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Question - What problem do people need solved with a Lua? (1 Viewer)

Dec 27, 2022
So I’m really enjoying writing Lua programs to solve the problems that I’ve personally been running into, such as not knowing when a Druid/wizard port is available that can help me get to where I’m going faster.

I’m really curious about what problems others have been running into that I may be able to throw some stuff together for. I’m hoping to get a list together of projects to work on after I get my PotionMaker program to a more complete state without just starting down the rabbit hole of making trade skill helpers.

So please let me know if there’s something that you’ve been hoping to run across a solution to.

Consolidated list:

  • Kookies - Slayer achievement tracker
  • Num1pkfutura: TS mat farmer
  • Deadcities - TBM Aug Swapper
  • Secret_wombat - UPF and MH cycle | CWTN deconflicter
  • Szazor - FindItemSet
  • Joakhan - Give alt currency to leader
  • Rare Spawn - Missing Collection Tool
  • Eqsubi15 - Raid management GUI
  • Scoops420 - Alt currency interactions
  • Sic - Looting system
  • ArcaneProphet - Toggle looting epic drops
  • Hackzimus: Stats condense and upgrade suggest | Analyze and suggest augs | boxr/button master combo | TS mat farm lookup | GINA timer tool | AA analyzer and suggest | Group Rally | Buff stacking conflict notifier | Tanking DPS meter | Enemy debuff tracker | Consolidate and track group items
  • Rusang: Aug Remover
  • Szazor: Started a Raid Assister and would like someone to collaborate with
  • Lanceval: Group and Raid manager
  • Littch: Search for augs to remove from old gear and slot into new
  • Setsuni: Raid Window group saver tool | Jann’s Veil leveler
  • Kilroy03: MercRez
  • Dufus: Auto missions from older expansions
  • Myysterio: Condition setter and KissAssist starter
  • K9Carter: Track group task progress
  • Whatsaname: PoisonMaker | TinkerTool
  • Neumono: Stuck character notification
  • Turaj Steelfist: Items return to original slot after bandoleer
  • Afortner87: Give all money to a toon
  • Apop: Mob DPS balance window | Priority kill window
  • Gaelicboy: AugCheck
  • Almafa: More automated quests and missions (anything specific?)
  • Robban: Check and set /autoskill | SoD Aug item seller to Tavid Dennant
  • Naturesong: Raid management GUI
  • Diamondmine: Raid translocator
  • Doc James: Any member corpse run
  • Granditos: TS/Raid trophy swap
  • Notgametime: LDoN grind
  • That1guy: Swap augs from old gear
  • Jayah: TS items back to original locations
  • Robban: Persona swapper
  • Councilman: Back off if constant out of range
  • Dewey2461: Chat filters | Hide players, pets, and names if they reappear
  • RobRenfro: Collection sorter
  • Eqsubi15: Aug manager UI
  • Afortner87: Ping window
  • Damon: TasteTest
Last edited:
1, a window that will allow balancing of mobs (when they need to either be dps'd down so far then change target)
2, a priority kill window. so if you have to kill mobs in a certain order, it will allow you to dps them in order.
not sure if either are viable or doable. But its the one thing i miss from eq2!

thats my 2 cents...

some good ideas here already
A Lua to show you what aug slots are empty.
I created some functionality for that with the TBM aug swapper I'm testing. If it's for worn gear, is there a specific slot you're looking at, such as type 5 vs type 9? If you give me a little more to go on, I might be able to write a quick Lua that will check worn gear and spit out empty type 5 and type 9 slots. Or is it to check for ANY empty aug slots in your gear?
I created some functionality for that with the TBM aug swapper I'm testing. If it's for worn gear, is there a specific slot you're looking at, such as type 5 vs type 9? If you give me a little more to go on, I might be able to write a quick Lua that will check worn gear and spit out empty type 5 and type 9 slots. Or is it to check for ANY empty aug slots in your gear?
Oh sweet I will have to test that out. I think my main use case is when I get a new aug and am looking to put it into a piece of armor and I _know_ I have to have an empty type 7/5/whatever slot available but cant find it clicking through everything.

My ideal would be checks worn gear only, spits out something that says
Chest: (or name of chest piece)
Type 5 : Filled
Type 7 Empty
Type 777: Filled

And do that for each piece. Ideal world, stretch goal would be to be able to compare them quickly to swap out but for now using the drop down menu on the aug works ok, it just doesnt show you a piece with the slot but not aug.

I hope this makes sense. And thanks!
Oh sweet I will have to test that out. I think my main use case is when I get a new aug and am looking to put it into a piece of armor and I _know_ I have to have an empty type 7/5/whatever slot available but cant find it clicking through everything.

