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What's happening to redguides? (2 Viewers)

Wow is getting old and alot of people have/are leaving.
EQ1- already happened
EQ2 -already happened
The other game forums are games that are not highly popular.

However when DarkFallOnline comes out you will see a large spike in new users as exploits are found and posted here.!!!!
(Also the FRONTPAGE is OLD!)
QUESTION: Why doesn't redguides have a Guild Wars forum? I just realized it O.o

(I don't play GW, i was just wondering)
I think the numbers in the first post are pretty skewed. The most users ever online was a little over a year ago, but it was probably on a patch day for WoW and EQ where people were all browsing the boards instead of playing the game. It wasn't very common to see 1800 people on the site at once, only on vary rare occasions. There's still an average of about 400-500 people who visit on a daily basis, if you ask me that's still not bad.

Now, if we would like to see 1800 again, then we as a community need to step up and send people this way. RG is a very active community that could be even more active even if we all got 1 person to sign up.

Just my 2cp.
i keep hearing about RG 2.0 and how RG bought another site.

Is this just rumors or is it like dangling a piece of candy on a stick in front of a fat kid?
They've been talking about some RG 2.0. No one knows what this will be and Redbot is non-existant...so no clue if it's going to happen or not. I think the boards are in good shape. Would be better if admin was around more, but I think they're still doing well.
darkeros said:
They've been talking about some RG 2.0. No one knows what this will be and Redbot is non-existant...so no clue if it's going to happen or not. I think the boards are in good shape. Would be better if admin was around more, but I think they're still doing well.

I know I am not a mod or admin, but I do know actually a lot about what is happening and sorta whats happening around RedGuides.

RedGuides2.0, RedBot did mention this, and he said that he would be releasing it soon(this was a couple months ago now). Since then, RedBot has not been that active. He is not non-existant, some of the admins have been in touch with him.

There has been no sign about RedGuides buying another site to my knowledge.

The front page is outdated, nobody can update it except Redbot and Redbot only. He said he was going to update it with the release of 2.0, which as of yet, still hasn't come.

Talking about the admins, there are 2 very active admins around the parts still. RedBema and Jigs21. Those are the 2main admins now, the others have disapeared.

RedGuides is fading, the boom of the MMORPG's has gone, and people are letting back on the games. WoW is losing its flavor to many players, EQ1 and EQ2 are just getting old. We need to keep RedGuides alive, it is active, but not nearly as active as it use to be.

My 2cents.
Talking about the admins, there are 2 very active admins around the parts still. RedBema and Jigs21. Those are the 2main admins now, the others have disapeared.

You can't forget the occasional random post by siddin.
Siddin is a mod, and I can not talk about him because he is EQ. Yes, I have access to the EQ side of things, but why would I go there when I know nothing of what they are talking about? I don't see the mods over there, sorry.

But I can say that WoW has a few mods that pop their heads in once in a blue moon, Boswell and Dupa.
there has been not truly been any us full info months hear as far as eq goes. i mean there is not even a compile much more then basic. while other sites have safe warp piggyzone. 20 aa a hour macs ect ..A dev team that respond to tells and will help with customs items
This is what I can tell from the WoW section, can't speak for the other sections.

When BC came out, there was a large amount of posts, but then it dried up. When everyone reached 70, there was a huge amount of posts, but once again it dried up...

Recently, there hasn't been a big patch for quite awhile, and all of the exploits have been fixed, and there isn't much new content to exploit, only things we can really post is guides. But there is guides covering basically everything already, so we don't have anything new to post.

We're just in a time where pretty much everything has been covered or fixed. In the next big content patch, there will be more exploits and bugs but until then, there's not much to post.
spelat said:
there has been not truly been any us full info months hear as far as eq goes. i mean there is not even a compile much more then basic. while other sites have safe warp piggyzone. 20 aa a hour macs ect ..A dev team that respond to tells and will help with customs items

Lately, RG has had some changes, the development team is one of them. As far as the Compile goes, Jigs21 is doing an insanely great job about getting them out almost instantly. . Give it a little, when i started here the "other site" that has the above listed things sucked ballz and RG was the place to be. I paid for a year here and don't regret a moment of it. Give it time here is all i say. I have a lot of faith in this site because of how it has come through with incredible results.

Anyway the grass always looks greener on the other side but then you end up waking up with some nasty hooker looking at you and it burns when you pee!!!!!!!!!
darkeros said:
They've been talking about some RG 2.0. No one knows what this will be and Redbot is non-existant...so no clue if it's going to happen or not. I think the boards are in good shape. Would be better if admin was around more, but I think they're still doing well.

