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Question - Druid or Cleric? (1 Viewer)


Well-known member
Jun 2, 2022
I am looking to add a 6th to my group and I am debating between a cleric or a druid. I mean the Cleric is THE healer, but the druid adds so much more. However a lot of things the Druid can do (except ports) are covered with other toons.

Currently I am running : SK, BER, MAG, BAR, SHA

Any recommendations?
if you are in the sub 100s, do cleric (shm doesn't quite have the toolkit yet) - I'm assuming BAR is BRD and not "Level 1 barbarian commoner"

if you are in more of the current game, i would do another ber, a bst, or a rogue

dru is not in a super great group spot at the moment (current game) - but if you did, you'd really want an ench, and probably a necro (group mana tap) druids have mana probs
BTW, did you mean Druid or Shaman?
if your team members are below level one-hundred, you should add the cleric; if your team members are at/above one-hundred you should add ber, a bst, or a rogue.

druid doesn't really fit

i mean this is what i said =p the "shm doesn't quite have the toolkit yet" means "the shaman doesn't have some of the necessary things available to adeptly handle single healing role as deftly as it would once you get into the post 100 game - cleric can and does.

but obviously, as always "play what you enjoy" if you enjoy the druid, do it
What confused me is that my question was to choose DRU or CLE but your answer said SHM does not have the toolkit yet. SO I wanted to confirm if it was not a typo
I recently took a full 6 from level 1 to 105 before I broke them off and swapped chars into my main group. Now, I did have plat to spend, plus a crap ton of TBM currency for upgrades. I made sure my toons were full defiant at every level opportunity I could equip.

WAR/SHM/BRD/BST/BER/BER. I didn't have any issues and was killing yellow to red mobs the whole time at the start of my camp areas, and would go until the first light blue came along, then switch camps. Shaman performed well enough, I didn't need the cleric. But...like I said, I geared all toons in full defiant so...YMMV.

My 1st group though was an additional Cleric. SHD/SHM/CLR/BRD/MAG/MNK. I rarely wiped, and I mean rarely. Only if I did something stupid. But I also lacked the DPS and kills were a lot slower. The Cleric definitely helped as I didn't have the gear.

I would switch the MAG out to another BER/BST/ROG and add a BST/BER/ROG. My personal favorite group atm is SHD/SHM/BRD (Holy Trinity), BER/BST/ROG. Very dominant in the current game.

In the end, play what you like and adapt to their strengths/weaknesses. The game is for your enjoyment. While we can offer opinions on our favorite, or universally accepted group makeups, choose what you like. Back in the day, I had a lot of Necro friends (I mained a Necro) and we would roll into Howling Stones and decimate the entire zone when it was still current content. Most fun I ever had in EQ. 6 Necros with Arch Lich and the level 59 spectre pets. Amazing!
i mean this is what i said =p the "shm doesn't quite have the toolkit yet" means "the shaman doesn't have some of the necessary things available to adeptly handle single healing role as deftly as it would once you get into the post 100 game - cleric can and does
So would you say

SK - Tanking
Cleric - Heals
Bard - add dmg and cc
Mage: Pet+DPS
Zerk: DPS
Beastlord: DPS and buffs

Would be able to handle most things up to 115?
Ha! That sounds like something I will have to do once I max out this group!

This looks very interesting though
Oh that was so much fun! 12 Spectres killing more undead. Was the best time ever.

