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News - EverQuest lvl 50 Heroic Characters avail May 12, 2024


May 5, 2016

New level 50 Heroic Characters will be dropping soon in EverQuest! If you’ve been around for a while, you’ll remember that we added Heroic Characters in 2014 at level 85 and then level 100 Heroics in 2022. These new Level 50 Heroic Characters will be purchasable on May 15, 2024 when servers come up after the update!

Let’s break down the benefits you can look forward to with a new Level 50 Heroic Character. Here’s what you’ll receive upon purchase:

  • 2,500 Platinum
  • Horse Mount (Fast Speed)
  • Two 16-Slot Bags
  • Spells
  • Full Set of Equipment, including weapons, armor, and a charm
  • Food, Drink, and Ammunition

For the new level 50 Heroic Characters, here are some frequently asked questions and answers:

Q: How do I create a new Heroic Character?
A: Heroic Characters can be purchased in the Marketplace under the Services category. Once purchased, head to the Character Creation page and you’ll see a dropdown on the right that shows the available upgrade options and the quantity of each entitled on your account. After choosing the attributes for your new character, choose the Heroic Character option you want to apply from the dropdown. Then use the “Heroic Character” button to enter the world.

Q: How do I upgrade an existing character to be a Heroic Character?
A: Heroic Characters can be purchased in the Marketplace under the Services category. You can upgrade your character from either the Character Select or Inventory windows. Locate the dropdown that lists the Heroic Character options available, select the one you would like to use, and use the “Upgrade Character” button to apply the upgrade.

Q: What expansion is needed to unlock the new Level 50 Heroic Characters?
A: Planes of Power.

Q: Will I be getting a free level 50 Heroic Character?
A: Not at the release of this feature.

Q: How much will the level 50 Heroic Characters cost?
A: They will cost 2500DBC and can be purchased in the Services section of the Marketplace. The existing Level 85 and 100 Heroics will remain at 3500DBC and 4000DBC, respectively.

Q: Will the Level 50 Heroic Character be refunded if I upgrade it to a higher-level Heroic or delete the character? 
A: Yes, though you won't get a refund of the consumable pack.

Q: Can I use a Level 50 Heroic Character upgrade if my character already had a level 85 or 100 Heroic Character upgrade applied?
A: No, you cannot upgrade a character using a lower Heroic Character level than was already used.

Q: What zone will the new Level 50 Heroic Characters start in?
A: They’ll start in Plane of Knowledge. 

Q: Will there be any new quests for the level 50 Heroic Characters?
A: No.

If you’ve ever wondered how far you can take your adventuring in Norrath, look no further! Level 50 Heroic characters will be available once scheduled downtime is complete. Click here if you need some Daybreak Cash. You can also click here to check out the level 85 Heroics, or click here to read up on the level 100 Heroics. Happy hunting!

Be sure to follow us on social media: X, Facebook, Instagram and Discord.
If they added it to the new TLPs coming out I might bite but not after PoP. $25 for a level 50 is a bit much.
its a fair point, it will not work on new TLP. So its really for just older TLPs that have not yet reached RoF. I suppose a Live player could get it, but.. why? Who would go to 50 (vs 85 or 100) on a 125 level server. Super odd. Again, my thought is someone came up with another cash grab idea (has been many of late) to make some type profit number look good for investors for their parent, for money for "EQ3". Its still an idea formation, but it is real and they have been been pushing more money grabby stuff lately.
Theyd make more money just offering basic heroics in group calibre gear for an era sutiable for an era -5 or 10 levels of the expac about to drop.

example lvl 85 or 90 heroics 2-4 weeks prior to VoA release on mischief
lvl 45/46 heroics pre kunark
lvl 55s for velious/luclin
lvl 60s 0aa no raid gear for heading into PoP

You can hit lvl 50 in a day or 2 on mischief with just a tank merc so you'd be better off playing the game for 2 days and selling a krono than buying this.
Is this just to make an 85 or 100 look like a better value?
Must be one of those near zero-cost efforts...
Really seems like someone shoulda zapped the good-idea fairy that was floating around the board room with this one, but what do I know...

