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Discussion - Anyone Playing on "Test" Server? (1 Viewer)

Jan 12, 2024
At this point, with running a 6 man team, I'm mostly playing alone and doing my socialize through chat channels and discord. I'm considering moving over from FV to test just for the financial benefit of having free gold accounts. I'm also guessing because the population is a little lower that fighting for most of our favorite camps is a non-issue as well.

Is anyone playing on test? If so, what your experience there?
Any decent guilds that are friendly towards MQ2? I would actually like to raid a couple times per month if possible.
I play almost exclusively on test.

Literally joined a new guild this past monday that is quite MQ2 friendly. I'm online most wed, thurs,fri, sat from 8am-3pm'ish CST.

Send me a pm and I'll see if I can get you hooked up with the guys. They raid weekly and apparently are very heavy on the discord.
I play on test but am not playing a lot at the moment. Few nights a week.
Test is great if your a boxer, but there is not a but maybe 2 guilds that raid on test.
As far as MQ2 friendly guilds there is one main one
I play on test but am not playing a lot at the moment. Few nights a week.
Test is great if your a boxer, but there is not a but maybe 2 guilds that raid on test.
As far as MQ2 friendly guilds there is one main one
Thanks for that info man, played on Live for a long time, and started on FV not too long ago, but thought I would jump over to Teek, probably not any more, however Test seems nice for its all Gold stuff. How are populace in general regarding boxers like us?
I play on test but am not playing a lot at the moment. Few nights a week.
Test is great if your a boxer, but there is not a but maybe 2 guilds that raid on test.
As far as MQ2 friendly guilds there is one main one

Raiding isn't a must. Would be nice to have the option from time to time. I don't mind the lower population server, but would like some sort of reliable community to socialize with while in game. Most of my playing will be my box team, doing missions, progression and chasing items for my team, such as the LS neck and NoS cloak. Things like this. If I had the option to hop in a raid once or twice a month, that would be cool but not a deal breaker for me.
Raiding isn't a must. Would be nice to have the option from time to time. I don't mind the lower population server, but would like some sort of reliable community to socialize with while in game. Most of my playing will be my box team, doing missions, progression and chasing items for my team, such as the LS neck and NoS cloak. Things like this. If I had the option to hop in a raid once or twice a month, that would be cool but not a deal breaker for me.
There are definitely guilds that raid at least that often.

The community in general1 is pretty active and there is always some sort of conversation
Thanks for that info man, played on Live for a long time, and started on FV not too long ago, but thought I would jump over to Teek, probably not any more, however Test seems nice for its all Gold stuff. How are populace in general regarding boxers like us?
Here is what I always always recommend with boxing on any server.
I don’t recommend ever ever discussing boxing with anyone ever unless you know they are boxing as well.
Also never ever talk in tells to anyone about boxing.
Take all discussion outside the game to Discord.
Talk to that person in voice chat, know they are boxing then if you are sure they are as well Discord only talk about MQ.
But don’t ever use guild chat, tells in game etc to discuss anything MQ related
I moved over to Test last year since I don't commit as much time to playing EQ anymore and didn't want the FOMO of subbing and not utilizing it to it's potential. I play exclusively by myself with my 6 lad crew so the transition was easy. Vibe in general on that server is great, people are there but it's not overcrowded. I have my own guild for my accounts and can't comment on any other communities or guilds on that server.

I can't comment on last few expansion zones as I'm slowly taking my time working through progression of TDS currently. Just getting achievements and experiencing stuff I wasn't around playing EQ for. But I haven't had any issues with stuff camped or people bothering me while I do Epics either.

I liked that I could get some easy platinum for spells and basic gear that I didn't want to spend what little gaming time I have to earn (I know, that's not what an MMO is for). But I love EQ and this was the way I could still experience it without having to sacrifice other things in my life.
I moved over to Test last year since I don't commit as much time to playing EQ anymore and didn't want the FOMO of subbing and not utilizing it to it's potential. I play exclusively by myself with my 6 lad crew so the transition was easy. Vibe in general on that server is great, people are there but it's not overcrowded. I have my own guild for my accounts and can't comment on any other communities or guilds on that server.

