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Toast - I'm glad I'm Not A Parent (1 Viewer)

Apr 12, 2023
After flipping through my Xbox looking for games I'm pretty sure I'd be spending time in prison for beating my kids. Okay maybe not that bad but there would be some serious serious conversations that went like this.

You want what? A Farm Simulator? I knew I should have made your Mother name all the state capitals at least before I fucked her. That's the only explanation for a child this stupid. Boy when I was your age both my Grand Mother's had farms and of them a ranch. I'd pick purple hull pease until my hands bled. You wat me to pay $79 so you can present to do that. Tell you what. I'll buy you a 79 cent bag of seeds and you can plant a garden grow some of your own damn food. Oh you want a Construction Simulator too.
Only someone who has never done days work in their life would want a Construction Simulator.
My Father owned a Construction company.
I worked for him one summer in High School shoveling asphalt and that nearly killed me. And I'm a 6 foot 255 pound man. That was the end of my construction career. I won't be buying you that shit. Don't you want a football game, an RPG or an FPS like a normal kid. Did your Mother drop you on your head and not tell me about it?
We could play Madden together but I'm the Ravens. Did you just ask me if Madden was a baseball player and the Ravens the Baseball team from Pittsburgh? We no but you're about to get aquatinted with my Louisville Slugger. At least if I hit you in the head there is no danger of brain damage. No wonder the country is gone to shit Children are playing prison simulators instead of football games. I need a drink here's the credit card I give up.
After flipping through my Xbox looking for games I'm pretty sure I'd be spending time in prison for beating my kids. Okay maybe not that bad but there would be some serious serious conversations that went like this.

You want what? A Farm Simulator? I knew I should have made your Mother name all the state capitals at least before I fucked her. That's the only explanation for a child this stupid. Boy when I was your age both my Grand Mother's had farms and of them a ranch. I'd pick purple hull pease until my hands bled. You wat me to pay $79 so you can present to do that. Tell you what. I'll buy you a 79 cent bag of seeds and you can plant a garden grow some of your own damn food. Oh you want a Construction Simulator too.
Only someone who has never done days work in their life would want a Construction Simulator.
My Father owned a Construction company.
I worked for him one summer in High School shoveling asphalt and that nearly killed me. And I'm a 6 foot 255 pound man. That was the end of my construction career. I won't be buying you that shit. Don't you want a football game, an RPG or an FPS like a normal kid. Did your Mother drop you on your head and not tell me about it?
We could play Madden together but I'm the Ravens. Did you just ask me if Madden was a baseball player and the Ravens the Baseball team from Pittsburgh? We no but you're about to get aquatinted with my Louisville Slugger. At least if I hit you in the head there is no danger of brain damage. No wonder the country is gone to shit Children are playing prison simulators instead of football games. I need a drink here's the credit card I give up.
@RobRenfro ... couldn't agree more ... the thought of an @RobRenfro Jr...of a young Miss @RobRenfro hunting men is scary ... lol ...

Birth Control Doctor GIF by Travis
I actually had to deal with this. My daughter will turn 21 this year, and she absolutely had to have that stupid island game for the switch.... It was like watching paint dry in a steam room. Then she had the audacity to say that watching me play EQ was boring as hell... Though it was fun as fuck to play Mario Kart with her so there is some upsides. And if you've never played it Hollow Knight is a fantastic game that will give you about 40-80 hours of enjoyment for only a hand full of bucks. If you like side scrolling adventures that is. Just be thankful that your parents didn't bash your head in for playing the games you did because I am a 110% certain they had the same thought processes as you do now lol.
I play Minecraft with my kids Not through choice ;) I worked in construction for years i kinda secretly like the building aspect if they leave me alone to build , I have also played everquest with them but they loot everything, At the moment we playing Sea of thieves which been a laugh , I Have told them i not playing boring ass games like stardew valley etc
After flipping through my Xbox looking for games I'm pretty sure I'd be spending time in prison for beating my kids. Okay maybe not that bad but there would be some serious serious conversations that went like this.