What's next? Heroic Tutorial characters that start at level 10?
Heroic Tutorial characters that start at level 10?
GIF by South Park
All I can say is lol.

Better Suggestions to get cash flow up:

Open up Account transfers.

Make bigger bags for cheaper in the marketplace. (Hence the term MICROtransaction, no one's paying $20-$60 for bags, but $4-$5 a bag? I'd fill my toons up with them)

Offer up "early access" to the previous two expansions instead of making everyone buy the newest one for $35 a pop. I'm not in the mood to log in and compete with people in current content, which means there's 2 - 3 expansions completely empty waiting for FTP players to unlock. A $15 charge to gain access to every expansion "but the most recent one" would be awesome. In doing that they could also offer the same "digital bonus" editions for cheaper; they're literally throwing profits away on this one.

Make Kronos $14.99, or same price as a monthly Sub. Charging $18 - $20 a pop for a Krono for a $15 sub you "can buy" 3rd party for $10-$13 makes no sense. Also, make Kronos eligible to be used as DB currency in the marketplace.
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All I can say is lol.

Better Suggestions to get cash flow up:

Open up Account transfers.

Make bigger bags for cheaper in the marketplace. (Hence the term MICROtransaction, no one's paying $20-$60 for bags, but $4-$5 a bag? I'd fill my toons up with them)

Offer up "early access" to the previous two expansions instead of making everyone buy the newest one for $35 a pop. I'm not in the mood to log in and compete with people in current content, which means there's 2 - 3 expansions completely empty waiting for FTP players to unlock. A $15 charge to gain access to every expansion "but the most recent one" would be awesome. In doing that they could also offer the same "digital bonus" editions for cheaper; they're literally throwing profits away on this one.

Make Kronos $14.99, or same price as a monthly Sub. Charging $18 - $20 a pop for a Krono for a $15 sub you "can buy" 3rd party for $10-$13 makes no sense. Also, make Kronos eligible to be used as DB currency in the marketplace.
DB already said they do not have the code to do account transfers, so that is not going to happen anytime soon. I know a lot a few people that will pay money for bags, exp, haste, and mana pots, and lots of other stuff in the marketplace. The people I know are waiting for the new TLP and will love to buy a lvl 50 heroic when PoP opens up, They already buy krono from DB to pay for power levels so why not just get rid of the middleman. It makes great sense for DB to sell lvl 50 heroics. When this game went FTP, it opened up micro-transactions. DB would not keep the prices high if no one was buying the items.
DB already said they do not have the code to do account transfers, so that is not going to happen anytime soon. I know a lot a few people that will pay money for bags, exp, haste, and mana pots, and lots of other stuff in the marketplace. The people I know are waiting for the new TLP and will love to buy a lvl 50 heroic when PoP opens up, They already buy krono from DB to pay for power levels so why not just get rid of the middleman. It makes great sense for DB to sell lvl 50 heroics. When this game went FTP, it opened up micro-transactions. DB would not keep the prices high if no one was buying the items.

The lots of people you know doesn't come close to the number of people who aren't paying for it. (Present / Availability biases) I didn't mention potions for a reason, which I still think are ridiculously overpriced, but if you want to spend $45 - $60 to save a few hours of time leveling, that's up to you.

And people will still be buying / selling power levels via Krono. One quick scan of ECT shows you can get a 1-65 PLVL on TLP servers for 2 Kronos, higher level for less price. Even their LvL 85 Heroics at $35; you can find 1 - 90 PLs for way less. Only way they'd "take out the middle man" is by offering heroics for dirt-dirt cheap. I'm not dogging the LvL 50 Heroics, (well.... kinda, mainly the economic standpoint of it), I'm dogging their overall business model.

