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Question - Autoloot for Epic quest items? (1 Viewer)

Jan 12, 2024
I'm considering doing the epic 1.0 on my Sk just so I can get the ornament for it. However, I've heard this quest sucks, and drops can take days. Is it possible with MQ to put my SK in the camp, have him set up in Kissassist, and then he will just loot everything that drops, so I don't have to monitor every drop and from every PH or whatever?
I used autoloot to do just this. It doesn't take too long really. Eliminates the tedium.

Autoloot is older and does have some bugs. Some newer Lua based tools like lootier / lootly are probably also useful
I'm considering doing the epic 1.0 on my Sk just so I can get the ornament for it. However, I've heard this quest sucks, and drops can take days. Is it possible with MQ to put my SK in the camp, have him set up in Kissassist, and then he will just loot everything that drops, so I don't have to monitor every drop and from every PH or whatever?
There's not too many epic quests you cant knock out on most servers in a few hours at this point. Using Agents of Change and just the disused old zones you can often bang out even the hardest epics with relatively low invested time if you do it right. Is there a vending machine in the bazaar that hands out epics? Outside of beta. no. But if you want something bad enough you'll put the time in.
Question - Autoloot for Epic quest items?

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