You want what? A Farm Simulator? I knew I should have made your Mother name all the state capitals at least before I fucked her. That's the only explanation for a child this stupid. Boy when I was your age both my Grand Mother's had farms and of them a ranch. I'd pick purple hull pease until my hands bled. You wat me to pay $79 so you can present to do that. Tell you what. I'll buy you a 79 cent bag of seeds and you can plant a garden grow some of your own damn food. Oh you want a Construction Simulator too.
Only someone who has never done days work in their life would want a Construction Simulator.
My Father owned a Construction company.
I worked for him one summer in High School shoveling asphalt and that nearly killed me. And I'm a 6 foot 255 pound man. That was the end of my construction career. I won't be buying you that shit. Don't you want a football game, an RPG or an FPS like a normal kid. Did your Mother drop you on your head and not tell me about it?
We could play Madden together but I'm the Ravens. Did you just ask me if Madden was a baseball player and the Ravens the Baseball team from Pittsburgh? We no but you're about to get aquatinted with my Louisville Slugger. At least if I hit you in the head there is no danger of brain damage. No wonder the country is gone to shit Children are playing prison simulators instead of football games. I need a drink here's the credit card I give up.
Football game, sure here is a football call your friends and play same with any sport simulator !

You play EQ a 25 year old piece of broken nonsense, do you really want to judge ?
Does it have the Fed break up your business
With the Sherman Anti Trust Act built into the simulator?
You realize that every single "trust" or monopoly to ever exist in American history was created by the government, right? The rail barons, the steel barons, the auto barons, the finance barons... all became monopolistic because the government legislated some privilege, some subsidy, some legal carve-out that eliminated competition or raised the barriers to competition. So monopolies are not the result of Capitalism. In fact, U.S. history is full of examples of industries who enjoyed huge market share, who then got their asses handed to them by much smaller firms who had some sort of innovation. Examples, U.S. auto industry, consumer electronics, steel, and aviation to name a few. The fact that the idiots in government then decided to legislate more Socialism into the market with the Sherman Anti-Trust Act is not an indicator that Capitalism was the culprit. It means the Socialists wanted to punish cronyism. Just take note that cronyism and Socialism are not Capitalism. Capitalism, left unfettered by government - will eventually destroy monopolistic competitors.

Edit: I forgot to mention my favorite monopoly that no one seems to be aware of. Healthcare industry. Regulated into oblivion by government, fed my massive indirect subsidies through Medicare and Medicaid, required to support massive administrative overhead to deal with all the regulations, and disallowed from any meaningful competition between providers, but people wonder why healthcare costs so much. Thanks government.
You realize that every single "trust" or monopoly to ever exist in American history was created by the government, right? The rail barons, the steel barons, the auto barons, the finance barons... all became monopolistic because the government legislated some privilege, some subsidy, some legal carve-out that eliminated competition or raised the barriers to competition. So monopolies are not the result of Capitalism. In fact, U.S. history is full of examples of industries who enjoyed huge market share, who then got their asses handed to them by much smaller firms who had some sort of innovation. Examples, U.S. auto industry, consumer electronics, steel, and aviation to name a few. The fact that the idiots in government then decided to legislate more Socialism into the market with the Sherman Anti-Trust Act is not an indicator that Capitalism was the culprit. It means the Socialists wanted to punish cronyism. Just take note that cronyism and Socialism are not Capitalism. Capitalism, left unfettered by government - will eventually destroy monopolistic competitors.

Edit: I forgot to mention my favorite monopoly that no one seems to be aware of. Healthcare industry. Regulated into oblivion by government, fed my massive indirect subsidies through Medicare and Medicaid, required to support massive administrative overhead to deal with all the regulations, and disallowed from any meaningful competition between providers, but people wonder why healthcare costs so much. Thanks government's.
Yea I made the comment sarcastically.

I am the first to believe that the government props up industries then tears them down when it no longer suits them or they grow so big they can no longer can control them.
Look at how many politicians never work a day yet retire from a life of public service millionaires.
Follow me for more tips on how corrupt politicians are playing the American taxpayers like fools day in and day out.
Yea I made the comment sarcastically.

I am the first to believe that the government props up industries then tears them down when it no longer suits them or they grow so big they can no longer can control them.
Look at how many politicians never work a day yet retire from a life of public service millionaires.
Follow me for more tips on how corrupt politicians are playing the American taxpayers like fools day in and day out.
Thanks for clearing that up. I'm glad I misunderstood. And march on my fellow Capitalist, march on.

