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Contest April Contest: Win a 105 WIZ w/ max AA, rares. Tell us your favorite way to lvl 75. (1 Viewer)

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Re: April Contest: Win a 105 WIZ w/ max AA, rares. Tell us your favorite way to lvl

My first character was the beginning of eq was a mage, got him to lvl 75 the old fashion way, pet tanking with my pet heal up, with the occasional ranged DPs support from, get this, real players lol
Re: April Contest: Win a 105 WIZ w/ max AA, rares. Tell us your favorite way to lvl

So i took my ranger to fob at lvl 2, skipped the tutorial, not enough mobs, then took him into kurns tower, 3500hp 1k ac at lvl 1 + ds + tons of mobs that dont run...at lvl 17 he went to overthere and soloed with enc ds, cleric buffs and heals. At 30 or so went to NW corner of Blightfire moors with skele's and ghosts, at about 42 went to griegs end (yeah lvl 55 or so mobs i think) and started at ent grouped with 65 bard, then moved into central part of zone till he could group with my lvl 88 toons, then Hills of shade till 70, at that time I started in old bloodfields and stayed till about 80.
Now if i wanted i would use 98 ranja in valley to pl toons as soon as they could group!
Headshot for the win and for those who say its nerfed, maybe but I was lower lvl and still had one time with 5 kills in 12 seconds on mobs that killed me in 5 swings hehe
Re: April Contest: Win a 105 WIZ w/ max AA, rares. Tell us your favorite way to lvl

I recently leveled one on live with a few friends just for shits and giggles.

1-25 was pretty much paludal caverns. That place is just one of those places that Everquest got right.

25-35ish Was Unrest

35ish-50 lguk. One of the zones I haven't been to in years but can still remember that maze with my eyes closed!

50-60ish we did ponightmare hobgob caves

60-75 Pofire! Another one of those zones that everquest just got right. Was one of the zones that made pop xpac for me. Open world raid mobs wandering through grouping areas. Nothing better!
My first character was the beginning of eq was a mage, got him to lvl 75 the old fashion way, pet tanking with my pet heal up, with the occasional ranged DPs support from, get this, real players lol

My first character was a mage, as well! The old Mage Tower forums had a lot of info for a brand new mage, which included the strategy for pet chaining.

For those who don't know, this was the strat (it's less useful at higher levels when mobs start summoning and having a shitload of hps):

1. Have a pet up (duh)
2. Find a mob (preferably solo/single pull)
3. /pet attack
4. Nuke, Nuke, Nuke
5. **IMPORTANT** Watch your pet's health and the pace at which he's losing hit points while you're nuking or otherwise dps'ing
6. Start casting another pet (with your current pet getting beat on)
7. Just as your pet spell is finishing casting, click your "Pet Go Away" or whatever button on the pet window.
8. **IMPORTANT** If you mess up the timing and the pet spell finishes casting before you click your pet go away button, the spell will finish casting and nothing will happen. This is bad.
9. If you did it correctly, you now have a mob that is pissed at you and a brand spanking new pet standing next to you. You hopefully still have the mob targeted.
10. Click /pet attack and sic the new pet on the mob.
11. Rinse, repeat until your mob is dead.

I was killing reds as a young mage using this method. As long as the mobs didn't chew up your pet TOO quickly and as long as they didn't summon it was $$$$$$. Pet agro/taunt changes may have changed your ability to utilize this method, but honestly I'm not sure because I haven't played the mage in a long time.
Re: April Contest: Win a 105 WIZ w/ max AA, rares. Tell us your favorite way to lvl

I usually start a group together.

1-10 tutorial zone. I have a script that does about half of the tutorial then I will kissassist in the jail until 10.
10-25 paludal caverns
25-50 various kunark zones and the hot zones once I hit their levels.
50-70 kunark dungeons, pop zones
70-75 Buried sea zones. For some reason i love the buried sea zones. Im usually cursing myself as my crap geared toons get their asses handed to them by these trucks in regrua disguises, but once it gets rolling you can make some serious gold here.
75+ Dragon scale, and onwards. My next 85 group will probably live in the 3 burning hills instance areas until they hit 100 if they can stay alive well enough.
Re: April Contest: Win a 105 WIZ w/ max AA, rares. Tell us your favorite way to lvl

I level to 75 by 1-50 tank merc afking. after that asking for groups in general chat until someone groups me. Then I use kiss to assist. Spend a lot of time in dragonscale hills, 3 quest available at 65 are pretty nice at the farm camp.
Well with the end of the month creeping up on us I figured I would throw out my submission.
The most memorable 1-75 would have to be my original CLR, I joined Everquest back when PoP had been out a little while. My room mate during my first year or two of my military service had been playing since the game came out and was in a 5 day a week raiding guild talked me into playing. I built a computer with the little bit of money I had at the time and purchased the game and I have been playing off and on ever since.

