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Question - Beginning Boxing Questions (1 Viewer)


Sep 12, 2004
Hi there everyone. I'm a veteran of EQ, but a newb on boxing. I've just looked at the 5 beginner videos and read a little on Almar's Guides. I think I'd prefer Redguide's setup with Kissassist over the other one. My questions are:

1. Is it better to box 6 characters and start up 5 more EQ accounts? or do 3 accounts and use Mercs?
2. If I want to focus on one main character in my main EQ account, does it matter if the other 2 (or 5) are free accounts? Or do most boxers pay for 3 (or 6) full All Access Accounts?
3. When just starting out, is it ok to play around with the KissAssist settings "as you go", or should I really devote a bunch of time to really learning it before I start the group at Level 1? At what level do you need to have it down to adventure effectively? I ask because "moloing" you can get into the 70's without a lot of mental work with just a merc. Is that same with a boxed group? Or will the point come earlier where you "need to know what your doing". This assumes not doing raids/difficult encounters I'm sure, and just focus on grinding mobs for exp.

Thanks for anyone that takes the time to read this!

PS, I just saw as I read this that I joined Redguides back in 2004!
welcome to redguides!

1. most folks end up doing a full group or near a full group. mercs are kinda poo
2, depends on your goals - which will likely change over time
3. nah its all about having fun, start small, adjust as you need

you'll find that as you increase your knowledge that your needs/goals will likely change, and you might end up expanding - but to start, whatever you find enjoyable is correct and perfectly fine
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Anything is viable in relation to number of accounts but you will probably find yourself eventually adding more and more to gain utility and more dps etc.

3 characters would probably be a good idea to start with. Maintaining the kissassist ini's as you level can be a bit of work, I find rgmercs good when leveling then use kissassist when you want to stick at a level and it allows more customising.

I would say most people run free to play accounts except for their tank, there is info on a good ftp gear path and casters aren't too gear reliant.

You can probably pick up kissassist as you go, look to the ini library for inspiration.
The main thing is to have fun while you play. But yeah 6 toons will be better in many ways, than 3 toons + 3 mercs.
3 toons and 3 mercs will be a good start, but if you like boxing (RG style), you'll end up pretty fast with 6 toons.
Mercs will use money, but toons will use even more if you are starting to gear them up and buy spells. But once it's done, that will just be pp farming. That will not cost you anything anymore.
If you plan to play FTP toons, i would just suggest to sub them at least one month to max their aas and buy them (if you can) spell rank increase from marketplace ( so you'll be able to use rk 2 spells on ftp toons)
T1 gear is pretty decent in all xpac.
You will probably end up making 6 chars eventually, you'll be thankful later if you just make them from the start.

Use MQNext, with MuleAssist automation macro with the awesome Lua that aquietone made for a clean GUI https://www.redguides.com/community/threads/maui-muleassist-ui.78762/

It is really helpful to have the ability to edit the INI files without opening a text editor.

Also try using the new Lua buttons! https://www.redguides.com/community/threads/button-master.78354/page-2#post-481790

I would recommend starting with a group of level 1 characters even if you plan to play some other characters that you already have. Try setting them up with super basic muleassist macros where you have one char leading, and the other 5 following + assisting. The command list is here: https://www.redguides.com/community/threads/muleassist-instructions-settings-info.73370/

The key is START SIMPLE, and build from there. Don't just copy paste someone elses macro to start off. Spend a little time to learn how to build a dps, heal, buff rotation in the MAUI gui, and it will help you a ton once things start getting more complex at later levels.
I started off with 3 plus mercs. I think it was helpful because I was unfamiliar with boxing in the beginning. The learning curve is not as steep as you think, and you will eventually want a full group.

I run 1 paid and 5 F2P with mostly no issues. As long as your tank is the paid account you should be fine. I will say that there is 1 mission at current end game where I had to sub my accounts for a month to be able to beat it. I think that is an exception though and you won’t run into that problem for a long time
I run 1 paid and 5 F2P with mostly no issues. As long as your tank is the paid account you should be fine. I will say that there is 1 mission at current end game where I had to sub my accounts for a month to be able to beat it. I think that is an exception though and you won’t run into that problem for a long time

Is this with the caveat that you spent at least one krono on every account at least one time to get AAs?
Much of the advice above is similar but slightly different. I would say try mule assist , kissassist, if your interested CWTN has paid plugins for many of not yet most classes that really kick ass and take out the setup work.

