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Question - When should I grind AAs? (1 Viewer)


New member
Jul 22, 2014
I saw a post on Google today from a guy asking if he should delevel his level 100 character in order to grind AAs.

I realized that I don't want to be that guy, so I'm wondering when I should grind AAs, and how many will I ultimately need?

One veteran player told me that I will need at least 7000 AAs for a decent tank at level 100. I have 5500 and am almost level 90. Should I grind a minimum of 1500 AAs when I reach level 90?

I was hoping to run "Into the Hills" at level 90, and grind out some AAs. Is that a reasonable idea?

What percentage of my current exp should be designated to AAs?
You will probably get many answers to this question, I will answer.

My answer is based on my playstyle. I like to take it a level at a time and max out everything. So when I was leveled 80th, I then turned on max AAs and maxed out my AAs. Rinse and repeat for every level.

Now if you never did any AAing along the way then that would be a very painful route. If you are part of a guild that expects you to have X, Y, and Z AAs then that would be your answer as well. There are "key" AAs you should get no matter what, if you are a tank class in my opinion.
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I always do 20% AA to level and buy the must haves, I can tell you I have 3 tanks, non had 7k at 100 and I did fine, even now with 2 of them over 7k not much has changed, gear was way more important and 100 gear rocks

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oh and a HOT TIP, if you do Dead Hills Heroic Adventures you can QUICKLY get a full set of Tier 2 Gear from the vendor and be dressed for anything!
I always level my chars to 100 first and then I turn on 100% aa exp and only buy post underfoot aa's as many as the char has, even the cotf identify aa... If I don't get past 2k aa I will check the prereqs and buy up to the prereq even if it's pre underfoot.
Just so I can get the full benefit of aa bonus.
Now granted I use a sk to swarm and therefor getting 2k aa this way takes about a day or so.
When I got 2k aa, bonus is gone and I check the autogrant box. Boom instantly 7k aa...

Now compare that to not doing the 2k aa first but instead just checking the autogrant box.
Then you have 4.5k aa but since aa bonus is gone it will take weeks to get to 7k compared to if you take full advantage of the aa bonus pre 2k...
EQMule, Your method seems like the best, but my character came with over 4500 AAs, so I'm not sure I will ever be eligible for bonus AAs.

Also, I keep seeing posts claiming that "swarming" has been nerfed. Is it nerfed or has the method simply changed?
The method is the same but u need some special gear and visage of death aa to workaround the nerf.
I use a percutio, dragoon war mask, lizard scale plated girdle and a ancient cloak of flames on my sk to be able to to kill fast enough for mortal coil to reproc.
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The modifier is up to 4k. That's how I do things too though. I level quickly to 100. Then 100% to AA. I usually autogrant though. I find it helps me catch them up faster and I don't worry about (on alts) the fact that they say "spent" vs actual. The only character I worry about that on is my main.
Yes there is a bonus up to 4k, but having leveled many different classes I have found that none of them can buy more than about 2k each before you will have to spend too many points on prereq aa that you will get with autogrant...
So since there is no way (that I know of) to first go all the way to 4k and then also get 4500 from autogrant you are just wasting time post 2k but that's just my oppionion... (And leveling style)
at the risk of necroing an old post, can someone point me to a guide on what AAs to buy before autogrant at 100, powerleveling a toon now to 100 and want to get it right...

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and 2nd part if I have a heroic toon, can I still get the autogrant huge bonus if I wait to get my heroic toon to 100 and whatever AAs I need to grind?

If I plan on powerleving a toon, I always wandered, should I level to 100 then autogrant, then also heroic or do I need to heroic at all? or do I heroic then autogrant? hmmm I got questions!
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I recently leveled up a rogue from level 2 to 90 in about 3 days. He was on a kroon, so had all access, used auto-grant (I don't think auto-grant works above 90). I was also running AASpend plugin and had AAs maxxed by that time. Yes, I am a cheapskate, lol.
This is my 9th box/bot I am bringing up. The first 6 are max level and AA. I started back up in July with all new heroics and pretty much just did DH HA's. Honestly though, it was nothing to get max aa. The heroic characters or autogrant already makes your toon very functional. I rushed my 6 box to max aa doing HA's that I didn't really enjoy and now that I am going around to zones I haven't seen, 6 of my 9 boxes don't even need exp. So unless selling max aa'd toons is some kinda job for you, I wouldn't worry about rushing so much. My newest 3 boxes, especially the latest one that I actually leveled from 1 to 90 will be played, doing camps or spots for chase loot (after I max out aa bonus). I'll get the 9th box to 105 asap and then do AA's till the bonus goes dry enough where I don't think it's worth it anymore to not turn autogrant on. I did 3 HA's with that box and he received 90aa's per HA, because 90 is the max he can bank at lvl90. Pretty sure at lvl105, he'll get 105aa per run. At that rate, I'll take him all the way to 4kaa's or when the bonus drops to like 50aa's a run. After that, I am DONE!!! with Gribble HA's.
Turned AA's on 100% at lvl101 and did a DH HA and got ZERO aa's. Ran next HA with exp. set to 30%/aa and got 105/maxxed out at lvl101/189aa.

Now at 1600aa's and tried a mission with aa's set to 80% and got zero. Ran next at 40% and got 103aa's at lvl103/1600ish aa's. It would seem if you are going to get back far over the AA cap, you just get nothing. I think I already maxed out what AA's I can get for this class at 1600ish aa's and all that's left requires pre-req's. Very tempting because I am still getting 100ish aa's at 40% to aaExp and it takes me 20 to 30 minutes to run an HA.

I am keeping my low level in guildhall with permanent lessons going for every HA.
If you do not have access to HA (ie F2P before TBM release), it should be noted that doing the 85,90,90 Teek dailies at Level 100 with 0 AAs will net you about 170AAs for 20 minutes of killing.

It is like 33AA for 85 then 67 for the 90 ones.

I am so lazy that I have druid alts bound at Old Bloodfields and Valley of Lunanyn to speed this up. :)
2100aa's at lvl105, still getting high 80's to 105aa per run with AAEXP set to 50%. Well past the point of only getting aa's that won't be auto-granted and now getting aa's like armour of wisdom, innate stats and such that I am paying pre-req on, but still a long ways to go after pre-req to cap it. Till I get less than 70aa's with AAEXP set to 100%, I'll keep on going till 4k. Should be done by tomorrow and I'll have something like 10-12k marks of valor to gear up my new box until I get him better gear.

AFK grinding would be better I guess, but just not an afk kinda boter lol
Question - When should I grind AAs?

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