Upon creating the account I created a cleric because even back then every guild needed one and the description seemed like something I would like (little did I know once I hit 60 with the required aas I would be doing CHeal rotations for the next few years lol). My friend and a guildy of his both made level 1s with me and we played for ages questing, killing, being trained and training until I reached a level that I could group with their raid geared characters at which time we hit up PoFire tables camp where they finished leveling me kiting it on their Necros. For the rest of the way to 75 we simply did it when the expacs came out through new quests, progression, camps etc...

Now days I just buy a Heroic to save myself a day of running around or if I feel up to the run around I take my CLR and a throwaway bard out and simply reverse-ds / ds / ae them to level 75+ throughout various zones.
My favorite way to 75 it to power level honestly. Nothing like killING HUGE trains with a level 2 bard. I Start in the Tutorial and get level 2 there and buy the most overpowered song in the game Chords of Dissonance.

From level 2 I go to kurns Tower with maybe a brief stop in the pit before i enter for a few levels. I use a ranger wielding nerf bats (pail of slop and a shield or the tome from VoA) so that I don't repose on anything. click off ALL my Damage Shields then pull as much as the zone as I can down the the bard. I heal my self a few times with ranger to build some aggro then I run in front of the ranger and pulse my Over Powered song till all the mobs are hit. There will a be a lot resists this is ok because undead are stupid and only have proximity aggro. After I am happy with the number i have hit i cast my DS on the ranger and take a sit and let the mobs impale themselves. This is the method i use all the way up till the 70s.

At level 17 or so I head to Sol A for old times sake and kill everything I can there using the same method as above and accepting that I will have to kill the last mob with the ranger.

From level 30 I head to City of Mist. You can get some massive trains going here I kill everything on the ground level untill I can get into the planes.

I Do PoNightmare from 46 to 52.
I head to PoI from 52 to 62.
Then at 62 I head to CoDecay
Then to round off the trip of good memories I head to plane of Fire and use the same method. Till about level 70
Then ill take off to Katta Castrum the outer ring on the south east side of zone with all the elementals and priests of who ever. ( this is An Awsome Spot for afk camping and cash killing no traffic at all and a ton of money drops) That will take you all the way to 80
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this post just made me miss the bone chips :(
I usually will lvl through the Creep merc, and then run them around with a lvl 85 heroic till they hit 70 and then pass them off to my 100 group.
Re: April Contest: Win a 105 WIZ w/ max AA, rares. Tell us your favorite way to lvl

April is over, :(

I want to personally thank all the people who entered this contest! You guys are why this board works! I am blown away by the time and effort put forward on this contest and the winner will be a tough call! Glad I don't have to make that one, at least not alone...

Knowledge is power and power is good! share, thank others who share and grow together!
Re: April Contest: Win a 105 WIZ w/ max AA, rares. Tell us your favorite way to lvl

Crosses his fingers ! ! !
Re: April Contest: Win a 105 WIZ w/ max AA, rares. Tell us your favorite way to lvl

Excited to try to be there for the drawing! If it's a similar time to last month I might actually be able to make it!
Thank you to everyone for the entries!

In-game random, as well as the announcement of the grand prize winner will be held at 3:30pm PST, Vox server, Crescent reach spawnpoint. Countdown timer.
Winners! Names have been changed to protect the guilty.