Each automation method has its advantages and drawbacks and part of this is figuring out what works best for you. That may take time don’t be afraid to change and try new things as you play and level.

things to remember, be prepared for going in:
1. You will mess up and You will die - as you get up to speed and figure things out you will inadvertently have your automated characters do something stupid. Fail as a human to react and stop them and die.

2. Play the group you want. Sure there are optional group make ups but so long as you cover your bases you canmostly make the groupyou want. Sounds like you havea main oran idea at least on that. It’s a good place to start your group planning.

3. don’t be shyabout asking for help, this community is great. If you need to know something search for it and failing to find it ask.

welcome to the world of boxing.
Howdy all -- i just re-installed EQ about a week ago, so glad i found this. I had the exact same questions as the OP, so i guess i was meant to start driving my ol' EQ Ranger again. Relive the good ol' days of 99-2005. Cant wait to start boxing my Test server Toons before i jump back to Rathe.
In my opinion:

Go 6 toons if your not really looking to join others into your groups. 3 toons Is nice and easy to manage with Mercenaries , but it depends on what your Goals, Objectives and play style is like.

I personally like to modify my INI file as I play. You learn a lot more and keeps you busy on what works best for you.
Just my two cents but I’d get a CWTN plugin for at least your healer. It will save you some frustration as you learn to box. You’ll know that at least your healing is spot on. I run them for every toon they make them for. For me, mq took the grind out of EQ and cwtn took frustration out of learning how to box.
I started using MQ2 with just 2 toons, My pally and one of my enchanters. I found it to be awesome because I just made hotkeys on my pally telling my enchanter what I wanted him to do. Such as slow mob, mez, nuke when told cast invis and buffs. I didn't use kissassist on him because I wanted total control and it worked great. I was able to progress through content that way until I encountered group missions. After about 3 months of that I gave kissassist a shot and started boxing 6 toons. Then this evil guy named CWTN made these plugins that made life even easier so I bought some of his addons and am totally screwed. There is no way I will be able to ever play the game without them now. It gives so much more control to the boxed toons.

As eqplayer16 mentioned it would benefit you to box all 6 now to save you time of PLing other toons later. Mercs are horrible other than the cleric but boxing a cleric with kissassist = not paying the merc fees. Make sure you make a fellowship and add all your toons for getting back to camps easily.

Continue to ask questions here on the site, these guys here are super helpful and I rarely see anyone complaining about people's questions.

Make sure you watch all of Sic's videos, not to give him more clicks, but because they are so helpful.
Hi there everyone. I'm a veteran of EQ, but a newb on boxing. I've just looked at the 5 beginner videos and read a little on Almar's Guides. I think I'd prefer Redguide's setup with Kissassist over the other one. My questions are:

1. Is it better to box 6 characters and start up 5 more EQ accounts? or do 3 accounts and use Mercs?
2. If I want to focus on one main character in my main EQ account, does it matter if the other 2 (or 5) are free accounts? Or do most boxers pay for 3 (or 6) full All Access Accounts?
3. When just starting out, is it ok to play around with the KissAssist settings "as you go", or should I really devote a bunch of time to really learning it before I start the group at Level 1? At what level do you need to have it down to adventure effectively? I ask because "moloing" you can get into the 70's without a lot of mental work with just a merc. Is that same with a boxed group? Or will the point come earlier where you "need to know what your doing". This assumes not doing raids/difficult encounters I'm sure, and just focus on grinding mobs for exp.

Thanks for anyone that takes the time to read this!

PS, I just saw as I read this that I joined Redguides back in 2004!
Gifted you a month of free level 2 access.
1)start off with whatever you are comfortable with, in the end you will PROBABLY end up with 6.
2)I have found that the Tank and 1 dps as gold work fine, i can do all current group missions using tank heal and top dps as gold rest as FTP, once i have them all on farm i tend to drop healer back to ftp a well
3)starting off i would suggest use rgmercs. or purchase CWTN/Sic pluggins. I ended buying all of the plugins cause they are soo easy and good.

KA isnt hard, just check out
set your class and level and search the library. theres also alot that will help you build your own INI's once u are ready to
After 20 years, I got sucked in by 'Hey (My character name), you can do trades skills way easier....

And then it was, Hey you got that Shaman.....

And then it was and SK to 115, and I though it was enough...

And then 3 more...

