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Discussion - What are people doing during EQ/MQ downtimes? (1 Viewer)

Sep 9, 2019
Some of us are unable to play in the way we want or due to other circumstances, what is everyone doing with their free time that they feel like sharing? I've been playing other games like Diablo 3, Planet Coaster, Sniper Elite 4, Solasta Crown of the Magister. MQ on test is down as many know due to the 64bit rework so instead of playing without MQ all the time I prefer to take this chance to do housework and play other games.
I'm a testee too. I've found myself playing a lot of Oxygen Not Included lately. I take breaks from EQ on a pretty regular basis anyway, so the downtime hasn't bothered me too much yet. I am looking forward to getting MQ back though!
Been trying out different Free to play or ~$20 dollar games on steam, none are quite scratching the itch unfortunately. Soo today after work I am going to get the EAplay subscription and start on some Dragon Age most likely lol
Call of Duty .... or I actually study/read the things I would be studying/reading if EQ didn't exist.
Playing Nintendo WII wit_ my kids...damn it! T_e letter "_" is stuck

angry man GIF
Tried oxygen not included, I much prefer dont starve(same maker). I don't generally play anything when I'm not able to eq. I use that time(just generic game patches for me) to do housework I procrastinated, sleep all day lol, or go run errands. That's if I don't waste most of the time looking stuff up or watching TV.

When I'm just not doing eq in general, as in extended breaks, don't starve works on PS4 and PC, though during my many years off there was a lot of addictive and moneymunching games that were really just dumb, many no longer in n existence due to the extinction of flash lol. Dawn of the Dragons ate more money in a month than I have EVER spent on EQ in a year, maybe even ever, like enough to buy a decent 10yrold car.

Before my return last year I played a phone game for like a month, maybe 1.5, and blew enough to buy 3 friends and family expacs. Wished I'd have saved the money for eq or sold the account when I decided one day to go EQ again instead. Some zombie game though I hate zombiestuff except iZombie, SoS maybe? I literally was transferring the account to some broke girl on Discord as I was running the EQ patcher on my machines.

Another silly one I did on tablet was merge dragons. That one I played for like six months a couple times, and only spent a couple hundred total. Microtransaction games are bad. It's not a bad game at first but it sucks you in with the events that can't be completed without spending money due to time limits, and the day to day game gets tedious after you've done everything and are really just breeding more dragons

Back when SOE was hacked and it was all down for a month or so I played Rappelz, and blew some cash there too but not as bad. At least that was an mmorpg.

Even Farmville was a culprit a couple times but I spent $10 on it once in my really early EQ years and it flagged my fb for "suspicious or irregular activity" lol, so I was never able to spend money on FB ever again because they couldn't seem to bother fixing it. I didn't really do the questing or massive leveling etc, I drew stuff in mosaics with different plants and decorations lol, and did a lot of strategising to make coins fastest to buy more decorations lol. Come to think of it, I was in on the early days of Mafia Wars too when FarmVille was in it's prime. That game was like wtf, but it turned out to be a template for many games to come, Dawn of the Dragons included though that one at least had RAIDS lol.

I think there was one other silly phone game but no $ spent...singing monsters. Everyone in the house played that for a little while for some reason.

And waaay back in my early EQ days too I got my hands on a Compaq pocketpc and put the pocketpc EQ on it. If I could remember where I got the game I'd probably see if I could put it on the Palms I got last summer to mess with.

And sometimes I do silly things on the PC like Titan Quest, Fate, Age of Empires, or some other game I forget name of that's like Fate aka Diablo lite. Diablo 3 at the urging of housemates way back and a few years ago. Made my own EMU server and had the household playing that for a few weeks, then it was just me playing with the coding and database. And I'm building a Nintendo emulator with a raspi in the attic.
If you like Diablo 3 give Path of Exile a shot. New league releases next week. Lots of different layers and complexity to keep you busy.
I like both, and actually did log into PoE yesterday, however, PoE is a bit too complex for me to play without a fair amount of understanding or using a guide, and sometimes I prefer simplicity over complexity.
Found on here someone posted the titanium disc to use to get on p99 got it going yesterday and it has been a blast so far. Sometimes wish someone would buy EQ live and do a complete wipe of all servers, bring back corpse runs and no in game maps, truly miss the old days of EQ Thank god we have p99 to jump into.

