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Problem - I have to be honest, this is starting to piss me off (1 Viewer)


Seasoned veteran member
Dec 30, 2019
I've been having a problem with crashes for over a year now. I have hundreds of .dmp files from the crashes and sent 20 or so to EQmule in hopes of find a resolution. Sadly, all I got was "Not sure what it is, probably a plugin". I appreciate how quickly EQmule responded, though I wasn't able to get any info that helped. I'm hoping some of you folks out there may have seen this and know something about it. After all this time, there is no common denominator that I can nail down. It can happen when I'm only running 3 toons, or 15. I can have alts just sitting doing absolutely nothing but getting exp and they will crash. The worst of course is when it's the healer and it causes a wipe. It's so bad I've taken to using a 2nd healer out of group as a necessary backup. I'm at wits end here, and feel like I'm about ready to just give up on the software altogether. Also, it happens on my PC as well as my laptop, so it's not just the computer. Every rare once in awhile, retry works. 99% of the time I just have to just go to task manager to kill whichever one is no longer responding and restart the toon, often to have it happen all over again.
Anyway, If you have had similar experiences, I'd love to hear from you in hopes of turning a very long time of bad experiences into something much better. Thanks.


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From time to time plugins can cause me problems, I don't know what's causing it, code changes in the background or whatever I assume. I'm talking about from patch to patch or could just be related to whatever zone I happen to be frequenting that week or month, Mq2nav and Burning Woods was giving me intermittent problems recently but I've moved on from BW now and no more issues or else the code/crash has been fixed.

Try and unload as many plugins as you can, just load whatever ones you absolutely need and see if that helps? That's about all you can do
From time to time plugins can cause me problems, I don't know what's causing it, code changes in the background or whatever I assume. I'm talking about from patch to patch or could just be related to whatever zone I happen to be frequenting that week or month, Mq2nav and Burning Woods was giving me intermittent problems recently but I've moved on from BW now and no more issues or else the code/crash has been fixed.

Try and unload as many plugins as you can, just load whatever ones you absolutely need and see if that helps? That's about all you can do
Sadly, I've tried that many times with no discernible change in crashes.
Burning Woods is buggy on EQ Emu, coincidence? MQ2 is rock solid for me though, and it was on Live too. I would suggest just starting fresh with it, delete everything except any ini files or whatever you want to keep, and do a fresh install. Then disable all the plugins except essentials. You can do that in the macroquest.ini file. Then add stuff in bits and test as you go. It could be a plugin that causes crashes, or it could be the ini file. I had everything go haywire once and crash constantly because I messed something up with posse/gtfo. I uninstalled it all and everything was working great again. I would also shut down background programs in case something is conflicting. Like I had bit torrent running which caused a severe performance problem. Turn that off and it is perfect. Anti virus is often a culprit for problems too so try having that disabled. Also imo people should stay away from wineq2 and anything like eqplaynice or whatever. Isboxer is good but all that other shit seems abandoned and causes problems and there are better alternatives now.
Never had any problem using winEQ2 with MQ2, but well as @microscope said, if you dont really need it, then don't use it and desinstall it.
From time to time i also do a full reinstall of my system. Sometimes it takes a lot less time than checking everything and using anti malware anti ransomware etc etc etc to see if you have something infected in your HDD that corrupt your system and makes you crash.
You can DM me a couple of your most recent crashes and I'll take a look.

Be aware crashes contain extra information which may include your profile name on your computer, character information, and other data from memory.
Burning Woods is buggy on EQ Emu, coincidence? MQ2 is rock solid for me though, and it was on Live too. I would suggest just starting fresh with it, delete everything except any ini files or whatever you want to keep, and do a fresh install. Then disable all the plugins except essentials. You can do that in the macroquest.ini file. Then add stuff in bits and test as you go. It could be a plugin that causes crashes, or it could be the ini file. I had everything go haywire once and crash constantly because I messed something up with posse/gtfo. I uninstalled it all and everything was working great again. I would also shut down background programs in case something is conflicting. Like I had bit torrent running which caused a severe performance problem. Turn that off and it is perfect. Anti virus is often a culprit for problems too so try having that disabled. Also imo people should stay away from wineq2 and anything like eqplaynice or whatever. Isboxer is good but all that other shit seems abandoned and causes problems and there are better alternatives now.
I get that it could be a plugin, but the only plugins I use other than whatever the default ones are is MQRogue and MQZerk. I avoid using many plugins that are probably very useful because I don't know enough about what they do to turn them on.
As far as the fresh install, etc, it happens on 2 different computers and is totally random on both as to which toon might crash. I don't run any background programs because I know just enough about computers to have been through that issue with other things before. Antivirus is the devil, and I haven't used any in years.
shot in the dark but what OS are you using? Do you have something like Windows 7 on both? Just looking for something that would be the same on both machines that could cause the same issue.

also, have you tried running multiple toons without MQ? Run 2 or 3 for a bit and see if you have the same issue. It could be a problem in the EQ files if so.

I know as much as a porcupine in spandex here so take these ideas with a grain of salt.
I’m not a programmer, but couldn’t someone look at the dump file and tell where the problem is coming from?

@Ninjapickle are you playing on live? What macro are you using?
I'm playing on Live, and the macro doesn't even seem relevant. I only say that because I can log the crashed toon back in and it will crash instantly before I can load anything. I'm having that problem this very moment with a zerk that was running fine for hours until BOOM. I can only get him actually logged in by using /unload on the char select screen before loading him. For what it's worth, I only use MQBerzerker on the one crashing non-stop right now. Also, it never seems to matter if the toon is running one of CWTN plugins, RGmercs, or a kiss ini. I've tried to pay attention over the past year and there's no rhyme or reason that I've been able to uncover yet.
Live, EMU, Other?
What plugins are you running? /plugin list
How often does it crash? Daily, Hourly, Monthly?
Have you updated your video drivers, have you updated windows?
Live. The plugins are whatever loads by default, with the only exception being my zerks and rogue use CWTN plugin. Sometimes I won't have crashes for a day or two and sometimes it happens so often I find myself yelling WTF at my computer and resisting the urge to throw things lol. Video drivers and windows are updated on both computers.
shot in the dark but what OS are you using? Do you have something like Windows 7 on both? Just looking for something that would be the same on both machines that could cause the same issue.

also, have you tried running multiple toons without MQ? Run 2 or 3 for a bit and see if you have the same issue. It could be a problem in the EQ files if so.

I know as much as a porcupine in spandex here so take these ideas with a grain of salt.
I understand. Both machines use Win 10. I've never had a crash on a toon running without MQ, except once or twice the reset device error pops, but that's different.
there is a known autoloot crash - it appears knightly asked you to send a couple dmps to him, so he will be able to chime in if it is autoloot causing the crash. Kernelbase could be a whoooole lot of stuff
Do you have the crashing problem if you’re running eq without mq?

can you post your macroquest.ini?

or the relevant part that lists the plugins?
I'm trying the recommendations from Knightly, one of which was autoloot, and so far so good. It hasn't been long, so it's still a small test sample, but I'm optimistic.
Really appreciate all of the feedback from everyone here. Awesome community is awesome!
Problem - I have to be honest, this is starting to piss me off

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