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/advloot Generator: Advanced Looting System Item Filter Syntax Generator

Software /advloot Generator: Advanced Looting System Item Filter Syntax Generator (1 Viewer) 1.0.4

Enter a list into the text box like so

Blue Diamond
Gnoll Fang
Cloth Cape

Press the "Generate" button and you get:

22503^9644^Blue Diamond
13915^800^Gnoll Fang
1006^656^Cloth Cape

Which is the exact syntax that the /advloot filter needs.
I am glad you find value in it! I am still tweaking it, keep checking back. I plan on adding more features down the road and nightly dumps of things like all collections, all bags, and all tradeskills that can be quickly downloaded from the home page. If you have any other ideas for pre-compiled lists please let me know and I will see what I can do.
thedank submitted a new resource:

a simple web based utility that allows you to input a list of EverQuest item names and returns the list in properly formatted /advloot syntax which can then be inserted or merged into your advanced loot INI files located within the userdata directory of your EverQuest game client installation folder.

No more hunting down old forum posts for /advloot filter syntax for specific items, or waiting until you see the item drop in game...
Last edited by a moderator:
where in userdate folder do u put that info in
I tried LF_AN and it doesnt make any diff in game still have to wait for an item and click the always need box
You look for the file LF_AN_ (toon name) and add this info generated there. Best to do it while out of game so when you load in the new user data will be in effect.

You can also make a LF_AN_namewhatever. Put the info from the generator in that file. Save. Then go in game to the advloot window > edit filters > merge/replace > find the file you made and merge it with your existing advloot settings
the filters show the item in the LF_AN_ (toon name) however when an item actually drops its still blank

Im very confident the LF_AN_(toon name) file is correct, I just dont think the game cares one bit about it
Ive had that info there for some time (months), it doesnt appear to make any diff for the advloot window
Only things that get looted are things I actually check myself
has anyone else noticed that?
The method I use is to create a new AN_Items_servername.ini file and use the MERGE/REPLACE option in the advloot filters to add the new list into my toon's current list. I have not had any issues using this method. I have put detailed instructions regarding this on the website once you generate a list.
My entries look like this LF_AN_(toon's name)_servername.ini
not sure what the LF is, the AN is Always need, the rest is self explanatory
when i search adv items they are checked, but when an item drops for the 1st time there is nothing there until I check it
LF most likely stands for Loot Filter or Loot File. Have you tried the merge/replace option using a separate file than the actual toon's file like I suggested above?
Interesting, this method works for me 100% of the time. What happens when you merge the list then log off the character then log it back in. Does it work then for you? This is not an issue with the advlootgenerator since the filters are being added to your advloot system on the toon as you indicated. This is an in game issue that your experiencing, as if your active filters are not getting refreshed on your toon even though the filters have been updated.
Also there is one thing to be mindful of with this. If you already have loot listed in your /advloot window from previous kills then apply the filter the items currently in your list will most likely not get the filters applied until the next time they show up in the list. Because they were added to the window prior to merging/replacing your INI file for the toon.


I have 5 blue diamonds in the /advloot window, none set for AN

I create a LF_AN_BlueDiamond_server.ini file with the contents of:
22503^9644^Blue Diamond

I then merge that file into my toons current loot filter

The 5 blue diamonds in my window will NOT go to AN

Any blue diamonds I loot after WILL go to AN.

Hope this makes sense.
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Update: fixed a small bug where the system would only return the first item if multiple items shared the same name but had different ID numbers. Should help folks looking for those oddball quest items where there is a 'good' and 'bad' version that can be used for a quest turn-in or combine.


Inputs (both have multiple items in the DB with same name)

Cloth Cap
Loam Tainted Slime

Old return:

1001^639^Cloth Cap
47937^1435^Loam Tainted Slime

After update:

1001^639^Cloth Cap
10152^639^Cloth Cap
42984^639^Cloth Cap
47937^1435^Loam Tainted Slime
47945^1435^Loam Tainted Slime
I fixed it. The database is refreshed nightly by a group of gnomes working tirelessly in a dark dank dwarven dungen. The foreman went to get a sandwitch and the gnomes got loose! Chaos ensued, and the database got populated with jibberish instead of a nice fresh update of shiny eq items.

