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News - 64bit discussion (scheduled 2-15-2022 for live server) (4 Viewers)

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I can run it on my old laptop.. so its all good. I love the Cloud Gaming link, it actually looks tempting.. but upon load, the website says not accepting any new subscribers.
Brazenness Abound! Hogwash with your pity less spite @william12 , I postulate your exaltations of envy are due to your usage of your Pentium 2 with a whopping 4 Gigabytes of ram within your Compaq, what I used in the grand time of old Nineteen Hundred and Ninety-Nine! A pox on you and your VoodooFX!
The race is on: which is done first, mqnext64 or my diy macropads? Having all the parts and even the coding finished doesn't mean I won't keep getting distracted. I think my ideal ETA is next week, my realistic ETA is sometime this summer lol. However, I now have enough parts arrived and in transit to make a few dozen various macropads with various configs. If the whole EQ v MQ mess goes on long enough or gets worse, I may have a few dozen spares for sale LMAO. Really though, I was thinking last night due to all the parts coming and this issue(whether everyone or just us more paranoid peeps) I may sell the rest for Kronos, shipping included.

My goal, has less to do with this whole suspension thing and more to do with personal preference, but I want to basically make a hardware equivalent to MQ, such that it won't do any thinking or afk, but make boxing etc far easier. The code would be adjustable though so I guess if someone wanted to they could feasibly make them AFKable too with the right loops. Making a bunch of 16key pads, some 20key, and some 4key, so I can compact my 5+ keyboards into a few inches on edge of desk and can sit back and still play, hopefully better, my 6man group. With a combo of firmware(hopefully mostly this) and some software(won't know til I'm done how much may be needed if at all, but software is more iffy than hardware in DBG eyes, even just for macroing a keyboard) I hope to be able to fully operate my group with 5 keypresses per kill, after pulling, 2x5 for burns.

We'll see how it goes, getting sidetracked is my professional identity lmao, but when/if I finish, and everything is tied up neatly, I may just do that: 1 kr for 4keys, 2 for 16, 3 for 20key, and an extra if priority shipping is wanted...seems fair I think(also highly unlikely I'll ever finish lmao, but once I have 1 completed the rest will be quick) Those whole idea being one of the many that kept me sidetracked from actual productive activity last night lol
Why on earth would they run 32 bit version anymore?
Very specific applications, same as they had a version of 7?) for the original netbooks when they came out with atoms and 512mb&2gb ram...speaking of, I do have 4-5 of those laying around, wonder if any are 64bit capable.
i feel like there should be like a roll over or a pause phase for RG SUBS so that way the subs arnt going to waste ( once MQ2 is no longer avalible) whats the point of paying if cant use?
if that makes sense
like my RGCents is going for 3 months and i feel like id be sorta cheated out RGCents if i couldnt even use VV
or am i alone in this thought?
You can always just keep posting useful info and giving your cents to ppl everyday and make more back in that month than it cost...no reason to suspend.
This GPU talk is pointless. EQ is a DirectX 9 game, and Nvidia and AMD have long since ceased any DX9 development for their cards. I went from a GTX 970 to a 1070 and got no change in performance, while Tomb Raider saw a FPS bump. I got a better performance boost going from a Core i7 8700 to a Ryzen 5 5600X.
This GPU talk is pointless. EQ is a DirectX 9 game, and Nvidia and AMD have long since ceased any DX9 development for their cards. I went from a GTX 970 to a 1070 and got no change in performance, while Tomb Raider saw a FPS bump. I got a better performance boost going from a Core i7 8700 to a Ryzen 5 5600X.
the change to the 64bit might lead to better everything and might need better vid cards!
donnez-moi l'argent pour le CPU et je ferai le reste lol
hail caesar money GIF
MQ will be available on patch day as usual.

If this is true (even if a caveat needs to be added that things could happen that could break it) id love a real announcement. This thread has been coy as fuck (understandably), so if RG has info that means you all don’t need to be coy anymore, please share. We’re all making choices in game not really knowing what’s happening with MQ. I for one could sub my team up and work on type 5 augs for the next two days, but I’m not sure if burning six krono will fuck me with an extended downtime.

So while I get you all don’t want to make promises, SOME communication of useful, tangible info is preferable.
I get your point, but the lead mq dev said it would be available like normal lol.

RG as a site, company, and community has no reason to not take brain at those words.