[Tue May 10 17:30:52 2016] [17:30:52] Incognito has completed achievement: Crescent Reach Traveler
[Tue May 10 17:31:11 2016] [17:31:11] Incognito shouts, 'Hail RG, scurby dogs!'
[Tue May 10 17:31:24 2016] [17:31:24] You shout, 'YESSS'
[Tue May 10 17:31:28 2016] [17:31:28] Targeted (Player): Incognito
[Tue May 10 17:31:28 2016] [17:31:28] Stand close to and right click on the Player to consider and inspect him. Use the /toggleinspect command to enable or disable right-click inspecting.
[Tue May 10 17:31:30 2016] [17:31:30] Incognito snaps to attention and salutes Redbot crisply.
[Tue May 10 17:31:30 2016] [17:31:30] You cheer at Incognito.
[Tue May 10 17:31:34 2016] [17:31:34] You say, 'look at that gear!'
[Tue May 10 17:31:34 2016] [17:31:34] Incognito cheers at Redbot.
[Tue May 10 17:31:48 2016] [17:31:48] Incognito says, 'oh you know you ENVY!'
[Tue May 10 17:31:49 2016] [17:31:49] You say, 'someone ran the tutorial macro I see'
[Tue May 10 17:31:51 2016] [17:31:51] Calliopie's song ends.
[Tue May 10 17:31:57 2016] [17:31:57] Logging to 'eqlog.txt' is now *ON*.
[Tue May 10 17:31:58 2016] [17:31:58] Incognito says, 'FRESH from Gloomingdeep!'
[Tue May 10 17:32:00 2016] [17:32:00] You say, 'haha'
[Tue May 10 17:32:11 2016] [17:32:11] Incognito says, 'LOL newp, couldn't find it in time'
[Tue May 10 17:32:18 2016] [17:32:18] Incognito says, 'knew there was one'
[Tue May 10 17:32:43 2016] [17:32:43] Incognito says, 'no one else???'
[Tue May 10 17:32:55 2016] [17:32:55] Ozdaar tells NewPlayers:1, 'Last call! If anyone wants any of the following, speak now or forever hold your piece...'
[Tue May 10 17:33:11 2016] [17:33:11] Incognito tells NewPlayers:1, 'forever?'
[Tue May 10 17:33:14 2016] [17:33:14] Ozdaar tells NewPlayers:1, 'Ornate Defiant Chain Coif, Ornate Defiant Chain Gauntlets, Ornate Defiant Leather Bracer, Ornate Defiant Leather Trousers, Ornate Defiant Leather Cap'
[Tue May 10 17:33:46 2016] [17:33:46] Ozdaar tells NewPlayers:1, 'Ornate Defiant Plate Gauntlets, Ornate Defiant Plate Greaves, Ornate Defiant Plate Boots, Ornate Defiant Plate Helm'
[Tue May 10 17:33:48 2016] [17:33:48] You say, 'just you buckaroo'
[Tue May 10 17:33:52 2016] [17:33:52] You say, 'HERE WE GO'
[Tue May 10 17:34:05 2016] [17:34:05] Ozdaar tells NewPlayers:1, 'Ornate Defiant Bow, Ornate Defiant Dagger, Ornate Defiant Gladius'
[Tue May 10 17:34:06 2016] [17:34:06] Incognito says, 'wow, I was hoping for a turn out'
[Tue May 10 17:34:49 2016] [17:34:49] Incognito says, 'maybe we shoulda waited for teh weekend...'
[Tue May 10 17:35:14 2016] [17:35:14] Targeted (Player): Incognito
[Tue May 10 17:35:14 2016] [17:35:14] Stand close to and right click on the Player to consider and inspect him. Use the /toggleinspect command to enable or disable right-click inspecting.
[Tue May 10 17:35:20 2016] [17:35:20] Incognito says, 'I DIED getting these horns!!!'
[Tue May 10 17:35:20 2016] [17:35:20] You say, 'haha nah'
[Tue May 10 17:35:40 2016] [17:35:40] You say, 'all I care is that one or two people are here to witness that I'm not rigging the thing'
[Tue May 10 17:35:41 2016] [17:35:41] Incognito says, 'wow, amazed no one thought it woudl be cool'
[Tue May 10 17:35:44 2016] [17:35:44] Ozdaar tells NewPlayers:1, 'Well, maybe not forever. Until the next time I feel like sitting around. :)'
[Tue May 10 17:35:50 2016] [17:35:50] Incognito says, 'haha'
[Tue May 10 17:35:58 2016] [17:35:58] You say, 'well maybe if I had some fireworks or wacky hats'
[Tue May 10 17:36:11 2016] [17:36:11] Incognito says, 'lol I have all that on my main server'
