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IRL - Easter Tradition (1 Viewer)

Aug 12, 2018
My Easter tradition for years has been to watch Night of the Lepus (Giant mutant rabbits terrorize the south-west) and buy far too many bags of Jelly Beans at tomorrow's Easter Candy sale.

This year I switched it up and watched the entire collection of Jurassic Park. I figured it had to do with eggs plus I wanted to see Jeff Goldblum and Vincent Dorofino as they both were in Jurassic movies. How odd they were both in Law and Order Criminal Intent too!

What does everyone else do? Eat ham and hunt eggs? :)
lol, never heard of that movie - sounds fun.

when I was a kid we had USA network and they had this friday "UP all night" horror thing where they'd play this super old rad horror movies.

jurrasic park trivia - my favorite band's (Tool) guitar player, Adam Jones, did some of the art stuff for a few other well known movies too, including "Freddy Krueger in the womb" stuff for one of the Nightmare on Elm Street movies.

Licorice jelly beans, yay or nay? BIG yay here
lol, never heard of that movie - sounds fun.

when I was a kid we had USA network and they had this friday "UP all night" horror thing where they'd play this super old rad horror movies.

jurrasic park trivia - my favorite band's (Tool) guitar player, Adam Jones, did some of the art stuff for a few other well known movies too, including "Freddy Krueger in the womb" stuff for one of the Nightmare on Elm Street movies.

Licorice jelly beans, yay or nay? BIG yay here
You just made me think of Ronda Shear and Gilbert Gottfreid...and I'm not sure if I can forgive you for that :D
We still have Svengoolie on Sat nights on some stations doing the horror movies. They threw in some old, I mean she was really old looking, Elvira stuff a few weeks ago

Licorice jelly beans for the win! You notice how there are no black beans in the assorted bags this year? You have to buy a full bag of just black ones. Which is just fine with me!
Licorice jelly beans for the win! You notice how there are no black beans in the assorted bags this year? You have to buy a full bag of just black ones. Which is just fine with me!
think we just became besties
IRL - Easter Tradition

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