So yes, RG is expecting it to be more or less a "regular patch". Obviously there is never any silver bullet guarantees, but mq has never been in more capable hands imo.
I get your point, but the lead mq dev said it would be available like normal lol.

RG as a site, company, and community has no reason to not take brain at those words.

So yes, RG is expecting it to be more or less a "regular patch". Obviously there is never any silver bullet guarantees, but mq has never been in more capable hands imo.

So, lol, say that! I didn’t know brainiac was now considered the “lead MQ dev” because I don’t recall an announcement saying as such being officially made.

An announcement on the official expected status of 64 bit MQ is also nice because it: 1) isn’t buried in 7 pages of posts, and 2) is clearly understood as something serious rather than trolling or sarcasm.

With all that said … thanks to all the devs and others working behind the scenes to make this shift to 64bit client work. You’re all Marvel heroes in my book!
lol you guys with your low ram and shitty CPUs but using a 3080ti :)
Wait what? lol that's a solid CPU. Shame!

So, lol, say that! I didn’t know brainiac was now considered the “lead MQ dev” because I don’t recall an announcement saying as such being officially made.

An announcement on the official expected status of 64 bit MQ is also nice because it: 1) isn’t buried in 7 pages of posts, and 2) is clearly understood as something serious rather than trolling or sarcasm.

With all that said … thanks to all the devs and others working behind the scenes to make this shift to 64bit client work. You’re all Marvel heroes in my book!
I don't know the structure of RG either aside from the more vocal RG folks. I actually thought it was kept vague with intent?
So, lol, say that! I didn’t know brainiac was now considered the “lead MQ dev” because I don’t recall an announcement saying as such being officially made.

An announcement on the official expected status of 64 bit MQ is also nice because it: 1) isn’t buried in 7 pages of posts, and 2) is clearly understood as something serious rather than trolling or sarcasm.

With all that said … thanks to all the devs and others working behind the scenes to make this shift to 64bit client work. You’re all Marvel heroes in my book!
well a couple things.

brain has been "lead dev" for mq2 since 2019, whatever that means/meant - and obviously lead dev on the MacroQuest project. so there isn't really much to announce there, but i can understand that if someone isn't "keeping up" how they wouldn't know - there just isn't really anything to announce.

I put out a banner announcement with the 64bit info, and it was updated when brain said it was going to be patch as usual, we also sent out a tweet and notification.


The reason we're not making multiple threads about it is this is the thread about the 64bit and 64bit related things, splitting it up over multiple threads is a train wreck - I've probably merged 30 threads into this thing since it started =p so in the spirit of that, we're not going to make a new thread to announce about this thread =p the people who want to get the information have those places I mentioned where it is available.

the other issue is again, nothing is silver bullet guarantee, folks are on edge with the suspensions and hard-driven promises/guarantees that fell through would be a super vibe killer to just about everyone.

RG also doesn't speak for the MQ dev team - while there are overlapping people, the MQ dev team in independent from RG, so we're just as crossing our fingers as the rest of the community.

again, I understand your point, I'm just not sure that your expectations here could be met without overpromising something that isn't a 100% and that wouldn't have the potential for further bad-times and disappointment for folks. so if the communications fell short, I can take the blame on that, and I'm sorry about that.

having said that, I'm super excited about the hopeful smooth 64bit transition. and as I said before, imo, MQ has *never* been in more capable hands to navigate through those things. Thanks for your feedback
@Sum1 I'm more concerned with how EQ devs will handle the 64 bit transition, and how many patches/downtime we will get. I have ZERO worry with our guys here at RG/MQ (remember MQ is NOW officially a RG only thing.. I love that!) I have a character that I krono and his sub is about to expire, but I will let it lapse until I know EQ devs are done patching.
@Sum1 I'm more concerned with how EQ devs will handle the 64 bit transition, and how many patches/downtime we will get. I have ZERO worry with our guys here at RG/MQ (remember MQ is NOW officially a RG only thing.. I love that!) I have a character that I krono and his sub is about to expire, but I will let it lapse until I know EQ devs are done patching.
Where is the announcement that MQ is RG only? You can still compile your own build of MQ iirc if you wanted to
Where is the announcement that MQ is RG only? You can still compile your own build of MQ iirc if you wanted to
redfrog meant that the official version of macroquest at redguides is MQ - that MQ2 "legacy" is no longer something we will be offering for live/test soon - and possibly/eventually for emu

MQ itself is open-source available > here <
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well a couple things.

brain has been "lead dev" for mq2 since 2019, whatever that means/meant - and obviously lead dev on the MacroQuest project. so there isn't really much to announce there, but i can understand that if someone isn't "keeping up" how they wouldn't know - there just isn't really anything to announce.

