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Question - What raid content did you enjoy the most? (1 Viewer)

Which EverQuest era did you enjoy raiding the most? 🤔

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Aka Ruby Rose ❤️
May 30, 2017
Classic Era:
The Ruins of Kunark
The Scars of Velious

The Shadows of Luclin Era:
The Shadows of Luclin
The Planes of Power

The Legacy of Ykesha Era:
The Legacy of Ykesha
Lost Dungeons of Norrath
Gates of Discord

Omens of War Era:
Omens of War
Dragons of Norrath
Depths of Darkhollow

Prophecy of Ro Era:
Prophecy of Ro
The Serpent's Spine
The Buried Sea
Secrets of Faydwer

Seeds of Destruction Era:
Seeds of Destruction
House of Thule

Veil of Alaris Era:
Veil of Alaris
Rain of Fear

Call of the Forsaken Era:
Call of the Forsaken
The Darkened Sea
The Broken Mirror

Empires of Kunark Era:
Empires of Kunark
Ring of Scale
The Burning Lands

Torment of Velious Era:
Torment of Velious
Claws of Veeshan

Terror of Luclin Era:
Terror of Luclin
Night of Shadows

After you submit your vote, please let us all know what your favorite era was in the comments below! 👇 I'm curious to hear what everyone's favorite era was. 😃

I’ve raided in EverQuest for ages, and I’ve loved every era. But the one that rocked my socks was the Classic Era. It was like a dream come true, with a whole new world to discover and enjoy. And the raids in the Classic Era were awesome! They were super hard and super fun, and we got some sweet loot. 🙌

One of the coolest expansions ever was the Ruins of Kunark. It was ginormous and gorgeous, and I wanted to see it all. And the raids in Kunark were mind-blowing. In classic, I still freak out when I remember fighting Lord Innoruuk in the Plane of Hate, or meeting the Golems the Plane of Fear. 😱

The Classic Era was a time of happiness and adventure, and I met some amazing people there. So if you’re looking for an EverQuest era that’s full of laughs and nostalgia, then you should definitely check out the Classic Era. 😊

Linku aka Ruby Rose <3
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While I was in awe of the raids in the earlier Eras. The one that will always hold a special place in my heart is the PoR era. I still remember soloing, as a cleric, about half the TSS progression. I was the only cleric on the server doing that at the time. Using those skills to not need a group really helped me complete progression early. I was the first person on my server to be raid flagged for Ashengate and was the only person who could request those raids for at least 2 weeks. it was pretty cool. I used to have a screenshot of me being the only person who could zone into the raid lol.
TIme and CoA were candy land, it felt so good seeing so many items dropping to upgrade the guild. Those would be my favorite but I also enjoyed raiding Frost Crypt and Ashengate, I liked some of the shield and weapon graphics. The rest just kind of blend together.. VT would be another but I wouldnt be able to handle such long raids anymore, i was a kid with no responsibilities when my guild raided all night =).
I really enjoyed Omens of War. I found the epic 2.0’s to be some of the coolest looking weapons and it felt good to get them put together. Anguish was a great end zone with lots of loot to be had.
While I really liked PoP, the flagging, and continues back flagging and fighting over contested spawns was a PITA, I did choose the OOW era as my preferred due to the epic 1.5/2.0 introduction and 2.5 in DoDH and the overall storyline.
PoFear OG zone - While it may not be my most enjoyable raid, per se, it hold a dear space in my heart. When I was a young dude playing on my old man's acct years ago, I decided to join a PUG fear raid (ya, i didn't know better). Well, after 2 hours of forming up, recruiting members, and buffing we all wiped upon zoning in in about 2 minutes. After another 2 hours of constant death trying to break in for a corpse run, I had to go to bed and my dad was stuck trying to get me rez'd and was forced to assist the recovery with his main toon and some folks from his raid guild. Now, on TLPs I enjoy the total and utter domination TLP guilds bring to PoFear, and everytime we zone in and survive, to kill CT easily, I get a sense of joy and retribution.
There's nothing that's been as robust and rewarding as PoP IMO. It offered something for everyone, including demanding progression and a whole new world of boss encounters for the raiding folks. I remember the first time I beat PoEarth after about 25 unsuccessful attempts across several weeks. Getting the elemental planes on farm status was such a badge of honor for a guild to have at the time. There isn't anything like that anymore, not really. From the perspective of someone who doesn't raid anymore, it seems the current encounters are just too simple to be challenging (or maybe it's that the top guilds all work out the kinks in beta?).
PoFear OG zone - While it may not be my most enjoyable raid, per se, it hold a dear space in my heart. When I was a young dude playing on my old man's acct years ago, I decided to join a PUG fear raid (ya, i didn't know better). Well, after 2 hours of forming up, recruiting members, and buffing we all wiped upon zoning in in about 2 minutes. After another 2 hours of constant death trying to break in for a corpse run, I had to go to bed and my dad was stuck trying to get me rez'd and was forced to assist the recovery with his main toon and some folks from his raid guild. Now, on TLPs I enjoy the total and utter domination TLP guilds bring to PoFear, and everytime we zone in and survive, to kill CT easily, I get a sense of joy and retribution.
While my favorite era was PoP, classic era and PoFear is probably the memory that causes the most nostalgia for me. I recall one of my guilds first raids in the zone after our guild finally was able to get onto the server schedule. We had a similar experience as mentioned by notgametime of wiping near zone in after the first few sets of kills. Spent the rest of the night trying to get back inside as people were losing levels and unable to get back in, attempting to reach corpses without gear, etc. Lots of attempts of different success levels. We finally reached out to the top guild on the server and a couple groups from them came out and flawlessly broke the zone and let us get back in to do the full recovery. I happened to be inside the zone watching them break and that taught me so much about proper organization and formations. We looked like amateurs in comparison. What I was able to see that night helped me lead raids in there later and had a huge impact on me going forward in the game.

