambot and for cleric I use healer.mac. My

normal set up is some melee character with healer merc and then ,my secondary character is either a monk, ranger or rogue with the

tank merc. Don't set anyone on puller... you will die if you do. You want the merc to be main tank and you don't need to set assist

because YOU are assisting the merc. Now you can go to sleep and wake up with good AA's. At 59 I turn my AA on here at about ten

to twenty percent but this is an excellent spot to go one-hundred percent AA and get about 75 a day.... you should be making at

least 6 AA an hour at first here. Remember you are still shitty on DPS at this point and these golems have a lot of HP compared to

the frogs. Another thing I always do but most people don't, is get all the damage doing AA's. Get your veterans wrath and anything

that does damage... riposte, return kick.. etc. I know it sounds stupid but you will get your DPS up faster this way so you will kill

faster. Most people get their combat stability and agility up first to be able to take more damage or avoid taking damage but then

they still kill slowly so it stunts you later on. I also look for some weapon that procs damage and I grab up the ingenuity AA. I also

start to use poisons here to help kill faster. If you start using poisons at level 1 you will level twice as fast usually. I usually stay here

at level 61 and get two-hundred AA before moving on. You should be able to get the AA's easily here in 2 days. I usually have them

in about 12-18 hours. Most people are going to say Plane of Fire is better experience but at level 61 you really can't tank POFire to

make the experience better. It will take you 15 minutes to kill a guardian of fire and by that time you can kill 3 golems. At level 61 it

takes about 8 golems to get an AA if you have less than one hundred AA. You will make only about 3-5 AA an hour until you get

your DPS up above 185 or so. Once your DPS is over two hundred you should be killing a golem every 2-3 minutes when your DPS

is above three hundred you will be killing a golem in less than a minute. I'd say getting those first one hundred fifty AA would be

your main goal at 59-61. Remember too that this is usiing defiant gear, nothing special. If you have better gear you are going to kill

faster and level faster. Poison and proccing weapons and augs help to level faster, too. You can have a weapon that procs some

direct damage and with that ingenuity AA and Veterans wrath you are going to see mobs die way fast.
After I stay in the golem camp for a few days I may go to 63-64 here but I usually leave and go to Droga. I set my warp location to

the first big room after falling into the fake floor and killing down that tunnel. If I have good gear or I am 2-boxing I go even

deeper. There is a room deep in that has a rock in the center with about 12 goblins in tents close. There is also an archway that you

go through to get to the named at the bottom jail area. I set my warp location to that rock because nothing aggros you there and

you don't want to be popping back to those green mobs at the zone in. At 61-64 these should be dark blue and even cons if I

remember correctly. You can actually stay here until 69 but I only stay here until about 65 then move on. This is another place to

rack up on AA. By now you should have over one hundred and fifty AA so if you go all AA here you will get about 9-12 an hour. If

you have over two hundred you should get 12-17 AA an hour here. Poison works good here also. There is only one more location

move I would ever do here and it is in the jail where most of those spiders are. On the map these guys are dark blue until about 69.
Now you have two choices and it is all gear and AA dependant to where you go. I usually try to get better than the 69 defiant but if

I can't I just use defiant. I usually stay in Droga until I have three hundred AA. I stay at level 64 here and mop in the AA. Even killing

light blues here is good experience because they die so fast. You should be killing a goblin every 15-35 seconds solo here. If you are

2-boxing it will be faster. Once I have three hundred AA it is time to move on.
At 65 I usually try Plane of Fire. With three hundred AA this is a good camp. I set my warp location to somewhere in what we call

the courtyard. Make sure your mobs targeted are "Of Fire" ... nothing else. At this level it is very hard to tank the "Doomfire" mobs. I

usually set my AA exp to twenty percent here and go for levels. In this camp you will kill until about level 71 then then guys turn

light blue. When they turn light blue I move my warp location to a corner across from the steps on the second floor of the tower.