After flipping through my Xbox looking for games I'm pretty sure I'd be spending time in prison for beating my kids. Okay maybe not that bad but there would be some serious serious conversations that went like this.

You want what? A Farm Simulator? I knew I should have made your Mother name all the state capitals at least before I fucked her. That's the only explanation for a child this stupid. Boy when I was your age both my Grand Mother's had farms and of them a ranch. I'd pick purple hull pease until my hands bled. You wat me to pay $79 so you can present to do that. Tell you what. I'll buy you a 79 cent bag of seeds and you can plant a garden grow some of your own damn food. Oh you want a Construction Simulator too.
Only someone who has never done days work in their life would want a Construction Simulator.
My Father owned a Construction company.
I worked for him one summer in High School shoveling asphalt and that nearly killed me. And I'm a 6 foot 255 pound man. That was the end of my construction career. I won't be buying you that shit. Don't you want a football game, an RPG or an FPS like a normal kid. Did your Mother drop you on your head and not tell me about it?
We could play Madden together but I'm the Ravens. Did you just ask me if Madden was a baseball player and the Ravens the Baseball team from Pittsburgh? We no but you're about to get aquatinted with my Louisville Slugger. At least if I hit you in the head there is no danger of brain damage. No wonder the country is gone to shit Children are playing prison simulators instead of football games. I need a drink here's the credit card I give up.

In their defense, these "sim" games are more about macro systems management and building the farm or construction "empire". Its not really about picking peas or digging holes. That being said, I still would never play any of those stupid games. I really only have time for EQ and one other "hot" game, like BG3.

Also worthy of note, 99.9% of the rest of the world, other than us 100,000 or so nerds, think EQ is the stupidest shit on earth. I showed it to my buddies 24 year old son and he was like "WTF, all this text scrolling around, what are you even looking at?" (I keep 6 chat windows open)
🤣 🤣 🤣
First of all I feel attacked.
Lol just kidding about feeling attacked :-)

Second, while games are generally a "suspend your beliefs" type of thing. Some of the games are actually valuable sources of information and may even give them an idea of what is involved in a specific industry.

I've done "a day of work" in my life, own an excavator now (even got videos of me using it to clear some woods!), had a tractor at one point, and planted real food. But games are not real life and it could just be something someone wants to do. It could be worse, they could want to just pvp and cuss people out on call of duty or some other similar game (all of which I'm sure have their own entertainment value). At least there is some educational benefit to some of these sims.
Ideally as a parent you should want to child to learn, grow, and pick a career where they are both happy and successful, supporting them in whatever it is they choose to do that results in a benefit to them now or in the future. I'd happily pay the money for a game like construction/farming sim a lot more readily than I'd pay for something less beneficial to their future. (construction sim wasn't super great, but it's got a lot of the basics and you get to play with machinery).
The child doesn't have to end up with a career in construction, or farming to want to experience some part of it, or even to understand what it takes to do some parts of it. I personally fix my own vehicle, can do my own framing, drywall, plumbing, and electrical work (from doing construction with my dad). I've also worked on farms doing everything from bailing hay to keeping animals fed. It's not a career I would choose, but it means I can do these things for myself if needed allowing me to save the money paying someone else $200 to fix a busted water line, or an unknown amount to have someone else change my oil, replace a water pump, or replace a bad outlet or breaker. All the while also knowing a thing or two about programming.
Racing games early in my life gave me a better understand of how to drive (even if it was the cause of some of my early life bad choices like speeding). I think something like having a go-cart at a younger age is going to be a benefit to a child growing up so they are accustom to operating a motor vehicle with far less power than modern cars/trucks/suvs so that when it comes time to get on the road they're already familiar with how an automobile handles, where the brakes are, how the throttle works etc.
While I don't exactly recommend a life as a police officer or soldier due to the hazards involved with such a job, even shooting games can teach just a little bit about cover/concealment, how a firearm works (generally speaking) and if that's something that they end up doing, at least they will have a general idea of it all (aside from the respawning part of course).