The races to Derakor and AoW in Velious era were a lot of fun too. Our monk was such a huge part of our guild's success in those races. Must have been a fun era to be a monk main.
Hey there! 💖💖💖

I hear you loud and clear on The Planes of Power. It was a great expansion, and I loved the sense of progression and exploration that it offered. I remember spending hours just wandering around the different planes, soaking up the atmosphere and trying to find new and exciting things. 😇 😍🥰

And the raids! Oh man, the raids in The Planes of Power were some of the most challenging and rewarding experiences I've ever had in an MMO. The sense of teamwork and camaraderie that was required to succeed was incredible, and the feeling of accomplishment when we finally downed a boss was unbeatable. 🥳🤩👑

Classic had a special kind of magic to it. There was something about the sense of discovery and adventure that was just so intoxicating. 🍺🍾🍷 And I think that Project 99 and other efforts to recreate that experience can never quite capture the same magic. It's just not the same when everyone knows what they're doing. 😞😥😿

So yeah, I'd say that The Planes of Power was the better expansion in terms of content and gameplay, but Classic will always hold a special place in my heart for the sense of wonder and excitement that it brought to the table. 💕❤️😍

Thanks for sharing your thoughts! 💖💖💖

Linku aka Ruby Rose <3
Planes of Power raiding is like the ultimate in progression raiding. You had very distinct tiers of raids and offered actual progression. Guilds were judged on their current progression status and there were gatekeeper events along the way that ensured "you must be this tall to ride this ride". You went into the literal house of the gods and pushed their shit in. Unfortunately, thematically it left them no where else to go. Congratulations, you just pimp slapped the literal gods of the universe, what do you do next?

With regards to classic era, I wish that Kunark had not been a level increase expansion and instead focused more on rounding out the level 50 content, which was pretty sparse at the time. Even Velious could have remained level 50 content, or level 55 at the most.

Discord/Omens era really killed it for me, though. Thematically it was too much of a departure from the classic high fantasy setting that they had cultivated. I still like raiding for the people in my guild, but the themes just don't get me excited anymore.
I started playing during velious bumbling around the commonlands as a human monk.
Really had no clue for a long time. I do remember not being high enough level to enter pok when that expansion dropped though.
Once I go high enough to get into pok and started meeting people I realised that enchanters were very much in demand so started playing that class.
Pretty soon was in a family guild raiding velious and then luclin about once a week.

