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Discussion - If you're on the fence about MQ2... (1 Viewer)


Active member
May 17, 2023
Don't be, just go try it. You will not regret it.

I've been using MQ2 for a couple weeks now and already can't imagine playing without it. Wish I'd done this years ago. I've never had something that so simply and thoroughly took all the grind out of EQ, leaving behind only the fun parts. Don't like being a healer? Casting Panther every 60 seconds? Traveling? Well you never have to bother with any of that again. Even the nitty gritty of programming and scripting is fun, imo. Very satisfying seeing code turn into action.

I haven't even really dug into all the Lua's and other types of macros yet. The sheer amount of content and value the community provides is astounding.

Thanks to everyone who has kept this project alive and added a whole new dimension to my fave nostalgic game. <3
Wish I'd done this years ago. I've never had something that so simply and thoroughly took all the grind out of EQ, leaving behind only the fun parts.
Step Brothers Ryan GIF
Don't be, just go try it. You will not regret it.

I've been using MQ2 for a couple weeks now and already can't imagine playing without it. Wish I'd done this years ago. I've never had something that so simply and thoroughly took all the grind out of EQ, leaving behind only the fun parts. Don't like being a healer? Casting Panther every 60 seconds? Traveling? Well you never have to bother with any of that again. Even the nitty gritty of programming and scripting is fun, imo. Very satisfying seeing code turn into action.

I haven't even really dug into all the Lua's and other types of macros yet. The sheer amount of content and value the community provides is astounding.

Thanks to everyone who has kept this project alive and added a whole new dimension to my fave nostalgic game. <3
Welcome to our addiction my friend!
Celebrate Happy Hour GIF by Arrow Video

Well said! A hearty thanks to all the mods and devs that keep us going in spite of being "beat up" instead of praised/thanked for sinking their time into making this old game fun! May you never tire of making us smile!
Discussion - If you're on the fence about MQ2...

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