Apparently Vampire_Survivors is the new addictive craze everyone needs now on the cheap.
LOL I have that game its pretty fun for what it is, doesn't take too damn long to get everything unlocked as far as achievements go, still haven't gotten the full 30mins in the library got 29.45 tho so was really damn close

Definitely worth the ~2-3 bucks
TLP servers are as classic EQ as World of Warcraft is.
TLP is classic with QoL improvements...kinda like the QoL everyone goes on about MQ adding. I never understood the TLP thing, but wanting it without the QoL is even more confusing, especially on THESE forums.
TLP is classic with QoL improvements...kinda like the QoL everyone goes on about MQ adding. I never understood the TLP thing, but wanting it without the QoL is even more confusing, especially on THESE forums.
Because for a lot of us EQ got worse with age not better EQ from 1999 to 2003 was an still is the best mmo ever made no one has even come close. What MQ means for some people is not having to LFG for the entirety of your play time or for people like me who never adventures past omens of war, for me MQ allows me to have a full group to accomplish stuff with because 90% of past content is now ghost towns. TLP's are a very sad attempt and a classic EQ experience.
Because for a lot of us EQ got worse with age not better EQ from 1999 to 2003 was an still is the best mmo ever made no one has even come close. What MQ means for some people is not having to LFG for the entirety of your play time or for people like me who never adventures past omens of war, for me MQ allows me to have a full group to accomplish stuff with because 90% of past content is now ghost towns. TLP's are a very sad attempt and a classic EQ experience.
I think many if not most of the QoL improvements make Everquest a better game, even if we had EQ in its 1999 release state very few (relatively) would come back even if they could, we're 23 years away from that now, many of those people have grown and or changed as human beings and wouldn't want to play it. You're point about no other MMO being close, I think the idea has merit however, I think its evolution and added content during the past 23 years is part of what makes this true. Sorry to say but I think you are very much in the minority even of the "old guard" of players who would want things rolled back to day 1. I hope you find a way to enjoy it in its current state.
I think many if not most of the QoL improvements make Everquest a better game, even if we had EQ in its 1999 release state very few (relatively) would come back even if they could, we're 23 years away from that now, many of those people have grown and or changed as human beings and wouldn't want to play it. You're point about no other MMO being close, I think the idea has merit however, I think its evolution and added content during the past 23 years is part of what makes this true. Sorry to say but I think you are very much in the minority even of the "old guard" of players who would want things rolled back to day 1. I hope you find a way to enjoy it in its current state.
Your 100% correct I'm in the minority of people about this for sure and don't get me wrong I still enjoy EQ till this day most of my time is spent on P99 but with MQ I love starting solo self found adventures and progressing into omens of war. Until this suspension wave I had 24 active gold accounts so I could even do the raids in the content. None of my acct's have been hit with a suspension or ban but I made the decision to cancel them until DPG either meets us in the middle or out right says they are done putting up with MQ.
My feeling is PoP is where it all started to go wrong. By the time Omens came around most people I knew had given up trying to progress in PoP since the top guild was cock blocking everyone. People felt there was little they could do without a raid force and left. The server became a ghost town. Then I left until EoK.
Man i got that 2 yrs ago ... like the whole collection is ps4 and it's still sitting next to a stack of unplayed games in the wrapper

I was never really sure if I would like it myself. Most the time after I get the kids in bed I don’t want anything over complicated. It has a simple fighting style and gear is not hard to tell what is an upgrade. You can do a bit of crafting or one of a shit ton of quest. Story seem decent so far I jump on run a few quest and log off as I feel.
I was never really sure if I would like it myself. Most the time after I get the kids in bed I don’t want anything over complicated. It has a simple fighting style and gear is not hard to tell what is an upgrade. You can do a bit of crafting or one of a shit ton of quest. Story seem decent so far I jump on run a few quest and log off as I feel.
Yea...i was like...open the game...netflix...netflix won
Henry Cavill Witcher GIF by NETFLIX
The Witcher Netflix GIF by Nerdist.com
I bought the C&C/RA remaster when it came out but only recently got around to playing through it. Finished all the C&C missions the other day (the expansion ones were neat to go through, as I never did them back in the day) and going through the RA missions now.

Been dabbling in LoL again a bit.

A friend recommended Outer Wilds to me the other day so picked it up on the current Steam sale; will probably start on it this weekend, see if it's any good.
I don't really play games in my down time. I did however, during one of my multi year breaks play a lot of Destiny on XBOX/PS and enjoyed it until it became a bit repetitive.
Some of us are unable to play in the way we want or due to other circumstances, what is everyone doing with their free time that they feel like sharing? I've been playing other games like Diablo 3, Planet Coaster, Sniper Elite 4, Solasta Crown of the Magister. MQ on test is down as many know due to the 64bit rework so instead of playing without MQ all the time I prefer to take this chance to do housework and play other games.
Here's an amazing time sink...30 years later this is probably the best sim game I've ever run across

Open up Chrome > Google > Search for > Play a-train game...

Let's you do everything, customize the trains, build and trade in real estate...stock market...haven't quite seen another game like this and I've played most...A.....mazing

Graphics are old school...but that's part of the appeal. Also...if you into that same formula try the games Privateer and Wing Commander if you can find them...or classics like "The Curse of Monkey Island" and/or Manic Mansion
Discussion - What are people doing during EQ/MQ downtimes?

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