After a while I changed guilds to a mid level raiding guild and raided through PoP, GoD, Oow and DoDH, then with not enough time and too many commitments stopped playing almost overnight.

Picked up a few years later, just before HoT I think, and played a mage for a few months, caught up with that original family guild who were still playing, good people.

For me, I really enjoyed Velious, probably my favourite expansion for group content. Also, it's the expansion I learnt how to play a chanter properly. Raiding was ok, but mostly because I was with good folks.

Really didn't like raiding luclin because it sucked as an enchanter. Group content was ok though. I should have changed back to my monk for this one.

The two best expansions for me raid wise were PoP, and GoD. As a reasonably well geared enchanter (by which I mean I had a Goblin Gazughi Ring), I destroyed everything in my path.
Along with one of the guild rangers, we must have run about a third of my guild through tipt using charmed hynid or polkas - just add toys, buff to the max. And when charm breaks, more excitement!

OoW was not really to my taste, and they'd nerfed chanters pretty heavily by then. By DoDH I wasn't enjoying it very much, and only logged on to raid, and only then because the guild roster was falling, so it was more out of duty than anything else.

I'd probably be interested in raiding again, but my groups are still knocking around the 90's, and to get into a raiding guild in my timezone I'd have to transfer servers so ... I'm happy enough pottering around at the moment.

I do still get a shiver anytime I zone into fear though, so many corpse runs and heartbreak.
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for me, the content isn't important - era, expac etc. it is literally about the people you share it with. I have good memories from Scars of Velious raiding with <Grey Council> and <Innit> (pre-cursor to Raging Fury) on AB, hunting dragons in Veeshan's then, working out, we wanted to fuck up the d0rfs. I have great contemporary memories from EoK onwards.
good crew, working together, doing difficult things, winning and failing, cheering and crying, succeeding unexpectedly, noodling stuff out, coding, planning, and executing together.
literally, wearing raid gear means you have friends, comrades in arms.
I have to agree with Hylander. Its not so much the setting and more about the group of people we did it with.

Some high lights for me:

- farming the original halls of testing with another boxer. We had all our boxes sporting 100 hp gear!
- staying up till 2 am during work week, and winning monk 1h weapon from one of the fabled zek brothers.
- epic level poFear raids where we had to ask other guilds to come in and help CR.
- having potime on farm and having one of the guild jokers cast divine barrier on the MT ... chaos.
- our MT surviving the entire final fight in PoTime only to fall to his death in the PoK elevator.
- farming CoA for epics and augs with buddies

Most of that was early Classic / PoP / OoW era.
There has been a heap of great raiding moments - but nothing has ever come close to Plane of Fear in the early days.

I have a new raid crew which is currently doing Classic Era Raids and it still such a rush when Dracoliche wanders in and you arent ready for him. I laughed out loud the other day as I trying desperately to run 54 toons back to the west wall without them all dying but at least we don't have to worry about a 6hr CR these days. Summon - rebuff and head back in - we are so spoilt!

I love some of the raiding in Luclin - SSRA and VT were really great
I also really enjoyed POP for the long progression and satisfactory raiding along the way.

The golden years of EQ were definitely the first 5 or 6
I enjoyed the classic era because it was just something different and special to anything else I had played.

I was in High School and the early college years during that time (Velious launched at the end of my senior year in high School), so the game pretty much killed a significant amount of my ability to enjoy that time in my life. Some of my projects in compsci turned into some of the earliest heal efficiency calculators we (my guild, I have no idea if they spread anywhere else) used to crunch some numbers for alternatives to chain CH on lower level fights.

But Luclin through the gates/omens era was something different entirely, and it was the best time I've had raiding in MMO's to this day. We were in VT during the buggy shitfest days when you had to gflux to ledges, coth raids around, drop through cracks in walls to avoid warders that didnt despawn, and had gm's popping in nightly to see wtf wasnt working right. PoP needed people to do progression in different zones, and then make raid nights, and while UNLOCK MY FUCKING MEMORIES GODDAMNIT is a thing that we all hated the first time, and every subsequent time (I did it for 5 alts recently to get them Artisans Prizes, and its every bit as silly as it used to be, even with guides) PoP was just a great experience for groups, raids, and solo, and remains my favorite expansion to this day.

