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Discussion - Another group makeup question (1 Viewer)

I'd change:
Cleric -> Shaman
Nec -> Rogue
Enc -> Zerker
Warrior -> SK

The bard was a really good choice.
also... I say that as someone with a horribly optimized main group because I like the classes that are in it... if you're having fun with your group comp, keep it.
if you don’t raid I’d consider the mage over ench and rogue over necro and shaman over cleric especially with double exp going.

If you do raid I’d just switch out the ench for mage.

But also not sure how much “better” this would make your team and if it’s worth the effort/time as I’m sure you can do anything in the game as you are.
if you don’t raid I’d consider the mage over ench and rogue over necro and shaman over cleric especially with double exp going.

If you do raid I’d just switch out the ench for mage.

But also not sure how much “better” this would make your team and if it’s worth the effort/time as I’m sure you can do anything in the game as you are.
yah i can do all the things, i just want more dps i guess
i changed out the enc for a rogue and considered changing the nec for a zerk. but what do you think about mage for nec?
I enjoy both my mage and nec in pet groups but.......If I had to choose, I would go mage because I feel it brings more utilies to the group. ei; toys, DS, CoTH
whats the benefit of persona vs just making another char
I would make a new account. I would rather lose 1 character than risking an account with 2 characters. If the account never sees and RG tools, theoretically you would be saving the cost of a sub or krono but never able to play those 2 with each other. Just my thoughts.
I would say Sk is more dps than warrior
Shaman work better in groups that clerics, and add dps
Nec are awsome, but not as good in short fights. I would replace with mage or rouge
ench duties can be done by bard, so would replace with rouge or mage
bst helps with buffs and good dps. Can swap for a mage or rouge, but would probably not gain much.

I hope my opinion helps.
Keep in mind there's no real reason to max/min in the group game. When you do you end up sitting around a lot waiting on respawn or timers. I really don't see a reason these days to have more than 2 dps in a group and I keep up with the various rotations no problem. Sure, my burn isn't as high, but it's still much higher than it needs to be.

I will say that DOT classes in the group game are probably less desirable simply due to the fact that the vast majority of your fights will end up rendering their dots more or less useless. Max/Min'd groups in particular will really show the current/long standing weakness in the group game design as a result since you can get your trash mob times down to 8-10 seconds in that kind of group no problem. Even without trying/gearing you can still manage to get them to 12-14 second range with just 2 DPS classes. Not a lot of time for the dots to work for the bard or even the quick dots of sham/necro crowd.
Your bard and enc are kinda overlapping so throwing in a mage in place of enc wouldn't hurt, you add call of the hero to your options then.
Personally I'd be swapping in a wizard somewhere as I like having transport and evacs.
Discussion - Another group makeup question

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