
From the wonderful RedGuides Wiki

This command is added by MQ2Status

Syntax Key
Notation Description
Text without brackets or braces Required items
<Text inside angle brackets> Placeholder for which you must supply a value
[Text inside square brackets] Optional items
Vertical bar (|) Separator for mutually exclusive items; choose one
{Text | inside | braces} Set of required items; choose one
Ellipsis () Items that can be repeated
Syntax /status [option] [setting]
Description Reports various status options over eqbc or dannet


Option Description
[no option] Will output to eqbc/dannet: If we have a CWTN Class Plugin loaded, if we have a macro, if our macro is kiss - it will say what our role is, if we are paused, if we are hidden, and if we have a merc that is alive.
aa Reports how many banked AA points you have.
aaxp Reports our Spent AA, our AAXP %%, and our Banked AA.
achievement [option] Reports if you have completed an achievement by name or id. Keep in mind this will report the 1st match it finds - in the case of names, it would report Hunter of Cobalt Scar from scars of velious and not from tears of veeshan
  • [no option] - tells you that you need to provide a name or id.
  • [name] - reports your achievement completion status by name.
  • [id] - reports your achievement completion status by id.
bagspace Reports how many open bag spaces you have.
campfire Reports campfire information including Active, Duration, and Zone.
collected [option] Reports if you have collected a shiny be *exact name*
  • [no option] - Tells you to provide a valid option.
  • [exact item name] - reports if you have collected this collection item.
currency [option] Reports how many of an alt currency you have.
  • [no option] - Tells you to provide a currency name.
  • [currency name] - Reports how many of an alt currency you have.
evolving [option] Reports the evolving status on an item.
  • [no option] - Tells you to provide a valid option.
  • [partial or whole name of item] - Reports the evolving status on that item.
fellowship Returns to your mq2 window (does not broadcast report) information on your fellowship.
gtribute Displays if your current Guild Tribute Status is On or Off and the current Guild Favor
invis Reports our Invis and IVU status, so we can check we are "Double Invis".
item [option] Reports how many of an item you have in your inventory.
  • [no option] - Asks for a valid item to search for
  • [item whole or partial name] - Returns the quantity of the item in your inventory
itembank [option] Reports how many of an item you have in your bank.
  • [no option] - Asks for a valid item to search for
  • [item whole or partial name] - Returns the quantity of the item in your bank
itemall [option] Reports how many of an item you have in your inventory and bank.
  • [no option] - Asks for a valid item to search for
  • [item whole or partial name] - Returns the quantity of the item in your inventory and bank
krono Reports how many krono you have
login Reports your account login name.
merc Reports mercenary information including class, and role.
macro Reports the name of the macro you are currently running.
money Reports how much plat you have.
parcel Reports your parcel status.
powersource Reports our powersource status.
quest [option] Reports if you have a quest/task by name.
  • [no option] - Tells you to please provide a quest/task name
  • [partial or whole quest name] - Reports if you have a quest/task by this name
task [option]
show [option] [setting] Allows toggling on/off of the CWTN Class Plugins to be visible during /status.
  • [no option] - Tells you to provide a valid option
  • [plugin] [on/off] - toggles all plugin visibility on/off
  • [bard] [on/off] - toggles visibility on/off
  • [beastlord] [on/off] - toggles isibility on/off
  • [berserker] [on/off] - toggles visibility on/off
  • [cleric] [on/off] - toggles visibility on/off
  • [druid] [on/off] - toggles visibility on/off
  • [enchanter] [on/off] - toggles visibility on/off
  • [magician] [on/off] - toggles visibility on/off
  • [monk] [on/off] - toggles visibility on/off
  • [necromancer] [on/off] - toggles visibility on/off
  • [paladin] [on/off] - toggles visibility on/off
  • [ranger] [on/off] - toggles visibility on/off
  • [rogue] [on/off] - toggles visibility on/off
  • [shaman] [on/off] - toggles visibility on/off
  • [shadowknight] [on/off] - toggles visibility on/off
  • [warrior] [on/off] - toggles visibility on/off
  • [wizard] [on/off] - toggles visibility on/off
skill [option] Reports your current skill value.
  • [no option] - Asks you to provide a valid skill name
  • [skill by name] - reports your current skill value
  • Ex: /status skill jewelry making
sub Reports your subscription level, and if you are gold - how many days you have left on that subscription.
tribute Reports if your current Tribute Status is On or Off and your current favor
xp Reports your level, current XP %, Banked AA, and your AAXP %.
zone Reports what zone we are in.


This will check how much plat you have on you

  • /status plat

See also