Either way, everyone is entitled to their opinions and opinions tend to differ from person to person. I just wanted to point out some of the beneficial points to these games you mentioned and give you an example of someone who has them who contradicts your assumptions.
First of all I feel attacked.
View attachment 60699
Lol just kidding about feeling attacked :-)

Second, while games are generally a "suspend your beliefs" type of thing. Some of the games are actually valuable sources of information and may even give them an idea of what is involved in a specific industry.

I've done "a day of work" in my life, own an excavator now (even got videos of me using it to clear some woods!), had a tractor at one point, and planted real food. But games are not real life and it could just be something someone wants to do. It could be worse, they could want to just pvp and cuss people out on call of duty or some other similar game (all of which I'm sure have their own entertainment value). At least there is some educational benefit to some of these sims.
Ideally as a parent you should want to child to learn, grow, and pick a career where they are both happy and successful, supporting them in whatever it is they choose to do that results in a benefit to them now or in the future. I'd happily pay the money for a game like construction/farming sim a lot more readily than I'd pay for something less beneficial to their future. (construction sim wasn't super great, but it's got a lot of the basics and you get to play with machinery).
The child doesn't have to end up with a career in construction, or farming to want to experience some part of it, or even to understand what it takes to do some parts of it. I personally fix my own vehicle, can do my own framing, drywall, plumbing, and electrical work (from doing construction with my dad). I've also worked on farms doing everything from bailing hay to keeping animals fed. It's not a career I would choose, but it means I can do these things for myself if needed allowing me to save the money paying someone else $200 to fix a busted water line, or an unknown amount to have someone else change my oil, replace a water pump, or replace a bad outlet or breaker. All the while also knowing a thing or two about programming.
Racing games early in my life gave me a better understand of how to drive (even if it was the cause of some of my early life bad choices like speeding). I think something like having a go-cart at a younger age is going to be a benefit to a child growing up so they are accustom to operating a motor vehicle with far less power than modern cars/trucks/suvs so that when it comes time to get on the road they're already familiar with how an automobile handles, where the brakes are, how the throttle works etc.
While I don't exactly recommend a life as a police officer or soldier due to the hazards involved with such a job, even shooting games can teach just a little bit about cover/concealment, how a firearm works (generally speaking) and if that's something that they end up doing, at least they will have a general idea of it all (aside from the respawning part of course).

Either way, everyone is entitled to their opinions and opinions tend to differ from person to person. I just wanted to point out some of the beneficial points to these games you mentioned and give you an example of someone who has them who contradicts your assumptions.
Well said. To echo your point:

The U.S. military uses simulators to train people in jobs where the stakes are life or death. The scope of simulation is not limited to pilot training. The U.S. Army runs simulators for many vehicles, there are sims for small unit engagement tactics, marksmanship, heavy infantry weapons like mortars, anti-aircraft missiles, and anti-tank missiles. Civil Affairs, Intelligence, and Psychological Ops units run complex simulators to train people who to deal with all manner of problems, just to name a few. There are a host of others I don't have room for here. While I'm unfamiliar with the extent to which other Branches use simulators and games as teaching tools, I'm absolutely certain the Navy, Air Farce, and Space Force make extensive use.

Playing wargames as a kid got me interested in reading about the history of those conflicts I was simulating. After reading a small library of books, it would be fair to say that I can speak intelligently on various conflicts and military science in general.

Games help people learn in an entertaining way. When teaching our daughter, my wife and I often turn her learning exercises into games that she thinks are fun so she is eager to learn. I've not played a farm sim, nor a business sim, nor a survival sim, but I'm sure I could take away some primitive understanding of the real-world from a well-designed and immersive sim.

First of all I feel attacked.
View attachment 60699
Lol just kidding about feeling attacked :-)

Second, while games are generally a "suspend your beliefs" type of thing. Some of the games are actually valuable sources of information and may even give them an idea of what is involved in a specific industry.