Also, if they can code something as ridiculous as personas, and if SoE can do account-account transfers, I'm sure DB could figure it out.
The "we don't have the code for account transfers" reason always smelled like bs to me. I obviously don't know the code base and maybe someone here can enlighten me, but I have a hard time imagining it as anything other than a (probably SQL based on game age) database copy. It could/should even be as simple as a single value change depending on how the accounts/characters database(s) are structured. Maybe they don't have a script to automate it, but A) that should be pretty simple I would think, and B) like you mention, they have time for stuff as weird and stupid as personas. Just never made sense to me not to have an intern spend a day automating account transfers and then rake in all the $30-50 transfers from altaholics like me.
The "we don't have the code for account transfers" reason always smelled like bs to me.
undoubtedly it is something they *could* do if they wanted to

but account to account transfers likely lowers their amount of heroics sold and increases the amount of RMT (which is already higher than they'd like).

I imagine the 50 heroic is mainly directed towards TLP community, and is designed to fill a need that currently only RMT fills.
its a fair point, it will not work on new TLP. So its really for just older TLPs that have not yet reached RoF. I suppose a Live player could get it, but.. why? Who would go to 50 (vs 85 or 100) on a 125 level server. Super odd. Again, my thought is someone came up with another cash grab idea (has been many of late) to make some type profit number look good for investors for their parent, for money for "EQ3". Its still an idea formation, but it is real and they have been been pushing more money grabby stuff lately.
As a true defender of Capitalism I feel compelled to point out a couple of things. First, if they don't monetize the game, we would not have a game to enjoy. It's that simple, and ultimately has nothing to do with satisfying share/equity holders. So the idea that it's somehow wrong for them to seek ways to monetize the game is self-defeating.

Now, you might disagree with what they choose to monetize and how they monetize it - which I most certainly do - just understand that they must make a profit and it must be enough to support current and future operations.

Lastly, I think it's unfair and a mischaracterization to refer to any monetized aspect as a "cash grab". They're not forcing us to buy anything and they're not charging for services, access, or features that were free in the past. THAT would be a cash grab. With all respect, cause you know I love ya, offering a service that's take-it-or-leave-it is not a cash grab.

All I can say is lol.

Better Suggestions to get cash flow up:

Open up Account transfers.

Make bigger bags for cheaper in the marketplace. (Hence the term MICROtransaction, no one's paying $20-$60 for bags, but $4-$5 a bag? I'd fill my toons up with them)

Offer up "early access" to the previous two expansions instead of making everyone buy the newest one for $35 a pop. I'm not in the mood to log in and compete with people in current content, which means there's 2 - 3 expansions completely empty waiting for FTP players to unlock. A $15 charge to gain access to every expansion "but the most recent one" would be awesome. In doing that they could also offer the same "digital bonus" editions for cheaper; they're literally throwing profits away on this one.

Make Kronos $14.99, or same price as a monthly Sub. Charging $18 - $20 a pop for a Krono for a $15 sub you "can buy" 3rd party for $10-$13 makes no sense. Also, make Kronos eligible to be used as DB currency in the marketplace.
Agree. With. Every. Word.
undoubtedly it is something they *could* do if they wanted to

but account to account transfers likely lowers their amount of heroics sold and increases the amount of RMT (which is already higher than they'd like).

I imagine the 50 heroic is mainly directed towards TLP community, and is designed to fill a need that currently only RMT fills.
Yeah good point. Sometimes I wish companies (and people) could just say the quiet part out loud like that. If they just said "we could, but it would hurt heroic sales which would shorten the lifespan of the game" instead of playing the politics game I'd be like "aight 👍 " and roll up another character.
I can see this being a little bit useful...

When PoP drops on TLP's, enchanters might switch to another class. Rangers start to hit their peak in this era too. Maybe someone might take the opportunity to try a BST at this point.

So, I think that for anyone considering a reroll they might go this route. It's pretty much only going to appeal at this point in a TLP... sure you can PL a toon to 50 pretty quick in PoP but some people don't box, don't have friends they play with and time is money, a couple of days might be worth the bucks to em etc etc

I agree with the sentiment of them having to monitise the game to keep it going and as long as they keep away from going too far into pay to win territory I'm OK with it. I will say though that the exp potions are a bit like crack cocaine on the TLP's though. It's hard to do the grind without having one running.
It takes about... negative 20 days to get from level 1 to 50, depending on the class. What is their end goal here? To pay to remove the worms slowly eating away at that fat shit producer's mind?
News - EverQuest lvl 50 Heroic Characters avail May 12, 2024

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