My ideal would be checks worn gear only, spits out something that says
Chest: (or name of chest piece)
Type 5 : Filled
Type 7 Empty
Type 777: Filled

And do that for each piece. Ideal world, stretch goal would be to be able to compare them quickly to swap out but for now using the drop down menu on the aug works ok, it just doesnt show you a piece with the slot but not aug.

I hope this makes sense. And thanks!
Oh sweet I will have to test that out. I think my main use case is when I get a new aug and am looking to put it into a piece of armor and I _know_ I have to have an empty type 7/5/whatever slot available but cant find it clicking through everything.

My ideal would be checks worn gear only, spits out something that says
Chest: (or name of chest piece)
Type 5 : Filled
Type 7 Empty
Type 777: Filled

And do that for each piece. Ideal world, stretch goal would be to be able to compare them quickly to swap out but for now using the drop down menu on the aug works ok, it just doesnt show you a piece with the slot but not aug.

I hope this makes sense. And thanks!
Created a quick AugCheck Lua that I hope helps. I was able to repurpose some of the code from my TBM Aug Swap Lua, so please let me know if something isn't working as expected.

I know there are a couple of macros out there that do this but they are kinda horrible.

If dru/wizard memorize the spell. Translocate the group then the raid. If it’s a Druid in a raid Translocate the raid window from the bottom up, if it’s a wizard top down. If wizard/druid don’t Translocate. When only wizard/druid left gate self to location

Pull from raid/group say. Do a counter. /rs Translocate raid 24 Barindu /g Translocate group 6 barindu

Just a few thoughts on it. It could even go farther to if in pok run to guildhall use teleport to go to kata castrum if the guildhall is unlocked.
Would like to see a Lua which will initiate a corpse run by a group member should the puller (or any other group member) die. Will drag corpse back to camp for a rez. Similar to https://www.redguides.com/community/resources/dragon-lua.2725/ except for any character and not just rogues. I realize that there are obvious pitfalls with this such as if a character cannot invis, then maybe it would create more deaths. But I find this would be helpful for when the puller pulls, doens't quite make it back to camp, and dies. Leaving the group just sitting there doing nothing. At least this way a character will go out a short distance from camp, and get the pullers corpse back for that rez.
Oh I have one that would be awesome. A Lua that manages changing trophies. As a tradeskiller and raider, I’m constantly switching back and forth between my TS trophies and my raiding trophies. Would love to hit a button to switch back and forth. Not a big deal, just annoying.
One issue I would love to see solved is swapping augs from an old item to a new item. Doing 6+ toons can take some time! I don't know how that can be done unless the Lua would "remove aug" and then find an item that can receive the aug. Would have to have an option to destroy the spell slot 3 augs on non-invis and suggest getting a new one (unless programmed to go to the zone that has it and purchase, then install...but thats extra coding).
One issue I would love to see solved is swapping augs from an old item to a new item. Doing 6+ toons can take some time! I don't know how that can be done unless the Lua would "remove aug" and then find an item that can receive the aug. Would have to have an option to destroy the spell slot 3 augs on non-invis and suggest getting a new one (unless programmed to go to the zone that has it and purchase, then install...but thats extra coding).
I’ve thought about this one too, but there are so many moving parts with replacing augs… not sure I would trust any automation to not destroy the wrong aug, etc.
Inventory Organization: Would be nice to have a script that would be able to read inventory location of items before doing tradeskills macro/Lua
and then put things back into there original bags/location after finished with tradeskills. I always have to re-organize my bags after doing trade skill combines via macro/Lua.
I’ve thought about this one too, but there are so many moving parts with replacing augs… not sure I would trust any automation to not destroy the wrong aug, etc.
I'm the opposite, with vetted/trusted code, I trust that to do it the same way, every time... and don't trust myself. But to your point, it will suck to be the ginea pigs testing and developing that code who may accidently destroy an Artisan Prize! :)
I think this already exists but a UI that shows your whole groups quest window on the main driver and which task they're all on, too many times i've tried to do quests and one of my guys would miss a step/loot item and i wouldn't notice until i was at the next task
Here's a functioning group optimizer.

DISCLAIMER: It may or may not fuck up skill optimization that's otherwise more efficient. Use at your own discretion. And pleeeaaaase don't bother Sic/CWTN, this isn't their creation.

Credits to MrInfernal <3
Hey guys ,

Can someone plz tell me how I would go about running this Lua.
I have used that and its not effective for my needs. I prefer an augment of the default group window so that if I double click a name in that specific group, it switches to them on the fly. Often I have a raid going and boxhud is no longer efficient for my eyeballs and specific needs. Boxhud is still a part of my daily UI driver.

On top of that, there are now MQ options that are baked in to the default group window with right click (that are awesome). Such as.. switch to this toon. Now, if only I could double click that name instead of right click, and drag mouse down to "switch to this toon" -
Can you plz give me more information on how u use ur boxhud. I sometimes run as many as 18toons. But I can't see boxhud being such a game changer. Buttonmaster is definitely a game changer for me. Am probably doing something wrong on my end. Can you plz list some scenarios using Boxhud. It does not have to be something private you would like to keep for urseff, but just some that makes Boxhux a life changer for u and ur crew.