I can't comment on last few expansion zones as I'm slowly taking my time working through progression of TDS currently. Just getting achievements and experiencing stuff I wasn't around playing EQ for. But I haven't had any issues with stuff camped or people bothering me while I do Epics either.

I liked that I could get some easy platinum for spells and basic gear that I didn't want to spend what little gaming time I have to earn (I know, that's not what an MMO is for). But I love EQ and this was the way I could still experience it without having to sacrifice other things in my life.

This is me, i have a day or two here an there to commit to playing. I've purchased the expansion for all 6 of my accounts, but I don't want to renew any subs or chase krono. Now.... I just need to find someone on FV who will let me copy their SK or Pally raid armor/weapons lol.
I think Test server will be a great fit for you then. I was in the same mindset of "would be nice" to eventually do some raiding. But for me I realized that I'll never really ever catch up to that. But I have heard there are people that do raids in Test. I just would always caution against exposing yourself as an MQ user.

Borrowing someone's raid gear to copy to test is a great idea. If I didn't have the brain of a Barbarian maybe I would have tried that.
You can buy RC (Raid Copy) toons pretty easily . Someone could point you in the right direction I’m sure.
I don’t have that direct line to “said” person but there is people for this service.
Comes with everything you need Memory Forged items, NOS raid gear and I’m even sure the current RC’s come with LS gear
Here is what I always always recommend with boxing on any server.
I don’t recommend ever ever discussing boxing with anyone ever unless you know they are boxing as well.
Also never ever talk in tells to anyone about boxing.
Take all discussion outside the game to Discord.
Talk to that person in voice chat, know they are boxing then if you are sure they are as well Discord only talk about MQ.
But don’t ever use guild chat, tells in game etc to discuss anything MQ related
While I appreciate the advice, I have played awhile and follow that type rule for MQ stuff as it is, perhaps my question was unclear.
I am wanting to know if the populace there has many people that dislike boxers (not even asking about botting), but some servers have a lot of box unfriendly people that hunt others down and such.
This is me, i have a day or two here an there to commit to playing. I've purchased the expansion for all 6 of my accounts, but I don't want to renew any subs or chase krono. Now.... I just need to find someone on FV who will let me copy their SK or Pally raid armor/weapons lol.
You should hit up Rob for that!
While I appreciate the advice, I have played awhile and follow that type rule for MQ stuff as it is, perhaps my question was unclear.
I am wanting to know if the populace there has many people that dislike boxers (not even asking about botting), but some servers have a lot of box unfriendly people that hunt others down and such.
There is not a lot of "unfriendly" people, but i try to stay off radar so I have never had a problem on Test at all
chiming in =)

test is wonderful for so many reasons but its very important to note the one turd in the punchbowl. downtime on test is frequent and it interupts the builds from our fine folks here at rg. you need to have patience if you play on test fulltime. all of the above comments are very accurate though and i wouldnt play anywhere else ... as for the RCs just ask dr google about cheapraidcopies.weebly.com

best of luck and as always be sure to have fun!
This is me, i have a day or two here an there to commit to playing. I've purchased the expansion for all 6 of my accounts, but I don't want to renew any subs or chase krono. Now.... I just need to find someone on FV who will let me copy their SK or Pally raid armor/weapons lol.
People give away memory forged gear all the time on test so you’d only have to worry about visible pieces.
My 2 cents is try to join a guild that you know has people in it who mq. Iron back of bravos raids every Saturday and it’s open so you can join their raids though depending on numbers it may be older content.
I am wanting to know if the populace there has many people that dislike boxers (not even asking about botting), but some servers have a lot of box unfriendly people that hunt others down and such.
There are not many. Of course, like any server, you'll always have a few, but it's a lot better than some live servers.

A couple years ago one person thought I was AFK and tried to train me. That was my only bad experience on test, but I play pretty low-key in general.
chiming in =)

test is wonderful for so many reasons but its very important to note the one turd in the punchbowl. downtime on test is frequent and it interupts the builds from our fine folks here at rg. you need to have patience if you play on test fulltime. all of the above comments are very accurate though and i wouldnt play anywhere else ... as for the RCs just ask dr google about cheapraidcopies.weebly.com

best of luck and as always be sure to have fun!

