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Question - Playing EQ on M2 Mac mini (1 Viewer)


New member
Apr 11, 2024
Hello. Has anyone figured out how/if you can play EQ on an M2 Mac mini?
If so, could you please explain or walk me through the process?
I don’t care if I need anything extra like an emulator, parallels, play on Mac, etc.
I’ve tried and can’t figure it out.
I’ve ran it on my PC since it was launched in 1999. My latest PC finally died and I bought a Mac mini to replace it.
I’m not fluent with Mac products, so it’s been a struggle.

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated
Check out the link in my sig think someone posted it above.
It's in the level 2 section so enjoy 30 days on me and welcome!!
First of all THANKS for the response!!!

Followed this to a T. Everything appeared to work just fine. However when the game loads and I get to the server select and then hit play and go to what should be the character select screen. I get game music playing, but the character select screen is black. On the top border is text for my login name, server, #1 slot character name, level, class.
Any ideas on this?
I have deleted the bottle a couple times and restarted with same results.
I have also tried this with and without MQ loaded....
First thing I would check, can you load into the game fully without MQ running?

I'm betting it's a processor issue since it's M2, but you did at least get to character select.

Edit to add: have you read the thread for January 2024 onward for some troubleshooting?
I got it to work! I deleted bottle and started over and made this version Windows 7. I also noticed that I had DXVK clicked on, so I shut it off. Not sure what of the the two worked, but It's working just fine now!
Cybris, you are a beast! I've been wanting a Mac option for over a year and haven't been able to get a workaround. You brought a tear to my eye. I'm so happy. Thank you good sir! I can't say how much this means to me.
That video is a Godsend and your walkthrough is exactly the guidance I needed and was looking for.
Question - Playing EQ on M2 Mac mini

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