Yea, the double ber was something I thought I was going to keep, but I prefer dropping the 2nd Ber for the Rog. If you do have corpse recovery, rogue handles it perfectly, plus with poisons has good synergy and great DPS.
I HAD a druid as a main healer thinking ok they can heal AND port and some dps.BUT and this is a huge BUT. Druid heals that are the nuke heals require line of site to land. In ToV CoV and ToL there is tons of hilly terrain that make Druid heals not land even if you are standing 2 feet away from the toon you are trying to heal for me that was the deal breaker.
If I am exping or grinding out aa Shammy is my healer. If I am doing missions I tend to use my cleric for heals but can use the Shammy most of the time. Lots of folks use a shammy for everything.
As Sic suggested if your group is currently above level 100 then adding another melee dps would be more beneficial to your group makeup.
In the end it's about your playstyle and what works best for you.
As a note my current group for ToL content is
SK, Shm, Rog, Rog, Bst and Brd. If Im doing ToV or CoV content I change the Rogs out for Zerkers.
SK, Shm, Rog, Rog, Bst and Brd. If Im doing ToV or CoV content I change the Rogs out for Zerkers.
That looks interesting. If I go for something similar I would replace a rogue with a zerker (personal preference). Is there a reason why you would choose 2 rog over one of each?
Got it. Thanks, folks. I am almost certain I will run SK, CLE, BRD, ZRK, ROG, BST and then, later on, make 1 more zerk and one more rog to double them up based on content.
Got it. Thanks, folks. I am almost certain I will run SK, CLE, BRD, ZRK, ROG, BST and then, later on, make 1 more zerk and one more rog to double them up based on content.
One thing I haven't seen mentioned here is that the BST can function like a backup healer. I run MQ2BST and have it set up to use mending. When my group starts taking too much damage the BST turns into a 2nd healer. It's a great way to spend $20 if that's a possibility. I don't even have to do anything and can concentrate on tanking.
yeah I am thinking eventually I will get the plugins for all classes so I can run more than one group...eventually. But yeah, not a bad idea for an oh-shit moment
I had the same question when playing EQ and I chose Druid . I got him to level 120 and when I used him I was not satisfied with his healing abilities.

So I decided to make a Cleric and got him to 120 and joined the box team. Much Much better, Here is why

1) Cleric has the HP and AC Aura that adds 10K + to all group members
2) Clerics buffs mitigate and reduce Incoming damage ( shinning armor line )
3) Clerics heals - Incredibly way faster, Group heals much better
4) Resurrections in battle - revive fallen group member while in combat
I run both a Druid and Cleric in my group. I wouldn't consider a Druid for healing, backup is fine but their heals are generally terrible and it is a waste of a Druid as their DPS is where it's at. That being said I also run an Enchanter and without the Enchanter I wouldn't consider a Druid either. Go Cleric they have so many amazing wipe saving AAs and spells.

Also Clerics have plate so they can survive a lot better, a dead healer means a dead group.
honestly cleric just has more mana efficient healing, shaman can afford to be inefficient due to cani, and druid if set up right with kiss assist can be a back up healer who dots targets at high level when they have the hp to actually live long enough to be mana efficient. but the druid's heals vs their cost tend to leave them oom quickly. leaned these lessons the hard way lol. still running druid but just because i don't want to have to level up a wiz for ports. just set her up out of healing mode unless they get below 50% and let her dot away at targets.
I wanna point out that Druid is probably the most underestimated class to most of the community. That could be a class bias that Druid can not be Main/Only healer of the group etc...

Yet I've been play one druid recently. With some customized stuff and the correct setup (I highly recommend Rexan's post about the Druid Class), Druid can not only be the main healer of my group but also contribute insane dps while maintaining all the mana!

Pro tip: Don't use composite nuke unless you are burning, also your dots need to be very well planned, again go check Rexan's website, it will help you to understand this class way better than before.

In all round scenarios, like raid/group grinding/missions, Druid performs solid no doubt.

I. E., I boxed all 4 missions in TOL with druid being the only healer in group easily, with warrior dual wielding all the time (raid geared warrior though). He can also burst to raid TOP5 if got some lucky shots, sustained to top10-15 while taking care of all casters in the group.
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Ya im gonna agree with adding a dps. your shaman at high lv is more than adequate to heal, slow and buff/debuff. not sure why my words r this way lol. i must have hit something. otherwise id go cleric. druid can add dps as well but if u use cleric for heals shaman can do other things effectively.

It isn't always about who does the top at whatever job they are supposed to do. At high lv its more about group synergy. What can this class offer to the group to make them all more effective. Bard is a perfect example of this. Cleric auras aren't terrible either

good luck on your choice, remember, its easy enough to lv these days especially when u box. If u find something isn't working, its just a new project for you to work on. next up... new projects keep me interested
Question - Druid or Cleric?

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