You could do it on the first floor in the safe spot but many people go there and I don't like warping to a spot where many people

camp. Where I warp location too there is one mob to kill that will aggro you. Once he is dead the macro is excellent. It stays on the

second and third floors so you hardly see anyone at all. You will also rake up on cash here with the diamonds that drop. One

hundred fifty thousand plat a day is no problem here. At 71 it takes about 7 kills to get an AA here. With three hundred AA you can

kill a guy every minute on average. I had 255 AA and my DPS was about 255 when I first got in this camp. I stayed here for 4 days ,

at level 83 though, and got my 1K AA and raised my DPS to over eight hundred. In this camp you only need one mob target line

and it should be "doomfire".
I never grouped until I had my 1K AA because I was a crappy tank and didn't want a bad reputation as a crappy tank. After I got my

defensive AA then I began to group and I noticed a huge difference in my tanking ability. I stayed in Fire until level 79 or so then

upgraded my gear and started grouping. As I was in Fire I would buy TA's to all the void group missions and to the HoT

progressions. I made so much cash I had a full set of Abtruse armor before I was even level eighty. When I hit 81 I went and did all

the void solo stuff and grouped for the Warrens and got my J5 merc. With a J5 merc healer you can tank 9-15 mobs at a time in

Fire. I got rampage and all the reposte AA and I noticed I reposte so much the mobs around me would be at less than 79% when I

killed the first one. It seemed they beat themselves up on me a lot.
After level 79 you pretty much have to group or 2-box. I always 2-box after level 79 unless I am just going for more AA. At 82 you

can also still do Forgotten Halls. At 83 they are all grey. They are green at 82 but you kill them so fast that it is good experience. It

isn't as good as Plane of Fire but it is safe. Sometimes slow and safe is better than fast. I think you stay in Forgotten Halls for 5

hours and you can get only about 25 AA but it is safe to absolutely go AFK there and not worry.
I have been caught in Fire by 3-4 people and they will send me tells. I tell them I am semi-afk and they can kill as many mobs in my

camp as they want. This macro is so good that it never runs out of mobs to kill. Also on the second floor the named pops a lot and

you can get parchments and runes. That's why I say you only need "Doomfire" as a mob target. You can add /tar doomfire warlord

/tar doomfire wizard to the macro to kill those mobs as soon as they spawn but I don't. At level 82-83 I was getting one hundred

twenty AA in a 12 hour period and making at least 75K plat in that same period. You loot a lot armor here that sells in bazaar for 1K

a piece so I made a merchant to sell while I kill.
This is also a good place to power level one of your level sixty guys. You just sit him in the safe spot on the first floor and then kill

with your high level guy. This macro never goes too far where he won't get experience and I went from level 61-73 in a 12 hour

period. After that I set the AA experience to ninety percent and he was getting an AA every 2-3 minutes.
I know there are better places out there to hunt for experience but I go for safe because I warp a lot. I got caught by a GM once

because I was in Veksar when it was a hot zone. I had my level 79 warrior killing all the Nobles with my monk FD mooching. I was at

the keys but not paying attention. He sent me about 15 tells then warped us to CShome. When I noticed the zoning I ran to the keys

and asked what the hell he was doing. He said I was blatantly cheating and that warping is grounds for ban. I said Ok ban me then

because I was just afk watching a movie and grinding levels and AA sucks. It is the only thing that I hate and it would make me quit

the game if I had to do it manually. He said he understood but not to be so blatant around other people that they get mad and

report me because I am killing all the mobs so fast. he then zoned me to Plane of Knowledge and I never heard from them again.

No ban or suspension or anything.
I hpe this helps someone or gives them new ideas because I know grinding gets boring and can wear your interest out if you have

to do it all manually. If you have something to add please do. I wrote this for guys that want to level fast to 79 or so. Using my

method here you should level to 79 in about 2-3 days if you don't AA. I consider a 12 hour playtime a day, not 24 hours.
Happy Hunting,

Level 1-79 with 1k AA.... macro included

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