The gnomes were found yesterday evening passed out drunk on dwarven ale not too far from the compound, They have been disciplined and all is well now!

If you experience issues with the site again in the future either post here or PM me directly

Update: 10/1/2020

The tool now will accept strings to be used as a search pattern to produce a list of results in advloot syntax.

Prior to this update you needed to type in the EXACT name of the items you wanted to search for, now you can type in a string like 'Ice Encrusted' along with a list of EXACT names line by line and it will return everything in the database that has 'Ice Encrusted' in the name along with the other items you appended to the list.

So an example entry would look like this:

Cloth Cape
Ice Encrusted

Which returns:

1006^656^Cloth Cape
1018^656^Small Cloth Cape
1030^656^Large Cloth Cape
15841^656^Ensorcelled Metalcloth Cape
127690^1562^Ice Encrusted Leather Boots
153503^6250^Restless Ice Encrusted Seashell
164321^6607^Summoner's Ice Encrusted Earring
164322^6609^Ice Encrusted Earring of Vigor
164323^6613^Ice Encrusted Earring of Adroitness
164324^8157^Ice Encrusted Earring of Brilliance
164325^2673^Guardian's Ice Encrusted Mask
164326^3679^Ice Encrusted Mask of Vigor
164327^3681^Ice Encrusted Mask of Brilliance
164328^2515^Ice Encrusted Necklace of Security
164329^6586^Ice Encrusted Necklace of Adroitness
164330^6646^Ice Encrusted Necklace of Vigor
164331^664^Ice Encrusted Amice of Adroitness
164332^3207^Ice Encrusted Amice of Vigor
164333^668^Ice Encrusted Amice of Brilliance
164334^8165^Ice Encrusted Cloak of Brilliance
164335^5070^Ice Encrusted Cloak of Adroitness
164336^5066^Ice Encrusted Cloak of Security
164337^10108^Ice Encrusted Idol of Brilliance
164338^10110^Ice Encrusted Idol of Adroitness
164339^10109^Ice Encrusted Idol of Vigor
164340^1722^Ice Encrusted Ring of Adroitness
164341^6633^Ice Encrusted Ring of Vigor
164342^6569^Ice Encrusted Ring of Brilliance
164343^5057^Athletic Ice Encrusted Belt
164344^5052^Quick Ice Encrusted Belt
164345^5061^Fleet Ice Encrusted Belt
164346^3686^Ingenious Ice Encrusted Belt
164347^5078^Savvy Ice Encrusted Belt
164348^5049^Vital Ice Encrusted Belt
164349^9161^Ice Encrusted Charm of Vigor
164350^905^Ice Encrusted Charm of Brilliance
164351^5990^Ice Encrusted Charm of Security
164352^10081^Ice Encrusted Tower Shield
164353^10082^Ice Encrusted Kite Shield
164354^10083^Ice Encrusted Buckler
164355^10084^Ice Encrusted Sword
164356^10085^Ice Encrusted Axe
164357^10086^Ice Encrusted Hammer
164358^10087^Ice Encrusted Club
164359^10088^Ice Encrusted Dagger
164360^10089^Ice Encrusted Short Spear
164361^10090^Ice Encrusted War Axe
164362^10091^Ice Encrusted War Hammer
164363^10092^Ice Encrusted Katar
164364^10093^Ice Encrusted Battle Rod
164365^10094^Ice Encrusted Injection Dagger
164366^10095^Ice Encrusted Mace
164367^10096^Ice Encrusted Pick
164368^10097^Ice Encrusted Athame
164369^10098^Ice Encrusted Wand
164370^10099^Ice Encrusted Great Axe
164371^10100^Ice Encrusted Maul
164372^10101^Ice Encrusted Long Spear
164373^10102^Ice Encrusted Great Sword
164374^10103^Ice Encrusted Battle Staff
164375^10104^Ice Encrusted Devotional Staff
164376^10105^Ice Encrusted Arcane Staff
164377^10106^Ice Encrusted Compound Bow
164378^10107^Ice Encrusted Longbow
13168^1070^Skull of Jhen`Tra

Enjoy! Feel free to use the 'Donate' button after the utility produces your loot list to help cover development and hosting costs since I do not place any banner ads or trackers on the site.
Just letting everyone know that I am migrating the utility to a new web hosting platform. Due to DNS changes you may experience a site outage over the next day or two while the IP address change propagates across the world.
The loot list processing is sooooo much faster now on the new hosting platform....

