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Discussion - What is your EQ Kryptonite? (1 Viewer)


Well-known member
Dec 2, 2019
That one thing that, no matter how much you play, you somehow always do or always prioritize.

For me it's illusions. Obsessed with the damn things and I need them all. If I had confidence that old codes would still work I'd try to buy the Ancient Gods illusion mask from like 2014 :(
One? Just one? Ugh. Window shopping in the baz where I don't need real money!!! Every morning, drink my coffee and shop!

Next would be Hero's Forge outfits.

Ah the list goes on.
That one thing that, no matter how much you play, you somehow always do or always prioritize.

For me it's illusions. Obsessed with the damn things and I need them all. If I had confidence that old codes would still work I'd try to buy the Ancient Gods illusion mask from like 2014 :(
I have that mask and love it. Really wish it went longer than 30 min though and the 2 hr recast is :argh: especially when it cycles through multiple gods. I know when it was released the devs said that turning someone into the image of a god isn't something that should be taken lightly and thus the short duration when others have 12 hr timers. Even the new Brell illusion is an hour and 12 min with instant recast. Oh well. Still like it.
evolving items, i love them and it gives me something to work on in the group game when our crew isnt raiding. ive done the NoS cloak and LS neck now on over 14 toons. i wanna farm the tbl ones and level them up for fun now lol
I don't do this every time I create a new character, but I've completed that damn tutorial more times than I can count. I'm strangely compelled for some reason, and I end up hating myself in the morning.
Maxing tradeskills for Artisan's Prize. I find it relaxing. Able to just sit and click and not have to think. Finishing up toons 3 and 4 here soon and on to 5 and 6 lol
Dungeons... I hate dungeons. Or any place where you have multiple stories on top of each other, because it makes the map unreadable and considering that I can get lost in my own bathroom, places like Blackburrow or Sol A I avoid like the plague. And still, I often find myself exactly there...
Im a tradeskill whore - I use to have alts with alt guilds full of stuff
Now i have about 7 depots full and still use the alt guild halls too
I hate having things Rot..... Can always make another toon to pickup rotting loots.....even though they will never use them
I'm like that with beginners defiant. Ill save a looted rng item for when I begin the ranger. Banks and bags full of gear I'll never use. But just incase.....
The threads title is a little misleading. Kryptonite is a bane that kills superman's power. As such the Kryptonite for me would be patch days, where if we want to do anything, we're super weak because daybreak as broken MQ !

As far as things I always end up doing, ...

1. Leading raids. There are times I hate it, but can't seem to give it up.
2. Power leveling up new characters, either mine or other guild members.
My EQ Live actual kryptonite would be EMU and TLPs.

What I always end up doing on Live is making new "theme" groups and seeing how they do. All gnomes / all cats / all pet classes / etc. 24 accounts with all kinds of random stuff.
I don't do this every time I create a new character, but I've completed that damn tutorial more times than I can count. I'm strangely compelled for some reason, and I end up hating myself in the morning.
/mac tutorial

Then I watch it like it's a netflix series...

For me it's the market place. I have multiple sellers and a master TS chars that make every consumable item. I just love to come in and lower the prices so low that all my competition drops out, then raise prices a tad (still far below what they were) and rake in many small transactions that add up to millions. I get really nasty emails from cartels who conspire to keep prices up, but I farm all the mats myself, have my own team to make them and have very low overhead. If someone dirves my prices too low then buys up my stock to attempt to corner the market, I simply flood the market with 1000s more of the same item. Most of the time I end up the only real vendor for foods/potions/etc on the server. It keeps the prices low for players, and I make enough to equip my team. In fact, this was the first sign for me that MQ existed as I manually reprice things and watch my competition come down under within minutes. I knew there was automation at work. I don't use automation for the marketplace because I love to exploit the small flaw it exposes in the market. Not illegail exploit, just marketplace pricing and finding lows and highs for people automation and acting faster that they can adjust.

Anyway, I'm always trying to be the Walmart of my server.
I hoard all my tradeskill items. I got 4 mules all with extraplanar bags and will likely have 2 more b y the end of the month... I have to keep spreadsheets on which mules carry what type of items.

I'm also horribly independant, bought LS on 2 accounts so i can persona 2 chars on each account to make imbue characters for gems when i want them.
I hoard all my tradeskill items. I got 4 mules all with extraplanar bags and will likely have 2 more b y the end of the month... I have to keep spreadsheets on which mules carry what type of items.

I run with 9x TS mules. Each with 32 slot TS bags. Each runs a "Mule" macro that lets me request items over EQBC.

I wrote a TS macro that then uses the mules to gather mats as needed and does the combines.

I wrote an excel workbook to act as the front end for the TS macro. I import the recipes from EQTraders ( by hand yuk ).

Once its ready to go, I can search for, and queue up combines and let it run around PoK buying up vendor mats or getting them from mules, hands free.

"Only" took about two years of tinkering here and there. Prior to this tradeskills were a total PITA, now they just sort of suck.
I have to visually make my toons look good. (yes I play with full graphics - just not shadows). I even go after rare and hard to find heros forge just to get the look I want for a particular character.
making characters better. I have to do it. if i find something that will make my toons even 1% better, I am jamming on it until I'm done. Progression, tradeskills, gear, augs, I do it until I get distracted by something else. I got a backlog of random crap I have yet to get around to going back to COTF.... freaking drives me nuts I dont have COTF progression done on my 12th alt. But I am working on leveling up my 7-9th artisan prize! I will get to it soon! (years go by)
I currently manually Box. Completing quests lines is mine Krypto. I get them 80 to 90% done and something prevents me from completing them. I use to do the hero quest line to feed gear to my toons. Those are also full of skips and incompletes.
Vexing my inner Sheldon.
Dungeons... I hate dungeons. Or any place where you have multiple stories on top of each other, because it makes the map unreadable and considering that I can get lost in my own bathroom, places like Blackburrow or Sol A I avoid like the plague. And still, I often find myself exactly there...
lol, im with ya on this one!
That one thing that, no matter how much you play, you somehow always do or always prioritize.

For me it's illusions. Obsessed with the damn things and I need them all. If I had confidence that old codes would still work I'd try to buy the Ancient Gods illusion mask from like 2014 :(
@foromoro other than gear, illusions, alts, clickies farming ... i'd say Anguish, COTF, and Epic runs...fucking hate questing & factioning...Yup...ironic I know...since it's sort of the main gist of the game.

Alanis Morissette Reaction GIF by MOODMAN
Maxing tradeskills for Artisan's Prize. I find it relaxing. Able to just sit and click and not have to think. Finishing up toons 3 and 4 here soon and on to 5 and 6 lol
I'm doing the AP level up on my main now. I want to do the rest of the group but man all that farming for materials scares me.
My kryptonite is staying motivated with ADHD. I log on, get my group together, summon up some food and drink for the party, notice I had to log off fast last time so my inventory is full of plat loot and junk, sell all the garbage off, and parcel lore items to an alt so I can farm new gear if it drops.

By this time an hour has passed before I have even teleported to a zone. I port to the zone I want and 36 people are in the zone and I don't like running any automation when lots of people are in the zone so I run my druid or wizard to a few alternate camp areas and after another half hour of porting/running around with a porter for a good zone I gate there and campfire back to my group and port to bind them to the place I want to farm exp or gear. set up a new campsite and start pulling and by this time I am already tired and can't focus anymore.
Discussion - What is your EQ Kryptonite?

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