[Tue May 10 17:36:13 2016] [17:36:13] Targeted (Player): Incognito
[Tue May 10 17:36:13 2016] [17:36:13] Stand close to and right click on the Player to consider and inspect him. Use the /toggleinspect command to enable or disable right-click inspecting.
[Tue May 10 17:36:24 2016] [17:36:24] You say, 'well you ready?'
[Tue May 10 17:36:28 2016] [17:36:28] You say, 'cuz I'm ready'
[Tue May 10 17:36:33 2016] [17:36:33] Incognito says, 'I r ready!'
[Tue May 10 17:36:49 2016] [17:36:49] You say, 'THIS IS FOR APRIL, 2016, THE BEST OF THE BEST RG HAS TO OFFER'
[Tue May 10 17:36:59 2016] [17:36:59] Incognito cheers at Redbot.
[Tue May 10 17:37:06 2016] [17:37:06] Incognito tells NewPlayers:1, 'lol'
[Tue May 10 17:37:07 2016] [17:37:07] You say, 'First up is a month of level 2, access to everyone's favorite community'
[Tue May 10 17:37:19 2016] [17:37:19] Incognito shouts, 'WOOT!'
[Tue May 10 17:37:28 2016] [17:37:28] Incognito says, 'trying here, really am'
[Tue May 10 17:37:33 2016] [17:37:33] **A Magic Die is rolled by Redbot.
[Tue May 10 17:37:33 2016] [17:37:33] **It could have been any number from 2 to 89, but this time it turned up a 87.
[Tue May 10 17:37:44 2016] [17:37:44] You say, 'congrats to EQStreamz!'
[Tue May 10 17:37:45 2016] [17:37:45] Incognito says, 'nice roll'
[Tue May 10 17:37:54 2016] [17:37:54] Incognito says out of character, 'WOOT EQS'
[Tue May 10 17:37:57 2016] [17:37:57] Targeted (Player): Incognito
[Tue May 10 17:37:57 2016] [17:37:57] Stand close to and right click on the Player to consider and inspect him. Use the /toggleinspect command to enable or disable right-click inspecting.
[Tue May 10 17:38:41 2016] [17:38:41] You say, 'Now for a COLOR username. Hot pink is in this month I hear'
[Tue May 10 17:38:47 2016] [17:38:47] **A Magic Die is rolled by Redbot.
[Tue May 10 17:38:47 2016] [17:38:47] **It could have been any number from 2 to 89, but this time it turned up a 37.
[Tue May 10 17:38:55 2016] [17:38:55] Incognito says, 'You hear by who?'
[Tue May 10 17:38:59 2016] [17:38:59] Targeted (Player): Incognito
[Tue May 10 17:38:59 2016] [17:38:59] Stand close to and right click on the Player to consider and inspect him. Use the /toggleinspect command to enable or disable right-click inspecting.
[Tue May 10 17:39:07 2016] [17:39:07] You say, 'congrats judd1720!'
[Tue May 10 17:39:10 2016] [17:39:10] Incognito says, 'I say blue is in'
[Tue May 10 17:39:15 2016] [17:39:15] Bowz tells General:2, 'wts Amulet of Necropotence PST'
[Tue May 10 17:39:20 2016] [17:39:20] You say, 'Noobhaxor'
[Tue May 10 17:39:20 2016] [17:39:20] You say, 'Hail, Incognito'
[Tue May 10 17:39:20 2016] [17:39:20] You say, 'Hail, Incognito'
[Tue May 10 17:39:21 2016] [17:39:21] Incognito shouts, 'WOOT J1720'
[Tue May 10 17:39:21 2016] [17:39:21] You say, 'haha'
[Tue May 10 17:39:26 2016] [17:39:26] You say, 'ok up next'
[Tue May 10 17:40:03 2016] [17:40:03] You say, 'a new Avatar! Show off how unique you are'
[Tue May 10 17:40:11 2016] [17:40:11] **A Magic Die is rolled by Redbot.
[Tue May 10 17:40:11 2016] [17:40:11] **It could have been any number from 2 to 89, but this time it turned up a 79.
[Tue May 10 17:40:16 2016] [17:40:16] Incognito poses sexah.
[Tue May 10 17:40:28 2016] [17:40:28] Natt begins to cast a spell.
[Tue May 10 17:40:32 2016] [17:40:32] Targeted (Player): Incognito
[Tue May 10 17:40:32 2016] [17:40:32] Stand close to and right click on the Player to consider and inspect him. Use the /toggleinspect command to enable or disable right-click inspecting.
[Tue May 10 17:40:32 2016] [17:40:32] Natt fades away.