Gave it "Ice Encrusted" and it returned the list and:
Processed 60 items in 0.06 seconds

Gave it "Skull" and it returned the list and:
Processed 570 items in 0.07 seconds
I just updated the database with the current CoV item list. I will continue to run periodic updates over the next few months to keep the utility in sync with any new CoV item updates.


Basic CoV Tradeskill Items:
164265^584^Velium Tainted Glob of Slush Water
166002^10653^Restless Velium Tainted Diamond
166003^10655^Restless Velium Tainted Pelt
166004^10656^Restless Velium Tainted Silk
166005^10654^Restless Velium Tainted Logs
Currently there is not much in the open databases yet as not enough people are running the item collectors, looting the new rares, and pushing the data up to the communities. Here is what I have scraped together so far:

166441^8172^Blood-Soaked Mask of Brilliance

166447^665^Blood-Soaked Amice of Brilliance

166457^6617^Blood-Soaked Ring of Adroitness

166459^5063^Blood-Soaked Belt of Brilliance

166461^2889^Blood-Soaked Charm of Vigor

166465^10566^Blood-Soaked Spiked Shield

166470^10577^Blood-Soaked Mace

166475^10576^Blood-Soaked Katar

166485^10585^Blood-Soaked Claymore

166462^6698^Blood-Soaked Charm of Brilliance
Had to take it down, the host I was running it on is no longer available. I also have minimal time to continue to maintain it. I have since migrated the entire site to a simple set of bash and python scripts I can run to get my searches done. They are posted below for everyone to modify and use as they see fit. My apologies for parking the domain, hopefully this will make up for it!

Item Database Downloader:
# download latest itemlist from sodeq.org
wget http://items.sodeq.org/downloads/items.txt.gz
gunzip -f items.txt.gz

# fix the funky Iksar R/L Hand import issue
sed -i 's/=\\|-/X420X/g' items.txt

and the search utility that parses the items.txt file you just downloaded with the previous script.

Item Search Python Script:

import csv

itemSearch = input("What item would you like me to look up?\n")
print("Generating advloot syntax for: ", itemSearch)

n = len(itemSearch)

with open('items.txt', 'r', newline='') as csvfile:
    readCSV = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter='|')
    for row in readCSV:
        itemName = row[1]
        itemID = row[5]
        itemIconID = row[13]
        if itemName[:n].lower() == itemSearch.lower():
            advline = itemID+'^'+itemIconID+'^'+itemName

