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2boxing in EQ (1 Viewer)



i tryed out to use keyclone today to 2boxing in EQ on 2 computers, but i dident work, i tryed in notepad first to see so my keymapping did send right key bindings and it did it, but when i open EQ on both computers and try out the keys nothing happen.
i even tryed to use WinEQ2 Lite, but dident work.
Do i realy need to use Innerspace to get this to work? becaus when i have been reading around innerspace is good if you wanna use 2accounts on 1 computer.
But i wanna use 2 accounts on 2 computers and i dont wanna turn around evertime im going to heal my warrior and i wanna use hotkeys like "Ctrl+1" to cast heal on warrior from my cleric on second computer.
hope someone can help me out
I used to use the Subscription version of WinEQ. But you actually don't need any program, if your computer is decent, you can just Alt+Tab between 2 EQ Windows.
Just use mq2eqbc and create few hottbutons on warrior like
/bct clericname //tar warname
/dealy 1s
/bct clericname //cast 1 (or whatever gem number where yr heal)

same with follow , nukes
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Either EQBC and/or ISboxer for Innerspace (same place as wineq2 - www.lavishsoft.com)

I Use ISboxer because I run 2 monitors and 3 chars primarily on 1 box. 2 splitscreened on the 22"lcd and 1 on the 15"lcd. I dont use all of the boxer functions , I use eqbc for passing keystokes but both will do what you need.


ISBoxer vid

Just use mq2eqbc and create few hottbutons on warrior like
/bc clericname //tar warname
/dealy 1s
/bc clericname //cast 1 (or whatever gem number where yr heal)

same with follow , nukes

Its actually /bct clericname //cast 1
/bca (goes too all but sender)
/bcaa (goes too all and sender)
yeah my computer is decent, but i wanna have the cleric auto follow me when i hit a keystroke and i want him to heal when i hit a key on my main computer.
i did this before in WoW with keyclone but is seems like its not working to good in EQ with keyclone, i will try out EQBC and see if that helps me, becaus i dont wanna sub.. for innerspace/wineq2 on lavishsoft
I subbed for it strictly for split screen resolutions. EQ will scale too the window sizes I want but I had too redo them every time I logged in, or crashed or whatever. This way 1 click all 3 windows are up and in place with no borders.

EQBC is the best thing since sliced bread. There are several help threads about it here on N/A
i did buy innerspace to boxining, but cant seemt to get it to work with EverQuest.
i did exactly like the wiki says and i even checked part 1 and 2 youtube video to check so i did right anyone have a ide why its not working?
i will post my file i use.
it should be right and everthing should work :(
Seems fine too me , I usually remove borders and disable activating click but are you right clicking ISX and running the "ISBoxer Character set" selection?
Got everthing to work now, seems i forgot to assign keymaps to my Character Set's so thats why it dident work :)
How many toons you box on one machine depends entirely on how you have your display settings set in game. With in game settings all turned up to max I can box 3 toons ok. The only issue then becomes when there are zones with lots of PCs, i.e. Guild Lobby. Looking around then occasionally causes some lag...
how many on one machine is alot more depended on the cpu your running and the ram in your comp.. with 4 gig of ram i ran 3 np.. with 8 gig ram i now run 5 np.. and can even handle a sixth
2boxing in EQ

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