I put out a banner announcement with the 64bit info, and it was updated when brain said it was going to be patch as usual, we also sent out a tweet and notifiation.

View attachment 37833

The reason we're not making multiple threads about it is this is the thread about the 64bit and 64bit related things, splitting it up over mutliple threads is a train wreck - i've probably merged 30 threads into this thing since it started =p so in the spirit of that, we're not going to make a new thread to announce about this thread =p the people who want to get the information have those places i mentioned where it is available.

the other issue is again, nothing is silver bullet guarantee, folks are on edge with the suspensions and hard-driven promises/gaurantees that fell through would be a super vibe killer to just about everyone.

RG also doesn't speak for the MQ dev team - while there are overlapping people, the MQ dev team in independant from RG, so we're just as crossing our fingers as the rest of the community.

again, i understand your point, i'm just not sure that your expectations here could be met without overpromising something that isn't a 100% and that wouldn't have the potential for further bad-times and disappointment for folks. so if the communications fell short, I can take the blame on that, and i'm sorry about that.

having said that, I'm super excited about the hopeful smooth 64bit transition. and as i said before, imo, MQ has *never* been in more capable hands to navigate through those things. Thanks for your feedack

Not many people spend more time than you on these forums, and I spend an outsized amount of time on these boards, too. If I’m not “keeping up” with my level of engagement, then there are 500 other people totally in the dark. So, insinuating that a non-mod/non-admin/non-power user should somehow have just known something because it was common knowledge to you and a few others isn’t realistic.
Wait what? lol that's a solid CPU. Shame!

I don't know the structure of RG either aside from the more vocal RG folks. I actually thought it was kept vague with intent?

Yea, I didn’t realize until sic’s post responding to me that MQ and RG are only loosely associated with each other. I thought RG = MQ = RG.
well a couple things.

brain has been "lead dev" for mq2 since 2019, whatever that means/meant - and obviously lead dev on the MacroQuest project. so there isn't really much to announce there, but i can understand that if someone isn't "keeping up" how they wouldn't know - there just isn't really anything to announce.

I put out a banner announcement with the 64bit info, and it was updated when brain said it was going to be patch as usual, we also sent out a tweet and notifiation.

View attachment 37833

The reason we're not making multiple threads about it is this is the thread about the 64bit and 64bit related things, splitting it up over mutliple threads is a train wreck - i've probably merged 30 threads into this thing since it started =p so in the spirit of that, we're not going to make a new thread to announce about this thread =p the people who want to get the information have those places i mentioned where it is available.

the other issue is again, nothing is silver bullet guarantee, folks are on edge with the suspensions and hard-driven promises/gaurantees that fell through would be a super vibe killer to just about everyone.

RG also doesn't speak for the MQ dev team - while there are overlapping people, the MQ dev team in independant from RG, so we're just as crossing our fingers as the rest of the community.

again, i understand your point, i'm just not sure that your expectations here could be met without overpromising something that isn't a 100% and that wouldn't have the potential for further bad-times and disappointment for folks. so if the communications fell short, I can take the blame on that, and i'm sorry about that.

having said that, I'm super excited about the hopeful smooth 64bit transition. and as i said before, imo, MQ has *never* been in more capable hands to navigate through those things. Thanks for your feedack
Having worked in software for a long time, I can attest that communicating about development progress is really hard. We pay a few people a lot of money whose only job is to communicate development progress without setting the wrong expectations or overcommunicating or under-communicating or pissing people off, etc.

Personally, I would have liked to have seen a pinned, admin-locked thread with the "official" stance on the 64-bit switch. I know that a lot has been communicated in this thread, but it gets lost in all other "stuff".

In any case, everybody's done a great job with the whole thing. I'm happy that we've got all the right people for the job.
Not everyone needs or wants to know the inner workings behind the plugins and macros we use.
Most of us just want their update on patchday.

To the critics saying 64bit client status is not communicated enough, i say:
Even tthose who barely read our guild discord seem to know that the 64bit MQ client is ready for the patching.
So the argued confusion doesnt seem to be as factual as some may think.

Well done RG!
News - 64bit discussion (scheduled 2-15-2022 for live server)
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