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A mapiterator implements a forward iterator over the map type. A forward iterator is an iterator that can only be incremented. Invoking Advance on the iterator will position the iterator on the next element with a value lexicographically greater than the current element. If there is no next element, the iterator will be positioned on the end of the map and IsEnd will be true.

This Data Type is referenced in MQ2Collections, and accessed by Top-Level Object(s): mapiterator
mapiterator is used as a return type by these members:  [ Toggle ]

Page Member Description
map Find[string] A mapiterator is returned on the map where the current element under the iterator is the item if the item is in the map and an empty iterator if it is not.
First A mapiterator is returned on the map where the current element under the iterator is the first element in the map if the map has elements or an empty iterator if the map is empty.
mapiterator Clone Returns a copy of the current mapiterator. A copy has independent life and initially is over the same element as the source iterator.


Type Member Description
bool Advance The iterator is moved to the next item in the map, if one exists. True is returned if the iterator was advanced and False otherwise.
IsEnd True if the iterator is at the end of the map.
Reset Positions the iterator to the start of the map. True is always returned.
mapiterator Clone Returns a copy of the current mapiterator. A copy has independent life and initially is over the same element as the source iterator.
string Key Returns the unique key for the element of the map under the iterator.
Value Returns the element of the map under the iterator.


Sub MapIteratorTest
    /declare m map

    /echo 'Starting Map Iterator Test'
    /echo 'Count of entries in Map: ${m.Count}'

    | Add entries to the map.
    /echo 'Adding items to the map.

    /if (!${m.Add[A,One]}) {
        /echo 'Map Add of A failed.'
    /if (!${m.Add[B,Two]}) {
        /echo 'Map Add of B failed.'
    /if (!${m.Add[C,Three]}) {
        /echo 'Map Add of C failed.'    
    /if (!${m.Add[D,Four]}) {
        /echo 'Map Add of D failed.'
    /if (!${m.Add[E,Five]}) {
        /echo 'Map Add of E failed.'    

    /declare count int
    /varset count ${m.Count}
    /if (${count} != 5) {
        /echo 'Map count is: ${count} and should be 5.'

    /echo 'Acquire an iterator to the start of the map.'

    | Get an iterator to the first element and output each
    | element in the map.
    /declare mi mapiterator
    /vardata mi m.First

    /while (!${mi.IsEnd}) {
        /echo ${mi.Key}[${mi.Value}]
        /if (${mi.Advance}) {
            /echo 'Iterator advanced to next element.'
        } else {
            /echo 'Iterator not advanced. IsEnd: ${mi.IsEnd}.'

    | Test Reset and do it again.
    /echo 'Testing Reset.'

    /if (${mi.Reset}) {
        /echo 'Iterator Reset.'
    } else {
        /echo 'Iterator could not be reset. IsEnd: ${mi.IsEnd}.'

    /while (!${mi.IsEnd}) {
        /echo ${mi.Key}[${mi.Value}]
        /if (${mi.Advance}) {
            /echo 'Iterator advanced to next element.'
        } else {
            /echo 'Iterator not advanced. IsEnd: ${mi.IsEnd}.'

    /echo 'Calling Find[C] on the map.'

    | Acquire an iterator using Find to C.
    /vardata mi m.Find[C]

    /while (!${mi.IsEnd}) {
        /echo ${mi.Key}[${mi.Value}]
        /if (${mi.Advance}) {
            /echo 'Iterator advanced to next element.'
        } else {
            /echo 'Iterator not advanced. IsEnd: ${mi.IsEnd}.'

    /echo 'Calling Find[Z] on the map.'

    | Acquire an iterator using Find to Z.
    /vardata mi m.Find[Z]

    /if (${mi.IsEnd}) {
        /echo 'IsEnd for Find[Z]: ${mi.IsEnd}.'
    } else {
        /echo 'IsEnd is FALSE for Find[Z].'

    /echo 'Ending Map Iterator Test'


  • If Advance returns False, IsEnd will be True.
  • If IsEnd is True, then both Value and Key are undefined.

See also