Do you have a guild suggestion you could make? Also, I realize downtime might be more, but how frequent are we talking? Am I going days at a time unable to play, it is every other day interruptions? Appreciate the feedback.
test for gold accounts is huge.

Also, generally an awesome community. And if you ever need anything you can ask GC and you may find someone willing to copy it over for you.

One thing someone earlier mentioned that I have heard about... "selling" a full raid gear decked out character. From what I understand... they will make a new account, give a fresh level 1 a set of full raid gear and then testcopy it. then return the raid gear back to their character. Then sell you the level 1 test account at which point you level it up (obviously changing the password etc) I knew someone who did this... and I believe they were paid in Krono. Though I don't know how much.. but he had a fully decked out SK tank a a result. I had thought about doing it, but ended up taking a break.
I think all the people go to test server go to try macros plugins or do experiments but play play i think nobldy plays.I today go to test a necro plugins for example)
I play on test and love it. I like to have a few different groups with different makeups. My wife would death touch me if I subbed 18+ accounts so test is the best option for me due to all accounts being gold. I play in off peak hours but there are still some people about. The people tend to be really friendly too. I don't buy expansions due to the aforementioned death touching wife so I'm always 2-3 expansions behind so there is little to no conflict with spawns. Best to do a /testcopy and see for yourself. I tried it and haven't looked back.
I think all the people go to test server go to try macros plugins or do experiments but play play i think nobldy plays.I today go to test a necro plugins for example)

The only toons I have left on a live server are my test copy toons that get all my twink and gearing options 4hr xp pots for grps and plat. Paying for 6 accounts on a rat race that no longer interested (full time raider) me, seemed stupid when I returned after 5 years away. Test is typically casual with the xp boost im not stuck grinding for hours on end I had when I was 30 yrs old but at almost 50 now.
I went to test to raidbox and have never looked back.

There are a few things I miss:
- I miss sharing the achievements of beating a raid for the first time.
- I miss being able to buy stuff in bazaar.
- I miss that my toons no longer matter and can be replaced in 2 mins by someone doing a test copy from FV.

What I gain from test:
- Accounts are gold.
- If I can find stuff in bazaar its usually free.
- Can test copy mules over and over.
- XP Bonus
- Low population
- Free use of some plugins

For just a few Krono - you can get a full LS Raid Geared Group - but what's the point? Once you have everything - you will never loot anything again. Everything Rots.
So I don't recommend using the Pay to Win options. The prolonged enjoyment of the game comes from achieving stuff - defeating group game, or defeating Raids - it doesn't matter.
If you cant loot stuff to achieve some sort of improvement in your pixels then you aren't actually playing the game.

EQ is not a race. Test copy your toons over and then proceed at your own pace.
Well, I tried but already discouraged a little. Tells me that the MQ and EQ updates don't match. I updated both redguides and the test server. Additionally, I can't figure out how to do the auto login tool with the Test server.
Well, I tried but already discouraged a little. Tells me that the MQ and EQ updates don't match. I updated both redguides and the test server. Additionally, I can't figure out how to do the auto login tool with the Test server.
make sure you're selecting "test" in the rg launcher - otherwise you're trying to run live test eq with live mq.

make sure you're selecting "test" in the rg launcher - otherwise you're trying to run live test eq with live mq.

I think that's it sic. Thank you so much
only other question i have at the moment. Does the /aaspend bank 210 not work on test? gives a not valid command here. Thanks again for all the help
Test server takes a LOT of patience.
Your going to have MQ down time
When the server patches and then patches the patch, you will be waiting on MQ to patch.
So if you don’t have patience, and understand that this is going to happen
Test is not the server for you.
Flip side of this is all the things mentioned in this thread.
So weigh your options try it out for yourself
Me with my life right now and what time sink I am willing to put in to the game, Test works for me.
But the benefits and perks of playing on Test for me offset the downtime.
Discussion - Anyone Playing on "Test" Server?

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