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Question - Mage damage in 2024? (1 Viewer)

Mar 21, 2020
I've been on a break from the game since CoV. Now that im gack im leveling my old group to 125 and i notice that my mage's damage is low compared to my wizards. Is that just me who notice that? does it become better when he gets AA (compared to the wiz i mean, of course AA increase his dps). Or, is it that wizards have gotten a buff that i missed?
I've been on a break from the game since CoV. Now that im gack im leveling my old group to 125 and i notice that my mage's damage is low compared to my wizards. Is that just me who notice that? does it become better when he gets AA (compared to the wiz i mean, of course AA increase his dps). Or, is it that wizards have gotten a buff that i missed?
Wuz have gotten some love last 2 live xpacs.. and mages have stayed the course (maybe evem got swarmies nerfed).
On my toons the mages damage once maxed are still better than wizards for average non named dps. That being said they were not well before maxing aa. I wish I could tell you which aa it was that helped the boost but sadly not sure.
right now they are both level 121 and have not gotten any AA since they maxed out CoV AAs. so was the love they got from their luclin spells or is it something behind the scenes? i mean, there is such a big diffrence between the 2 characters.
If mages have COV-level aas and use NoS Spells, the focus-aas set are worth nothing, as they work for the expansions spells, if atleast one level of focus is set for that expansion. I don’t know, if it is like that for wizzards as well, as I don’t have a decent wizzard. If you had max AA for NoS the focus-Aas improve the NOS-nukes by about 35%. As long as you dont get atleast one rank of the LS-focus AA you may be better of, stay with the NOS Spells, as the nominal increase in damage is less, than the loss of non-working focus-aas.
This may be a part of the gap you noticed.
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right now they are both level 121 and have not gotten any AA since they maxed out CoV AAs. so was the love they got from their luclin spells or is it something behind the scenes? i mean, there is such a big diffrence between the 2 characters.
your *good* nukes are tiered off the focus AA page. if your cov aa'd, you should be using 115 and lower dmg spells in most cases.
really? is the AA worth so much more then the new spells?
they are.
Another source of the mages dps are the pets. If you don’t have already done, get the best pet-focus earring you can find asap, if not already done.
Most mages may use the actual “spear”-spell and the last expansions “spear” spell. If yours does as well, set ”xp to Aa” to 100 and stick all aas into the focus-aa of the “spear”-line, upto atlest the second-last available level, to get it to work for those spells.
Next would be the actual arm-armor to get a functional fire-focus for the actual spear-spells.
At this point the pet-aas and the nuke-empowering aas may shall be the next to work on.

Leveling chars without getting atleast the level-appropriate important aas isn’t very effective in the long run, as getting further aas gets harder and harder, the bigger the gap becomes between level and their appropriate important aas.
This is valid for all classes. I recommend to hold leveling and focus on the important aas as long as it takes, to pull them up to be on par with the level.
they are.
Another source of the mages dps are the pets. If you don’t have already done, get the best pet-focus earring you can find asap, if not already done.
Most mages may use the actual “spear”-spell and the last expansions “spear” spell. If yours does as well, set ”xp to Aa” to 100 and stick all aas into the focus-aa of the “spear”-line, upto atlest the second-last available level, to get it to work for those spells.
Next would be the actual arm-armor to get a functional fire-focus for the actual spear-spells.
At this point the pet-aas and the nuke-empowering aas may shall be the next to work on.

Leveling chars without getting atleast the level-appropriate important aas isn’t very effective in the long run, as getting further aas gets harder and harder, the bigger the gap becomes between level and their appropriate important aas.
This is valid for all classes. I recommend to hold leveling and focus on the important aas as long as it takes, to pull them up to be on par with the level.
Thanks for the advice, thing is i dont really have the irl cash to sub all my accounts and dont have the in game cash to buy kronos. I can get the group gear arm armor though.

Got any plat-making advice too?
The T1 pet-focus-earring of any expansion is tradeable and non-prestige, so you may find them in bazaar and can use it even if not subbed.
You could check also eqressources or raidloot.com to find the petfocus-earrings and their dropper and try to farm it by yourself.
Here the list of the last non-prestige petfocus earrings from raidloot.com. So you may check the bazaar or hunt down the named.
The T1 pet-focus-earring of any expansion is tradeable and non-prestige, so you may find them in bazaar and can use it even if not subbed.
You could check also eqressources or raidloot.com to find the petfocus-earrings and their dropper and try to farm it by yourself.
View attachment 59108
Here the list of the last non-prestige petfocus earrings from raidloot.com. So you may check the bazaar or hunt down the named.
Thanks! I guess i know what im doing the next few days 😉
The T1 pet-focus-earring of any expansion is tradeable and non-prestige, so you may find them in bazaar and can use it even if not subbed.
You could check also eqressources or raidloot.com to find the petfocus-earrings and their dropper and try to farm it by yourself.
View attachment 59108
Here the list of the last non-prestige petfocus earrings from raidloot.com. So you may check the bazaar or hunt down the named.
Guess who finally got one?! I did! Took forever since i get to actively play like, 6 hours/week.
If not already done, you shall dismiss the mages pet and summon a new one. The worn pet-focus does its magic while summoning a new pet.
Next would be the fire-focus hunting the actual arm-gear and going for the missing focus-aa's.
While on the way, don't miss the pet-aa's, as those are important as well for mages.
Further keep an eye on those aa's, improving the damage for the mages nukes.

While looking to improve your chars, don't get overwhelmed by looking at what you "need" to do, but keep your focus on what you want to do and have fun on your journey. Observing my chars growing in power for me is part of the fun I have, playing the game. Keep in mind, what brings most fun for you, playing the game and take the aa's you gain that way, to stick them to the right places. Only focusing on what you chars "need" may can feel like a burden in the long run, as their is always something you can do, to improve them.

Have fun playing the game and take what is helpful for your chars at your journey.
You will need way more aas to be effective.

As other people mention, you should focus on the focus (pun intended) aas for the spells you use - you have lots of useless lines, etc.

Also, the EM earring is critical for tanking and swarm dps.

This does not only apply to mages but it is made way clearer because of the way focus aas work, often it is better to keep the old spells up until you get the focus aa for the new ones.
Question - Mage damage in 2024?

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