I've done "a day of work" in my life, own an excavator now (even got videos of me using it to clear some woods!), had a tractor at one point, and planted real food. But games are not real life and it could just be something someone wants to do. It could be worse, they could want to just pvp and cuss people out on call of duty or some other similar game (all of which I'm sure have their own entertainment value). At least there is some educational benefit to some of these sims.
Ideally as a parent you should want to child to learn, grow, and pick a career where they are both happy and successful, supporting them in whatever it is they choose to do that results in a benefit to them now or in the future. I'd happily pay the money for a game like construction/farming sim a lot more readily than I'd pay for something less beneficial to their future. (construction sim wasn't super great, but it's got a lot of the basics and you get to play with machinery).
The child doesn't have to end up with a career in construction, or farming to want to experience some part of it, or even to understand what it takes to do some parts of it. I personally fix my own vehicle, can do my own framing, drywall, plumbing, and electrical work (from doing construction with my dad). I've also worked on farms doing everything from bailing hay to keeping animals fed. It's not a career I would choose, but it means I can do these things for myself if needed allowing me to save the money paying someone else $200 to fix a busted water line, or an unknown amount to have someone else change my oil, replace a water pump, or replace a bad outlet or breaker. All the while also knowing a thing or two about programming.
Racing games early in my life gave me a better understand of how to drive (even if it was the cause of some of my early life bad choices like speeding). I think something like having a go-cart at a younger age is going to be a benefit to a child growing up so they are accustom to operating a motor vehicle with far less power than modern cars/trucks/suvs so that when it comes time to get on the road they're already familiar with how an automobile handles, where the brakes are, how the throttle works etc.
While I don't exactly recommend a life as a police officer or soldier due to the hazards involved with such a job, even shooting games can teach just a little bit about cover/concealment, how a firearm works (generally speaking) and if that's something that they end up doing, at least they will have a general idea of it all (aside from the respawning part of course).

Either way, everyone is entitled to their opinions and opinions tend to differ from person to person. I just wanted to point out some of the beneficial points to these games you mentioned and give you an example of someone who has them who contradicts your assumptions.
Very well said as always. I just want to make it clear one more time. This was strictly intended as humor and not to be taken seriously.
I could do with a programming simulator i used be able program a bit in C about 30 years ago but that's long gone from my head and I'm too lazy relearn ;) Maybe a simulator would push me into it
I could do with a programming simulator i used be able program a bit in C about 30 years ago but that's long gone from my head and I'm too lazy relearn ;) Maybe a simulator would push me into it
In a way, MQ is a programming simulator. I didn't know C/C++ at all when I started at redguides. Just kinda figured it out.
In a way, MQ is a programming simulator. I didn't know C/C++ at all when I started at redguides. Just kinda figured it out.
Well i had try of the plugins when i was on TEST for a bit and you have certainly learned well, When i was younger I started in basic , did a little machine code then went on to C++, I used to run a BBS back in the day and wrote little programs for that but that was long ago , sadly my brain isn't upto that nowadays i have the attention span of a gnat ;)
Well i had try of the plugins when i was on TEST for a bit and you have certainly learned well, When i was younger I started in basic , did a little machine code then went on to C++, I used to run a BBS back in the day and wrote little programs for that but that was long ago , sadly my brain isn't upto that nowadays i have the attention span of a gnat ;)
You can usually find a plugin in the git that does some portion of what you want. Best to have a project in mind and then set out to make it. You can ask questions in the coding question discord channel and get help that way too. There is of course always Lua as well which is scripts instead of compiled.
You can usually find a plugin in the git that does some portion of what you want. Best to have a project in mind and then set out to make it. You can ask questions in the coding question discord channel and get help that way too. There is of course always Lua as well which is scripts instead of compiled.
Yes I'm crap , i only tend to go on pc when kids in bed and i would nod off if i started messing with programming
The new generations dont know the sacrifice for do anything have all without do nothing, i Talk on all sents of life they have a mother or father or uncle they do for It, dont need to go the weekends to do a temporal job to buy the football ball because the parents dont have money to buy It. Today the kids exiges the videogames the celulars the ps5 without need to do anything.
And finally im not english Matter language excuse my english if dont understand what i say.
I'm a Plugin junkie
I'm a plug-in junkie too. I have 3 kids and trying for a fourth... Oh you meant RG plugins.

My 6yr old boy will play like an hour of Mario or EQ2 then run around half nekkid outside for 4 hours beating up bad guys.

I found his "weapons shop" (his name for it) the other day. It's a large cache of different shaped sticks. I'm so glad I moved to the middle of nowhere. Our old neighborhood didn't even have a tree to get a stick from.
Toast - I'm glad I'm Not A Parent

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