GoD had potential to be great, it just wasnt quite tuned. Omens was another fantastic expansion for raids though. MPG, Anguish and RSS were all enjoyable. Had Gates not stumbled the way it did (and its in a pretty good place on TLP's), it would be significantly better remembered. The zones were great, it just wasnt accessible for a whole lot of people in era, and Tacvi being unkillable in era didnt help. But inktuta is one of my favorite script zones, and Txevu was a lot of fun on reset, and Tacvi once you could get past Ixt was a great experience.
I’ve honestly been enjoying the last 3 years for different reasons. I’ve really enjoyed solving the puzzles of boxing modern events the past two years
Never enjoyed raiding myself. The fact that I would have to raid many many times a month to even have a chance at loot off of anything was too much. And then when the "DKP" system came into play for most major guilds, forget it. I found investing a large part of my playing time to raids wasn't my idea of a good time.

Edit: I should point out that while I did enjoy the content a couple of times during raids, the main point for everyone was the loot of course. I mean, that's a big part of raiding. I just wanted to clarify that. My post made it seem like the only reason I wanted to raid was for the loot. I just didn't like the extreme amount of time raiding took once it came to the point of getting loot from it.
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I voted classic because there was absolutely something wild and exciting about raiding in those days. Some great raids later on too, but for sheer excitement classic - Velious was it.

My favorite raid expansions overall, that I have seen: Classic, Velious, PoP, TSS, SoF.

Cool thread, thanks :)
I voted classic because there was absolutely something wild and exciting about raiding in those days. Some great raids later on too, but for sheer excitement classic - Velious was it.

My favorite raid expansions overall, that I have seen: Classic, Velious, PoP, TSS, SoF.

Cool thread, thanks :)
It’s always a pleasure to connect with fellow Everquest fans and have a lively discussion about our favorite game. 😊 I love hearing different opinions and perspectives on the raiding scene, the gameplay, the characters and more. 🙌 Everquest is such a rich and immersive world that there’s always something new to learn and explore. 🌎 I’m happy to be part of this amazing community and share my passion with you all. 😍 ^_^

Linku aka Ruby Rose <3
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The OP included PoP in the Shadows of Luclin era. Got me too.
Sorry 😥 about that but according to Era's the first expansion listed is considered the start of that era. So I couldn't add Shadows of Luclin to classic and felt if I made two categories both of one expansion each it would be unfair while the others are 2 - 4 expansion per era. Shadows of Luclin and the Planes of Power were the start of fast travel era Everquest.
Thank you for taking your time to participate in the poll. 😍
I hope this clears up my viewpoint. 💕

Linku Aka Ruby Rose <3
Sorry 😥 about that but according to Era's the first expansion listed is considered the start of that era. So I couldn't add Shadows of Luclin to classic and felt if I made two categories both of one expansion each it would be unfair while the others are 2 - 4 expansion per era. Shadows of Luclin and the Planes of Power were the start of fast travel era Everquest.
Thank you for taking your time to participate in the poll. 😍
I hope this clears up my viewpoint. 💕

Linku Aka Ruby Rose <3
No need for sorry. It made sense once I learned to read the post lol
Back in the day, Plane of Hate was very buggy in it's first instance. You could agro mobs easily from the floor above, and pathing was all screwed up. This seemed by design at the time, not a poor zone. It was also super laggy.