I would love something that would monitor melee warnings and after seeing 4 or 5 "You can't hit them from here." messages in a row would back up 35steps and call off pets to get the mob to move towards you. Mobs getting stuck in the world are a pain.
Would love to see an Aug management tool similar to Gearly. List all augs with stats in a nice UI layout for all toons online. Be able to see which slots they're in, or if they're banked or in inventory. Make it easier to know which toon doesn't have a specific aug, or who could use it the most when one drops. And list (yes/no) if that toon has the correct distiller medium to remove the aug.
I think.besides sorting out collection pieces by set and collection. The mass tradeskill is the greatest want out there. Putting a bunch of poison making ingredients in a box getting back any results or needed item emai to make the items you put in.
So I’m really enjoying writing Lua programs to solve the problems that I’ve personally been running into, such as not knowing when a Druid/wizard port is available that can help me get to where I’m going faster.

I’m really curious about what problems others have been running into that I may be able to throw some stuff together for. I’m hoping to get a list together of projects to work on after I get my PotionMaker program to a more complete state without just starting down the rabbit hole of making trade skill helpers.

So please let me know if there’s something that you’ve been hoping to run across a solution to.

Consolidated list:

  • Kookies - Slayer achievement tracker
  • Num1pkfutura: TS mat farmer
  • Deadcities - TBM Aug Swapper
  • Secret_wombat - UPF and MH cycle | CWTN deconflicter
  • Szazor - FindItemSet
  • Joakhan - Give alt currency to leader
  • Rare Spawn - Missing Collection Tool
  • Eqsubi15 - Raid management GUI
  • Scoops420 - Alt currency interactions
  • Sic - Looting system
  • ArcaneProphet - Toggle looting epic drops
  • Hackzimus: Stats condense and upgrade suggest | Analyze and suggest augs | boxr/button master combo | TS mat farm lookup | GINA timer tool | AA analyzer and suggest | Group Rally | Buff stacking conflict notifier | Tanking DPS meter | Enemy debuff tracker | Consolidate and track group items
  • Rusang: Aug Remover
  • Szazor: Started a Raid Assister and would like someone to collaborate with
  • Lanceval: Group and Raid manager
  • Littch: Search for augs to remove from old gear and slot into new
  • Setsuni: Raid Window group saver tool | Jann’s Veil leveler
  • Kilroy03: MercRez
  • Dufus: Auto missions from older expansions
  • Myysterio: Condition setter and KissAssist starter
  • K9Carter: Track group task progress
  • Whatsaname: PoisonMaker | TinkerTool
  • Neumono: Stuck character notification
  • Turaj Steelfist: Items return to original slot after bandoleer
  • Afortner87: Give all money to a toon
  • Apop: Mob DPS balance window | Priority kill window
  • Gaelicboy: AugCheck
  • Almafa: More automated quests and missions (anything specific?)
  • Robban: Check and set /autoskill
  • Naturesong: Raid management GUI
  • Diamondmine: Raid translocator
An easy but convenient one for me would be one that automatically deletes the poison bread/wine from the jester the second it shows up on your cursor.
How do you tell them apart? Do they have different Item IDs? I did some quick searches and couldn't find anything definitive, other than "Eat it in Plane of Knowledge".
Found some code for the jester:
quest::say("How about a little wine to quench your thirst?");
$c->SummonItem(quest::ChooseRandom(64046, 64047), 10);

quest::say("Try a bite of my tasty bread. I make it myself.");
$c->SummonItem(quest::ChooseRandom(64044, 64045), 10);

It looks like 64044,64045,64046, and 64047 are the items he summons and Looking at the good items I know are 64044 and 64046 i am guessing 64045 and 64047 are the bad versions.
Screenshot (5).pngScreenshot (6).png
Can't you run mq2cursor to do that? Set it to Cursor 0 for those items?
I didn't know mq2cursor was a thing, thanks for bringing it to my attention.

I can't seem to get it to work right for items i don't currently have.

I tried to /cursor del 64045 /cursor del id 64045 /cursor 0 64045 /cursor 0 id[64045]

most did nothing, some say deleting <null>

any clue as to how to manually add an item when you know the id of it?
The only way I know of is to add it to the server_character.ini file in the config folder. here is my section:
19128=Small Chunk of Velium
57264=Rod of Spectral Transvergence
67438=Summoned: Dazzling Modulation Shard
76503=Wand of Phantasmal Transvergence
97924=Portal Infused Ore|-1
99783=Wand of Pelagic Transvergence
Question - What problem do people need solved with a Lua?

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