I'm here everyday ....
spelat said:
there has been not truly been any us full info months hear as far as eq goes. i mean there is not even a compile much more then basic. while other sites have safe warp piggyzone. 20 aa a hour macs ect ..A dev team that respond to tells and will help with customs items

Which Dev team are you sending tells too? I'm pretty good about resonding to everything that I can help with in the Q&A Forum, and I am in IRC nearly 24/7. If you need ANY assistance simply post it there or send me a PM and if I can't help, I'll find someone that can.
Redguides is still going very strong. There are some problems but they are getting worked out im to understand. Some mods/admins are sleeping after trying to get the rg ver. 2.0 up and running and who can blame em?!?

Im sticking around here for EVAR even if you dont want me =)

While you wait here are something to look at:

Something to wonder about!

To tell you the truth, I've lost interest in WoW, don't play EQ or EQ2, Vanguard was boring for me, LotR was amazing graphics but, I didn't like certain aspects.

So basically, i'm saying I have no use to come here much anymore because I do not play ANY of the games that still have forums. There is a new generation of RedGuides now.

I am positive that as soon as Warhammer Online is released, which I believe was Q1 08, but not sure. That Redguides will become it's former self.

Personally, I have always seen the community board as bland, but that is because of lack of activity. Soon, is the only thing I can say regarding 2.0. I am sure it is being worked on. We can hope for the best, and prepare for the worst.

Concerned Redguiders,

You all, have very good questions & concerns, I will try my best to answer you.

What is happening to Redguides?

Well, I have to admit, Redguides has seen better days. I see members not visiting as often as they used to, I see people posting less, and I see members getting upset, because you have yet to see this "Redguides 2.0" that was supposed to come out now, over a month ago.

Does this mean Redguides is dead?

I would have to say no, although, it is solely up to you guys to keep Redguides alive. We are a community, which means we have to come together even in the darkest of days. I will ask you to not give up hope, although, I am pretty sure some of you already have.

Where is the staff?

Well, some of the staff, have completely disappeared. But, I, Redbema, Alatyami, and Siddin, still remain. If you need anything, feel free to private message us. Also, just because you do not see us on the active users list, doesn't mean we aren't there. I am always on, and answering messages, but I'm invisible, so the staff is around, even if you dont see us.

Development Team for EQ1?

spelat said:
there has been not truly been any us full info months hear as far as eq goes. i mean there is not even a compile much more then basic. while other sites have safe warp piggyzone. 20 aa a hour macs ect ..A dev team that respond to tells and will help with customs items

Spelat, I find your post pretty offensive, to say the least.

I work pretty hard on the compile, and even formed a development team here on Redguides to fix the current issues with (Warp, Piggyzone, etc) and we all have worked pretty damn hard on producing results. Anyways, I assure everyone apart of the EQ1 section, you will be seeing warp among other things very soon, you can count on it.


You all are very important to Redguides, remember that. I am very happy to see some of you still care about RG. This place is like a second family for some of you, and I just want you to remember, some of us are still here feeling the same way you are, and if we work together, we can bring Redguides back to what it used to be.


Thanks for your concern,

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As the others have said, making a comparison between the median high and lows is not really fair. Of course there's going to be high activity after patches and lower activity after nothing new for significant periods of time. As a comparison, the fact that Bill Gates is worth $30 Billion and some homeless bum has $.05 says little about the state of the average person in between.

On another note, the general state of MMORPG's is changing. There is more competition than ever and the market is becomming extremely fragmented. Add this to the fact that the new generation of MMORPG players grew up with Halo and not Dungeons and Dragons, and we see far less loyalty to a particular game. The old school EQ players are far more likely to hold on to an account for years while the new generation is far more likely to ditch their accounts for whatever is the latest and greatest. Combine this with my earlier point that new MMORPG's are constantly coming out and, well you get the point.

Your concerns remind me alot of my own personal thoughts and questions a year or two ago. Here is the deal about the rumors, because I believe that you all should know what is going on, so I will share all that I know.

Yes, the front page is outdated, yes, we have seen "better days," and yes, our active post population and activity is much lower than usual, however, there is ALOT of stuff going on behind the scenes.

Concerning RedGuides V2.0, this is to happen someday. When will that someday be? Who knows... Not even the staff here knows, heck, Redbot himself does not even know. He is simply just doing his best to get it ready.

What will it involve? Well, first of all, a new front page. To answer the rumor about Redguides "buying a new site," no, we did not buy a new site, but there are plans to merge with one. More news of this is to come in the future.

Merging may sound like a scary thing, but I can assure you it will be a great merge. This merge will not cause us to lose anything that we have worked on. Everything that Redguides is, will continue to be. The merge is for a purpose, that will be evident when it happens. It will make us a much more "complete" site, involving more MMORPG's. And don't worry, it is not one of our main competitors. We have not buckled and we are not running out on you guys. I can assure you that things are being put in place to secure the Redguides future.

I can relate to everyone of your posts and everyone of your fears and everyone of your worries. I am not really that much more in the "light" of things than any of you, only, have I had the "privilege" of hearing firsthand some of the hopes of the site from our afk'd leader. All I can do is rest my hope that he is truly working hard.