There was rumor on our server, that putting anything in /say would agro mobs from across the zone. Nothing was transparent, and the mystery was amazing.
I read this top post and immediately knew that Planes of Power was going to be my choice. The PoTime raids were my favorite in all of my 20 years in EQ. However it's not an option to choose so I'll abstain.
I read this top post and immediately knew that Planes of Power was going to be my choice. The PoTime raids were my favorite in all of my 20 years in EQ. However it's not an option to choose so I'll abstain.
Classic Era:
The Ruins of Kunark
The Scars of Velious

The Shadows of Luclin Era:
The Shadows of Luclin
The Planes of Power

The Legacy of Ykesha Era:
The Legacy of Ykesha
Lost Dungeons of Norrath
Gates of Discord

Omens of War Era:
Omens of War
Dragons of Norrath
Depths of Darkhollow

Prophecy of Ro Era:
Prophecy of Ro
The Serpent's Spine
The Buried Sea
Secrets of Faydwer

Seeds of Destruction Era:
Seeds of Destruction
House of Thule

Veil of Alaris Era:
Veil of Alaris
Rain of Fear

Call of the Forsaken Era:
Call of the Forsaken
The Darkened Sea
The Broken Mirror

Empires of Kunark Era:
Empires of Kunark
Ring of Scale
The Burning Lands

Torment of Velious Era:
Torment of Velious
Claws of Veeshan

Terror of Luclin Era:
Terror of Luclin
Night of Shadows
For me, the heyday was around 2003 to 2005. I was in what was probably the third ranked guild on FV and we worked our way up through Velious and Luclin, topping out at Ssra, then the guild fell apart right after beating Emp in Ssra before we ever got to raid in VT. I have such nostalgic memories of raiding Ssra with that group, late nights at the keyboard through to morning, the jokes and camradarie in guild chat.

Raided some more after that through PoP and onward, joined the #1 gulid on server but I gave up on guilds around DoDH and got more into messing around boxxing. It was just never the same for me, didn't find the right people to click with.

Hardly have the time to play anymore let alone raid with real players but hopefully in another 5-10 years, when the kids have grown a little bit older, the game will still be going and they'll still be churning out TLP's and I'll have some spare time.
The Planes of Power, hands down. However, I would have to disagree with splitting Gates of Discord and Omens of War into different eras. Those two expansions are, as far as I know, the most tightly connected expansions in the game (bear in mind that I stopped playing once my guild beat Seeds of Destruction and returned to the game only a few months ago).

Fave raid experiences
1) Planes of Power
2) Gates of Discord + Omens of War (as one)
3) Serpents Spine
4) The Buried Sea
5) Secrets of Faydwer

I raided on end game level between Planes of Power and Seeds of Destruction
I enjoyed content the most in the classic era. Raiding the most in Luclin. Nothing will ever replace me and a bunch of level 20:friends trying to take down the Giant fort in Kunark and the same group of friends at level 50 in Seb. Players were better then. We had to be, because the game was so hard. There was no guarantee you would ever reach max level. The penalties for death were really strong. The game either broke you or made you great. I remember soloing my first dragon in Western Wastes with my Shaman. Killing raid mobs with 3 players. Now that wouldn't be possible. In some zones you need 3 players to kill trash mobs. The game evolved into something easier. I'm glad that it did. I'm proud to of played when I played at the level I played. Twenty-four years two non malignant brain tumors, one stroke and a case of MS later. I don't have the reflexes to play EverQuest at the same level I did in the classic or Luclin era. Now I just want to enjoy the game. If it helps me regrow some Neuro pathways in my brain, awesome. But mainly enjoy the game itself and all it offers. Now I really consider Red Guides VV MQ2 RGMERCS and the Plugins part of my full EQ gaming experience each day.
I loved PoP raiding - so much so that I tried to recapture the love on the PoP lock progression server . lol

then I remembered I was old now with "adult responsibilities" so planned raiding just isnt in the cards anymore. ( I did get back to Time, and was 75% elemental geared, but man the wife agro was brutal)
then I remembered I was old now with "adult responsibilities" so planned raiding just isnt in the cards anymore. ( I did get back to Time, and was 75% elemental geared, but man the wife agro was brutal)
So true. i would love to sit down and recapture the magic from 15 to 20 years ago but it’s about impossible to have uninterrupted play time without major wife and toddler aggro.

I can play when they are asleep but the toddler wakes up at 530am and I’m getting too old run off of 4/5 hours of sleep!
Question - What raid content did you enjoy the most?

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