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Funny - Worst possible group composition? (1 Viewer)


Well-known member
Mar 16, 2011
What in live EQ would be the worst group comp?? You're not allowed to duplicate a class more than once and have to pick 6!
Pal Pal Dru Dru Rng Rng
Would still be able to do most content I would think but you don't have the utility or overall DPS/Power as other classes and you don't really have any synergies that would mesh well together. Nothing against these classes just they seem to be the weakest links of their roles.
I was thinking SHM SHM BRD BRD CLR CLR. Would take forever to kill anything!
You'd have to have make entire group melee!

I think
Would be fun in short bursts but ultimately miserable.

Great question by the way
No way, enchanters way too useful. I think this perfects your list, drop wiz's for rogues just incase too high burst dps actually results in a kill, switch enchanters for zerkers. Only thing this group is good for is dragging corpses, and none off them have healer mercs for rez either for the icing in the cake

Rog rog ber ber war war
Seems no one can read. =)


lol.... pot.... here’s kettle ....

From the OP:
not allowed to duplicate a class more than once

translation: you can duplicate a class once, but not twice or more.

and if that’s not enough for you, he offers his worst group idea a couple of post later that confirms what he meant :)
Me and my friends original live group was WAR, PAL, DRU, DRU, CLR, ENC (and the Enc was too scared to charm anything).

Mobs died of old age
The original group with my siblings was BRD/DRU/ROG, it was good for pvp but we struggled with a bard tank. When they quit I multiboxed all 3, and I didn't roll any other toons until Ring of Scale
Having a hell of a time getting my clr rog combo leveled up lol even tho that is just 2 toons. Guess could of made a few more toons to help fill it out but just needed to fill my last 2 merc spots, they are almost 75 so should beable to get them into a real group before too long.

This one is damn close, but between the monks def abilities and self heals, thats hella DPS and the monks and tanks can take turns taking zero damage while mobs melt.

I would go for:
War, War, Wiz, Wiz, Zrk , Zrk .. this group reminds of Splitpaw.. where you kill a few and sit and med for a half an hour with your spellbook open ! .. no buffers, slowers, healers, or mezzers. .. and the Wizzy Rooters would just kill the zerkers :)
Berserker, Wizard, warrior, warrior, rogue, rogue.

I tried to avoid using two classes twice, but I ended up doubling up on warriors and rogues, which are the most stackable classes. Rogues can pull and wizards can snare, but no heals at all. I'm thinking all the melee runs behind beating up on the mob that the wizard is kiting.
Any group with me in it is surely to fail, no duplication required... I have a tendency to cause death despite being a cleric :mystery:

it's not horribad. you'd never die and the mobs would ... eventually. but the amount of crap you'd have to swallow from your buddies and total strangers about 3 tanks/3 heals would likely choke your will to eq.
lol.... pot.... here’s kettle ....

From the OP:

translation: you can duplicate a class once, but not twice or more.

and if that’s not enough for you, he offers his worst group idea a couple of post later that confirms what he meant :)

LMAO! So classic. I'll learn to read. :)
The original group with my siblings was BRD/DRU/ROG, it was good for pvp but we struggled with a bard tank. When they quit I multiboxed all 3, and I didn't roll any other toons until Ring of Scale

Yeeeesh... you played EQ on ultra-hard mode!
Pal Pal Dru Dru Rng Rng
Would still be able to do most content I would think but you don't have the utility or overall DPS/Power as other classes and you don't really have any synergies that would mesh well together. Nothing against these classes just they seem to be the weakest links of their roles.
Pally is def not weakest link.. tov was made for us... as for paladins I can main tank or main heal on raids paladins are op now
The original group with my siblings was BRD/DRU/ROG, it was good for pvp but we struggled with a bard tank. When they quit I multiboxed all 3, and I didn't roll any other toons until Ring of Scale
I feel your pain. I mained a Druid in the early days and once ToV came around I boxed DRU CLE SHM BRD WAR ENC. Thank goodness for that shaman pet!
That’s not terrible. You’ve got CC, slows, great buffs, dps from dots, healing, ADPS and other bard goodies and I’ve seen rangers ranking named mobs in ToV GD with 0 issues.
That is actually mostly viable. My main 6 box crew is exactly that setup if you swap out the Ranger for a Warrior. It works phenomenally well.
I would say this.....

The bards can't taunt to pull aggro... the wizards and druids might be able to root, but the critters will summon them.

I do love playing bard and wizard and have had both those classes most of my EQ career. Just not solely those two!
Funny - Worst possible group composition?

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