What I got from Lucy so far:
166448^664^Blood-Soaked Amice of Adroitness
166447^665^Blood-Soaked Amice of Brilliance
166446^1118^Blood-Soaked Amice of Vigor
166488^10588^Blood-Soaked Arcane Staff
166480^10580^Blood-Soaked Athame
166468^10568^Blood-Soaked Axe
166476^10570^Blood-Soaked Baton
166460^5061^Blood-Soaked Belt of Adroitness
166459^5063^Blood-Soaked Belt of Brilliance
166458^8169^Blood-Soaked Belt of Vigor
166490^10043^Blood-Soaked Bow
70472^637^Blood-Soaked Bracer
166473^10574^Blood-Soaked Broadsword
43075^658^Blood-Soaked Cape
166478^10031^Blood-Soaked Censer
71104^861^Blood-Soaked Champions Scroll
166462^6698^Blood-Soaked Charm of Brilliance
166463^2464^Blood-Soaked Charm of Security
166461^2889^Blood-Soaked Charm of Vigor
166485^10585^Blood-Soaked Claymore
166451^5067^Blood-Soaked Cloak of Adroitness
166450^8163^Blood-Soaked Cloak of Brilliance
166449^658^Blood-Soaked Cloak of Security
166439^753^Blood-Soaked Earring of Adroitness
166438^2484^Blood-Soaked Earring of Brilliance
166437^6549^Blood-Soaked Earring of Vigor
166486^10586^Blood-Soaked Fighting Staff
166479^10579^Blood-Soaked Flanged Mace
166477^10578^Blood-Soaked Foil
86314^875^Blood-Soaked Fungus Band
86285^631^Blood-Soaked Fungus Pants
166482^10582^Blood-Soaked Great Axe
166487^10587^Blood-Soaked Halberd
166469^10570^Blood-Soaked Hammer
166472^10573^Blood-Soaked Hooked Knife
166454^2241^Blood-Soaked Idol of Adroitness
166453^2239^Blood-Soaked Idol of Brilliance
166452^5730^Blood-Soaked Idol of Vigor
166475^10576^Blood-Soaked Katar
166466^10083^Blood-Soaked Kite Shield
166471^10571^Blood-Soaked Knife
166470^10577^Blood-Soaked Mace
166442^1651^Blood-Soaked Mask of Adroitness
166441^8172^Blood-Soaked Mask of Brilliance
166445^510^Blood-Soaked Necklace of Adroitness
166444^9618^Blood-Soaked Necklace of Security
166443^1634^Blood-Soaked Necklace of Vigor
88122^1234^Blood-Soaked Patch of Fur
166457^6617^Blood-Soaked Ring of Adroitness
166456^6628^Blood-Soaked Ring of Brilliance
166455^6557^Blood-Soaked Ring of Vigor
166484^10584^Blood-Soaked Spear
121304^1436^Blood-Soaked Spellstone
166465^10566^Blood-Soaked Spiked Shield
166467^10567^Blood-Soaked Sword
166464^10565^Blood-Soaked Tower Shield
166481^10581^Blood-Soaked Wand
166474^10575^Blood-Soaked War Hammer
166440^771^Guardian's Blood-Soaked Mask
60096^864^Scout's Blood-Soaked Notes
166436^8157^Summoner's Blood-Soaked Earring
Had to take it down, the host I was running it on is no longer available. I also have minimal time to continue to maintain it. I have since migrated the entire site to a simple set of bash and python scripts I can run to get my searches done. They are posted below for everyone to modify and use as they see fit. My apologies for parking the domain, hopefully this will make up for it!

Item Database Downloader:
# download latest itemlist from sodeq.org
wget http://items.sodeq.org/downloads/items.txt.gz
gunzip -f items.txt.gz

# fix the funky Iksar R/L Hand import issue
sed -i 's/=\\|-/X420X/g' items.txt

and the search utility that parses the items.txt file you just downloaded with the previous script.

Item Search Python Script:

import csv

itemSearch = input("What item would you like me to look up?\n")
print("Generating advloot syntax for: ", itemSearch)

n = len(itemSearch)

with open('items.txt', 'r', newline='') as csvfile:
    readCSV = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter='|')
    for row in readCSV:
        itemName = row[1]
        itemID = row[5]
        itemIconID = row[13]
        if itemName[:n].lower() == itemSearch.lower():
            advline = itemID+'^'+itemIconID+'^'+itemName

Thats awesome!
Really liked the site, so great that you made it available as offline!
I noticed that you need to make an exact search to get hits.
If you want to search for items containing something you can change the "if" row to:
if itemSearch.lower() in itemName.lower():
List of 'Otherworldly' items needed to combine NoS TS gear (ie. new ore replacement):

94965^2317^Otherworldly Pauldrons
159844^638^Otherworldly Wrist Armor Lining
159845^636^Otherworldly Hand Armor Lining
159846^666^Otherworldly Feet Armor Lining
159847^639^Otherworldly Head Armor Lining
159848^670^Otherworldly Arm Armor Lining
159849^631^Otherworldly Leg Armor Lining
159850^678^Otherworldly Chest Armor Lining
159858^11796^Otherworldly Earring Clasp
159859^11794^Otherworldly Mask Fastener
159860^11782^Otherworldly Necklace Clasp
159861^6830^Otherworldly Amice Fastener
159862^11792^Otherworldly Cloak Fastener
159863^11788^Otherworldly Idol Polishing Cloth
159864^11786^Otherworldly Ring Polishing Cloth
159865^11784^Otherworldly Belt Buckle
159866^11789^Otherworldly Charm Polishing Cloth
159876^6806^Otherworldly Shield Enarmes
159877^6158^Otherworldly Essence of Finesse
159878^6161^Otherworldly Essence of Power
159879^6790^Otherworldly String Serving
159884^6301^Otherworldly Focus of Fortitude
159885^6294^Otherworldly Focus of Heroism
Software /advloot Generator: Advanced Looting System Item Filter Syntax Generator

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