Make 6 from the start, Tank, Heals x2 and DPS of your choice and don't look back....
Gifted you a month of free level 2 access.
1)start off with whatever you are comfortable with, in the end you will PROBABLY end up with 6.
2)I have found that the Tank and 1 dps as gold work fine, i can do all current group missions using tank heal and top dps as gold rest as FTP, once i have them all on farm i tend to drop healer back to ftp a well
3)starting off i would suggest use rgmercs. or purchase CWTN/Sic pluggins. I ended buying all of the plugins cause they are soo easy and good.

KA isnt hard, just check out
set your class and level and search the library. theres also alot that will help you build your own INI's once u are ready to

Thank You!!
Hi there everyone. I'm a veteran of EQ, but a newb on boxing. I've just looked at the 5 beginner videos and read a little on Almar's Guides. I think I'd prefer Redguide's setup with Kissassist over the other one. My questions are:

1. Is it better to box 6 characters and start up 5 more EQ accounts? or do 3 accounts and use Mercs?
2. If I want to focus on one main character in my main EQ account, does it matter if the other 2 (or 5) are free accounts? Or do most boxers pay for 3 (or 6) full All Access Accounts?
3. When just starting out, is it ok to play around with the KissAssist settings "as you go", or should I really devote a bunch of time to really learning it before I start the group at Level 1? At what level do you need to have it down to adventure effectively? I ask because "moloing" you can get into the 70's without a lot of mental work with just a merc. Is that same with a boxed group? Or will the point come earlier where you "need to know what your doing". This assumes not doing raids/difficult encounters I'm sure, and just focus on grinding mobs for exp.

Thanks for anyone that takes the time to read this!

PS, I just saw as I read this that I joined Redguides back in 2004!


I Pick up and put down boxing EQ all the time, so alot of learning, re-learning, questioning if I want to try moving to something different... etc.

A. Kissassist, and RGMercs are solid macros that work "out of box" without any cost investment. Putting down some money CWTN pluggins are phenomenal. Honestly the devs here are fantastic and super helpful if you have any questions.
B. Kissassist is a wonderful tool, and working with the .ini's for your characters is a very simple to learn with a high skill ceiling process. Having to keep it updated and learning how it interacts with the game is actually rewarding as it betters the automa (we dont use that word) handling of your toons. The documentation on KA is also massive, written for those who know nothing, and also probably the most well known macro on the platform between users, so support is easily accessible and available.
C. Ensure you join the discord. You are more then welcome at reaching out to me (whytetech#6377) on discord if you have any further questions or want to drill down some more or would like some assistance with base level understanding of KA, but that isnt to say the general forum isn't available, there are tons of active people on the discord who are almost always around and willing to assist, most notably are the devs and creator tagged individuals.

Advice aside, my answer to your questions:
1. start with three and cover your bases with the mercs. The mercs will help keep you alive while you learn the systems and the macros you choose to use.
2. While detection is minimal, as long as you dont draw attention to yourself (aka be a dick, camp hoarding, something to GET you reported), I wouldnt use your primary account with any 3rd party software just out of over zealous caution.
3. Try everything, and see what does what you want. As Sic mentioned, and probably others, You will learn more, adapt to new things, find things work better with other things so on and so forth.

Ultimately good luck to you, glad to have you!
Thanks to everyone. I changed my name as suggested (this is the OP), and I've just finished watching the videos including the CWTN one. The kicker was when I watched the CWTN Warrior one today and realized I could put it into mode 7 (Sic Mode I think), and control the Warrior to pull but then have all the other benefits of the CWTN work for not only my "main" but the rest of the team. Wow, is that a game changer. Then I can play the parts I want and not play. I assume then if I have a rogue in the party and I want to do "Rogue things", I can put hte Warrior into a different mode and put the Rogue into a mode where I have some control. Dreaming ahead, whenever there is a Wizard or Druid CWTN, that would mean I can take control to port the party but then go back to my puller or my tank when the camp/fight begins? Sorry for the rambling sentences. Wow, this really will make it like playing Baldur's Gate with a party! I just wish I could play more than on the weekend LOL.
Sorry, another question. I think I saw on one of the videos that SIC had a party with some characters running CWTN and some on KA. Is that common for you? Is that a lot more overhead when just starting out? All of the advice is great, and I'm thinking about just starting 6 level 1's and making my party the exact 6 classes I want to play whether they have CWTN or not. I'm not afraid of putting in some time to get started since I think I'll stick with it longer if I'm playing exactly what I want. Anyway, this has been a great start so far. I watched the moving video as well as now learning about the EQBCS, so I'm almost ready to create my characters and get started.
Question - Beginning Boxing Questions

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