[Tue May 10 17:40:34 2016] [17:40:34] You say, 'Sum1!'
[Tue May 10 17:40:45 2016] [17:40:45] Incognito shouts, 'WOOT S1'
[Tue May 10 17:40:49 2016] [17:40:49] You say, 'alright enough of this silly stuff, let's get to what people want'
[Tue May 10 17:40:51 2016] [17:40:51] You say, 'KRONO'
[Tue May 10 17:40:59 2016] [17:40:59] Incognito shouts, 'KRONO!!!!'
[Tue May 10 17:41:01 2016] [17:41:01] You say, 'The winner of a single Krono'
[Tue May 10 17:41:04 2016] [17:41:04] You say, 'Goes to'
[Tue May 10 17:41:14 2016] [17:41:14] Incognito rubs his hands together.
[Tue May 10 17:41:17 2016] [17:41:17] You say, 'The poster'
[Tue May 10 17:41:21 2016] [17:41:21] You say, 'named'
[Tue May 10 17:41:26 2016] [17:41:26] **A Magic Die is rolled by Redbot.
[Tue May 10 17:41:26 2016] [17:41:26] **It could have been any number from 2 to 89, but this time it turned up a 82.
[Tue May 10 17:41:35 2016] [17:41:35] Incognito says, 'all those high rolls'
[Tue May 10 17:41:39 2016] [17:41:39] Targeted (Player): Incognito
[Tue May 10 17:41:39 2016] [17:41:39] Stand close to and right click on the Player to consider and inspect him. Use the /toggleinspect command to enable or disable right-click inspecting.
[Tue May 10 17:41:46 2016] [17:41:46] You say, 'archuvchaos!'
[Tue May 10 17:41:55 2016] [17:41:55] Incognito shouts, 'WOOT Arch!!'
[Tue May 10 17:41:59 2016] [17:41:59] You say, 'And now to up the ante'
[Tue May 10 17:42:02 2016] [17:42:02] You say, 'TWO krono'
[Tue May 10 17:42:08 2016] [17:42:08] Incognito covers his ante.
[Tue May 10 17:42:11 2016] [17:42:11] You say, 'haha'
[Tue May 10 17:42:18 2016] [17:42:18] **A Magic Die is rolled by Redbot.
[Tue May 10 17:42:18 2016] [17:42:18] **It could have been any number from 2 to 89, but this time it turned up a 45.
[Tue May 10 17:42:28 2016] [17:42:28] Targeted (Player): Incognito
[Tue May 10 17:42:28 2016] [17:42:28] Stand close to and right click on the Player to consider and inspect him. Use the /toggleinspect command to enable or disable right-click inspecting.
[Tue May 10 17:42:28 2016] [17:42:28] Incognito says, 'ok now THATs more like my rolls'
[Tue May 10 17:42:38 2016] [17:42:38] You say, 'jmastema wins two krono!'
[Tue May 10 17:42:54 2016] [17:42:54] Incognito shouts, 'WOOT JMAST!!!~'
[Tue May 10 17:43:14 2016] [17:43:14] Targeted (Player): Incognito
[Tue May 10 17:43:14 2016] [17:43:14] Stand close to and right click on the Player to consider and inspect him. Use the /toggleinspect command to enable or disable right-click inspecting.
[Tue May 10 17:43:18 2016] [17:43:18] You say, 'That was our last roll'
[Tue May 10 17:43:26 2016] [17:43:26] Targeted (Player): Incognito
[Tue May 10 17:43:26 2016] [17:43:26] Stand close to and right click on the Player to consider and inspect him. Use the /toggleinspect command to enable or disable right-click inspecting.
[Tue May 10 17:43:28 2016] [17:43:28] You say, 'hrm oh wait'
[Tue May 10 17:43:31 2016] [17:43:31] Incognito says, 'Ok, who won the contest?'
[Tue May 10 17:43:33 2016] [17:43:33] You say, 'we have a couple more things'
[Tue May 10 17:43:39 2016] [17:43:39] You say, 'The winner of the 105 wiz was...'
[Tue May 10 17:43:40 2016] [17:43:40] You say, '...'
[Tue May 10 17:43:42 2016] [17:43:42] You say, '...'
[Tue May 10 17:43:44 2016] [17:43:44] Incognito says, 'where's my damn funny hat?'
[Tue May 10 17:43:46 2016] [17:43:46] You say, 'Fragments!'
[Tue May 10 17:43:57 2016] [17:43:57] Incognito says, 'Of course, just needed to hear you say it!'
[Tue May 10 17:44:11 2016] [17:44:11] You say, 'And the runner-up gets a gift as well, courtesy of Almarsguides'