I am on "invisible" on the forums. If anyone ever has any questions, feel free to pm me or catch me in IRC. I am always available to talk and will tell you what I know.

my 2 cents, and really that is all it is, but there has to be "more" to redguides 2.0 than an updated front-end right?
On the horisont we can see Warhammer online, WotLK, and also GW2.. Hopefully they will come out next year. New games is new expaloits and hacks, we know it. It will bring life into forums.

And redguides are not really dead, as I see it only problem is that 90% of members prefer to pay for access, and just reading without posting a shit. And well, of course that now you find new exploits more and more seldom. Usually after a big patch where some programist pushed wrong button.

P.S. Decker, I declare Cat hunting season open.
EvilHomer said:
I wonder how the merge will work..

Trust me, if I knew this, I would share it with you.

As far as RG V2.0 being more than a front page, it will be.

  • When will it be? I don't know.
  • What will it entail? I don't know.

All we can do is just hope that it is soon. I can understand how hope can fade. I would be lying if I told you that mine had not faded a bit. However, RedGudies has the potential to be the best. We once were, and I believe that we have lost a bit of our luster, but I don't think that it would take very long to retain it. I have been doing my best to get things organized around here with one of the things that attracts users the most, that is, awards shows and prizes.

Again, Yammers, Jigs, Siddin, and myself are always around to help. 3/4 of those are EQ guys, but I still hang around in the WoW section. Just catch us in IRC, PM, or via thread. I am devoted to helping you guys out in any way.

I just wish that there was more that I could share with you about our fabled update. Let's just pray that it is very soon.
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I would just like to personally thank Redbema for keeping us up to date and doing what he can to calm the rest of us down, you've been a big help.

He's like the blue in the druid forums that we never had.
Depending on whether you want static, or dynamic content, the front end pieces are not that difficult to make. They just aren't. Maybe he needs some help?
EvilHomer said:
I would just like to personally thank Redbema for keeping us up to date and doing what he can to calm the rest of us down, you've been a big help.

He's like the blue in the druid forums that we never had.

Thanks for the encouragement Homer. I just believe that you guys should know what is gonig on. There are obviously some "suprises" that we want to keep so that whenever it does happen, you guys have something great to look forward to. Kind of like blizz does for their blizzcons.

However, there is no reason for you all to be in the dark about everything. I think that it is appropriate to give you simple outlines of what to expect.

However, if you want to know the secrets beforehand, then feel free to paypal me, and I will squirm like a worm. (jk)
I have not used the warp or piggyzone from the "other site" I have had the .dll but never used them out of fear RG has not released theres. Hope it comes out soon and sticking it out for the long haul.
take care guys , im not paying a couple months a month for nothing more than a compile , no new macros, or heck i was gonna write one and i didnt even get a response about it a month ago.
Hmm guess my posts magicly was deleted or something i though i made a few macros... So did other guys... Well theres allways someone that dont like good stuff...

Take care

BTW look at all your posts to see if i missed anything.. I didnt cant say what macro you posted that you didnt get a response too, cos you didnt post any, sure you posted here?
Im gonna work on a one for
Mistletoe Cutting Sickle's


It wont be totally automated , would need to do probably 500 of the minor combines (blessed dust of tunare) and CE"s but basically the point of the macro would be to make 1 of each of the main parts then combine to make the final product , Id advise though doing it in the guild hall and having someone pick up the pieces for maybe guild tribute or maybe after 1 bag is full have him move to guild tribute master hand them in and go back to the forge.

This is gonna be awhile before I get to do this programing but I think it would be atleast be cool to have that 300k or 1.2 mill be turned into a crap load of tribute points atleast. Plus you have the bank right there too so you can stock more items up there. Any thoughts before I attempt to get this working ?

So, you basically spelled out everything you were going to do and asked if anyone had any thoughts. I would assume that since you already said what you were going to do that everyone was content and a response was not needed. Please don't knock the site or the members just because you asked a rhetorical question. If you were really going to write the macro, you would have. It's rather childish to say "You guys didn't respond to me so no macro for you." Instead, you could have written the macro, got some redcents, and possibly won a fairly expensive prize in the month end polls.../shrug
Not to mention, the only time I work on macros for the site is when people ask me for macros. The macros that I end up giving them I'll usually post here unless they are tailored around that person's group too much to do it. Such as the 5 macros that I have, one for each of my 5 boxes that i don't want to pay attention to since I prefer to just play the bard by hand rather than write a macro.
...Some of us are here even when you don't know it...

Actually I had to take a couple weeks off as I'm getting into college and still maintaining my current job and a few other responsibilities that I have.

I've also been busy helping Goonswarm kick BoB's 4th point of contact all over southern new eden in Eve-Online.

Typically around the end of summer start of school this site slows down for a bit till people get resituated, it happens every year and will continue to happen every year, while EQ and WoW and other games may be "dead" to some players and quickly labeled so it's not so for everyone.
What's happening to redguides?

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