[Tue May 10 17:44:18 2016] [17:44:18] Incognito shouts, 'WOOT FRrag!!!'
[Tue May 10 17:44:30 2016] [17:44:30] You say, 'Congrats Incognitoito'
[Tue May 10 17:44:34 2016] [17:44:34] Incognito says, 'Almar give out gifts?'
[Tue May 10 17:44:40 2016] [17:44:40] Incognito says, 'lol no way'
[Tue May 10 17:44:44 2016] [17:44:44] You say, 'yup, he donated a krono to the runner up'
[Tue May 10 17:44:48 2016] [17:44:48] Targeted (Player): Incognito
[Tue May 10 17:44:48 2016] [17:44:48] Stand close to and right click on the Player to consider and inspect him. Use the /toggleinspect command to enable or disable right-click inspecting.
[Tue May 10 17:44:52 2016] [17:44:52] Incognito says, 'no fuckin way'
[Tue May 10 17:44:56 2016] [17:44:56] Your krono trade with Incognito has been successfully processed.
[Tue May 10 17:44:58 2016] [17:44:58] You cheer at Incognito.
[Tue May 10 17:45:05 2016] [17:45:05] Incognito says, 'I'll take it, and donate it to Mask LOL'
[Tue May 10 17:45:08 2016] [17:45:08] You say, 'haha'
[Tue May 10 17:45:19 2016] [17:45:19] Incognito says, 'or maybe the dog shelter guy'
[Tue May 10 17:45:28 2016] [17:45:28] Incognito shouts, 'WOOT Incog!!!'
[Tue May 10 17:45:30 2016] [17:45:30] You say, 'Thanks for coming out everyone! Fragments hasn't been on in awhile, you have 30 days to claim your wiz frag :)'
[Tue May 10 17:45:32 2016] [17:45:32] You say, 'haha'
[Tue May 10 17:46:00 2016] [17:46:00] Incognito says, 'hmmm, might have to re-roll his winnings in a month'
[Tue May 10 17:46:22 2016] [17:46:22] Incognito says, 'someone gonna have to show/tell me how to xfer krono outside of the game haha'
[Tue May 10 17:46:25 2016] [17:46:25] Targeted (Player): Incognito
[Tue May 10 17:46:25 2016] [17:46:25] Stand close to and right click on the Player to consider and inspect him. Use the /toggleinspect command to enable or disable right-click inspecting.
[Tue May 10 17:46:34 2016] [17:46:34] Incognito cheers at Redbot.
[Tue May 10 17:46:58 2016] [17:46:58] You shrug at Incognito.
[Tue May 10 17:47:07 2016] [17:47:07] You say, 'he probably won't let it get away :)'
[Tue May 10 17:47:08 2016] [17:47:08] Incognito says, 'haha'
[Tue May 10 17:47:12 2016] [17:47:12] You say, 'Thanks for coming out!'
[Tue May 10 17:47:18 2016] [17:47:18] Incognito says, 'you think?'
[Tue May 10 17:47:30 2016] [17:47:30] Incognito says, 'sry wasn't better turn out'
[Tue May 10 17:47:34 2016] [17:47:34] Incognito waves at Redbot.
[Tue May 10 17:48:10 2016] [17:48:10] Targeted (Player): Incognito
[Tue May 10 17:48:10 2016] [17:48:10] Stand close to and right click on the Player to consider and inspect him. Use the /toggleinspect command to enable or disable right-click inspecting.
[Tue May 10 17:48:17 2016] [17:48:17] You say, 'hah no worries'
[Tue May 10 17:48:32 2016] [17:48:32] Incognito says, 'no community spirit I tell ya!?!'
[Tue May 10 17:48:43 2016] [17:48:43] Incognito says, 'aight man, cya l8ts!'
[Tue May 10 17:48:47 2016] [17:48:47] You wave goodbye to Incognito.

Krono winners: pm me with your toon/server for parcel, everyone else check your redcent inventory!
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Re: April Contest: Win a 105 WIZ w/ max AA, rares. Tell us your favorite way to lvl

YEAH! Gratz guys!
Fragments did not claim the 105 Wizard :confused:

The account goes to the runner-up, Incognito! :rock: Enjoy your new wiz, please roleplay him as Harry Potter.
Contest April Contest: Win a 105 WIZ w/ max AA, rares. Tell us your favorite way to lvl 75.
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